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GN's Progress Log - Update Part 1: Starting Nursing School, Bouncing Back

Yeah man, comparison is a bitch. I've struggled with this a lot too.

The first thing I'd say is, I don't know how old your brother is, but if he's older and more experienced in life, you're not on a level playing field.

You will just have to accept that there will always be other people who are better off than you, and this is something we all have to accept. Likewise, there are always going to be people you are better off than. Gratitude is important and something I would totally recommend. You seem like you're already going down that route somewhat so that's good.

I've fallen into this trap before too. But then I realize how hard some guys have it compared to me.

And truthfully, nobody's life is easy. Nobody is free of problems and stress and demons. Does that mean that some people are not better off than others? Of course not, but it is very easy to go down the rabbit hole of "they have it so easy". This seems to be something constantly said by men towards women, or to chads, or by women towards men. The grass is always greener on the other side.

Comparison IMO comes from a place of not being satisfied with your own life. If you were satisfied with your sex life then you wouldn't be comparing yourself to your brother.

With regards to ADHD, autism, bullying, etc, I used to blame these things for my inability to succeed. In my case, I blamed hypersensitivity.

Eventually you get to a point where you realize, it doesn't matter if you have these demons, it's how you deal with them. You have to ask yourself, am I going to sit around feeling sorry for myself because I was bullied/adhd/autistic etc, or am I going to overcome these things and achieve what I want?
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@Vic: I've been playing the scientific research game for some time. Let me give you some idea how it works: it starts with an "apprenticeship", you do a PhD with a prof for 3-6 years. That prof is your "parent" in a sense: he/she is supposed to bring you into the world of research, help you become a researcher like your parents help you become a mature human. And, like with a parent, you don't really choose your prof, because at the start you don't know how to tell if they'll be a good supervisor or not. You choose your university or your professor badly and you are years behind other people.

As for me: I look at where I am and I think "I could've been at this point 5 years ago". I got my master from a garbage Polish university. My prof was terrible at teaching me how to do research. I started my PhD with a serious depression (my therapist told me it sounds like I was depressed since I was ~7 years old). I had anxiety attacks during the middle of a night. I was a complete loner who had no idea how to make friends, stuck in an alien foreign country, among people whose behaviour I couldn't understand. It took me 3 years until I started feeling like there's even a chance I can even get a PhD.

I look at the results of people who get top-tier job posts and their output for a long, long time felt so much larger than mine. But here's the thing: maybe I won't ever be able to reach their total output. Maybe they are more talented than me. Some of them knew what they were doing since before they started playing the game. But ultimately, what's the point of paying attention to that if it only brings me negativity?

Here's something that has a point: comparing yourself to yourself, from yesterday. The only person about whom you know everything is yourself. If you pay attention to others then you often see their successes but not their failings and not things that bring them down. If you are better than you were before, if you are growing and improving in the ways you want to, then you are on a good path. If you have that sort of drive, there's a chance you'll end up in a better place than anyone else, just because you kept walking forward and they did not. And I promise you, it feels so much better to pay attention to your growth instead of how much more growing you may need to do.
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Ah, and one more thing. I don't know about your brother, but may have an edge over him. You hunger for more. That's precisely why you compare yourself to him. There are others like you who are just comfortable with where they are, and instead you're improving yourself and moving forward and focusing on where you could be instead of how nice it is where you are. That's a strength. You should see it as an advantage, because it's exactly what can keep driving you forwards.
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Here's something that has a point: comparing yourself to yourself, from yesterday. The only person about whom you know everything is yourself. If you pay attention to others then you often see their successes but not their failings and not things that bring them down. If you are better than you were before, if you are growing and improving in the ways you want to, then you are on a good path. If you have that sort of drive, there's a chance you'll end up in a better place than anyone else, just because you kept walking forward and they did not. And I promise you, it feels so much better to pay attention to your growth instead of how much more growing you may need to do.

Really nicely written @bigV , agree with this.

@Vic - I think the issue is probably down to self confidence, improve your self-confidence and the comparision issue will resolve. I reckon, and I talk with girls and friends a lot about this kinda stuff as more self confident people = better friends, that the key is just being nice to yourself, kinder to yourself than you are to others. Be understanding. Don't try to tear others down to your level (not saying you do this but I've seen this in others and it is not optimal). Try to optimise yourself in all areas, but if you miss the targets you set yourself, don't beat yourself up, treat yourself like you would be when supporting your best friend.

My mindset (which I think is fairly healthy) - is more like "if they can do it, why can't I?" Like I use them for inspiration. I know plenty people better looking, richer, funnier, than I am. Couple of examples and how I really feel.

1) Smart guy, not really a friend anymore for unrelated reasons but I spent a lot of time with him previously. Entrepreneur, started company in a popular tech area, seeing traction, oversubscribed series A, really moved needle, VCs fighting over them. How do I feel about it? A little envious, but not in a bad way - more like "I wish I'd started it, but that's interesting, I've spent a lot of time with the guy, I know how he is, he is brilliant in some areas but not all. I've seen him in tears in situations of stress, he's got his weaknesses and strengths like anyone else. If he can do it, why can't I? I'm smart, got business success etc etc".

2) Hot guy, footballer, friend of an ex, I don't know him well. Has played in champions league with a contenders level team, is now at a slightly lesser team (but still earning £60k weekly!). Comes occasionally back to his old town see his old friends and picks up the tab. A decent guy by all accounts, stressed as fuck and under major pressure. Getting panned in the press as he had a couple of poor seasons. Just thinks football 24/7. Of course I can't be a top level footballer, but seeing that makes me appreciate the freedom that I have, I can go skiing with the lads and have a night out and don't have to stress about it.

If you have a deficit in social skills and vibe (you do - I don't, and haven't for a long time),

Not being a dick, but how do you know this? Like this comment gave me strong Jay from inbetweeners, "social skills? completed it mate" vibes.
Really nicely written @bigV , agree with this.

@Vic - I think the issue is probably down to self confidence, improve your self-confidence and the comparision issue will resolve. I reckon, and I talk with girls and friends a lot about this kinda stuff as more self confident people = better friends, that the key is just being nice to yourself, kinder to yourself than you are to others. Be understanding. Don't try to tear others down to your level (not saying you do this but I've seen this in others and it is not optimal). Try to optimise yourself in all areas, but if you miss the targets you set yourself, don't beat yourself up, treat yourself like you would be when supporting your best friend.

My mindset (which I think is fairly healthy) - is more like "if they can do it, why can't I?" Like I use them for inspiration. I know plenty people better looking, richer, funnier, than I am. Couple of examples and how I really feel.

1) Smart guy, not really a friend anymore for unrelated reasons but I spent a lot of time with him previously. Entrepreneur, started company in a popular tech area, seeing traction, oversubscribed series A, really moved needle, VCs fighting over them. How do I feel about it? A little envious, but not in a bad way - more like "I wish I'd started it, but that's interesting, I've spent a lot of time with the guy, I know how he is, he is brilliant in some areas but not all. I've seen him in tears in situations of stress, he's got his weaknesses and strengths like anyone else. If he can do it, why can't I? I'm smart, got business success etc etc".

2) Hot guy, footballer, friend of an ex, I don't know him well. Has played in champions league with a contenders level team, is now at a slightly lesser team (but still earning £60k weekly!). Comes occasionally back to his old town see his old friends and picks up the tab. A decent guy by all accounts, stressed as fuck and under major pressure. Getting panned in the press as he had a couple of poor seasons. Just thinks football 24/7. Of course I can't be a top level footballer, but seeing that makes me appreciate the freedom that I have, I can go skiing with the lads and have a night out and don't have to stress about it.

Not being a dick, but how do you know this? Like this comment gave me strong Jay from inbetweeners, "social skills? completed it mate" vibes.

I'm having issues with tags bro I didn't see this.

Well, I just find it quite easy to talk to people, to make friends, am usually a well liked person, connect with others easily, it just flows quite naturally.

I find it implausible to think there's a social deficit here. But anyway, I'm not being defensive or anything, feedback noted and I will try to be better.

Hope you are well. I am sincerely glad you kept posting.

I do appreciate you.

Hey bro. I am having issues with the notifications so apologies for getting back to this late.

Alright. Comparison with other guys.

Look. Here's the truth I've gotten to after 3 years of HUSTLING this shit like crazy,

What set me free from the comparison trap, was just learning the truths about attraction, dating, and how SMV is just king in this game.

The more I worked, the more I dedicated myself, the harder I went, and the absolute grinding I put in for many years, didn't get me what I was looking for.

And the suspicions I had about dating, were confirmed to be true. Looks are 90% of your outcomes. If you have a deficit in social skills and vibe (you do - I don't, and haven't for a long time), you have to correct this before you can obtain some basic and consistent results. But even when you do, your SMV will largely determine your cap in dating outcomes unless you can compensate with extraordinary social skills, confidence, and tactical persuasion skills which border on straight up manipulation and dark triad psychopathy.

We generally don't want to go into all of that...Most men who are not very weird, do not resonate with that shit.

What IMO is better for the human animal, is to make men as attractive as they can be physically, and then give them great social skills, vibe, and the ability to properly connect with others.

ANY man can be the best version of themselves. And if you really want something, and are relentless, there are ALWAYS ways to get it.

The best thing for you to do, is just focus on YOUR results.

What stopped me from comparing, was being around so many of these guys, and seeing that they were just normal guys. Honestly, some of them were total incompetent losers. In a looks based game like dating, substance is a lot less important. I saw that. I value substance, integrity, and values, so I stopped seeing dating results as "impressive", when I saw how so many of the men behind those results, were by all accounts, low lives and losers who lacked any kind of values.

As a guy who did the work, I noticed how I never really got the online dating apps to work, and could only really get very low level, low end women off them. Once in a blue moon, I'd close a 6, and that would take quite some work. But I just got a feel for how it all worked. I also saw how cold approach worked, and saw how all my many years of hard work in learning approaching, didn't get me even a fraction of what I was looking for. Infact, it was not even close.

That tend to be the way it goes for the lower SMV guys, unfortunately. There are exceptions, and I hope to be one, one day.

But when you see the deeper underlying dynamic, you stop comparing. The fact is, in this game, looks are 90%. That's just the way it is. You get a halo effect and you can be a waste of space in every sense, and slay.

And yes, my brother, is attractive, puts in no effort, and gets 1000000 x the quality I get. Like, it's not even in the same galaxy. Again. He doesn't even try, is actually a bit socially inept and weird (my friends who met him, don't like him, he is annoying and very immature...) And yet, for all intents and purposes, as far as quality goes, he has me beat by a country mile.

I don't know if I will ever even get close.

Realistically, I don't know, and can't say.


Despite this, I've banged a tonne more chicks than he has, went on more dates than most men ever will (200+), approached 10,000 odd women, and generally, seen a lot and been through a tonne.

He gets matches out the ass. But can't get them on dates.

I get maybe 1 or 2 low quality matches a month. But I can not only get them on dates, I can bang them too,

Because I am a more socially savvy, charismatic, hard working, driven, and masculine man than he is or ever will be. Because I am a true Low SMV king and have to be that much harder and tougher than my competition to survive. This becomes a badge of honour and you just lean into it, and use the fury to drive yourself further in life.

You can use other aspects of your being to create outcomes. I am able to effectively move and use my own energy and masculinity to create outcomes in my own market, which is the lower end of women regarding looks and quality. But I can still make it happen.

My brother also doesn't have his life together, doesn't feel a sense of urgency, and also despite absolute hotties drooling over him daily and throwing themselves at him, he doesn't tend to do anything with it, because of his big ego.

Women will literally stop and stare at him in the street.

But it has not served him in the overall game of life. Good looking men, are complacent. Life is too kind and too easy for them, and they lack warrior spirit.

You have to exploit these cracks in their game, and their tendency towards softness, to find gaps in the market that allow you to succeed. You strike when they're not looking. You just be more consistent than them and get the matches they didn't care to look at. You have to out grind them.

However, if they're good looking, and work hard, you're toast. No one can compete with Chad. Period. Not in this arena, it's his house. unfortunately.

Me in contrast, well, I've been damn near invisible for 32 years. Even women I dated and banged. told me they didn't necessarily find me attractive, but did like my vibe, energy, and spirit. Women have told me things about my appearance which were quite hurtful to be honest, even chicks I am dating - the chick I'm seeing actually told me I looked a bit like a rottweiler dog. LMAO.

Dating as an ugly dude (not saying this is you), will just teach you so much about the game, about female nature, about the dynamics of dating, and after so long in the arena, you just start to see it for what it is.

When I got so deep in this world, and saw time after time, how men who had no substance, were a complete joke across every metric, but just looked quite attractive, cleaned up with women, I just understood how sordid and gross an arena dating is. Style over substance, and a very grim, superficial affair.....

Thats just the way this goes.

You can be mad about it, you can wish it was another way, but honestly, this is just the way it works.

So you have to learn to ignore all that, and JUST FIND WAYS TO WIN

When I personally completely processed and internalised that, I let go, and simply gave no fucks any more about the disparities in outcomes between different men.

When I saw how many guys who got laid fairly easy, were weak, weird, socially inept, and quite substanceless as men, I just saw it for what it is: why would I compare myself to these people.....?

They're not better, in any way. They're just regular people. Who happened to have a facial structure and look that appeals to women.


So why even care about such a superficial and nonsensical thing?

It means nothing. It's randomness. Genetic chance.

If you had the same SMV, and provided you'd addressed the social skill and vibe issues, you'd get the same result, if your effort and consistency was there.

That is how it works.

I stopped blaming myself, I stopped feeling bad, and I realised it was not my fault.

It was the endless, endless, endless approaches I did, where despite overhauling every facet of my game, I just saw how there was not a damn thing I could do to spark attraction and take the interaction anywhere. They didn't like my face, didn't like the way I looked, and despite feeling some positive emotions and enjoying speaking to me, in their core, they could not exchange their numbers or be open to anything beyond flirtatious conversation.

I realised it was the SMV cap I have come up against for years. And I stopped fighting against it. How can I blame myself for a lack of looks, after all I have fought for, tried, and put myself through. I wasn't born with the right looks, so I decided I will just play my hand as powerfully as I can.

The only Low SMV man I saw make it, was The Bastard. Otherwise, it's just a long road of SMV Maxxxing and working on social skills and vibe.

Going through this, for me, and truly doing the work, made me stop comparing.

A statement I like to say to put some people in their place, is if they were to switch bodies with me, they'd be an incel tomorrow. I generally stand by that and think there are no users on this forum who would have the sheer brass balls and force of will to create outcomes if they were dropped into my body for a year. They'd be done and dusted in a month and that would be the last you'd hear of them.

That actually helped me understand that I have a lot of worth and value, and the fact that I've banged 23 women as an ugly dude who was a virgin until he was 30, is pretty spectacular if you ask me. I am 32 years old, put it all on the line to make sure I have a better life in my 30s than I did in my 20s, and frankly, I did attain that,.

All you can do, my friend, is focus on YOU.

-Maximise your SMV
-Maximise your profiles
-Maximise your social skills, vibe, and killer instinct
-Play the numbers game as a lifestyle choice
-Be patient, and make hammering the process with consistency just part of your life

Do NOT feel bad about your dating outcomes, and do not compare to others

This is a very superficial game, and it isn't something I glorify. I am a Self Improvement guy, and believe in LIFE SUCCESS & HAPPINESS. Dating is just PART of that. And yes, I encourage everyone to handle it and be consistent with it, like I am and all my guys are.

That, CAN be done. If you do the work.

BTW, SMV can be changed. After my body re-composition process, my tattoos, and my facial surgeries, I'll move from 4/5 range to 6.

And you'll see better outcomes in my log for it.

Keep plugging away. It'll come together,


Ive known for a long time my SMV is gonna determine my dating quality. And I have seen as I kept improving myself the quality of girls I could get out dramatically increased. I am super close to being able to get out girls who I would consider gf material physically and emotionally out consistently. My last 6 dates were all quite up there in quality. Besides I don't consider myself low SMV since I think I have made progress on most of my sticking points. The only thing that is left to make progress on now is building muscle.

Thing is you are right, my brother is the same. He actually has worked a lot on his vibe and sense of style so his outcomes are deserved. But I feel like to some extent genetically I compare myself as I had more adversity (gyno, hair loss, and being fat). While he was just skinny and sorta short at some point. Women basically throw themselves at him now and at times he is so fucking clueless too I just want to throw him into an active volcano. One time a girl literally drew a portrait sketch of him and also bought him the perfume she uses. The fucking picture wasn't even some average shit, it was super well made too like holy fuck I used to do art and I was impressed. Then this absolute IDIOT had the nerve to be like "you think she is into me". MF SHE WANTS YOU TO IMPREGNATE HER THERE IS NO WAY A GIRL WHOS JUST A FRIEND WOULD DO THAT FOR YOU. They don't speak anymore, this retarded foo fumbled a baddie. Ironically enough though he is still at 0 lays while I have 2. In a sense I do respect him for being selective about who he dates. But if he went after these girls he could at least have 5-10 lays I am sure.

I don't think I have a bad vibe, and people do like being around me but I agree I think I still lack in the ways of impacting others and just generally being magnetic. I still struggle with negativity so being more positive is something I am working on doing little by little.

If I look at it your way you are right, I should pat myself on the back for working so hard and keep going. Funny enough my mom has told me on several occasions I am the favorite of her two sons. I asked her why, because I thought my brother was more successful than me in almost every way. She said its cuz I work way harder and overcame so much. Statements like that probably won't mean much to others but I am sure there are people that will appreciate and welcome the me that continues to bust his ass to improve his life.

SMV wise I am lucky in some ways. I have a good face, and my facial hair genetics are very good. Literally several friends have expressed their jealousy of me over this. Facial aesthetics are about as important if not slightly more valuable than a good physique in some facets of dating.
Yeah man, comparison is a bitch. I've struggled with this a lot too.

The first thing I'd say is, I don't know how old your brother is, but if he's older and more experienced in life, you're not on a level playing field.

You will just have to accept that there will always be other people who are better off than you, and this is something we all have to accept. Likewise, there are always going to be people you are better off than. Gratitude is important and something I would totally recommend. You seem like you're already going down that route somewhat so that's good.

I've fallen into this trap before too. But then I realize how hard some guys have it compared to me.

And truthfully, nobody's life is easy. Nobody is free of problems and stress and demons. Does that mean that some people are not better off than others? Of course not, but it is very easy to go down the rabbit hole of "they have it so easy". This seems to be something constantly said by men towards women, or to chads, or by women towards men. The grass is always greener on the other side.

Comparison IMO comes from a place of not being satisfied with your own life. If you were satisfied with your sex life then you wouldn't be comparing yourself to your brother.

With regards to ADHD, autism, bullying, etc, I used to blame these things for my inability to succeed. In my case, I blamed hypersensitivity.

Eventually you get to a point where you realize, it doesn't matter if you have these demons, it's how you deal with them. You have to ask yourself, am I going to sit around feeling sorry for myself because I was bullied/adhd/autistic etc, or am I going to overcome these things and achieve what I want?
He is 19 but started self improvement way before I did, so he does have more years of experience. Truly it isn't equal, but thats where I end up kicking myself with the whole "I should have started earlier" stupidity.

I mentioned also he is like 5ft 6 and tbh I have heard it is very difficult to be a short guy, especially in the West. However I am not short so I wouldn't know what thats like. Aside from that his only real physical struggle was being incredibly skinny, but that can be changed through diet+exercise. I think I just got bitter cuz I struggled with gyno and hair loss which are both genetic. I had to take some meds for 6 months to a year and pray to god it saved my hair, then if it did take it for the rest of my life. For the gyno my family shelled out like 9k for the surgery. I still feel guilty about it cuz its totally cosmetic, its not like I needed the surgery to survive.

Tbf with vibe and social skills I think yeah he has just put more effort into that than I have so comparison here is utterly worthless.

But in any case I think thinking about this whole shit is pointless af now that I am writing it in a better emotional state. The meds worked and I got the surgery. I dealt with the problem, now move the fuck on and be grateful shit worked out in the end.
Here's something that has a point: comparing yourself to yourself, from yesterday. The only person about whom you know everything is yourself. If you pay attention to others then you often see their successes but not their failings and not things that bring them down. If you are better than you were before, if you are growing and improving in the ways you want to, then you are on a good path. If you have that sort of drive, there's a chance you'll end up in a better place than anyone else, just because you kept walking forward and they did not. And I promise you, it feels so much better to pay attention to your growth instead of how much more growing you may need to do.

That is true, tbh the comparison has the potential to be endless but I should stop it at myself. Its true I have grown from who I used to be. Its just impossible that a person would work so hard all for it to not help them achieve anything. I am sure the hard work will pay off somehow. Hell as long as I get what I want, which is a quality gf of my choosing, why the fuck does it matter if other people are "better" or more ahead than me.
Ah, and one more thing. I don't know about your brother, but may have an edge over him. You hunger for more. That's precisely why you compare yourself to him. There are others like you who are just comfortable with where they are, and instead you're improving yourself and moving forward and focusing on where you could be instead of how nice it is where you are. That's a strength. You should see it as an advantage, because it's exactly what can keep driving you forwards.

From what I observe one way that edge reflects is that I am a lot more forward with girls while girls just kinda dangle around him and he maybe picks one he takes initiative with. Right now he is texting some girl his friend introduced him to but he can't really see her until August. I have bad experiences with long distance and many LDRs fail so idk if he and this girl will actually become a thing. I personally don't want an LDR, physical touch and spending time with a prospective partner doing fun things is a requirement for me. I'll keep going so that I can make that happen with someone I care about and they feel the same for me.
Really nicely written @bigV , agree with this.

@Vic - I think the issue is probably down to self confidence, improve your self-confidence and the comparision issue will resolve. I reckon, and I talk with girls and friends a lot about this kinda stuff as more self confident people = better friends, that the key is just being nice to yourself, kinder to yourself than you are to others. Be understanding. Don't try to tear others down to your level (not saying you do this but I've seen this in others and it is not optimal). Try to optimise yourself in all areas, but if you miss the targets you set yourself, don't beat yourself up, treat yourself like you would be when supporting your best friend.

My mindset (which I think is fairly healthy) - is more like "if they can do it, why can't I?" Like I use them for inspiration. I know plenty people better looking, richer, funnier, than I am. Couple of examples and how I really feel.

1) Smart guy, not really a friend anymore for unrelated reasons but I spent a lot of time with him previously. Entrepreneur, started company in a popular tech area, seeing traction, oversubscribed series A, really moved needle, VCs fighting over them. How do I feel about it? A little envious, but not in a bad way - more like "I wish I'd started it, but that's interesting, I've spent a lot of time with the guy, I know how he is, he is brilliant in some areas but not all. I've seen him in tears in situations of stress, he's got his weaknesses and strengths like anyone else. If he can do it, why can't I? I'm smart, got business success etc etc".

2) Hot guy, footballer, friend of an ex, I don't know him well. Has played in champions league with a contenders level team, is now at a slightly lesser team (but still earning £60k weekly!). Comes occasionally back to his old town see his old friends and picks up the tab. A decent guy by all accounts, stressed as fuck and under major pressure. Getting panned in the press as he had a couple of poor seasons. Just thinks football 24/7. Of course I can't be a top level footballer, but seeing that makes me appreciate the freedom that I have, I can go skiing with the lads and have a night out and don't have to stress about it.

Not being a dick, but how do you know this? Like this comment gave me strong Jay from inbetweeners, "social skills? completed it mate" vibes.
I feel pretty self confident when I take full control of my life and see some results for it. The recovery period could have just put a damper on my self confidence though as I haven't had as much control. Like I can't go to the gym, and dating is a pain in the ass with my logistics. But it is ending soon so I can get back to these things. On the topic of tearing people down, I did have a really bad moment where I was so angry at myself and was comparing myself that I hoped my brother would get his heart broken by this girl he is super into rn. But then I realized I had just become my worst enemy and if I don't address these issues my closest relationships will suffer.

It took me a lot more work to deal with my problems than others but I still dealt with them at the end of the day which is all that matters. Now I just need to move on, overcome more and in turn achieve more. I don't know though what truly stresses my brother out though cuz it really does seem like he has a handle on most things. I mean he is a computer science student so that seems pretty fucking stressful, maybe worse than Biochem for me. I could honestly just ask him though, maybe he is dealing with a lot mentally that he just doesn't talk about.
I'm having issues with tags bro I didn't see this.

Well, I just find it quite easy to talk to people, to make friends, am usually a well liked person, connect with others easily, it just flows quite naturally.

I find it implausible to think there's a social deficit here. But anyway, I'm not being defensive or anything, feedback noted and I will try to be better.

Hope you are well. I am sincerely glad you kept posting.

I do appreciate you.

Appreciate you too bro, thanks for the kind words! (And also missed the tag)

It perhaps came off a bit harsher than I meant without the nuances of voice tone. Where I was going was more like "vibe can always be improved, don't get complacent", rather than "you have a crap vibe".

I haven't watched too much of your vids but just flicked through a couple of recent ones and your vibe (as much as can be assessed through a video!) does feel improved - previously I reckon you sometimes had a tendency to go overboard with the over-effusive praise of whoever was your fav guru of the moment, to the point of not quite "reading the room" . Looking better now, you're just a little more chilled out than before and it suits! Plus I'm sure it's different when not talking self-help topics.

I'm glad you're enjoying mexico big guy - I've been trying to absorb a bit of the latino "enjoying/living in the moment" vibes!
But then I realized I had just become my worst enemy and if I don't address these issues my closest relationships will suffer.

It took me a lot more work to deal with my problems than others but I still dealt with them at the end of the day which is all that matters.

Exactly - now you know 1) you can deal with your problems, even if they're tough, so you can have more confidence the next time you have a challenge. 2) You're developing self awareness of issues.

I feel pretty self confident when I take full control of my life and see some results for it. The recovery period could have just put a damper on my self confidence though as I haven't had as much control. Like I can't go to the gym, and dating is a pain in the ass with my logistics. But it is ending soon so I can get back to these things.

More self awareness, I like it, also - you will appreciate the upcoming freedom and fun even more now you know what it's like w shitty logistics/health!

. I mean he is a computer science student so that seems pretty fucking stressful, maybe worse than Biochem for me. I could honestly just ask him though, maybe he is dealing with a lot mentally that he just doesn't talk about.

Very possible - I've found if I tell close friends/family my issues/stresses first, they're much more likely to share theirs with me - then we both feel closer friendship, and the weight lifts, cliche but often true, a problem shared is a problem halved.
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Reactions: G.N

Daily Actions:
Today's Calories: 2172
Protein: 124g
Meditation: Yes
Journal: Yes
30 Minute Phoneless Walk: Yes
Electronics off 1 hour before bed: Yes
Skincare: Yes


Daily Actions:
Today's Calories: 2376
Protein: 146g
Meditation: Yes
Journal: Yes
30 Minute Phoneless Walk: No
Electronics off 1 hour before bed: Yes
Skincare: Yes


Daily Actions:
Today's Calories: 2786
Protein: 177g
Meditation: Yes
Journal: Yes
30 Minute Phoneless Walk: Yes
Electronics off 1 hour before bed: Yes
Skincare: Yes


Daily Actions:
Today's Calories: 2248
Protein: 113g
Meditation: Yes
Journal: Yes
30 Minute Phoneless Walk: Yes
Electronics off 1 hour before bed: Yes
Skincare: Yes


Daily Actions:
Today's Calories: 2253
Protein: 146g
Meditation: Yes
Journal: Yes
30 Minute Phoneless Walk: Yes
Electronics off 1 hour before bed: Yes
Skincare: Yes


Daily Actions:
Today's Calories: 2344
Protein: 102g
Meditation: No
Journal: No
30 Minute Phoneless Walk: No
Electronics off 1 hour before bed: No
Skincare: Yes


Daily Actions:
Today's Calories: 2138
Protein: 98g
Meditation: Yes
Journal: Yes
30 Minute Phoneless Walk: Yes
Electronics off 1 hour before bed: Yes
Skincare: Yes


Ok the past week has been kinda chaotic, at least emotionally. I think as you all saw I was comparing myself a lot. The feedback here has been invaluable, and a lot of it is stuff I do know but it is good to have reiterated to me. Journaling has honestly helped me more than I thought as its way easier to actively analyze how I feel and cut my negativity spirals shorter. @colgate / bulldog thank you for the suggestion. It helped me realize how pointless it is to be like "but I had to work much harder" when the problem has been solved to some extent. My last negativity spiral lasted me like 3 weeks but this one was only a little over a week long. I owe it in part to documenting my thoughts and actions.

It wasn't even just the comparison thing causing me trouble though. I also needed to get a TB test done to join a shadowing program and my insurance changed so I had to jump through a lot of hoops to schedule a test. It was very frustrating I finally got the injection yesterday so now I just need to get it read on Wednesday and submit the result to the org I am working under. My subletter for my apartment back at uni also moved in and my roommate didn't clean up the fridge so there was just so much garbage in there when they moved in they had to clean it all out. Super annoying and they got up my ass about it. The apartment also sent me an eviction notice even though rent was already paid and all. I called them up and called them out and told them to fuck off, well not literally but basically said these were bullshit charges. They took it off but left me with another utility charge even though I already paid last month's utilities so hopefully they take it off too. I refuse to give these slimy fuckers any more money.

One thing I am sad to say though is I did end up relapsing on the 1st (or technically 2nd) since it was at 3AM and I couldn't sleep. Despite my disappointment I am not gonna beat myself up over it though because it will lead me to keep relapsing. I don't know if it is possible to quit porn forever but I think its fine if I can just keep it out of my life for the most part. Im at least proud of myself for not succumbing to chaser effect as the next 24 hours I was thinking heavily about porn. Once I get a gf or get enough action with girls I will have no interest in porn, I know that for sure.

Strangely enough though even with the relapse the post-nut clarity gave me an epiphany about my current situation regarding my friendships. I realize I don't feel all that lonely but I just think I am lonely because I am not regularly seeing the people I am friends with. Plus having my family around and their support is a great buffer. Some people literally have nobody. But these local guys tbh I don't think I care about them as people much, they feel more like a source of entertainment than anything. We became friends cuz we felt like the outcasts of our school, that was a big part of my identity back then. Comparing myself to them now, I feel like I have advanced far beyond the box I felt I was in when we were closer while they just seem stagnant. I could be wrong but from the behaviors and life stuff they told me that is what it sounds like. How I do/want to percieve myself is so different now that I would rather surround myself with people who are like minded, provide value, and I can be myself around. If that takes time so be it, its not like it becomes impossible to meet new people after college. Hell the guy I did a daygame session with was 25 and I met him at the singles mixer. I would say guys like him are the kind I look for.

I only have 2.5 days left until I am free of this vest. The doctor said I should slowly adjust to going back to the gym. So first start with light weights before I go back to normal. Freedom is so close. Ill also reactivate my dating profiles and start trying to work with my shit logistics. Even without my car I have a train station closeby which leads to basically all the nearby cities and even the further ones.

On the topic of the car I have done 3 driving sessions with my brother. I am getting better but he doesn't think I am ready yet. This is frustrating but I am just gonna take my time. I was thinking about his feedback though and I said that I thought I was a much better driver before but for some reason my performance is worse now. I think it might just be the vest limiting my mobility. Like lane changes I was really good at before but with my vest limiting me I have to overcompensate. I am gonna wait till I get the vest off before I start driving again.

After one of our sessions we went to a vintage/second hand clothes shop. He wanted to look for stuff so I thought I would look for something good too. I found this top (attached) that I liked and my brother thought was nice so I bought it. Its a little loose but its summer so it might be okay. My 22nd birthday was also yesterday and I bought this pair of Asics Japans I thought looked really nice. I wanted a less bulky white shoe for my wardrobe for a long time.

My birthday was really fun. I baked a cake for myself and the family. We also went to a Michelin star dim-sum place which was great. I got a haircut a few days before so I looked great last night too.


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Daily Actions:
Today's Calories: 2779
Protein: 132g
Meditation: Yes
Journal: Yes
30 Minute Phoneless Walk: No
Electronics off 1 hour before bed: Yes
Skincare: Yes


Daily Actions:
Today's Calories: 2498
Protein: 151g
Meditation: No
Journal: Yes
30 Minute Phoneless Walk: Yes
Electronics off 1 hour before bed: No
Skincare: Yes


Daily Actions:
Today's Calories: 2255
Protein: 147g
Meditation: Yes
Journal: Yes
30 Minute Phoneless Walk: No
Electronics off 1 hour before bed: Yes
Skincare: Yes


Daily Actions:
Today's Calories: 2671
Protein: 145g
Meditation: Yes
Journal: Yes
30 Minute Phoneless Walk: Yes
Electronics off 1 hour before bed: Yes
Skincare: Yes

I finally get to be vest free. It feels so fucking amazing to have my mobility back, and look better in clothes.

Signed up for a gym membership at my local gym yesterday, great thing is they had some special summer deal so I got it for even cheaper. Doc said to start with light weights so hopefully I can take a week of readjusting before I return to my normal weights. Same with diet, I can start bulking. I also bought creatine monohydrate a while back so I'll start taking that.

Reactivated my Hinge and Bumble too, thankfully my Hinge is still there even though I was logged out for a month. Ill make a Tinder soon too. I was up last night drafting new ideas for photos, so I'll get started working on those. My current profile, especially Hinge, kinda sucks right now.

Also gonna go back to doing driving lessons again.

Got some more urges again, but I am doing my best to not give in. I hate how I keep blocking sites but the addiction brain always finds a way to try and goad me back into watching some. I can't keep blocking sites forever, I would never run out of sites to block since theres so much porn out there. Im at this weird point where I feel I struggle to change my thoughts around porn, stating its useless and provides no value and I am also actively fighting my urges. Supposedly quitting porn isn't supposed to be painful according to EasyPeasy and anyone can quit forever. I keep telling myself that its fine as long as I can keep it out of my life for the most part, but dealing with urges isn't really "keeping it out of my life".
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Daily Actions:
Today's Calories: 2588
Protein: 139g
Meditation: No
Journal: No
30 Minute Phoneless Walk: Yes
Electronics off 1 hour before bed: No
Skincare: No
No Fap: No


Daily Actions:
Today's Calories: 2490
Protein: 141g
Meditation: Yes
Journal: Yes
30 Minute Phoneless Walk: Yes
Electronics off 1 hour before bed: Yes
Skincare: Yes
No Fap: Yes


Daily Actions:
Today's Calories: 2241
Protein: 122g
Meditation: Yes
Journal: Yes
30 Minute Phoneless Walk: No
Electronics off 1 hour before bed: Yes
Skincare: Yes
No Fap: Yes

One thing I have been realizing is even when I am not watching full blown porn I still have compulsive behaviors with looking up women on Instagram and stuff. Same with masturbation It still triggers a similar dopamine rush to watching porn. I found some article from the NoFap website about what classifies a relapse and what doesn't. Turns out my compulsive behavior is classified as a relapse. I can't lie this shit heartbreaking as hell. I decided I will try out NoFap, or at least just doing my best not to masturbate. Masturbating too much saps my energy. Edging is also off limits.

I went back to the gym on Friday. I followed my doctors orders and just did light weights, but it didn't feel right at all. The point of the gym for me is to push myself. On Sunday I just said fuck it and attempted my max per exercise before I took a break from the gym. It was a pretty solid session.

I had my brother take some pictures of me and my dog with my DSLR. A little bit of editing and I think now I got a couple of usable ones for my dating profile. I think the one I attached is my favorite. Right now I want to improve on the current photos I have.


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Good dog photos are actually pretty hard to get unless you're a dog photographer. Ideally you want the dog interacting with you or being badass with you. Otherwise it looks like you just found some random dog and got a picture.

Here's a couple examples I've used. They are mediocre, so I don't use them on my profile. But I've sent the kissing the dog one dozens of times in DMs and it always garners positive response.

If you follow the Dom on IG, he also has a good one with his shirt off and two dogs.


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  • Like
Reactions: G.N

Daily Actions:
Today's Calories: 2421
Protein: 113g
Gym: 0/3
Meditation: Yes
Journal: No
30 Minute Phoneless Walk: No
Electronics off 1 hour before bed: Yes
Skincare: Yes
No Fap: Yes


Daily Actions:
Today's Calories: 2401
Protein: 131g
Gym: 1/3
Meditation: Yes
Journal: Yes
30 Minute Phoneless Walk: Yes
Electronics off 1 hour before bed: Yes
Skincare: Yes
No Fap: Yes


Daily Actions:
Today's Calories: 2209
Protein: 124g
Gym: 1/3
Meditation: No
Journal: Yes
30 Minute Phoneless Walk: Yes
Electronics off 1 hour before bed: Yes
Skincare: No
No Fap: Yes


Daily Actions:
Today's Calories: 2542
Protein: 130g
Gym: 2/3
Meditation: Yes
Journal: Yes
30 Minute Phoneless Walk: Yes
Electronics off 1 hour before bed: Yes
Skincare: Yes
No Fap: Yes


Daily Actions:
Today's Calories: 2243
Protein: 122g
Gym: 2/3
Meditation: Yes
Journal: No
30 Minute Phoneless Walk: No
Electronics off 1 hour before bed: No
Skincare: Yes
No Fap: Yes


Daily Actions:
Today's Calories: 2666
Protein: 140g
Gym: 2/3
Meditation: Yes
Journal: Yes
30 Minute Phoneless Walk: No
Electronics off 1 hour before bed: Yes
Skincare: Yes
No Fap: No


Daily Actions:
Today's Calories: 2768
Protein: 146g
Gym: 3/3
Meditation: Yes
Journal: Yes
30 Minute Phoneless Walk: No
Electronics off 1 hour before bed: No
Skincare: Yes
No Fap: No
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Daily Actions:
Today's Calories: 2490
Protein: 139g
Gym: 0/3
Meditation: Yes
Journal: Yes
30 Minute Phoneless Walk: No
Electronics off 1 hour before bed: Yes
Skincare: Yes
No Fap: Yes


Daily Actions:
Today's Calories: 2774
Protein: 130g
Gym: 1/3
Meditation: No
Journal: No
30 Minute Phoneless Walk: No
Electronics off 1 hour before bed: No
Skincare: No
No Fap: No


Daily Actions:
Today's Calories: 3035
Protein: 152g
Gym: 1/3
Meditation: No
Journal: No
30 Minute Phoneless Walk: No
Electronics off 1 hour before bed: No
Skincare: Yes
No Fap: No


Daily Actions:
Today's Calories: 3114
Protein: 174g
Gym: 2/3
Meditation: Yes
Journal: Yes
30 Minute Phoneless Walk: Yes
Electronics off 1 hour before bed: No
Skincare: Yes
No Fap: Yes


Haven't updated my log in a little bit, mostly due to laziness. Ive been getting back into the gym 3 times a week again, taking creatine + Lcitrulline, and eating more protein. I think in that regard I have returned to how I was before I had my surgery and maybe even increased weight on some exercises. Like my squat I do 145 for reps now. I seem to be struggling on bench press again though.

For my first week back on the apps I spent a lot of time stressing on whether or not I was shadowbanned on Hinge because I was logged out for a month. The app still functioned like normal for me but I just wasn’t getting any matches or incoming likes. I did eventually get one match in the first week proving that I was not shadowbanned.

Second week though I got absolutely nothing. The app still functions like normal. No repeating profiles and I can switch out pics/prompts just fine. I just feel like ass not getting any matches. I was doing fine in my uni city but here in SF do women just not like me?

There has to be something massively wrong with my profile. I know Im not the best looking guy but usually my quality of matches is good. Do I want better? Yes but that ofc will take effort.

Imo it could be because:
-Headshot is too tryhard/hardstyle and most women don’t like that
-Last two pics are way worse than my first two and it turns women off
-Prompts seem douchey (I did update them after I took these screenshots)
-haven’t used boosts or bought premium
-Hinge is dead here (highly doubt this)
-The girls im hitting like on are too high SMV

I’ve been keeping a lot of this to myself for a while cuz most people I know think dating apps are dumb. I haven’t been doing inner work much this week which is funny as these are the times I should be doing more, rather than less. I relapsed to porn again and I’m having a hard time going back to Nofap. Some part of me wants to give up until I get my own place but giving up doesn’t really suit me so I want to figure out what exactly is wrong.


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SF is highly competitive as far as I know. Im not a fan of 3, why would you have coffee to go in a backyard (at least thats what it looks like). In 4 your posing looks feminine, especially leg placement. So yeah its not great. Also I have personally noticed that it takes while for Hinge to pick up after you switch locations for some reason, could be wrong on that though.
SF is highly competitive as far as I know. Im not a fan of 3, why would you have coffee to go in a backyard (at least thats what it looks like). In 4 your posing looks feminine, especially leg placement. So yeah its not great. Also I have personally noticed that it takes while for Hinge to pick up after you switch locations for some reason, could be wrong on that though.
I agree with you on photo 4, the posture looks feminine. @Vic I think your profile overall lacks of energy and/or dynamism. All your photos show you in very calm situations. You can be a very calm guy but one or two photos with your friends or in a party could had more of this energy lacking.

You are absolutely forbidden to feel like an ass for not having any matches. You can be a great guy and just have a profile that doesn't meet the requirements to have success on dating apps. Don't get fooled by this system, it doesn't represent your true value.