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GN's Progress Log - Update Part 1: Starting Nursing School, Bouncing Back

pancakemouse said:
Most of my results came from photos taken on a Canon Digital Rebel XT, which was manufactured in 2005 and looks like is currently selling for around $50, and a Canon 50mm 1.8 lens, which I is also around $50. Both of these you could probably sell for the same price you paid, or maybe even more, if you wanted to upgrade.

Regarding eBay, you're hemming and hawing about ~$13. You could make $13 in a quarter of an hour shoveling your neighbor's driveway. List your stuff on Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, and OfferUp, and if it's not gone in three days, list on eBay.

Can I see some pictures you took on that camera? I read a thread that said the best cameras for the job are post-2011, but tech has advanced a LOT. My brother has some small Canon Camera from 2001 but the pic quality is shite. I don't even think its a DSLR though.

If that camera is really that good I can deadass just buy it tomorrow lol. Yeah, I will try my other options like Offerup and Craigslist. These are collectibles I am selling so I can even use the subreddit trade/sale thread for them. I managed to get one buyer from reddit, thats how I got the 128. Should be easy to sell since I have some desirable items and I am selling them cheap, but the caveat is they gotta buy all my other junk too.
9/9 and 9/10

Busy weekend, my family came to my university to go watch the football game. It was a fun game despite my uni beating the shit out of the other team. This was my first time actually going to a stadium to watch a game, would do again. It was nice to take my mind off everything for a few hours. After the game I did study some for my Wednesday exam. Met with a family friend and we had dinner, I got a nice photo with him I think looks good I will use it for OLD.

Sunday I was just studying primarily. I went to get lunch with my parents before they left. We had a lot of leftovers so I did not have to worry about meal prep for this week LOL.

Something interesting happened though. This one girl whos number I got last semester I made a dumb mistake of texting her during finals and she responded but after basically never hit me back. I think in a stint of lack of foresight I texted her again early this semester and she did hit me back....a few days later. I ended up just doing a suicide mission and texting if she wanted to get coffee/tea sometime. She said sure this morning. I was shocked, so i proposed a date and time.

The she drops this absolute BOMBSHELL on me that she has a BF who is coming into town in a few days, so I just said we would push coffee back a week. I did not cancel as I did not want to seem rude. But damn I am fucking bummed cuz I never got the vibe she had a BF when I first met her. She is a nice girl.

I may keep friends with her though cuz she is attractive so it may be good for me socially and maybe she can introduce me to her friends. I also don't have many female friends, I have a few but maintaining friendships is something I struggle with due to being so busy. If she is attractive she probably has attractive friends. I will continue talking to more girls as that is always the best medicine for rejection IMO and helps me not get hung up on a girl. What you guys think? Usually when I get rejected I don't mind still being around them, I always get over them with enough work.

Aside from women I made a sort of "plan" to better my looks. Today I took a HUGE leap forward. I shaved off a TON of body hair. Initially my body hair was not too bad but after I started taking Min and Fin for hair loss my body hair DOUBLED. It looked so bad I basically just shaved a lot of it off today. It makes me feel kinda naked tbh and I am afraid tommorow morning I will be uncomfortable in my normal clothing.

I am also gonna make a harder effort to sell off the remaining collectibles I want to get rid of and get some money from that. Another big plan for my looksmaxxing is to get a tattoo and some accessories. I have a good tattoo idea, its kinda nerdy but personally i think it looks dope.
jakeD said:
I mean just cause she has a BF does not mean you can't necessarily try to fuck her but forget I said anything.. lol

She do be my dream type lmfao (redhead, cute face, big ass). But it’s probably not worth it, best I just go talk to more girls
pancakemouse said:
Please post tattoo idea here before you make any permanent decisions.

Yeah, here are some ideas. I am a semi-nerd so all these are anime based. Leaning towards the small ones since I probably shouldn’t go nuts on a first time thing.

Basically spent all of today doing flashcards to prepare for my anatomy exam. Very nervous about it. In the morning I hit up this one bagel sandwich spot and ordered something. I saw some cute muslim girl idling so I complimented her necklace and had some conversation, but I got the feeling I was carrying the whole thing so once my order got called I just left.

My volunteering also started today so I geared up for the new semester. It was a pretty average shift, was just helping people get around. At one point when there wasn't any new visitors coming in, there was a waiting area behind the desk I was stationed at I saw this stunning brown-skinned woman who was just sitting there. I said to her "are you waiting for someone" and she said "yeah" along with some other stuff. All I know is she wasn't waiting for her bf/husband. Now here I was thinking I would continue the convo but since this girl was right behind the desk I was worried once I try to get her number the ppl "supervising" me would get upset and write me up for "inappropriate conduct" or whatever. Worst case scenario I get kicked out.

I have been beating myself up over not following through because in any other scenario I would have made a move little hesitation. What is your guys' take, would hitting on a woman be okay at volunteering/this scenario or off limits?

Anyways I went to ballroom dance club again later this evening. Hoping maybe I can have a successful approach. I already met today's quota but if I can go the extra mile I will. There was this one black girl who I found hella cute. Usually these meets involve two groups leads and follows splitting off. I play lead and this girl is a follow. In partner dancing, sometimes the instructors allow leads to choose follows and vice versa. Other times we just do lines. In the line we first danced. Then when the follows chose this girl literally ran at me lol. The when leads got to choose I walked toward her and she said something like "I feel chosen lol". I am over here thinking I had a shot.

My issue though is after the meet ended, I couldn't figure how to approach her as she seemed to be talking to someone else. So I tried to make myself look busy. Then she just left. So over here I am like "shit, I fucking blew it". That dirty blonde I mentioned a few posts back also showed up but same issue she was talking to someone else I didn't know what to do. In the end I had no opportunity to talk to her. I also feel like I just can't come up with conversation topics sometimes, like my mind just goes BLANK. I am trying to figure out a solution to this. One possible thing is bring up something unique related to the conversation. Like if she asks how my week has been I can bring up something new like "oh it was very busy, my lab research has been becoming more demanding" and if she is intrigued she may ask "oh what kind of research". Ok, enough theory.

It fucking stinks though it feels like warm approach is harder than cold approach, yet I still get nothing out of cold approach. But I have been reading some GLL and KYIL. I also thought a bit harder about Adrizzle 's and pancakemouse 's advice and I think I need to be like "you seem cool, we should grab a drink sometime, whats your number" instead of my usual "lets stay in touch, can I get your number". Gotta get out there and just do this shit.

Overall, I met todays goal, but I still go to bed unsatisfied.
GN44 said:
"lets stay in touch, can I get your number"

I think the reason that this line isn’t great or I don’t like it is that there is no intent behind in and the outcome seems blurred. Like what does stay in touch mean? Meeting up? Going to other dance classes? Just being message buddies or liking each other’s IG posts?

If you added let’s stay in touch and do X it’s much better. I’m still a novice but if a girl says we should do this again or we should do X at the end of the date it is a very good sign. You will likely see her again.

Oi dancing how do i do it? I know how to move my body to music, like I can dance in a night club to music. I can sorta dance with a girl, moving touching her and grinding. But how do I actually dance well and get moves. Would going to a dance class help? And what kind of dance class
Adrizzle said:
GN44 said:
"lets stay in touch, can I get your number"

I think the reason that this line isn’t great or I don’t like it is that there is no intent behind in and the outcome seems blurred. Like what does stay in touch mean? Meeting up? Going to other dance classes? Just being message buddies or liking each other’s IG posts?

If you added let’s stay in touch and do X it’s much better. I’m still a novice but if a girl says we should do this again or we should do X at the end of the date it is a very good sign. You will likely see her again.

Oi dancing how do i do it? I know how to move my body to music, like I can dance in a night club to music. I can sorta dance with a girl, moving touching her and grinding. But how do I actually dance well and get moves. Would going to a dance class help? And what kind of dance class

I completely agree with that. I don't like it either I just get extremely nervous to go all the way. Just approaching is a gigantic mental hurdle, but I gotta do it anyways. That second part is a good idea, its more straightforward and it is familiar.

The kinda dance I do does involve another person. I think there should be like a spot around your city that teaches ballroom dance. If that is what you are looking for.

Likely they have slots they host novice lessons. Its hard at first, I nearly stepped on my partners feet several times in the beginning, but you get better with time. Ballroom dance club did WONDERS for my confidence with women.
Certain things I feel like I forget to update my daily log with, so I will make a separate entry for. Quick-*ish* question.

Should I get rid of my fleshlights?

Since I am trying to get laid I want to destroy any obstacle that could stand in my way. I think the fleshlights make me feel complacent. That my mind ends up being fine with a rubber pussy instead of the real thing. I want the real thing. I haven't been using them much at all lately since I have been so busy and they get inconvenient to use. I only maybe masturbate once a day, maybe once every other day.

Should I just attempt to sell them off quickly or just work on tapering off, sell one at a time based on which I like least to which I like most. I have like 3 and I started buying them last year.

At the same time, they did help my performance anxiety. One thing that had me scared to start trying to get laid was performance anxiety and humiliation of nutting fast. Using these I was able to slowly get my use time up to a level I was comfortable with. I think my highest is like 15 minutes which is good enough as long as foreplay was done from what I’ve heard. But at the same time the real thing is much wetter and warmer than a fleshlight.

Busy ass day. Woke up and headed to the research lab but I deadass couldn't stop thinking about my anatomy exam tomorrow. Feels like no amount of preparation will make me feel ready for this. I did flashcards basically the whole time, which may be kinda a bad look to my lab-mates. TBF though they are literally just having me watch people do shit rn, I am not gonna remember half of this stuff until and unless I am doing it myself.

Had to go pick up a few things from Target, and thought it would be a good opportunity to get in an approach for the day. For some fucking reason I just couldn't find an approachable chick. Like what gives there is always at least one in Target. I paced around the store a few times to see if I would get lucky but nothing. I just paid for my shit and left. Went to the Barnes and Nobles next door see if I could find someone there, again nothing. Felt incredibly frustrated since my day is so busy I would rather get in my approach early in the day so I can focus on my studies. Went back to the library to do some HW before PBiochem class. Then after class I went back to the library.

Saw some girl w/ a service dog near the coffee shop waiting area. Asked if I could pet her dog. Short convo, but she leaves before I can say much else. I did get my approach in for the day but I feel unsatisfied still. I am upset things aren't going all the way. I want an approach that I can have a full conversation and ultimately end with "you seem cool, we should grab a drink (or do other activity if we talk abt common interest) sometime, whats ur number", but have not had the opportunity yet.

My whole deal is that to be consistent I want to get in at LEAST 1 approach a day, hell I would love to do more but I don't want to move the goalposts so fast. If i can approach like two to three girls or more in a day that would be awesome. I literally have been able to do that before. I always made the whole "I am too busy" excuse in the past but I am fucking done with that shit, one approach cannot be THAT fucking hard (but for the past two days it has been for some reason).

Went to the gym afterwards and had a pretty decent workout. My body looks so much better now after shaving my body hair. It is slightly prickly still but it will go away eventually. Was hoping I would feel less upset about my lack of success but did not. Picked up some tacos at a truck on the way back and as a bonus hoping I would see an approachable girl, again nothing. I think this is just a temporary sign to back off on the approaching until my exam is done, but even then right after my Anatomy exam i have to study for a microbio exam literally next week, then a Pbiochem exam.

I think my anger at myself has just been boiling like a pot. I keep being like "you are such an idiot, that was an easy approach, A LITERAL FREEBIE, and you did not take it"(in reference to that one brown skin girl I semi-approached but was worried about my position). Just a whole lot of negative self talk. As a result I nearly ended up relapsing to porn but I played a very detailed forward tape to get me to stop, hell I already typed in the name of my pornstar of choice. In my head I knew if I watched porn rn, I would be on Cloud 9 for an hour or two, but when I wake up I was finna be angry at myself for relapsing and saying how I could have avoided it. That anger would negatively affect my performance on my exam tomorrow. I didn't want to have to tell my therapist I relapsed AGAIN. I also know my self discipline when it comes to staying away from porn also needs work so a relapse may lead to a few day long binge.

Negative self talk is a bitch.

Also, not watching porn is very good for helping me lower my standards. On that topic I read a few GLL articles about lowering your standards and I like how Scotty put it. Andy doesn't do that great of a job explaining how to do that. The best piece of advice in that imo was to focus on a girls most attractive feature whether its butt, boobs, midriff, face, etc.

I would much rather be in some semi-attractive girls pussy than jerk off into the toilet alone. Although I could use a fleshlight I am considering getting rid of them to take out anything that could make me complacent with a lack of a sex life, because for a while that is what porn and the fleshlights have done. Fuck that complacency bullshit, being complacent never got me anywhere.

Unrelated to that but I put up my collectibles for sale on Offerup, I will try reposting on reddit threads to see if I can get a sale there too.

I am so fucking tired. I woke up this morning and had like two hours of time I could use to study for anatomy. Also that girl a few entries back who told me she had a bf texted me confirming meeting for coffee. I honestly don't know what to do, if staying friends is even a good idea. She is attractive so having an attractive female friend could be good for me. But at the same time I think I am kind of jealous of her bf? Cuz she is my type but I can't have her and I gotta accept that. Idk if holding out for her introducing me to her friends is a good idea either, but at the same time I hate to be rude. Maybe I will just meet with her and see how it goes. I got another girls number today and finally got some more successful approaches in today down below. Andy's talk to more girls advice works wonders. Whenever my brother gets bummed about a girl I just drop this on him lol.

But back to after anatomy studying I did what I could then headed to Microbio lab. The TA dropped an on the spot competency test for a certain exercise and I was just so out of it due to anatomy I just saddled up. I had to pick up some bacterial cultures for me and my group for the experiments after as well as the competency test. I accidentally spilled culture on my bare hands and just felt like a fucking idiot. I cleaned it up, but some got on my test-plate. So I redid the plate and again cleaned up my space. IDK how much people paid attention to that but I just feel like everyone within that area may or may not think I am less intelligent. For the experiments I had to do double my work because my lab partner dropped the course, luckily my TAs let me work with the other two girls at my table for most of the exercises. I just wanted to finish the stupid lab and get it over with. I felt myself getting incredibly angry during lab and I texted my mom to calm myself down, which did help a little.

Once I got done with lab I went to a food truck, grabbed lunch. The sandwich was hella good which was a decent mood booster after that lab and pre-exam. I ate and then took my exam. The exam wasn't that bad, there was not a ton of labeling but I jumbled up info in my head so I may have made some mistakes. I think grades come out Friday.

Right after the exam though I had to head to anatomy lab, had some time to spare so I hit up CVS to see if I wanted a snack. I saw this kinda conventionally attractive blonde in an aisle and complimented her bag, said something about how I am looking for a gift for my mom since her bday is coming up soon so I am looking for ideas. We talked a bit, she told me she was a law student. I said I was an undergrad doing Biochem and told her about anatomy. I followed Adrizzle advice and for closing said "you seem cool, maybe we can meet up sometime again, whats your number". She told me she had a bf. I said all good, nice meeting you, and have a nice day. I am happy I got a complete approach in after some time. And I think this advice is great because the fact she brought up having a bf 100% means this gets my intentions across clearly w/o being creepy.

I think maybe I should say "drink", maybe thats more clear, but the words just did not come out the way I was thinkin.

I went to anatomy lab after and was just so out of it, ended up getting carried by my partners for the activity and headed out as soon as we could. It was like 6PM. I went to the library and took my PBiochem quiz which was not too bad. I also listed my collectibles on FB marketplace and got like two inquiries. One guy tried to lowball me so hard (I was asking 160, he said he would pay me 120 max) I politely told him to fuck off. The second guy said he was interested but he didn't want to pay for shipping. So why message me then? ISTG I wanted to say that but I got that mf in me that wanna be polite all the time even when I am annoyed :roll:

So basically them mfs got my hopes up for nothing.

I got hungry so I headed back to my apartment for dinner at like 7.

On my way back I saw this cute girl. She had a powerpuff girls sweater, specifically the green one, and I said it was cute, asked her where she got it from, etc. We talked a bit, she told me she was a 1st year and I said i was a 4th. Overall good convo. There was a fork in the path so I said the same thing as I said to the other girl a few hours prior and she actually gave me her number. We parted ways nicely.

So even though my quota is 1 approach I decided to go do two anyways. I feel proud of myself for that and I will try to exceed my quota whenever possible, but life is busy yet I don't want to make excuses like I always have.

I had some dinner and tried to see if I could do more work but I think my body is completely checked out now. I have just been doing literally nothing since like 7:30. An hour later my dad texted me asking about my finances and I gave him my codes and this mf was interrogating me. I had nothing to hide though, I haven't spent money on much bullshit lately because I have been so focused on life. It was still annoying though but whatever.

On the downside this makes me more hesitant to spend money on stuff like the camera pancakemouse recommended me. I also cancelled my photoshoot as I cannot risk it. For selling I am hoping I can get the money sent to my Paypal as luckily that account is still safe. I can use that to purchase the camera.

I also put up one of my fleshlights for sale on reddit, I think I got an inquiry, hopefully not another time waster.

Overall I do feel a lot calmer after all that bs just ended but I still have so much I need to do and another exam coming up next week so I really need to get back on my shit. I cannot afford to fall behind. I am probably gonna talk with my therapist to find ways to deal with anger more effectively.

Forgot to update the log yesterday, mb. My "research" time started at 9 so after I had breakfast I headed to the lab at like 8:45. It is so frustrating to just lose two hours of valuable study time just to watch some people do stuff I probably will forget until and unless I actually do it. I approached my prof to tell her I want to get on a project ASAP. I had to keep it polite again cuz in my head I was like "I want something to do so I know you aren't wasting my valuable time" but what I really said was "I want to get more hands on work". She said she would have something for me by Tuesday.

On Thursdays we also have these research meetings where I have to keep myself from falling asleep because so far I don't understand anything being talked about and the other half are some "team building" exercises. It takes up another hour of my day, another valuable hour.

I saw my therapist after and I told her about how my week has been. She commented that I seem way more agitated. Mainly so when I brought up the time wasters who sent me messages about my listings and I told her I wanted to tell them to fuck off. Same when I told her about how much research feels like a waste of time and I am only doing this for a letter of rec since i NEED 3 professors to give me a letter of rec to apply for my Masters. Literally could not care less, Academia does nothing for me.

I also talked with her about this stupid deadlock I am in where I want sexual fulfillment/beating my porn addiction but how I feel stuck. So a guy wants to get some healthy sexual relief. There is porn, which is bad for me so can't use that. There is also sex toys, which are much healthier but make me complacent not having real intimacy. Plus the toys trick you into thinking you are having sex with a real woman. So that is also bad. Then there is actually finding girls to have sex with, which is fucking difficult and involves a crap ton of rejection which messes with your head. There is also masturbating alone, but that fucking sucks and is incredibly boring.

So overall my options are either short term pleasure but long term harm or long term pain with the not guaranteed possibility of great success. Of course I am going to grit my teeth and push through the suffering, but I would like to at least get something for all my work, but I think I sound entitled when I say that.

After the sesh I had PBiochem and when I sat down I saw this really pretty Indian girl the table across from me. After class I worked up the courage to approach her and complimented her earrings and asked where she got it from. Little talk there then we started talking about how we have no clue what is even going on in the class. She had a unique name so I pointed that out. We split off before I went to office hours to get HW help. I asked her for her number and said "Hey you're cool, can I get your number so we can meet outside class or study?". She gave me her number, so I will text her later.

Side note but I need some help with cold approach text openers or like a decent texting guide because I still suck dick at texting and would like to get better. This one guide I read was super off-putting since I feel like I have to change my whole personality to get her interested. I hate these kinds of games since I am more of a to the point person.

After office hours I approached another girl outside office hours with a dog. We just talked about her dogs. There wasn't anyone else around but I didn't ask her for her number since she didn't seem all that interested, large lack of eye contact.

I picked up some dinner then went to go study. I had a baking club meet at like 7 so I went to that. Me and my homies sat next to this group of girls. One of the girls I thought looked a little alt, pretty cute. I started talking to her but she dropped the fact she has a bf mid-convo so I backed off. Kept up some casual conversation. There was also some other girl there with a DSLR who was snapping photos of the club activities. I went up to her and asked her what kind of Camera it was. It was a Canon EOS Rebel T5i. She said she actually got it lent to her. I said I was interested in getting one and she gave me some guys email and said you can probably ask him if you want to borrow one, if its possible. We started talking a bit about cameras and she showed me some pictures she took, I was amazed how good they looked, super clean. I will email the guy soon.
GN44 said:

Forgot to update the log yesterday, mb. My "research" time started at 9 so after I had breakfast I headed to the lab at like 8:45. It is so frustrating to just lose two hours of valuable study time just to watch some people do stuff I probably will forget until and unless I actually do it. I approached my prof to tell her I want to get on a project ASAP. I had to keep it polite again cuz in my head I was like "I want something to do so I know you aren't wasting my valuable time" but what I really said was "I want to get more hands on work". She said she would have something for me by Tuesday.

On Thursdays we also have these research meetings where I have to keep myself from falling asleep because so far I don't understand anything being talked about and the other half are some "team building" exercises. It takes up another hour of my day, another valuable hour.

I saw my therapist after and I told her about how my week has been. She commented that I seem way more agitated. Mainly so when I brought up the time wasters who sent me messages about my listings and I told her I wanted to tell them to fuck off. Same when I told her about how much research feels like a waste of time and I am only doing this for a letter of rec since i NEED 3 professors to give me a letter of rec to apply for my Masters. Literally could not care less, Academia does nothing for me.

I also talked with her about this stupid deadlock I am in where I want sexual fulfillment/beating my porn addiction but how I feel stuck. So a guy wants to get some healthy sexual relief. There is porn, which is bad for me so can't use that. There is also sex toys, which are much healthier but make me complacent not having real intimacy. Plus the toys trick you into thinking you are having sex with a real woman. So that is also bad. Then there is actually finding girls to have sex with, which is fucking difficult and involves a crap ton of rejection which messes with your head. There is also masturbating alone, but that fucking sucks and is incredibly boring.

So overall my options are either short term pleasure but long term harm or long term pain with the not guaranteed possibility of great success. Of course I am going to grit my teeth and push through the suffering, but I would like to at least get something for all my work, but I think I sound entitled when I say that.

After the sesh I had PBiochem and when I sat down I saw this really pretty Indian girl the table across from me. After class I worked up the courage to approach her and complimented her earrings and asked where she got it from. Little talk there then we started talking about how we have no clue what is even going on in the class. She had a unique name so I pointed that out. We split off before I went to office hours to get HW help. I asked her for her number and said "Hey you're cool, can I get your number so we can meet outside class or study?". She gave me her number, so I will text her later.

Side note but I need some help with cold approach text openers or like a decent texting guide because I still suck dick at texting and would like to get better. This one guide I read was super off-putting since I feel like I have to change my whole personality to get her interested. I hate these kinds of games since I am more of a to the point person.

After office hours I approached another girl outside office hours with a dog. We just talked about her dogs. There wasn't anyone else around but I didn't ask her for her number since she didn't seem all that interested, large lack of eye contact.

I picked up some dinner then went to go study. I had a baking club meet at like 7 so I went to that. Me and my homies sat next to this group of girls. One of the girls I thought looked a little alt, pretty cute. I started talking to her but she dropped the fact she has a bf mid-convo so I backed off. Kept up some casual conversation. There was also some other girl there with a DSLR who was snapping photos of the club activities. I went up to her and asked her what kind of Camera it was. It was a Canon EOS Rebel T5i. She said she actually got it lent to her. I said I was interested in getting one and she gave me some guys email and said you can probably ask him if you want to borrow one, if its possible. We started talking a bit about cameras and she showed me some pictures she took, I was amazed how good they looked, super clean. I will email the guy soon.

Hey bro, in terms of a texting guide I found one on reddit that I like and has worked pretty well for me. It's mainly for girls met through online dating/cold approach, but you can adjust it for the situation you're in with the girl in your class.

nomorewussingout said:
Hey bro, in terms of a texting guide I found one on reddit that I like and has worked pretty well for me. It's mainly for girls met through online dating/cold approach, but you can adjust it for the situation you're in with the girl in your class.

Appreciate it man! I’ll check it out.

I saw on PWF YouTube that the best opener was your name and a winky face. I did that for this girl as well as the previous girl I cold approached.
GN44 said:
nomorewussingout said:
Hey bro, in terms of a texting guide I found one on reddit that I like and has worked pretty well for me. It's mainly for girls met through online dating/cold approach, but you can adjust it for the situation you're in with the girl in your class.

Appreciate it man! I’ll check it out.

I saw on PWF YouTube that the best opener was your name and a winky face. I did that for this girl as well as the previous girl I cold approached.

Not a bad idea, I'll have to give that a shot.
nomorewussingout said:
Hey bro, in terms of a texting guide I found one on reddit that I like and has worked pretty well for me. It's mainly for girls met through online dating/cold approach, but you can adjust it for the situation you're in with the girl in your class.


Holy shit. colgate september Rice GTFIH

(Troy lived with and mentored all three of these guys. This texting advice is super solid.)
pancakemouse said:
nomorewussingout said:
Hey bro, in terms of a texting guide I found one on reddit that I like and has worked pretty well for me. It's mainly for girls met through online dating/cold approach, but you can adjust it for the situation you're in with the girl in your class.


Holy shit. @colgate @september @Rice GTFIH

(Troy lived with and mentored all three of these guys. This texting advice is super solid.)

That's wild. He posts great content on reddit, I basically use his cold approach guide verbatim lol.
pancakemouse said:
nomorewussingout said:
Hey bro, in terms of a texting guide I found one on reddit that I like and has worked pretty well for me. It's mainly for girls met through online dating/cold approach, but you can adjust it for the situation you're in with the girl in your class.


Holy shit. @colgate @september @Rice GTFIH

(Troy lived with and mentored all three of these guys. This texting advice is super solid.)

Shii, I put it in my saved folder. I checked it out, seems pretty solid and to the point.

Bit more of a chill day. I woke up, did some studying and then went to the grocery store to pick up some essential stuff like milk and eggs. I did see some girls there but didn't approach any since none looked all that approachable.

After I went to my research lab and helped with some more stuff, I only had to be there 2 hours and they actually gave me worthwhile stuff to do and gave me a more in depth assignment for Tuesday, so I am finally getting something. There is one girl in my research lab with a kind of alt style, she has tattoos and stuff and I talked a bit more with her today. She isn't like that attractive but I do kinda find her cute in some way. She does seem very shy and introverted so I was not exactly sure if I should do anything. I do think me hitting on her would genuinely be weird. But I guess that makes todays approach.

The indian girl I texted yesterday just liked my message where I just sent my name and a winky face. Nothing else, idk if i should pursue that further or just leave it be.

I met an old friend today too and we went and got KBBQ. It was a lot of fun and he complimented me on losing a lot of weight asking me how I did it. We talked about dieting and stuff and just school in general. I may go to a bar with him soon he told me he was planning to visit some more upscale bar instead of the usual college ones.

All in all I am happy today was much less chaotic than the rest of the week.

Weekend. I mainly spent the time studying for my MicroBio Exam. I didn't leave my room at all on Saturday since it was too loud and crowded due to the football game going on. Bad decision as it led to a really bad porn binge that spilled over into Sunday. I have this bad issue where once I relapse a little I end up thinking I might as well watch every video I was having urges to watch over the week. Classic chaser effect. I always used play the tape forward method to prevent relapses but it didn't work this time because I felt like all I was doing was just delaying the inevitable.

Anyways I decided to make a calendar and put a big red X on days I relapse/peek and a checkmark on pornfree days. I also would highlight with red, green, or yellow how strong my strongest urges were that day. I noticed my urges definitely get strong on days I am in my room a lot, specifically the weekends.

I just don't think the pornfree lifestyle will work long term without real sex. So far since my 1 month streak in march my longest streaks have been 9-10 days at most. My only real healthy out of this is hitting the numbers game and hopefully one or a few girls agrees to have sex with me/become a FWB/fuckbuddy. Rejection can sometimes contribute to feelings of wanting to watch porn/relapsing so I will have to just get mentally tougher there.

I am gonna email the contact that camera girl an entry or so back sent me and see if I can borrow a camera, if not I will buy the one pancake recommended me.

My friends and I were supposed to hang out today but sadly I ended up cancelling due to unfavorable timings. Its fine we will probably reschedule this.

Earlier today I texted the girl I went on my first date ever with. Maybe trying to see if she just got busy or something. I sent the text at 1 and she responded at like 6:30. I just asked how her semester is going. My intention with the convo is to see if maybe I can arrange a cooking date where she comes back to my place. Or we go get boba and then come back to my place.

We will see how it goes.