Hawkins Self-Improvement Adventure: 4 Dates in 6 Days

Hawkins said:
AskTheDom said:
I don’t know man, you want it more clear?
It’s an obvious Dominant/submissive situation 😂👍

Yeah haha. I was more being facetious about it. Obviously you're completely correct. I just struggle with concepts of "Dominance"/"Submission". The BDSM world and lingo carries a lot of baggage that I'm not sure suits me or the kinds of relationships I would like to build. I'm still struggling to find my way in the world of flirting and sex and I was trying to experiment with the terms to see how they felt. I liked that it was flirty and had some sexual undertones. But I'm hesitant to dive further into those dynamics since they carry a lot of assumptions I'm not fully on board with. They also imply a level of sexual experience i don't have, which feels dishonest. Communication surrounding romance and sex is something i have very little idea how to even approach.

Push yourself enough verbally that it is going to require some stretching to live up to, but isn't impossible. You'll probably fail, but that's how you get better. Going through that cycle is what worked for me. Make all the observations you can, but don't allow yourself to form opinions or qualitative judgements about things while you're trying things out. Just observe, take notes, and try to improve.

Bunch of dudes try one thing, one time, fail, then say they failed because it wasn't for them. It's total BS. A lot of things you try won't be something for you or something you're capable of...yet. You can still decide you want to become that and then choose to do what it takes to get there.
Hawkins said:
AskTheDom said:
I don’t know man, you want it more clear?
It’s an obvious Dominant/submissive situation 😂👍

Yeah haha. I was more being facetious about it. Obviously you're completely correct. I just struggle with concepts of "Dominance"/"Submission". The BDSM world and lingo carries a lot of baggage that I'm not sure suits me or the kinds of relationships I would like to build. I'm still struggling to find my way in the world of flirting and sex and I was trying to experiment with the terms to see how they felt. I liked that it was flirty and had some sexual undertones. But I'm hesitant to dive further into those dynamics since they carry a lot of assumptions I'm not fully on board with. They also imply a level of sexual experience i don't have, which feels dishonest. Communication surrounding romance and sex is something i have very little idea how to even approach.

What if I tell you “dominant/submissive” doesn’t end only in the bdsm community?
You will see in most relationships there is one side that is more dominant than the other.
I understand it’s a stretch from your comfort zone, but try it out
Great work on the dates and the flirting Hawkins!

I know it might not feel like it now, but if you keep putting one toe outside your comfort zone (while talking with every match, while on every date, while having sex), before you know it you will be so confident and assertive on dates and so incredible in bed that you will feel like an idiot for ever doubting yourself!

At that point you will also understand that your desire for her is a beautiful gift (to both of you), and definitely not something to hide or suppress or be ashamed about