How to Approach Girls Walking


Apr 15, 2021
This is something I struggle with a lot. I'm getting to the point where if a girl is sitting/standing by herself, I can usually force myself to approach and start a conversation and express interest and ask for a number/snapchat. But these are actually rare scenarios unfortunately. The majority of girls I see are on the move somewhere. But girls who are walking somewhere, especially outside, is much harder for me. I usually say hi, and so do they, and then usually that's it, there's literally only like a 1-2 second window of opportunity to express interest. Should I say like "hi, I like your shirt" or something lol? I just have a ton of anxiety about trying to do these approaches that have to be really quick and aggressive. I've done like 3 or 4 of them, but they were usually in an environment where it was expected, like around bars, and I had been drinking, which made it easier for me to say something really quick and impulsively. But I feel it's much harder during the day in a regular environment. How do you guys do this?
honeybadger said:
Are you doing the AA program?

Have you tried the letting her walk past, check her out from the front and back, then turn around and chase after her. stop right in front and tell her whats up? great example

Thanks for the video but I don't think I could pull off advanced game like that quite yet. Plus I feel like chasing after her and jumping in front of her would not go well and would scare the girl, which I don't wanna do. And nah I'm just doing regular approaches right now.
You just do it. When they are sitting they can't ran away so they have to give you an answer. So when you approach them when they are walking it's more probable that they will ignore you. But it probably doesn't matter. Keep in mind these people do a lot of approaches and record the ones that go well. The oldest trick in the universe. It's mostly about luck. I don't know if there's a way of doing this stuff that increases your chances of getting laid, but if there is one you are not gonna figure it out by thinking or reading about it, %100 guaranteed. Use these videos as a motivation and go take action ASAP.
honeybadger said:
Are you doing the AA program?

Have you tried the letting her walk past, check her out from the front and back, then turn around and chase after her. stop right in front and tell her whats up? great example

That sounded gay as fuck. But looking at the vid, didn't look like it was on purpose he let her walk by, more of it was a split second decision so he had to run back.

Pretty sure all of GLLs videos are still down. If you listen to the AA audios I bet he still mentions GET IN THERE.
What that means is you look her in the eye and walk right up to her to shake her hand.

Sisyphus, they only ignore you if (i) they're really not into it and take the effort to walk around you, or (ii) you don't GET IN THERE and they probably don't even realize you're hitting on them because they have airpods in, their brain hasn't processed what you said, they assume you're selling something / street evangelist, etc.
You have to walk beside them...

So if a girl passes you.
Turn around
Chase her
Walk fast and barely pass her
When your like 1 foot in front of her and beside her (so now you're walking beside her, but just a tiny bit ahead)
Turn your head and say "Hey"
She'll usually look at you
Say "I saw you over there and thought you were cute and wanted to say "hi"" (or some variation of that)
Then you walk with her... or she quickly rejects you

These are becoming my favorite approaches because the girl is in or out extremely quickly. There's not much time that gets wasted.

Just for context I get quickly rejected or ignored by girls most of the time with this approach. But the hottest girls I've gotten numbers from (including 1 today) came from girls who were walking.
SamJ_ said:
Should I say like "hi, I like your shirt" or something lol?
Never be indirect with your approach. Girls have a 6th sense for bullshit. You are there because you thought she was attractive and wanted to talk.

You are thinking too much about what to say.

99.9% of my approaches start with Hi/Hey, I thought you were pretty/cute/attractive, and I wanted to say hi/introduce myself.

Everything after this initial opener I just wing it . At this point you can say, I like your shirt, your eyes are pretty, etc.

SamJ_ said:
I usually say hi
Are you only saying hi and nothing else afterwards. Then waiting for her response? If so stop this and say the whole opening line.

SamJ_ said:
I've done like 3 or 4 of them, but they were usually in an environment where it was expected, like around bars, and I had been drinking, which made it easier for me to say something really quick and impulsively.
Any sort of approach around a bar, night club, or where any alcohol is involved has a vastly diminished impact on the girl. The environment is conducive to getting approached for women and as a result, the courage you took to approach is much less in her mind.

The approach that is hard for you on the street has a much greater impact on the female because it is a situation that is not common. This will leave a lasting memory in her mind and will make you look more attractive.
Toast said:
SamJ_ said:
Should I say like "hi, I like your shirt" or something lol?
Never be indirect with your approach. Girls have a 6th sense for bullshit. You are there because you thought she was attractive and wanted to talk.

You are thinking too much about what to say.

99.9% of my approaches start with Hi/Hey, I thought you were pretty/cute/attractive, and I wanted to say hi/introduce myself.

Everything after this initial opener I just wing it . At this point you can say, I like your shirt, your eyes are pretty, etc.

SamJ_ said:
I usually say hi
Are you only saying hi and nothing else afterwards. Then waiting for her response? If so stop this and say the whole opening line.

SamJ_ said:
I've done like 3 or 4 of them, but they were usually in an environment where it was expected, like around bars, and I had been drinking, which made it easier for me to say something really quick and impulsively.
Any sort of approach around a bar, night club, or where any alcohol is involved has a vastly diminished impact on the girl. The environment is conducive to getting approached for women and as a result, the courage you took to approach is much less in her mind.

The approach that is hard for you on the street has a much greater impact on the female because it is a situation that is not common. This will leave a lasting memory in her mind and will make you look more attractive.

Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, I wrote this awhile ago, so I have gotten a bit better and started going direct with the "hi, I think you're attractive" pretty much straight up.
Yeah I was gonna type what I'd do but Toast sums up what I'd say.

Tbh bro, just keep it simple. Approach a hot girl, and I encourage you to fuck up. Afterwards, you'll be much ballsier on your next approach, knowing you lived from a rejection from a hottie. That's one of the few ways I changed myself from being an introvert to an ambivert.