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How To Maximize Efficiency Using This Website / KYIL Resources.


Dec 10, 2021
This applies to all self-development technically, but this realization hit me hard today or yesterday, and reminds me even of when I was getting great results in my early 20's. Since I've decided to improve my life again, I just log on here (I plan to do more, currently busy with a time-sensitive deadline).

One of my old PUA mentors had a rule called the 1/2 rule. The bare minimum ratio you can have for how much time you browse / study / listen / Q&A about PUA (in this case, we'll use the topic of learning seduction KYIL / GLL style, and general self-development / life improvement), so you can NEVER spend more than DOUBLE the time each week doing brainstorming / studying / NON-active ways of participating in the ("this") self-help community. The lowest (?) (shit, can't recall grammatically if I should be "lowest" or highest" ratio in this situation.

So, I'm like mega dusty with self-help and some basic things, but I plan to start this ASAP. I think once ANYBODY finds the PUA community or self-help community, you CAN NOT keep it at a certain ratio. You have to first integrate and saturate your mind with the information of that entire craft and new (or revisiting an old topic that mentally feels like learning a new craft), is a massive absorption at first.

I don't believe I have to do that, but I will limit the amount of time I spend doing NON-active information absorbing / thinking / writing / reading VERSUS ACTIVE things I could do to improve my life and such, like time active on dating apps and profiles, exercising and revamping my fashion / wardrobe. Work on my posture and tonality and how I talk and come across.

Pursue my non-seduction dreams / goals as well and ensure those are always more important deep down in my heart at all times, my mentors hae kept jealousy and neediness out of their gaming / seduction adventures because their dreams and paths took precedence over ANY AND EVERY girl they were romantically involved with / fucking / about to fuck.

Review my old goal lists and make a new in-depth goal list.

Still plan to start coaching.

So, I won't decide now, but the timing I'm getting I"ll use approximately will be 1/4 (time spent active changing my life / time spent non-active learning how to change my life). Instead of Brad P's (GLL and my old PUA mentor's rule for maximizing seduction skills results) 1/2 rule. I'll gradually reduce this until 1/2, and then after that, automate it so it will be LESS than 1/2 no matter what.

Starting professional mental therapy.

Eating way healthier.

Reading positive books and books on addiction and depression and social anxiety. Lots of positive music and shows. (Like watching Friends boosts my mood overall a lot, even though it is super cheesy).

Going to work on my non-pick up goals too, like piano, guitar, singing, acting, bodybuilding / weightlifting, etc., not all at once, very slowly and gradually, just noting thoughts off the top of my head.

Time is all we have, let's not waste it.

And a new thought about goals and the direction I want my life to go and hwo I want my life to look one day. Is by changing my goals, due to a recent new paradigm shift in the way I think... My goals and most people's goals revolve around getting and gaining and changing life circumstances / etc. But what I've always wanted more than that is to CHANGE MYSELF on the core. In the past I did to a small extent for seductive purposes. But I mean becoming the ideal version of myself. There is one in my mind I realized, on accident. Out of curiosity, do you guys have this ideal version of yourselves? WITHOUT having gotten in-depth ever tallying and quantifying this imaginary version of yourself?

I want to be genuinely a positive and bubbly person. Things and possessions and jobs and pay and even relationships and loved ones in your life come and go. Life is change. Embrace impermanence. What remains, is ME. I won't simplify or try to define myself, as current sciences into psychiatry and psychology is VERY elementary. Is it one of the most popular fields in the world where there are the MOST legitimate guesses about topics, unproven or backed by any actual verified (would be willing to bet your life it's correct, the way you could bet your life in chemistry class or math class when doing a certain mathematical problem 3 times 3 equals 9 or combining 2 chemicals in organic chemistry lab, blah blah blah).

Your goals and what you attain in your journey of self-improvement are nothing compared to the person you become in the process. But what happens when your primary goal is becoming your ideal self? How much can one change? Truly change, with ZERO acting or faking. And not always for pragmatic reasons like, "be happier so I am not depressed." Maybe because I'm Asian, that's always clashed with my goals. I believe, as Artistotle did, that the best goals or acts, are those that were inherently an end in themselves. I change to change. That is the end. There is no next step, there is no further justificiation. That is the end of the goal, and that satisfies me enough.

Okay, just ate for the first time in several days, took tylenol for a horrible headache, my psychiatrist dicked me over and hasn't sent one of my NEEDED medications in almost 30 days, I've never gone this long without it.

Gonna log off now and groom a bit, take some over the counter sleeping meds, and listen to relaxing positive music, and read some positive self-help books or watch a funny show like Futurama or Venture Bros.

One unrelated note: I won't and can't be stopped. My goals, I will achieve them. The only way I won't is if I die. End of story. Changing my life, I realize, is more important than anything in my life right now. And honestly, I will die eventually, before 40 years old, if I don't change my life. Emotionally, I can say safely the pain I feel can be described accurately as, "I am standing at the edge of hell." I've nearly died in an accident before. Physical and emotional pain activates the same parts of your brain. THe emotional pain I've felt in the past 3 years have exceeded and at times doubled, tripled, or quadrupled my near-death accident in which I had to get NEUROSURGERY and am still not recovered even though the accident was not about 7 years ago, got surgery, tons of treatment, seen tons of doctors, physical therapy. This level of progressive (AND I HAVE TO NOTE . . . SELF-AFFLICTED EMOTIONAL PAIN WILL BE THE END OF ME IF I CANNOT DRASTICALLY CHANGE THE COURSE OF MY LIFE). Self-afflicted because a lot of my problems, at least in the last 3 years, were me ignoring girl's red flags, letting areas of my life fall apart and deliberately procrastinating and not doing what I KNEW had to be done to improve my life circumstances or at least prevent it from getting worse.

It's not change or die for me. It's just Change. Because I won't let myself die. I won't fail. Nothing will stop me. I would mother fucking experience that accident 10 or 20 more times before I gave up on these goals. I've broken bones and that felt like 5% of the pain of the accident. I'm committed. This will happen. Fuck excuses. Fuck everything. Fuck everyone. Clarity. Resilience. Time to get this done.
No disagreements with you there. I kind of needed that dopamine boost to push me a bit, since I've done so little for so long.

I'm aware, I haven't done anything... yet. Actions and Results are all that matters.

And yeah, it's way harder than I expected.

I just wanted to write something really positive and motivational to look back on while I was in that kind of mind-set, which is a bit rare with my depression, I doubt I'll be more "unrealistically" positive than that again. ("unrealistic" but I was underestimating the time and effort and bloodshed (seems the best metaphor) for self-improvement).

But I've got my bearings since then. Stacking minor habits, very small victories...

The post wasn't meant to end up as a dopamine-boost and grabbing props. It steered that way unintentionally, from my intentioned purely pragmatic post about maximizing efficiency...

It's 5-20x more time and effort and discomfort than I thought it'd be. Since writing that post, I've had to pull back my overly-ambitiousness and take it slower.

And thank you, exactly why I'm here. For someone more experienced and successful not giving and feel-good bs.

Truth hurts, but that's what we need to grow.

I've had a lot of new ideas for my specific situation (maybe would help others, maybe not). Right now:

1. Reading your books you recommended,
2. Eating and drinking healthier,
3. Starting to actually stay well-groomed. I can't find any of my nice presentable "pick up clothes" or even fashionable clothing, so I'm going shopping for that.
3b. Finding an upscale salon for haircuts.
4. And, exercise and stretch consistently. Starting tonight. For at least every other day starting tonight / this morning: Meditate, exercise, and stretch.

Sounds simple, but the pit I've been in, I wasn't living in humane conditions, due to my own decisions / actions / in-actions.

Will read and write a bit to digest my thoughts and experiences, then do something (2 things: apply to graduate programs + meditate + read the selective books and spent hours choosing to ideally reprogram my brain to be positive.

These are just baby steps, nothing brag-worthy listed as I'm not at that level yet.

On a serious note: Do you have any comments on maximizing efficiency? Even back when I joined the self-improvement / + pick up movement, I spent WAY too much time on forums writing and theorizing, and it can be fun, but I lost a LOT of potential progress that way.

10,000 hours of focused, instructor guided/planned, solitary practice on any craft is the gold standard for Mastery. The amount of time I wasted even while doing self-improvement with results, I could've.... Idk.

I'm in a very analytical mindset. Time to work on my job and recertification applications and exams and applications to grad.

Talk later. Thank you again.

Time to get to work.
Have you seen a psychiatrist for your depression? Are you taking any chemicals?
pancakemouse said:
Have you seen a psychiatrist for your depression? Are you taking any chemicals?

This. A couple of years ago I finally admitted myself to therapy for what the therapist diagnosed as mild depression, and it was one of the best things I ever did for myself. It was almost addictive; I looked forward to every session, probably because I knew that I was with someone who I could be completely vulnerable and open with.

Also, not sure if it's an American thing, but personally I find all that this kind of excessive self-affirmation tends to have the exact opposite effect -- you end up self-satisfied that you've made a strong affirmation for today... and consequently slack off afterwards. For nearly a decade I felt that I needed therapy. The best thing that happened was the moment I dragged my ass to my first appointment without telling a single soul. Every single thing that happened afterwards made my life a bit brighter. Maybe stop saying you'll do something, and just do.
pancakemouse said:
Have you seen a psychiatrist for your depression? Are you taking any chemicals?

Yes, starting therapy March 4th. Seen a psychiatrist for years. Current one kinda sucks, caught him straight up lying to me multiple times. But the state I'm in is super strict so I'm tolerating it because it's hard to get the medications I "need" (don't want to keep being dependent) to "function".
DiiiieInnerLoser said:
pancakemouse said:
Have you seen a psychiatrist for your depression? Are you taking any chemicals?

This. A couple of years ago I finally admitted myself to therapy for what the therapist diagnosed as mild depression, and it was one of the best things I ever did for myself. It was almost addictive; I looked forward to every session, probably because I knew that I was with someone who I could be completely vulnerable and open with.

Also, not sure if it's an American thing, but personally I find all that this kind of excessive self-affirmation tends to have the exact opposite effect -- you end up self-satisfied that you've made a strong affirmation for today... and consequently slack off afterwards. For nearly a decade I felt that I needed therapy. The best thing that happened was the moment I dragged my ass to my first appointment without telling a single soul. Every single thing that happened afterwards made my life a bit brighter. Maybe stop saying you'll do something, and just do.

I totally forgot about that, I've read that countless times and heard that. Announcing goals gives you a chemical rush in the moment and then boom, you're less motivated. I'm going to keep a personal list of goals and just announce when I've accomplished one.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
I can see what you're trying to get across with this post, but...

Limitless said:
but I plan to start this ASAP.

Limitless said:
Still plan to start coaching.

Limitless said:
I will limit the amount of time I spend doing NON-active information

KillYourInnerLoser said:
Time to get this done.

I could quote like 15 other times you wrote "I will" or "I'm going to".

Go listen to this:

And this:

And this:

Nobody cares what you will do. This place is lined with the ghosts of all the guys who came in, wrote a giant "Look at me, I'm super motivated and super serious, guys! I promise!" posts, and then disappeared 4 weeks later when they realised self-improvement takes effort.

People care about what you HAVE DONE. Not what you "will do". Your entire post is action-faking; you giving yourself a dopamine hit for things you haven't even done yet. You're getting the dopamine hit for false achievements. You don't get credit for writing this big motivational post. You get credit for doing something with it and actually taking some action.

Go do something. Post about that.

I've filled out your training form. I hope I qualify. I don't want to be a bitch anymore. I just talk about what I am going to do, I agree 100%. I have so many fucking excuses.