I invited 9 models on Holiday - Final Log


Dec 9, 2021
So, inspired largely by @Paid Renegade, I've decided to share my journey in undertaking one of the most ambitious projects of my life.

I'm starting a business that sells luxury trips to clients who want to holiday with models. We provide 10-15 models and take the client on a pre-planned trip, whether it's a tropical island, yacht etc. We plan parties, activities, excursions for the models and client and set the vibe to be carefree and wild while capturing content that fuels the brand.

If you're unsure about the business model, maybe just check out this similar brand https://www.instagram.com/tilted.lifestyle/

Not totally certain I want to DOX myself but I have a background in content creation and creating social media content so I'm playing largely into that skillset.

The first trip is scheduled for September and looks a bit like this;
  • 3 days on Nusa Penida Island off Bali
  • Nicest villa on the island booked which will house 10 of the girls.
  • Boat trip swimming with manta rays/adventure day
  • House party with DJ, tattoo artist, maybe fireworks,
  • Jetski's, boat trip, anything that looks fun and flashy basically

So between now and September I have to recruit the 15 models, finalize the social media, branding, get the website up etc. There's a mind-blowing amount to do and at this stage it's 8 hour work days on top of running my production agency. Going to be a pretty crazy month...

But if there is interest, I was thinking of documenting the entire experience here. From scouting the girls, onboarding them and bringing them into the agency. Building the relationships and dynamic of the girls to create a 'family' type vibe. (Think playboy mansion etc.)

That family vibe is perhaps the most important part of this whole equation and without it the whole business falls flat, so this is where a lot of the 'game' and human dynamics type work comes into play. So I can share my experience with that.

I currently have 4 models interested in the first trip and have what seems to be a pretty good recruiting funnel so far (can elaborate on this in a future post). These 4 girls have come from tinder and we've done a photoshoot together 'to make sure they are a good vibe' for the trip. (I'll attach some photos to give you an idea of the type of girl we're talking about here) But all eastern European 9's or 10's and professional models.

Bit of background about me, In the last 2 years, online dating has really leveled up my dating and social life (thanks largely to Andy & PWF). This made me feel like I was uniquely positioned to pull off this business idea and while it is ambitious, things have been promising so far.

For me it's not only a way to create a great lifestyle but to really level up my entire life and to connect with the, for lack of a better word, 'elite' of society.

Wish me luck, I will certainly need it. But I'm excited to have a log to look back on in a year from now and see how this all started.

Sidenote: Is there any way I can post a video or audio log? I want to do regular updates but feel really bogged down by all this typing... If I uploaded audio notes, would someone be willing to do a quick bullet point summary?

All the best legends, this is still the best forum for men on the internet.
Yo bro, welcome & this looks awesome.

I find this interesting. I also have met someone who works for the company you linked to. Small world!

Love to see some money-related and non-getting laid related progress logs too, will be following this, but only if you don't ghost us on the forums and post regularly ;)

tommygun95 said:
Sidenote: Is there any way I can post a video or audio log? I want to do regular updates but feel really bogged down by all this typing... If I uploaded audio notes, would someone be willing to do a quick bullet point summary?

For video
- youtube
- https://streamable.com/ (which embeds nicely in to KYIL)

For audio
- https://vocaroo.com

Maybe if you pay one of us, we'll write text reports of your audio logs :D. Otherwise, no need to write epic novels for your logs, quick bullet points should be fine.

You can also use some kind of speech-to-text to input your logs, which is supported by most phones.
Yeah please do keep us updated, fantastic adventure. You must have an excellent tinder profile to attract 9s and 10s
I'd be fine with audios if typing is too time consuming

What is PWF?

Do clients expect having sex with the models and are the models ok with it?
hush said:
Yeah please do keep us updated, fantastic adventure. You must have an excellent tinder profile to attract 9s and 10s
I'd be fine with audios if typing is too time consuming

What is PWF?

Do clients expect having sex with the models and are the models ok with it?

Definitely not. We are in charge of setting a good vibe, and whatever happens happens. But if any guy is creepin he’s off the trip.

Our job is to protect the girls and make them feel safe.
This is an interesting concept. I think if you could market this correctly it is something that you could scale dramatically. I took a look at the company you linked and their website is actually pretty terrible. I think its a clothing brand that they are trying to push using models in destinations to show off the gear? I tried looking for information about the trips but it seems like you just DM them on Telegram to apply? I think you can set this up much better and if this is your only competition, there is room for success.

So the product is basically guys paying to have you take care of a holiday and supply the girls and activities so the client just has to show up and have a good time. How many guys does each of your trips support? It seems like your cost per client would have to be really high in order to make it work. That said you could probably arrange deals with the locations and venues to get significant discounts to lower your overall running costs which you could build upon over repeat trips. The really clever part about this is that after you build a significant following you can start working out deals with the resorts for free accommodation for marketing on your channel increasing your over all profit margin for the trips (you can expand this into brands for free merch for photo shoots building relationships with other luxury brands which would be a draw for the guests. This also makes it harder for someone to copy your concept once you see success). I would guess you would be looking at £10k minimum ($12,100 USD, €11,845) per traveler and around 8 per trip (which actually then means you will require more accommodation for the guests and crew, or is part of the draw staying in the villa with the models?)

So who is your target audience exactly if you had to build a profile for them? Are you looking for wealthy single guys looking for a good time or influencers looking to build a brand? If you give me an outline of what you're looking for I can put together some consumer profiles for you to use when you are generating assets or targeting your marketing efforts. Just please don't turn out to be fire festival 2.0.

I work as a product manager in real life and I love trying to break down business models so this ones super interesting and I see the business potential. How successful have you been at raising seed funding for your company?

You're on the right path, the question is how good is your execution.
Good luck mate, it's an interesting project.

tommygun95 said:
I currently have 4 models interested in the first trip and have what seems to be a pretty good recruiting funnel so far (can elaborate on this in a future post). These 4 girls have come from tinder and we've done a photoshoot together 'to make sure they are a good vibe' for the trip. (I'll attach some photos to give you an idea of the type of girl we're talking about here) But all eastern European 9's or 10's and professional models.

If possible, see if they have rape insurance or a history of accusing men of rape. A police officer friend of mine says that European girls get rape insurance before coming here. Then, they flirt with hopeless dudes, go back to their place, and accuse them of rape (even if nothing happened.) Those girls literally come here ready to throw false rape accusations and then receive a ton of money when they go back to their countries.

Not saying all girls do that. But unfortunately this is something you should keep in mind.
hush said:
Yeah please do keep us updated, fantastic adventure. You must have an excellent tinder profile to attract 9s and 10s

It's getting there.

You can check my other posts to see the full profile
Brother_Tucker said:
This is an interesting concept. I think if you could market this correctly it is something that you could scale dramatically. I took a look at the company you linked and their website is actually pretty terrible. I think its a clothing brand that they are trying to push using models in destinations to show off the gear? I tried looking for information about the trips but it seems like you just DM them on Telegram to apply? I think you can set this up much better and if this is your only competition, there is room for success.

Thanks for your insights mate. I believe you were looking at their shop and not their main website. Interested to hear your thoughts on the main site because we are in the process of building ours.

Brother_Tucker said:
So the product is basically guys paying to have you take care of a holiday and supply the girls and activities so the client just has to show up and have a good time.

Yep, that's pretty much it. Also positioning ourselves in the center of a team of girls has it's perks when it comes to nightclub promoting and high-end parties etc.

Brother_Tucker said:
So who is your target audience exactly if you had to build a profile for them? Are you looking for wealthy single guys looking for a good time or influencers looking to build a brand?

In the long term the target client is generally going to be a high roller and the trips will be custom tailored to what he wants.
But in the beginning, we will have to be more liberal with who we bring in. And for the first trip we are just looking for someone that wants to come and help split the costs.

The purpose of doing this in Bali is because we can achieve a level of luxury that fits the brand for insanely cheap. Which is gonna keep our costs really low while we get the photo/video that will be proof of concept to market the more luxury trips in the future.
MFbag said:
10k bro are you joking this is gonna cost way more than 10k. Look at these ticket prices for ONE person to fly to Bali round trip from new york. The clients have to be loaded if theyre paying for 10 models and DJ parties and housing and everything in the experience.

Its a cool idea and I want to see this progress but 10k isnt even keeping the lights on

Lucky for us Bali is overflowing with models already ;)

There's a reason we chose to launch here. I don't think we would be able to pull this off anywhere else in the world right now. The budget for this first trip is looking to be in the ballpark of $3500, hopefully, split 3 ways.
10 k is going to be a loss thing considering the advertising,insurance,business costs etc.
The first trip is ok to operate a loss or break even just to get the muscles up and understanding the blind sides.

If i remember correctly, there was a company targeting rich crypto guys with zero social skills for these holidays, i think it was around 15-20k with a lot of upsell
AskTheDom said:
10 k is going to be a loss thing considering the advertising,insurance,business costs etc.
The first trip is ok to operate a loss or break even just to get the muscles up and understanding the blind sides.

If i remember correctly, there was a company targeting rich crypto guys with zero social skills for these holidays, i think it was around 15-20k with a lot of upsell
If you remember the name or any more details I'd love to do some research.
MFbag said:
Brother_Tucker said:
This is an interesting concept. I think if you could market this correctly it is something that you could scale dramatically. I took a look at the company you linked and their website is actually pretty terrible. I think its a clothing brand that they are trying to push using models in destinations to show off the gear? I tried looking for information about the trips but it seems like you just DM them on Telegram to apply? I think you can set this up much better and if this is your only competition, there is room for success.

So the product is basically guys paying to have you take care of a holiday and supply the girls and activities so the client just has to show up and have a good time. How many guys does each of your trips support? It seems like your cost per client would have to be really high in order to make it work. That said you could probably arrange deals with the locations and venues to get significant discounts to lower your overall running costs which you could build upon over repeat trips. The really clever part about this is that after you build a significant following you can start working out deals with the resorts for free accommodation for marketing on your channel increasing your over all profit margin for the trips (you can expand this into brands for free merch for photo shoots building relationships with other luxury brands which would be a draw for the guests. This also makes it harder for someone to copy your concept once you see success). I would guess you would be looking at £10k minimum ($12,100 USD, €11,845) per traveler and around 8 per trip (which actually then means you will require more accommodation for the guests and crew, or is part of the draw staying in the villa with the models?)

So who is your target audience exactly if you had to build a profile for them? Are you looking for wealthy single guys looking for a good time or influencers looking to build a brand? If you give me an outline of what you're looking for I can put together some consumer profiles for you to use when you are generating assets or targeting your marketing efforts. Just please don't turn out to be fire festival 2.0.

I work as a product manager in real life and I love trying to break down business models so this ones super interesting and I see the business potential. How successful have you been at raising seed funding for your company?

You're on the right path, the question is how good is your execution.

10k bro are you joking this is gonna cost way more than 10k. Look at these ticket prices for ONE person to fly to Bali round trip from new york. The clients have to be loaded if theyre paying for 10 models and DJ parties and housing and everything in the experience.

Its a cool idea and I want to see this progress but 10k isnt even keeping the lights on

£10k was a off the top of my head estimation price per person. Considering Bali is cheap it made sense that with 8 guests you would be taking $96k USD to run as your budget for building the brand. To be fair I didn't consider that if a guest is paying this amount they will probably expect business class or higher flights to attend the event. which would eat a lot of the budget (which you could turn into air miles to reduce the costs of future bookings). I also figured the initial clients would be Australian considering OP's Drivers license and how close it is to Bali.

But you could be right, the idea price point depending on all the other costs might be much higher depending on what activities are taking place.
This is insanely interesting, best of luck.

I know you're not in the escort business but I saw a documentary 10 years ago about a company that offered guests a private island plus 10-15 women (escorts) to enjoy at your leisure. You'd stay there a week and fuck whomever whenever and at the final day they did a 10-way reverse gangbang lol.

I only vaguely remember specifics but I think it was on Playboy TV, Playboy's failed foray into television. Maybe you can find out what documentary or company it was.
Just some quick stats from my experience with club promoting:

For every 200 girls that I invite to VIP, 20-30 show up. So figure about a 10% attendance rate from girls you invite to an event.
pancakemouse said:
Just some quick stats from my experience with club promoting:

For every 200 girls that I invite to VIP, 20-30 show up. So figure about a 10% attendance rate from girls you invite to an event.

Yeah, this is a good insight. Would love to pick your brain a bit about your experience with night club promoting. How long did you do it for, how did you find the experience?
The two things are a bit like apples and broccoli

Both are healthy, but they aren't the same.
As what you promote is a unique experience so it's not really a "friday night in da club", although probably you will have the same headaches and "deal with hot girls problems" that pancakemouse probably has.
I worked over a decade ago in a mid level club for most of my promoter years and with my last one working in the most upper scale one of the area, there were some girls that couldn't even understand how to order a taxi for themselves even though we would pay for it.

Personally, this is better if left managed by another hot girl but with organising capabilities - maybe having a MLTR offering a bit of the shares into it and an allowance? I mean, handling all the business details, the trips details, the girls, I honestly having a headache just thinking about it.