I invited 9 models on Holiday - Final Log

AskTheDom said:
there were some girls that couldn't even understand how to order a taxi for themselves even though we would pay for it.

This is hilarious 😂
tommygun95 said:
pancakemouse said:
Just some quick stats from my experience with club promoting:

For every 200 girls that I invite to VIP, 20-30 show up. So figure about a 10% attendance rate from girls you invite to an event.

Yeah, this is a good insight. Would love to pick your brain a bit about your experience with night club promoting. How long did you do it for, how did you find the experience?

Still doing it, have been logging about it since late January of this year: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=27936#p27936
Nice. I like what you're doing. Creating a business to attract the elite to your life & social circle. Creating a business to also attract the elite is something I want to do after my main business cashflows really nicely for me to hire out & run.

Keeping an eye on this one & will give some of my 2 cents if it may be helpful for you.

Finished the website and a pdf info guide highlighting what the first trip will be like. Hopefully, this helps with pitching to the girls, as we were having some trouble with them not understanding the trip. (Mostly because of russian language barrier tbh)

Trying to buy an Instagram profile so that we can start our social media presence with around 10-20k followers. It's proving difficult to find so far. They all have horrible engagement or aren't willing to sell. A few speedbumps along the way, but I think once we get all these things up and firing the recruitment process will be in full swing.
AskTheDom said:
I mean, handling all the business details, the trips details, the girls, I honestly having a headache just thinking about it.

If you wouldn't mind sharing, I'd like to read some headache stories that shed a light on hot-girls' psyche.
Crisis_Overcomer said:
AskTheDom said:
I mean, handling all the business details, the trips details, the girls, I honestly having a headache just thinking about it.

If you wouldn't mind sharing, I'd like to read some headache stories that shed a light on hot-girls' psyche.

I was referring to the operational part, as there are so many moving components and forward/backward thinking to be done that makes my head spin around (if you look at documentaries about woodstock (69 and 99) or as mentioned Fyre, you see that operations are always the key in these events. In this case we don't talk about thousands of people but still, there are many moving parts for only one person.
About the hot girls, well always depends who you deal with, but in one very short verse I can say: imagine dealing with a toddler.
A spoiled one.

I wish to the OP all best of luck
Quick update:

Current Progress: 4/10 girls signed and coming on first trip.

Lost a bit of momentum last week with being sick, but quickly regained progress this week. Reaching out to 10 girls a day now via Instagram and having about a 40% meeting rate. It seems much easier to convince them after meeting in real life, so I can see us hitting the 10 we can take on the first trip within the week. I will keep reaching out after we have filled numbers because I want to be choosey when it comes to what type of girl we bring on the trip, e.g. single, open, fun etc.

Still haven't signed a client for the first trip so shifting some focus to that also.
From 3rd party experiences in a similar situation, the girls will spread the "brand" to other girls that will line up to be part of this ( who doesn't like a free holiday in super luxury?) so I would suggest hammering the other side, the one that actually pay the bills :D
Update: 2 weeks until the first trip.

The decision to ramp up the scouting of models has paid off. Committed to DM'ing 6 a day between myself and my business partner. We are now meeting each model for a coffee/ drink in a cafe next to our place and interviewing about 3 a day. It has given us a huge boost in momentum and it looks like we are back on track for the trip first week of September.

We have filled the spots for the models for now, we will turn our focus to finding a really good photographer/ videographer as well as an unpaid intern who will help with logistics. I am going to keep reaching out to 6 a day despite having enough girls for the trip because I think it is great for networking and having more options than we need.

My main focus now is to find a male client/ someone willing to come on the trip to help split the costs.

That is the business update finished. From an inner game and self development point of view; this project has already completely upgraded my mentality when it comes to beautiful girls. It has completely flipped the script for me in terms of interviewing beautiful girls to see if they are good enough for our project. There is zero intimidation from any of the models and if anything my preconceptions of eastern European girls being cold and bitchy have been completely shattered.

I am already seeing this translate to my personal dating in terms of the caliber of women I am talking to and the confidence in which I interact with them.
Update: 10 days till trip

Wow, we actually filled the model positions. 10 girls are eager to come. Each one was incredibly bubbly and fun to talk to, 2 were not the right vibe so we didn't offer them a position.

My main focus now is to find a world class photographer to come. I honestly think I may have fucked up getting such a high calibre of girl, these girls are used to working with people at the top of the industry. Some of these girls have 80K+ on insta, verified, blue-check etc. (photos attached)

I hope this does not end up hurting the vibe of the trip, I was originally hoping to get more wild girls to set a party atmosphere. The girls coming all work professionally as models and I hope they know how to cut that loose a bit.

My business partner and I have slightly differing views with the type of girls we want to bring on the trip. He wants the clean image to promote luxury and class, whereas I want to go slightly more wild and promote people wanting to come and setting an unjudgemental frame etc.

Both approaches have merit considering we are targeting high rollers as clients. Time will tell which works best.

Curious to hear people's opinions on that.. Let me know.
Haven't posted here in a while, so here's the update.

All of the model positions for the first trip have been filled, and last week we found a very talented photographer that will be joining the trip, (this was hard to find because it was important that she was a girl).

Also found our first client. A mutual friend wants to pay to come on the first trip which is very encouraging. I'm not certain his dates line up perfectly with the trip but this would help cover a lot of the costs for this first trip. He's also getting a pretty good deal considering he is paying the same amount as my business partner and myself, without any of the work.

We pushed the trip back to end of September because the villa we were going to rent was booked for our dates. One setback - I was really hoping to get a free accommodation or at least a heavy discount in exchange for the photos we take of our time in the villa but the owner's were not so co-operative on this front. Minor set back but they did offer a 25% discount.

I'm still struggling to find ways to maintain rapport with the models outside of the trip itself. I think the solution is to attend more social events here and invite them.

I follow a guy called Arlin and he has a concept of hosting a weekly dinner in which you invite everyone you come into contact with, seems like an interesting concept and a good way to automate a lot of the social gatherings.
tommygun95 said:
I follow a guy called Arlin and he has a concept of hosting a weekly dinner in which you invite everyone you come into contact with, seems like an interesting concept and a good way to automate a lot of the social gatherings.

Yes, the "container event" model from RSD Luke's Social Circle Blueprint and also discussed in the book "Never Eat Alone". Very powerful for making and maintaining connections.
I'm in your target demo--single VHNWI working at the intersection of tech and finance. Every rich person I know right now is bracing for a recession: we are reducing expenditures and moving out of risk assets and into cash reserves to wait for drawdowns. I have misgivings about the timing of your project due to the macro environment. Smart money knows 2023 and 2024 will suck, the masses have yet to get there. I think this project would be a terrific in a bull market, or around a market top, like 2021. It may be that the outcome in your first try loses money, but becomes more profitable in later iterations.

But I want to point out a significant pain point for rich dudes that you are addressing: there is no direct connection between making a ton of money and an increase in socio-sexual status. If there were a 'personal branding' service where I could pay some money to get some Instagrammable or Tinderable photos, in which I look good and seem to part of a cool social circle, I'd be very interested. No need to go into the logistics of Bali either--it could just be a rooftop, mansion or boat party. My two cents.
Correct me if I'm wrong, you booked a first trip (so flights for 10 models + a photographer + a villa) without having a first client? Why?

klondike people still go on holidays during recessions, dont you think it can still work?
I agree with the 2nd part of your post, I'd potentially pay to have good social media pictures
hush said:
@klondike people still go on holidays during recessions, dont you think it can still work?
I agree with the 2nd part of your post, I'd potentially pay to have good social media pictures
Right now there’s a ton of pent-up demand for travel… a lot of the trips right now were booked at the beginning of the year, when the macro outlook looked way better. I think that will change at the end of the year when people sober up and take a look at their financial situation.
pancakemouse said:
tommygun95 said:
I follow a guy called Arlin and he has a concept of hosting a weekly dinner in which you invite everyone you come into contact with, seems like an interesting concept and a good way to automate a lot of the social gatherings.

Yes, the "container event" model from RSD Luke's Social Circle Blueprint and also discussed in the book "Never Eat Alone". Very powerful for making and maintaining connections.

Haha, this is interesting actually. I just spent the last 4 days binging just about every one of Arlin's videos. I think it's a great idea and I'm going to implement it here and do it every Friday. Does luke's content elaborate on it much or is it worth looking at? It seems pretty self-explanatory to me.

I actually started reaching out to a lot of Arlin's followers too as they fit the perfect blueprint of someone that would want to come on this trip.
klondike said:
I'm in your target demo--single VHNWI working at the intersection of tech and finance. Every rich person I know right now is bracing for a recession: we are reducing expenditures and moving out of risk assets and into cash reserves to wait for drawdowns. I have misgivings about the timing of your project due to the macro environment. Smart money knows 2023 and 2024 will suck, the masses have yet to get there. I think this project would be a terrific in a bull market, or around a market top, like 2021. It may be that the outcome in your first try loses money, but becomes more profitable in later iterations.

But I want to point out a significant pain point for rich dudes that you are addressing: there is no direct connection between making a ton of money and an increase in socio-sexual status. If there were a 'personal branding' service where I could pay some money to get some Instagrammable or Tinderable photos, in which I look good and seem to part of a cool social circle, I'd be very interested. No need to go into the logistics of Bali either--it could just be a rooftop, mansion or boat party. My two cents.

Hey mate, good to hear your thoughts, appreciate your input on this. I agree we do have a marketing challenge where we can't explicitly say just how our male client would be benefiting from an experience like this, as it could come across a bit 'on the nose'. For example, putting yourself in a situation where the hot girls outnumber the guys 4 to 1 sets up a dynamic that is very favorable to be in. Also, an experience like this would do wonders for your inner game and confidence around girls. But you can't explicitly say that.

In the same way, it's hard to market "take photos with hot girls to make you look cool on Instagram". But I do feel like an intelligent entrepreneur would be able to read between the lines and connect the dots.

As far as I can tell the world is getting more and more flashy, every PUA coach that was spitting "Just cold approach bro" is now spouting "just have a sick Instagram, it's all that matters." And from my experience, this is largely true.

The world is looking more and more at the andrew tate's of the world and thinking "how can I get that?". Our service is really just offering that for a few days, but the bonus is sick photos that can be used in an Instagram flex forever.
hush said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, you booked a first trip (so flights for 10 models + a photographer + a villa) without having a first client? Why?

I think it's a case of 'what came first the chicken or the egg?'

No one is going to hand over thousands of dollars without some kind of proof that we can pull off what we say we will. This first trip is very much a proof of concept trip, if we have to eat a bit of cost upfront I think it's worth it in the long run.
Hey guys, so it's over. We pulled off the first trip and somehow everything went perfect.

Spent 2 days in the villa and exploring the island, followed by a day out in the yacht for the final day. The photos we got were insane, so plenty of crazy content to fuel social media until the next trip.

The vibe and energy was unreal and somehow 10 strangers were able to bond instantly.

There hasn't been a huge amount of engagement in this forum since the initial post so I probably won't keep updating here. But for those of you that want to see more about it, it's called Raw Global. You can see it in my bio - https://instagram.com/tomstrickland/