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I invited 9 models on Holiday - Final Log


Congratulations on this, I wasn't really sure you were able to pull off but you did and you deserve mad respect for it
Really, really impressed you pulled this off man.

Seriously, job well done 🫡

Thanks so much for sharing
Dope. Thank you for sharing and transparency.

I agree with your thoughts on Instagram. Even though mine is fairly inactive, I do have women opening me when posting cool stuff / gym selfies and I'm at the lowest of lows as far as my social media presence goes at the moment. This kind of game has been on for a while, but now it's a prerequisite if you really want a shot at quality or have the mid-tier sluts readily available for you.

tommygun95 said:
There hasn't been a huge amount of engagement in this forum since the initial post so I probably won't keep updating here.

Here's the problem: We appreciate constructive engagement. So an unspoken rule is to limit suggestions unless you have hands-on experience in a topic.

What you're doing is unique and pretty interesting since nobody has done anything similar. So, as per the unspoken rule, comment engagement is low. We like your stuff since we find the topic interesting... we just don't have feedback to offer.

Long story short, please keep posting. The forum has nothing about social game and "paying to play" so it's exciting to see what the possibilities are.
Crisis_Overcomer said:
tommygun95 said:
There hasn't been a huge amount of engagement in this forum since the initial post so I probably won't keep updating here.

Here's the problem: We appreciate constructive engagement. So an unspoken rule is to limit suggestions unless you have hands-on experience in a topic.

What you're doing is unique and pretty interesting since nobody has done anything similar. So, as per the unspoken rule, comment engagement is low. We like your stuff since we find the topic interesting... we just don't have feedback to offer.

Long story short, please keep posting. The forum has nothing about social game and "paying to play" so it's exciting to see what the possibilities are.

None of us can give you advice on this (aside from a business perspective, copy, marketing, sales etc where there is people expert on that skill) but engaging legit models to establish what you did it's unheard, for example I wouldn't know where to start, while I could speak for days about night game and day game.
If you could lay down the whole script, how you recruited the models, what happened during the trip, that would bring a tremendous amount of value
The Vagabond said:
Dope. Thank you for sharing and transparency.

I agree with your thoughts on Instagram. Even though mine is fairly inactive, I do have women opening me when posting cool stuff / gym selfies and I'm at the lowest of lows as far as my social media presence goes at the moment. This kind of game has been on for a while, but now it's a prerequisite if you really want a shot at quality or have the mid-tier sluts readily available for you.


Yeah, it's very true mate. Being surrounded by these girls you realize they really live and breath Instagram. As much as I hate the influence social media has on the world you kind of have to embrace it to get high-level results these days.

There is no way I would have been able to pull this trip off without my social media, everyone on this trip I reached out to through IG DM's and if I didn't have a decent profile I would have died in the requests like everyone else.
tommygun95 said:
The Vagabond said:
Dope. Thank you for sharing and transparency.

I agree with your thoughts on Instagram. Even though mine is fairly inactive, I do have women opening me when posting cool stuff / gym selfies and I'm at the lowest of lows as far as my social media presence goes at the moment. This kind of game has been on for a while, but now it's a prerequisite if you really want a shot at quality or have the mid-tier sluts readily available for you.


Yeah, it's very true mate. Being surrounded by these girls you realize they really live and breath Instagram. As much as I hate the influence social media has on the world you kind of have to embrace it to get high-level results these days.

There is no way I would have been able to pull this trip off without my social media, everyone on this trip I reached out to through IG DM's and if I didn't have a decent profile I would have died in the requests like everyone else.

I saw your IG and it's good, but does it mean that they read All messages?
AskTheDom said:
tommygun95 said:
Yeah, it's very true mate. Being surrounded by these girls you realize they really live and breath Instagram. As much as I hate the influence social media has on the world you kind of have to embrace it to get high-level results these days.

There is no way I would have been able to pull this trip off without my social media, everyone on this trip I reached out to through IG DM's and if I didn't have a decent profile I would have died in the requests like everyone else.

I saw your IG and it's good, but does it mean that they read All messages?

Not sure I understand your question. But when reaching out to the models I got probably a 60% response rate.
Echoing exactly what others have said - i prob fit your target customer (tech founder/ cash rich/ time poor), I would be very interesting to hear more details on how the trip went - what was how you expected, what wasn't, problems/ unexpected benefits. Especially without the instagram shine - give us the warts and all story.

Also interested in the economics - I reckon things like this are vulnerable to economic downtown but still workable - there's def a demographic who will pay 10k/week trip for something like this. Have you considered some kind of referral incentive - I feel like I'd be much more likely to go if got a word of mouth recommendation.

Good luck with it all!
I had a quick look at your ig, some constructive feedback, i have sold experiences DTC in previous business (but not in travel so take my advice w pinch of salt).

  • its not clear what you're offering - even after looking at your ig story - "what we do" - def improve this. Plus you have to watch 4 clips to get to it. Attention span is v limited in ig and its really boring, you need to get them off that story to your website, you need a better call to action than just "follow us".

    Ig stories - "ch1 Bali" - the first clip is boring, just some girl getting on a boat. People make their impression on the first couple of seconds, your first clip needs to be top quality and make me watch more. Otherwise they will leave.

    When i went to website (I'm entrepreneur so tried to approach as if i was potential customer) the whole thing made me think a) if i go am i just going to waste time listening to wannabe influecers trying to pitch crap ideas b) is it some kind of content creator house

    Models - i think generally all your models are pretty petite, would def add at least one voluptuous one in future trips, possibly an asian too. Guys have diff tastes, if 2 guys want to book a trip with you, but one likes fashion models, and the other only busty girls, they're not going to book with you.

    Also "raw unfiltered content" is not clear, and not what you actually offer. And why as customer do i want unfiltered content. I want to look cool and not waste time.

    I'm not a copywriter, but something clearer showing the value (cool, beautiful people in cool places, and we'll photograph you looking sharp - basically - get a cool ig without having to think about it).

    Your personal ig is cool and you have good followers - maybe lean on that a bit - I.e here's an example of the kind of posts/ photos we will make for you (then have pic of guy+girls doing cool stuff). Show the value you are offering.
My man, that is amazing. Can't comment much because I'm just awestruck that you were able to pull this off!
Antonio44 said:
I had a quick look at your ig, some constructive feedback, i have sold experiences DTC in previous business (but not in travel so take my advice w pinch of salt).

  • its not clear what you're offering - even after looking at your ig story - "what we do" - def improve this. Plus you have to watch 4 clips to get to it. Attention span is v limited in ig and its really boring, you need to get them off that story to your website, you need a better call to action than just "follow us".

    Ig stories - "ch1 Bali" - the first clip is boring, just some girl getting on a boat. People make their impression on the first couple of seconds, your first clip needs to be top quality and make me watch more. Otherwise they will leave.

    When i went to website (I'm entrepreneur so tried to approach as if i was potential customer) the whole thing made me think a) if i go am i just going to waste time listening to wannabe influecers trying to pitch crap ideas b) is it some kind of content creator house

    Models - i think generally all your models are pretty petite, would def add at least one voluptuous one in future trips, possibly an asian too. Guys have diff tastes, if 2 guys want to book a trip with you, but one likes fashion models, and the other only busty girls, they're not going to book with you.

    Also "raw unfiltered content" is not clear, and not what you actually offer. And why as customer do i want unfiltered content. I want to look cool and not waste time.

    I'm not a copywriter, but something clearer showing the value (cool, beautiful people in cool places, and we'll photograph you looking sharp - basically - get a cool ig without having to think about it).

    Your personal ig is cool and you have good followers - maybe lean on that a bit - I.e here's an example of the kind of posts/ photos we will make for you (then have pic of guy+girls doing cool stuff). Show the value you are offering.

Hey mate, just want to say really appreciate this advice. It was all very helpful and I've already implemented a lot of the things you've suggested.


Antonio44 said:
Echoing exactly what others have said - i prob fit your target customer (tech founder/ cash rich/ time poor), I would be very interesting to hear more details on how the trip went - what was how you expected, what wasn't, problems/ unexpected benefits. Especially without the instagram shine - give us the warts and all story.

Also interested in the economics - I reckon things like this are vulnerable to economic downtown but still workable - there's def a demographic who will pay 10k/week trip for something like this. Have you considered some kind of referral incentive - I feel like I'd be much more likely to go if got a word of mouth recommendation.

Good luck with it all!

Yeah mate, I can honestly say that the trip went off without a hitch, which is much better than I was expecting. I think we got incredibly lucky with the group we selected and were helped by the fact that we met them all individually first and made sure they were the right vibe. There were a few that we screened out who would not have been a good fit and could have potentially ruined the whole group dynamic that we created.

A few things we did right was bring other young fun guys on the trip as well to keep moods high at all times and a female photographer to bridge the gap between the guys and the girls.

A lot of the things I thought would be potential problems ended up not being an issue at all and I have to give huge props to my business partner for setting a good atmosphere and bringing the mood up when needed.

I remember being concerned about if we threw a party if the girls would get the wrong impression and think that it was our goal to get them drunk etc. Thankfully by the final night, the group dynamic had already been set and it all happened very naturally in the end.

As Crisis_Overcomer said I don't engage much because I don't have much to offer you, what you did is completely out of my world. But I'm highly interested.

Congratulations for the first trip!
What are the next steps?
hush said:

As Crisis_Overcomer said I don't engage much because I don't have much to offer you, what you did is completely out of my world. But I'm highly interested.

Congratulations for the first trip!
What are the next steps?

Get paying customers to come on future trips. Scale our presence on social media, aka instagram
tommygun95 said:
Hey mate, just want to say really appreciate this advice. It was all very helpful and I've already implemented a lot of the things you've suggested.



Glad to hear it was helpful - as I said travel not my background but wish you the best of luck with it all! The female photographer was a really good idea too.

Couple of questions that might help - I always ask myself these questions when starting new ideas:

1) Who is your ideal customer? Try to think of one person - as specific as possible - e.g what do they do, education levels, their interests, income level, what kind of friends group do they have, where do they spend their time, what is a "good night out for them", exercise, what do they spend their disposable income on, what influences their buying decisions, who do they admire, what social media personalities do they follow, anything you think relevant. Describe them.

2) Which company(s) are successfully marketing to this customer (not travel companies necessarily)?

3) Why does your ideal customer need you?

P.S on the website - I am sure you are still adjusting the format but when you start seriously looking for customers - I really hate the loading wheels and the green loading square is especially horrible, I think customers do too, and your site takes too long to load first meaningful piece of content (about 2.5 seconds). See attached screenshot - it's not that important how long the whole page takes to load, but you need to get something up in 1 second. I think especially important as you are selling a high luxury experience and it contributes a lot to the feel. https://www.portent.com/blog/analytics/research-site-speed-hurting-everyones-revenue.htm. I'm not a webdev, I am sure you can optimise the wordpress a lot better though - are you writing it yourself?

Also, the link to instagram on your website is broken - I assume you are trying to track clickthroughs but it links to "https://www.instagram.com/rawglobal_/" - this is not your instagram.

tommygun95 said:
Get paying customers to come on future trips. Scale our presence on social media, aka instagram

Hey tommygun95 , how did it turn out?
I’m in Bali right now and the concentration of hot girls is simply beyond imagination, here like Tulum and Dubai, quality is high