Jhoe's log

Hello there. Yesterday I got one date from a girl I met on instagram. She wasn't my type in terms of personality but she had a cute face. I scheduled two dates for the next two days also. I didn't do much approaches yesterday. Probably only five, but I am pretty in a good space right now.
Today I am supposed to do 15 approaches and as I am writing this log I already did 3. I really want to go beyond my comfort zone while going to my university. For the next week I will be putting time on do 10 approaches while on campus.
I have to do at least one group
I have to do at least one ask to hang out later today
Hello guys. I did 15 approaches yesterday but I figured I am having difficulties regarding doing approaches inside the bus and on my university. So it is better to focus on small points of AA.
- Inside the bus I must compliment at least one girl
- Inside university I have to find 3 women to cold approach ( I can rock this brother).
Unfortunately, I can't do both tomorrow as I am heading to do an interview
Tomorrow I am planning to do 10 approaches in honor of a girl that thought I wanted to be her friend. Women are really this naive? 90% of guys can't really be friends with hot girls.
I am supposed to have a date tomorrow afternoon but she didn't respond to my confirmation text yet. If she flakes I will drop 20 approaches in honor of her behavior.
Last but not least: keep a positive mindset about things. It is better to think things will turn great rather than thinking about all the negative things you should face tomorrow
Yesterday I did 10 approaches in honor of a chick that flaked.
A pretty average Black girl I ca inside the gym is making excuses to meet. But I don't really care as I am doing alot of volume on instagram and seemingly getting results out of it. Even better results than tinder and with better looking girls too. I scheduled 4 dates for next week. One girl I ca on college and the other 3 ones from instagram.
One girl I was having a pretty decent convo said we should be friends and I screened her out of my life.
Today I am supposed to do 20. I will be heading to my gym earlier and I will do the rest of ca on another mall.
I did probably 4 approaches in front of security yesterday and I am starting to not give a shit anymore. What is the problem if they see me often trying to nail some bitches?
Remarkable approaches from yesterday
1. I ca the most attractive girl in about 2 years of doing this. I didn't see it because she was wearing a mask but we exchanged instagrams.
The rest was pretty unremarkable ones and I don't care that much anymore to keep remembering those go nowhere session's.
What I am realizing it's that yesterday I was so comfortable with the situation and it was very easy to do. Got 3/10.
- my mind now is almost ready to progress these ca's. Now I know by experience that those approaches takes more than 100's to make it work. In the future I will certainly be looking to maximizing my results.
caico11 said:
One girl I was having a pretty decent convo said we should be friends and I screened her out of my life.
lmao fucking savage

btw it hasn't been that clear or maybe i missed it but how have your dates been going? any pulls or lays lately?
colgate definetly changing my approach on dating. I noticed I was being too much of a scumbag and couldn't get second dates. As I am still inexperienced it was really a pain in the ass. I managed to get a second date from a girl I started talking one month ago from instagram. Got two dates for this weekend. No lays from it yet. I got to touch some boobs and rub some kitty though.
So, in one month I only got 3 dates.
1. Ca approach I did. But she said I was top cold and later it gave me motivation to change my approach on dates a little bit
2. Girl from tinder. She wasn't very good looking and I managed to get a second date from her but found a way to not go there.
3. Girl from instagram. Good looking girl but not very feminine. Still, I got a second date from her for the next week. I will definetly put my logistics together to bang this one
My new approach on dates:
1. Don't talk a lot about yourself( girls see dates as an interview and a wrong answer can get you screened out especially as a beginner like me)
2. Don't raise topics that could bring arguments
3. Be or try to be or pretend to be interested in her as a human being
4. Give some boyfriend vibe. Hold hands, wait for her uber(not too much)
5. Always try to fuck her( it would be the only thing that separates you from a nice guy)
6. After you fuck her ( engage in some conversation for a while )
Guys, I am supposed to have a date from a girl I ca two weeks ago and right after it I could have another one from a girl I found on instagram. The first one seems cute but she was wearing a mask and I don't know how pretty she is because her what app pics it's not her.
Today I will perform only 5 ca
Hello guys, I got a date from a girl I ca the last two weeks. He set up nearby a cafeteria, but i couldn't recognized her as she didn't seem as attractive as I remember. It was really funny because this girl didn't have her pictures on her profile.
We started talking and I had a place in mind where we could chat for a little a escalate, but she said there was grass and she didn't like it. What da fuck?
When I finally found a place I figured that as she had her mask on I didn't get any opportunity to see if she was attractive and I asked her to take her mask off. To my surprise it wasnt as good as I expected but not the ugliest girl I went out with. At this point I started hating those masks thing.
When the conversation started to get a little out of hand i said it was nice to meet her there and she got up but right after that I said her to sit down and her mother called. At this point, I quitted all the interaction and left her there. When her mother call finished she said to me it was time for her to leave and I quickly agreed and said she was free to go.
As she was walking, I deleted her number and blocked her. She stopped midway and get right back to me to say that she doesn't "fool around" and I was like: " I know that bitch"
Hello guys
Tomorrow I am going to do 10 approaches which at least one needs to be a group and progress it until it gets to 20 approaches a day.
I almost have all my week scheduled for dates. Got flaked on today but I got another 5 for the next days. Wish me luck guys.
Hello guys
10 approaches today
I scheduled 6 dates for this week
1. Girl I ca two weeks ago. She wore a mask when I met her and in our date. It was terrible because I didn't ended up kissing her. She was not as attractive as I thought.
2. She was having lunch and I canceled the date
3. Got stood up today and she messaged me 4 hours after saying how she lost her wifi connection
My approaches were remarkable because I was in a horrible mood and I finished my work out with 2 more to go but couldn't do it. I decided to go to another mall and here is what happened.
Cougar hoe: I approached her and she clearly didn't want to talk. When this kind of shit happens I usually just ask for the number and proceed to leave her
Pretty average women and curious clerk nearby: approached her with a compliment and then asked for her damn digit and got reject in front of staff.
Girl that was waiting for her boyfriend: I got a sense this girl was waiting for her boyfriend to come out of the bathroom and still approached her to get that bitch's digits. Got rejected though
Train: approached a somewhat attractive girl that said to me she had a girlfriend but could give me her instagram and I said "no, thanks"
Tomorrow I am supposed to have an interview for a internship and also a date from a girl I met on instagram one month ago. I hope this shit goes well. I really want to get a bj for all the hard work I am putting on this
Hello guys I did five on 1 September.
I did than two days ago and yesterday I decided to do no one what I noticed it's that my phase of getting happy to perform 10 approaches is fading away and even when I did 20 approaches though I was really happy everything started to sound normal.
I am keeping a positive mindset though
I am going to perform 10 approaches today and now my quest is to be consistent and go for more quality approaches now.what I find funny about this game is that every rule seems to be broken. You need to be really patient and not just throw every not so much responsive number you got away.
This week I had 3 dates flaked on and one terrible date. But I will certainly improve
Hello guys, I just did 2 approaches today. Actually, I did 3 but one I didn't ask for her number. But it was a couple of lesbians and I hit on the hot one. Her whale girlfriend got mad and that was really funny to see it hahaha.
Tomorrow, I have to perform 10 and do 3 of asking for insta dates. Getting numbers it is not as important as it was before but certainly it is still my main source for ca dates
Hello guys
Just did my ten approaches yesterday and asked for 3 insta dates
Funny enough one girl said yes for the insta date. Interestingly, I know she probably wasn't really sure about it and she still didn't respond my message.
2 approaches I did at my gym
1. 1 especially dorky looking girl who I regretted asking for sure. Funny how she didn't accept my invitation though.
The other ones were unremarkable.
Hello there
Stopped posting as my volume got really big. Fuckboy Aspirant and I are doing 15 a day for 6 days a week.
Quality is not as important for us. As we are only training to do more approaches
We already did two weeks of it.
The first week I did 84 and the secondth one I did 54 because I had test, interviews scheduled.
What It is resonating with me it is that the better looking you are the more down the girls that are already interested should be. I dated 2 girls from ca since I started posting here but I really want to increase my results. I don't believe still on pua bullshit. I really think that you are only looking for the girls that are available and the better style, better looks will increase your chances of getting one.
Maybe girls that are available don't view you as high value or as attractive enough. And that is why I think guys try to better their social game when in reality the girl screened out in 10 seconds and she knows the probability of sleeping with you is slim. So, she will shit test your ass to give her reasons why she shouldn't be giving you a chance. The more low value she views that harder it will be.
So, I understand that increasing my looks and my style are my option to get those maybe girls to be yes girls in the future
For looks: next week I will plan teeth whitening, better my skin care, look for ways to stop my hair loss and shave that bitch
For style: I already added a lot of styled clothes on my cart and I am following a lot of youtubers about it. I really think your style should match the type of girl you want to attract but if your style conveys high value you will attract a lot of girls as a result. For example, guys got noticed if they are approaching on a suit.
Ca: just do volume while I try to increase my smv. When I change my style I notice how girls reciprocate it, but the volume thing is supposed to make it a habit to do a lot of approaches.
I am not posting here everyday though. But when I notice positive results I will keep you guys updates
Note: a girl that sees me frequentely approaching on the mall found my instagram and wants to hang out