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Journaling my OLD experiences (Big Brach Edition)


Oct 6, 2021

Starting this to sketch how exactly my Tinder profile looks like, what pictures I'm using and in what areas I can improve.

So, without further ado:

- Bio

This was filled with something along the lines of "Looking for whey protein recipes and a SO, in that order", but I think due deleting my account to reset it, empty right now.

- Pictures

The big one. I have no clue what constitutes good, bad or ugly, so any pointers are helpful. I'll leave them in the order they show up in on my profile (faces of friends/family blurred out for their privacy):

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Third is my profile picture
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I do have more pictures (that I don't use for OLD), but given that I'd have to edit a good chunk of them for privacy reasons (and because I don't want to add to the load time of the first page), I'll leave them out for the time being.

- Usage of boosts, Tinder Gold/Premium etc.

I haven't really touched these at all. Partly because I think they're a scam, mainly because cash is fucking tight and every euro counts. I could try and fit it in my budget (not right now, next month), but again, currently broke as broke can be without being homeless, so I consider it off the table until my financial situation improves.

As a whole, given my lack of results despite putting in the work at the gym, I'd say my pictures are the sticking point, with my lack of a fashion sense probably not helping.

Critique? Fashion tips? Telling me to look less dead inside?

Let me hear it, because I need it.
BigBrach said:
work at the gym

I see it tbh, but you should display it in a candid way!

Read the tinder guide and check the pics for inspirations.

Tbh honest, you've got a quite good-looking face. Just maxx your style with the guide from Radical, take better pics, get a nice haircut. And see where it gets you!
I agree with Matt. You look like a plain average joe. Girls on dating apps have tons of options. Looking like an average joe won't get you laid even with unattractive girls. Read Andy's tinder guide, looksmax, and take better pictures. It takes time and effort, but you NEED to look good to do well on apps like Tinder.
MattsCrib said:
I'm not the best person to give advice, but you look like a literal 5/10 guy, which in this situation isn't good. You DO NOT look like the guy who gets laid/wants to get laid

From top to bottom:

Haircut - I would absolutely get a short one. Look up male models etc. Look up people in your ethnicity, similar face shape. I personally do not dig it at all right now - you could do MUCH better.

Face - I think you actually look good fat loss and I'd definitely lose the mustache.

Fitness/body - yeah, fat loss/muscle gain. Again, look up models/"bad boys"/fitness gurus in your ethnicity and height. I don't know much about fitness myself, but there are a lot of experienced guys here. Seems like you actually have some muscle development and know your way around the gym, which is good, but I'd still lose some fat. Focus on aesthetics.

Clothes - I do like the black t-shit, but that's it.

In my opinion, most of your issues could be fixed by literally emulating a guy who gets laid, becoming above average. Your not ugly, just so, SO average looking

How tall are you? What are your current results in OLD? Women overall?
Ow, my ego.

I'll give it a shot, had any particular models/photos in mind or is this something models of my ethnicity do in general?

I'm not particularly attached to my mustache, but I'll wait on making the decision to shave if that seems to be a recurring issue with replies. 5 minutes to shave, 5 months to grow.

I already hit the gym quite frequently, but I'll save that for the later posts.

As for the bad boys/models/fitness gurus, I'm might be missing something, but those groups sound like they would have different fashion styles. I just wouldn't know what they are, so some photos/names would be helpful if you have them in mind.


I'm 178 cm or 5 8 feet. OLD has been going on the up (mainly due a new photo or two I'll share later), but generally it blows. As for women in general, I've approached a bit (prior to the recently lifted lockdown), but still no dice.

ovnidos said:
I see it tbh, but you should display it in a candid way!

Read the tinder guide and check the pics for inspirations.

Tbh honest, you've got a quite good-looking face. Just maxx your style with the guide from Radical, take better pics, get a nice haircut. And see where it gets you!

Thanks, I needed that bandage after my ego got bruised.

I have, but I'll get to that in a later bit.

Do you mean https://killyourinnerloser.com/style-guide/ this guide? Let me know if there's another one if it isn't.

Outside of that, I'll see if I can squeeze the haircut in today after my gym session if the barbers are already open and see if I have more clothes other than my black shirt worth a damn.

Squilliam said:
I agree with Matt. You look like a plain average joe. Girls on dating apps have tons of options. Looking like an average joe won't get you laid even with unattractive girls. Read Andy's tinder guide, looksmax, and take better pictures. It takes time and effort, but you NEED to look good to do well on apps like Tinder.

I'm aware. Of looking average or girls on dating apps having tons of options? Yes.

I've read the guide...up to a point. But I'll get to it soon.

Any guides for looksmaxing or would you also refer me to radical's style guide linked above?

Adriel said:
Why do people post up when they clearly haven’t read the fucking tinder guide?

Thanks for the helpful input man! I'll continue reading right after:

2.2 – Get Honest Feedback on your Current Looks
Step 1 is to figure out where you’re currently at in terms of looks. Post photos of yourself on our forums and ask for genuine feedback on your looks. Everybody there will give you honest feedback, tell you what you need to improve, and how to best get started with your self-improvement. (I’ve I get asked sometimes about using sites like photofeeler.com – use them if you absolutely must, but those sites only give you a rough rating of your looks (as a number from 1 to 10). A number doesn’t tell you what you need to improve, and doesn’t give you any advice or guidance on how to improve.)

Do you have any concrete, actionable advice? Maybe referring me to a different subforum if getting advice for photos here is the wrong spot to do it?

Thanks for all the (mostly) constructive criticism, I'll give Radical's style guide a read and see what I can cook up and continue the tinder guide. Cash should be coming in around a week, so I could look into more expenses (other than the haircut) then.
If you follow the Tinder guide, take action, you'll succeed. Here's some basic step that you should take rn.
I'm not inventing anything, it's the things you can find on the tinder guide.

BigBrach said:
Do you have any concrete, actionable advice?

1-Get a nice haircut, you look like a geek rn (sorry)
2-Take better pictures emulating the life of a fuckboy, you really think a fuckboy would take is tinder pics in a kid playground ? Your pics should almost look pro. Some guys here even take pro photoshoots and have some wonderful results.
3-Don't stop hitting the gym
4-Lose weight to look shredded even on your face
5-Do neck curls for having a wider and more attractive neck. Look at my post on it, on the forum
7-Get a better look : Necklace(s), rings
8-Drop the glass
MattsCrib said:
look like the guy who gets laid
in your profil pics
10-Follow the tinder guide to the letter without questioning it

Here, everybody is willing to help you. Take action and you will receive feedbacks every time.

Let me review your gym plan and diet
Get rid of the mustache indeed.

Long term, whenever you can: change your glasses. Or get some lenses.

Pictures 2 and 4 make you look chubby. I wouldn't use them
ovnidos said:
1-Get a nice haircut, you look like a geek rn (sorry)
2-Take better pictures emulating the life of a fuckboy, you really think a fuckboy would take is tinder pics in a kid playground ? Your pics should almost look pro. Some guys here even take pro photoshoots and have some wonderful results.
3-Don't stop hitting the gym
4-Lose weight to look shredded even on your face
5-Do neck curls for having a wider and more attractive neck. Look at my post on it, on the forum
7-Get a better look : Necklace(s), rings
8-Drop the glass
MattsCrib said:
look like the guy who gets laid
in your profil pics
10-Follow the tinder guide to the letter without questioning it

Here, everybody is willing to help you. Take action and you will receive feedbacks every time.

Let me review your gym plan and diet
I am hearing more and more that I should just shave the mustache (and the razor is within arm's reach), but before I do, let me answer these, where applicable

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Did manage to get one post gym.

2. And how does one take pictures that would "emulate the life of fuccboi"? If some of these are answered by me reading on in the Tinder guide, let me know by just saying "read guide" in response. Or tell me to fuck off, idk.

3. Wasn't really planning to, especially now that they're open at regular hours again.

4. I'll keep at the fat loss grind, but I'm not entirely sure if it's just due fat, seeing as my upper abs are visible (could take a pic with my potato webcam quality if need be).

5. Are you talking about this post?

6. SoonTM

7. I'll look into it for now, seeing as cash is tight at the moment. I got a watch, but I'm not really sure what accesory would go well with it (or if it even is worth wearing).

8. I'll look into contacts for now, for the same reason as above.

9. Vague, but my guess is "read the guide, lmao" applies here.

10. Fine, djeez. I accept Andy as my lord and savior.

Jokes aside, I get what you mean.

Gym plan and diet are things I have solid journalling on, but that would take a while to write out, and I just got home. I'll eat, shave and have a coffee at the same time and then I will get back to you.

SpongeBob said:
Get rid of the mustache indeed.

Long term, whenever you can: change your glasses. Or get some lenses.

Pictures 2 and 4 make you look chubby. I wouldn't use them
Give me a few on that first one, but on the second point, any model of glasses in particular spring to mind? Perhaps the one you're wearing?

I double checked which photos you were talking about. It's a shame, because I like the second photo due personal reasons, but sentimentality doesn't get you laid.

Thanks for the advice so far, mates.
BigBrach said:
Any guides for looksmaxing or would you also refer me to radical's style guide linked above?
Not just Radical's guide, read Part 1 Chapter 2 of Andy's Tinder guide. It highlights pretty much everything you need to do to looksmax.

I agree with ovnidos, you look like a nerd, and that's not good if you want to have sex with attractive girls.
I have/had practically the same issue, you would be surprised how much fashion alone changes that.

I'm not saying you can't be a nerd (in terms of your interests, don't change who you are for others), just don't dress/look like one.

The others have practically already said what you need to do.
- Gaining muscle & losing fat (ideally getting to 8-12% body fat)
- Better fashion sense (check out Radical's guide, throw in some necklaces/watches/rings/other jewelry)
- Better grooming & facial hair (Don't think that current facial hair look is doing it for you, and consider a new haircut)
- Taking good quality photos with a DSLR camera (you can also hire a professional photographer but IMO it's a better investment to just buy a DSLR, photography is pretty easy to learn, plus its a fun hobby in general)

As for the "fuckboy" look, I think that's more about your mannerisms and body language. Pancake was telling me the other day that this is a very hard thing to get right when you're insecure and haven't developed that confident posture. Really, the only key to taking good pictures is to go out, take thousands, and eventually get a few natural looking, good ones.

Also, dating apps are pay to win. Even when you max out your looks, expect to pay for gold/platinum if you want decent results.

EDIT: with regard to your facial hair and haircut, I was talking about your original post. I don't have enough experience to say if your new look is good.
The haircut is way better man! You look already like a different person. And without the glasses it's also better

BigBrach said:
Give me a few on that first one, but on the second point, any model of glasses in particular spring to mind? Perhaps the one you're wearing?

Hmm it depends how it fits your head but check out the aviator models.

BigBrach said:
And how does one take pictures that would "emulate the life of fuccboi"?

You want to have a more edgy style (Radical's and Andy's free guides are a good place to start) and photos in different context (ideally a hobby picture, a travel one, pictures where you do something). I don't think that looking like a fuckboi is a must though. But you do need to look like a cool guy. Online dating is all about marketing in the end.
I’ll just answer to the things that haven’t been already answered because I agreed to all the things that have been said above.

BigBrach said:

Yes this very one, the image attached with it tell all.

BigBrach said:
7. I'll look into it for now, seeing as cash is tight at the moment. I got a watch, but I'm not really sure what accesory would go well with it (or if it even is worth wearing).

My jewels are really inexpensive they’re all stainless steel, bout 20€ a ring that I’ve found in some gothic shop.

Take action every days ask for advices to ne everything will be just fine you’re on the right path
Squilliam said:
Not just Radical's guide, read Part 1 Chapter 2 of Andy's Tinder guide. It highlights pretty much everything you need to do to looksmax.

Something to look forward to and keep in mind, thanks.

I agree with @ovnidos, you look like a nerd, and that's not good if you want to have sex with attractive girls.
I have/had practically the same issue, you would be surprised how much fashion alone changes that.

I'm not saying you can't be a nerd (in terms of your interests, don't change who you are for others), just don't dress/look like one.

The others have practically already said what you need to do.
- Gaining muscle & losing fat (ideally getting to 8-12% body fat)
- Better fashion sense (check out Radical's guide, throw in some necklaces/watches/rings/other jewelry)
- Better grooming & facial hair (Don't think that current facial hair look is doing it for you, and consider a new haircut)
- Taking good quality photos with a DSLR camera (you can also hire a professional photographer but IMO it's a better investment to just buy a DSLR, photography is pretty easy to learn, plus its a fun hobby in general)
Aight, I got some ideas from the Radical guide, I'll wear an outfit and take a photo tomorrow.

Most of these have been addressed above, but the DSLR camera is something I've looked into and, currently, it's not really feasible financially to buy one. Might change in the future as I'm going through a job application process that looks promising and will hear more of in the coming week, but can't make plans on maybe. I'll look into potential pro photographers and see how rates compare, anything in particular I should look for in their offers?

As for the "fuckboy" look, I think that's more about your mannerisms and body language. Pancake was telling me the other day that this is a very hard thing to get right when you're insecure and haven't developed that confident posture. Really, the only key to taking good pictures is to go out, take thousands, and eventually get a few natural looking, good ones.

No wonder you're pushing for the DSLR camera purchase. Can't do the above till then.

Also, dating apps are pay to win. Even when you max out your looks, expect to pay for gold/platinum if you want decent results.

EDIT: with regard to your facial hair and haircut, I was talking about your original post. I don't have enough experience to say if your new look is good.

Pain. But fine. First thing's first, though, gotta get the photos in order.

While we're on the subject of facial hair (or the lack thereof):
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The deed is done, alongside minor cuts.

SpongeBob said:
The haircut is way better man! You look already like a different person. And without the glasses it's also better
Hope I didn't make a mistake with the above, then.

Hmm it depends how it fits your head but check out the aviator models.

I'll give em a look and see if either they or lenses end up costing less.

You want to have a more edgy style (Radical's and Andy's free guides are a good place to start) and photos in different context (ideally a hobby picture, a travel one, pictures where you do something). I don't think that looking like a fuckboi is a must though. But you do need to look like a cool guy. Online dating is all about marketing in the end.
These guys are mentioned so much you'd almost think they run the forums or something.

ovnidos said:
I’ll just answer to the things that haven’t been already answered because I agreed to all the things that have been said above.

Yes this very one, the image attached with it tell all.

Aight, I'll give it a look and see if I can implement it in my routine somewhere.

My jewels are really inexpensive they’re all stainless steel, bout 20€ a ring that I’ve found in some gothic shop.

Take action every days ask for advices to ne everything will be just fine you’re on the right path

Gothic shops, huh? I'll check my local rundown alleyway to see if I can find one.

That's the plan, although I'm going to unwind for today.

But before I do, here's my workout plan (pre mid december lockdown and to be continued tomorrow with normal opening hours):

- Barbell Bench Press (4 sets)
- Incline Dumbbell Press (4 sets)
- Lever Machine Decline Press (4 sets)
- Lateral Bent Arm Raises (4 sets)
- Dumbbell Bicep Curl (4 sets)

- Lever Machine Lat Pulldown (4 sets)
- Lever Machine Seated Row (4 sets)
- Lever Machine Underhand Front Pulldown (4 sets)
- Barbell Row (4 sets)
- EZ Bar Skull Crushers (4 sets)

- Back Squat OR Deadlift (depends on previous Leg day) (4 sets)
- Leg Press (4 sets)
- Leg Curls (4 sets)
- Leg Extensions (4 sets)

- Chinups (4 sets)
- Lever Mach. Calf Raise (4 sets)
- Weighted Planks (3 sets)

Same as Mon, except Incline Dumbbell Press is Incline Bench Press

Same as Tues

Same as Wed

Life sometimes gets in the way, which means sometimes I'm forced to skip a day, usually resulting in my mind guilt tripping me to not skip the next day. Outside of that, though, I'm fairly consistent with it. Oh, and on non Sat/Sun days, a 15 minute cardio session on the stationary bike is done at the end

- 500g Magere Kwark (I think it's called Cottage Cheese in english? Basically really low fat yoghurt) (250 calories)
- 3 whole eggs (medium) (66 a piece allegedly, so 3x66)
- 4 slices of bread (4x80 calories)
- 1 apple (depends on the size, let's say a 100 for now)
- Rice cooker bowl's worth of air popped popcorn (Translates to about 150 grams worth of unpopped corn, so 525 calories)
- Either a whole french bread with saté (chicken filet blocks with peanut sauce) or two servings of homemade protein ice cream (made with water, ice, whey protein and xanthaangom) (don't feel like digging through the trash for the former, but the latter has about 100 grams worth of whey protein, translating to 387x2)
- Occasionally, 500g of store brand rice porridge. (435 calories)

Aight, my eyes hurt and I need to walk off my stiffness from all this sitting.

Thanks for all the advice so far, guys, appreciate it.
BigBrach said:
Aight, I got some ideas from the Radical guide, I'll wear an outfit and take a photo tomorrow.

Most of these have been addressed above, but the DSLR camera is something I've looked into and, currently, it's not really feasible financially to buy one. Might change in the future as I'm going through a job application process that looks promising and will hear more of in the coming week, but can't make plans on maybe. I'll look into potential pro photographers and see how rates compare, anything in particular I should look for in their offers?
Hiring a professional photographer is not cheap either. In my city (granted, it's a big, famous one), professional photoshoots cost hundreds of dollars. I'm not sure what it's like where you live, but I would say you should try to find one who specializes in dating profile pictures. Ask for past examples, consider posting some on the forum to figure out if the pictures they take are actually good.

If you can't afford a DSLR camera, a high quality smartphone camera is probably the next best thing. Your photos will look less professional though. A DSLR has proper optical zoom, while the phone compensates with software.

Seriously, you can go on ebay, find a cheap used nikon or canon body, and then get a cheap used kit lens or another similar cheaper lens, and you'd be good to go. You don't need to shell out $500-$600 for a new camera.

I think it's a much better investment because, if you can learn how to take good photos of yourself, you won't need to pay anybody else to do it again. You can pay a photographer, but every time your body or look changes, you will need to pay them again. If you have constant access to a DSLR, it's a lot better. You can shoot in any location, as many times as you want. Plus, it doubles as a very fun hobby. I started taking pictures outside.
BigBrach said:
Hope I didn't make a mistake with the above, then.

Nope, just loose more fat, and your face will look leaner and even better. Loosing the mustache was good

BigBrach said:
These guys are mentioned so much you'd almost think they run the forums or something.

The reason is that their guide are free and perfect to get the basic sorted. And they include examples, and that's what you're looking for

BigBrach said:
I'll look into potential pro photographers and see how rates compare, anything in particular I should look for in their offers?

Try 1st to look for photographers that do shooting for dating app. There are some in Paris and maybe in other cities. Also the shots need to be outdoor, no studio shooting.
BigBrach said:
These guys are mentioned so much you'd almost think they run the forums or something.
Except they literally do, lol. This is Andy's website and Radical is a moderator.
Hello, my quads want to seperate themselves from my body.
SpongeBob said:
Nope, just loose more fat, and your face will look leaner and even better. Loosing the mustache was good
Fantastic, maybe I'll get some positive reactions tomorrow. I'm also setting up a shoot with a friend of a friend who's into photography, so that should yield some results.

The reason is that their guide are free and perfect to get the basic sorted. And they include examples, and that's what you're looking for
I'm not bashing or anything, was just trying to be humorous. And failing because
Squilliam said:
Except they literally do, lol. This is Andy's website and Radical is a moderator.
sarcasm is hard to do over text.

Try 1st to look for photographers that do shooting for dating app. There are some in Paris and maybe in other cities. Also the shots need to be outdoor, no studio shooting.

Yeah, I'm doing searches for that, in case other plans fall through. Found one that looks promising, but it's a back up option, so on the backburner for now.

ovnidos said:
Nice workout bro, nothing to say about it

Sorry bro, I'm very smart but can't count the kcal just at looking at this lmao

Oh you wanted the macros and calories and whatnot, too. WELL TOO BAD.

(I've edited in the calories through some rough estimates, but I'm currently too lazy/tired to add macros)

Mentioned I'll do a quick photo with the style tips mentioned in Radical's guide today, with clothes I currently have that fit the mold (hopefully). I'll edit that in shortly after taking it in a bit, because fuck I could barely walk when I got home.

EDIT: Potato, Patato quality
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Excuse the squints, had to see where the webcam was facing
Yeah bro wtf different person, can’t wait to see how you’ll look with nice quality pics
I have no cardio and I must breathe.

Thanks for the compliments, mates. Still in the process of setting up a shoot (depends on when the friend of the friend is available or if I decide to say "fuck it" and hire a photographer), so non potato photos are currently a no go. I am, however, going to purchase some accessories when cash comes in later this week, as well as checking out if Zara slim fits are actually a slim fit (as there is a branch in my city), look forward to seeing them in all their grainy glory later this week, provided I don't die from my degraded cardio trying to keep up with my pre lockdown intensity.