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J's Log - AA Log


Jun 16, 2021
Day 1, 2 & 3 Completed

- I created accounts on GLL & KYIL Forums
- Posted Avatar on KYIL & Agreed to the Forum Rules on Both
- Posted Introduction on Both Forums

- Re-opened my Tinder Account
- Swiped Right on close to 200 Women
- 2 Matches So far (12 hours)
Day 4: Walk up to 5 women and ask them for the time. LEAVE.

I went out to the Small Parks nearby. They weren't too busy. (probably 'cause it's Wednesday)
1st Approach was just a couple passing me on the sidewalk, The dude gave me the time.
2nd Approach was an Older Woman. She didn't have a watch but was trying to help.
3rd Approach was 2 Women in their 30's Most likely. The attractive one gave me the time

I also asked a dude for the time to build momentum. but It doesn't count, lol!!
There were definitely some attractive women, but there were other people nearby & I just got too much in my head & didn't execute.
I remember 2 specifically, both were wearing headphones so psyched myself out & "didn't want to bother them"

I will Repeat this Day again until I've approached 5 women in a Single Day. I need to go a place where I can find a concentrated population of women.
Maybe a Walmart/Superstore but I'd have to wear a mask to enter those.
Day 4 Repeat: Complete
Walk up to 5 women and ask them for the time. LEAVE.

I did 3 approaches yesterday but today I did 5 More & officially completed Day 4

Locations: Shoppers Drugmart, Safeway, the street & busstops.
the stores weren't too busy early in the mornings ~9am.

I remember asking the time from a cute girl at the bus-stop, She had her headphones on but I asked anyways. She was nice about it.

Just the fact that I can even speak to attractive women & ask for the time puts in a great mood!!

Most Likely, I'm going to have to split the days with over 5 approaches into multiple days or bang them out on weekends because I can't seem to find a place with enough foot-traffic during the week where I can do the approaches in a reasonable amount of time!!

My Cities Population is ~800,000. I'm open to suggestions!!, lol.
Hey guys, I want to create a Small Whatsapp Group for Accountability.

this community is made up of the kind of people I want/need in my corner as we pursue our goals. KYIL already has a pretty good sense of community. If you need support or someone to talk to about your goals as we execute them, Hit me up!!

I don't want this group to become a circle jerk of mental-masturbation. The Focus will be on execution!!!

PM me if you're interested!!
Just some input on my end.

If nobody PMs you to join your group it might just be because your early on in the program.

When you get to Day 20 or Day 30. People will want to be around you and will more likely want to be in your group.

Also your in sales. So maybe just PM other people too. But wait til you've gotten to Day 10 or Day 14 or something like that.

If youre new to the community. You might not understand just how many people start the AA program and quit 1 week in. You do not want to be like those people.


Good luck man.
Not too many people repping Canada or even cold approaching that much.
I know of maybe 3 other people who are cold approaching in this country.

Just be consistent and don't quit.

The AA. Even the debilitating and stonewalling forms of it go away after awhile. When kt seems impossible just remember all you have to do is all you can. Show up each day, and you'll get over every obstacle.
Day 5:
Walk up to 5 women and ask them for the time. LEAVE.
Walk up to 5 women again an ask them for the time, but do the drill faster. LEAVE.

Since most of my free time is in the mornings. That's when I like to approach. After the First 5 Approaches, I literally had zero AA. The problem I was having was there were no girls around to be approached, lol. I'm literally approaching every women I see when I do these drills. Whether she looks like she's 19 or 65.

In total I would say there were 3 women that I approached today that I was full-on attracted to. Approaching in the malls over the weekend should give me plenty of access to attractive women.

ONTO Day 6
Day 6 - Entry 1
Time, Leave
Time, Directions, Leave
Time, Directions, Have you been there?, Leave
Repeat this 5 times today, you will speak to 15 girls in total.

2 Sets Done = 6 Approaches
3 Sets to Go

Like I said, I will have to split days up.

1 - I went to a Grocery Store after work (8pm). It wasn't too busy & also I got super nervous because when I would walk up to a girl. Some other people were lurking around. AKA I let myself me a victim of the 'Spotlight Effect'
I did manage to Approach a Very Attractive Girl with Dark Brown Eyes to Start of the Evening by just asking for the time.

2. I ditched the Grocery Store & Went to a Walmart, of all places. Walmart's generally have a bad connotation & this one did not disappoint. The people there come in all shapes & sizes (some shapes I've never seen before :lol:

I did approaches 2 through to 6 here. The one that stands out is, & this might be cheating but I approached a cute short-asian girl who worked there. I asked her all 3 Questions. She was super nice & we started having a conversation about where we're from and all that but then I remembered I was doing a drill & cut that off, lol. I'm not going to lie, I thought about going all-in, being direct & asking her out on a date but I managed to keep my d$ck in my pants.

I also had this thought in my head that wearing masks (which is mandatory indoors here in Canada) is going to make things awkward/weird but once I got going, I realized while It's not ideal, It's totally doable.

Will Continue Day 6 Tomorrow
Good stuff man, you’re sure doing well with those drills, keep it up 8-)
Did you also find it true that when you’re in the middle of interaction there’s basically zero anxiety? I also recently realised how quickly I forget those reps with negative/weird reactions while I remember the fun ones.
JinderS said:
wearing masks is going to make things awkward/weird
I actually liked it at the beginning and used it to my advantage, gave me some buffer from „being out there” as myself if that makes sense.
Hey man, glad to see you get your start with AA. I never did it because I have different priorities right now (will do AA in the future tho).

Just keep being consistent & earn your stripes. Once you prove yourself, like Manganiello said more people would want to be around you for accountability to get shit done.

Mossy SIGMA_1234

Thanks for the Support, dudes. You have no idea how much that means to me! I've never shared that I wanted to get good at this stuff with anyone I know so It means alot.

Mossy to your question about AA in the interaction.

I definitely have no/little anxiety during the convo but for some reason I definitely start acting a little strange: for example my body language, my feet, are pointing away from the girl & I'm constantly breaking eye contact sometimes.

It was similar when I first started with door to door sales to get better socially. It helped a ton & provides a decent reference experience to reflect back on.
Just wondering, since you get off work at 8pm do you have time to approach before hand? Like for an hour or so?

Scheduling AA around work is tough, but even an extra hour or 30 min will make a dent in the program.

Great job so far. Big fan of how you and @mossy started a group together. Having an accountability partner is great
100%, I definitely approach in the morning time as well, although the places I approach at: grocery stores, parks, department stores or malls are either not open or not busy!!!

Going out in the evenings is significantly more time efficient as opposed to mornings because I live in a city of around ~800,000 people. Sometimes It's takes a while to even find a girl that I can approach. Unfortunately I have to lower my standards/expectations on who I can approach. My qualification is any woman that I'm remotely attracted to from 18 - 50.
Forsure, glad you were thinking about other options on how to maximize approach volume. It takes some time but hopefully u will find the spots that are decent within the time frame that you can approach.
Entry 2

Time, Leave (talk to very first girl you see; DONT let her slip by)
Time, Directions, Leave
Time, Directions, Have you been there?, Leave
Repeat this 5 times today, you will speak to 15 girls in total.

I had a hard-time with this day!! the Whatsapp accountability groups definitely helped. I started off in the Mall in the afternoon after work. There were so many hot women there, that I just got overwhelmed. I managed to do a total of 5 approaches (some I had to repeat). I definitely have a hard time approaching women when I have to run up to them.

I can stop women on the sidewalk no problem. It's just if they're across the street, it feels 'creepy' running across just to talk to them. The 'Spotlight Effect' was huge in the Mall. I didn't want to talk to women in Lines because I was worried that other people in the line would 'Judge' me. It's funny when AA is strong, it pisses me off at the stupid outdated biological wiring in my head.

Then I went to a Walmart. It was less-busy & therefore I found it much easier to approach especially since people weren't walking super fast, most were stationary. I did pass a ton of women before approaching but some of the women were exactly my type.

Specifically, I remember stopping a tall-skinny Blonde Girl (19-20 most likely). When I stopped her & made eye contact. All I could literally ask was for the time. My mouth couldn't come up with something to say, so I just said Thanks & moved on. I did 6 approaches here (again some I had to redo). After this I took a Quick Break, went home & watched a few UFC fights & then headed out again.

Parks: the parks in my city are hidden gems. On my way to the parks, I stopped a duo, Both were Women in their early 20's & both were very nice but the girl (Short, Brunette, Dark Eyes & Light Skin) I was super-attracted to was trying to be extra helpful. I asked her for the time, then directions to the nearest Safeway (Grocery Store) & If she'd been there. She actually pulled out her phone & searched it up on Google Maps, lol.

The next woman I approached showed me her watch when I asked for the time. I told her I can't read that (It was roman-numerals, I was half-joking). She laughed pretty hard, lol. After this interaction, I was on a roll, just in a positive mood.

Approaching Women & Dudes (which don't count but do build momentum). I've yet to have a negative experience. At most, the women either do the minimum or are super quiet until I assert myself in the interaction.

Will be moving on to Day 7, I want to repeat this a few times until I get comfortable.
Day 7 Completed:
Time, Leave (talk to very first girl you see; DONT let her slip by)
Time, Directions, Leave
Time, Directions, Have you been there?, Leave
Repeat this 5 times today, you will speak to 15 girls in total.

I started off the approaches at the Main Mall, After I opened the first girl, It was easy to build momentum. I literally did 6 approaches in ~30 minutes. That's my fastest time yet.

For some reason, I decided to change venues, maybe because I thought that the women I've already approached would 'judge' me if they found out I'm doing this as an social exercise or something.
Any tips on this?

Anyways then, I went to another mall where I did 4 approaches, It's pretty nice as a secondary place to approach. initially had AA but overcame it.

At this point, I had been walking/biking for about 3 hours. I'm getting tired and straight up bored with my excuses why not to approach. The last approaches I did were out of a state of boredom. I literally did not have the energy to even feel the AA because I was physically exhausted.

Initially I wanted to REPEAT this day but I want to maintain a state of flow when I'm doing these drills, which can only be achieved if I'm challenging myself.

Will most likely take a break tomorrow & then Onto Day 8
Eventually you will not only stay in the same venue but bang out reps one in front of the other. You’ll feel ok seeming weird. It’s natural to be anxious about that and want to seem normal in the first 2 weeks, though. And none of them give a shit either way.
JinderS said:
, I decided to change venues, maybe because I thought that the women I've already approached would 'judge' me if they found out I'm doing this as an social exercise or something.
Any tips on this?

Exposure Therapy.

Do it anyway. And eventually you stop caring. It's something you actively have to do.

You do get used to it tho.

I know sundleboro would do the same drill in front of a person he just did it on. Then would look back and see what they're expression was.

Meaning he would do the drill on Girl A. And then do the drill on Girl B. While Girl A was watching.

offwego said:
I literally did not have the energy to even feel the AA because I was physically exhausted.

That's good!

The most challenging days I had during the program I got past them through emotional exhaustion. Meaning I couldn't get myself to care about the drill even if I wanted to.
Day 8: Entry 1

Time, Leave (talk to very first girl you see; DONT let her slip by)
Time, Directions, Leave
Time, Directions, Have you been there?, Leave
Time, Directions, Have you been there?, Do you like it?, Leave
If the girl says "No, I haven't been there" repeat the drill on another girl who has and ask her "Do you like it?"
Repeat this 4 times today, you will speak to 16 girls in total.


Asked 1 girl for the time!!

Approached another 6 times in various stores. I definitely skipped more girls than I'm comfortable with due to AA. For some reason, I was also nervous in some interactions too.
In fact, I asked a girl for the time, she gave it to me. Then, before I could ask another question, she turned away. I took that as a rejection but that was a pretty mild negative response.

I actually didn't even get to the last question because when I was about to ask it, the girl said she hadn't been. I definitely can tell a difference in my voice when I'm speaking to different women.
When I'm speaking to someone who I think is 'on my level or below', my voice gets deep & loud & it gets 'high & quiet' when I think she's 'out of my league'.

Definitely learning a lot about myself, if nothing else.

I wanted to take a break today but I'm scared if I take too many breaks that I'll talk myself into quitting this program, so no breaks. Everyday, I want to speak to at least 1 girl.
JinderS said:
When I'm speaking to someone who I think is 'on my level or below', my voice gets deep & loud & it gets 'high & quiet' when I think she's 'out of my league'.
Yeah I've noticed that I also chat up different girls with completely different levels of charisma and confidence. I had this one girl yesterday where I spoke in a low, relaxed tone, smiling a lot etc that I was like "fuck I sounded sexy" afterwards :P then the next girl I almost tripped on my words...
JinderS said:
Definitely learning a lot about myself, if nothing else.
For sure there's a lot of uncharted waters in our psyche regarding this stuff, really interesting to explore.
Very happy for your progress man, keep killing it!