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J's Log - AA Log

JinderS said:
I wanted to take a break today but I'm scared if I take too many breaks that I'll talk myself into quitting this program, so no breaks. Everyday, I want to speak to at least 1 girl.
Taking breaks is bad. Even if u only get one girl a day the momentum keeps rolling. Obviously u want to strive for more. Consistency with this program will be your greatest tool since your work interferes so much.

JinderS said:
In fact, I asked a girl for the time, she gave it to me. Then, before I could ask another question, she turned away. I took that as a rejection but that was a pretty mild negative response.
Idk how this "negative response" effected you but here's some food for thought about it. You should try and reframe your mindset for to count this as a successful approach, but maybe one that does not count towards the drill.

The result of the approach is not what matters. You approached. That is the success. Regardless of what she said/did afterwards you went and approached.
Toast said:
The result of the approach is not what matters. You approached. That is the success. Regardless of what she said/did afterwards you went and approached.

I keep forgetting this. Thanks for the Reminder!!!
Day 8: Entry 2

Time, Leave (talk to very first girl you see; DONT let her slip by)
Time, Directions, Leave
Time, Directions, Have you been there?, Leave
Time, Directions, Have you been there?, Do you like it?, Leave
If the girl says "No, I haven't been there" repeat the drill on another girl who has and ask her "Do you like it?"
Repeat this 4 times today, you will speak to 16 girls in total.

Approached 1 Girl to Keep Streak Alive!!
JinderS said:
Definitely learning a lot about myself, if nothing else.

I wanted to take a break today but I'm scared if I take too many breaks that I'll talk myself into quitting this program, so no breaks. Everyday, I want to speak to at least 1 girl.

Good mindset.

Your works hours are less than ideal. But you still got time in the morning and the evening.

There were a few days where K was forced to do drill before 10am. It actuallt wasn't that bad once you found the good stores.
Day 8: Entry 3
Time, Leave (talk to very first girl you see; DONT let her slip by)
Time, Directions, Leave
Time, Directions, Have you been there?, Leave
Time, Directions, Have you been there?, Do you like it?, Leave
If the girl says "No, I haven't been there" repeat the drill on another girl who has and ask her "Do you like it?"
Repeat this 4 times today, you will speak to 16 girls in total.

Finally Completed 1 Full Set today = 4 Approaches
Slow & Steady Progress

When I asked the last question(Do you like it?), the cute Asian girl with a mask looked at me weird, lol. I, intentionally misinterpreted her response as a positive & started smirking/smiling(as much as is possible through a mask)

The problem I'm facing currently is If I frequent the same stores the same time every weekday, I think I'll most likely encounter the same people. This probably comes from the fear of being judged or something if I accidentally approach the same girls again.

I just have to figure out a good mix of venues throughout the week because I can hit the malls on the weekends where there is more than enough volume, but I don't want to be reliant on the weekends to make progress through the AA program. That'll take way too f'ing long.
JinderS said:
The problem I'm facing currently is If I frequent the same stores the same time every weekday, I think I'll most likely encounter the same people. This probably comes from the fear of being judged or something if I accidentally approach the same girls again.
It is bound to happen, but not something that matters too much in the long run. If it does occur and they're like "you approached me last week" you just move on. Nothing catastrophic will happen from a double approach.

This exact instance happened to me. I did the day 8 Drill you are doing on a chick. Then later in the week I did another drill on her. She was like "haven't I met you before?" at the time I didn't even recognize her so I said "no I don't think so" and continued the drill. As i walked around doing more drills it came to me that i had approached her before and i went and found her and said i did meet her before and we laughed about it cuz she thought she was going crazy cuz she swore she recognized me. In the end it had no effect on my progress doing drills and was a positive encounter.

I probably did at lease 20-30 days at the same trader joes, Nordstrom rack, and 2 block radius around my work at about the same time of day during AA. Had to get over the fact that I would see the same security guard at the Nordstrom rack, and trader Joe's employees.

It has little effect on doing drills, and is more so a mental barrier of the thought of being recognized in an area for being the approach guy.
My $0.02

Be OK with being seen as "that guy who keeps talking to girls".

It's more in your head than anything.

I've been in the same Zara 3-4x every week..probably 50 to 60x now. I'm sure they recognize me. I never buy anything.

Tons of stores where i recognize the employees. The security guards. Everyone.

Some days half my approaches are on employees in the mall by accident.

So I'm just saying this so you can have a reference point. I've been doing it this much. And nothings happened. Even if it did. I sont think I would care. I'd probably be back in that mall the very next day.
Day 8: Entry 4
Time, Leave (talk to very first girl you see; DONT let her slip by)
Time, Directions, Leave
Time, Directions, Have you been there?, Leave
Time, Directions, Have you been there?, Do you like it?, Leave
If the girl says "No, I haven't been there" repeat the drill on another girl who has and ask her "Do you like it?"
Repeat this 4 times today, you will speak to 16 girls in total.

0 Approaches
Work Ran Late, Went out to a large park with the intention to approach. The AA was back & strong, I could've approached but made excuses about how everyone is in a group and so on. I also felt like a 'creep' trying to approach as it was getting dark outside. I need to get my sh&t together & just hit the Same Walmarts/Canadian Tires & not be a pussy. Live to Fight another day!!!
Good post.

Most people would hide and try and cover up their bad day.

You went and you attempted.
Lessons learnt.
Day 8: Entry 5
Time, Leave (talk to very first girl you see; DONT let her slip by)
Time, Directions, Leave
Time, Directions, Have you been there?, Leave
Time, Directions, Have you been there?, Do you like it?, Leave
If the girl says "No, I haven't been there" repeat the drill on another girl who has and ask her "Do you like it?"
Repeat this 4 times today, you will speak to 16 girls in total.

Quick Update: I've done a few approaches over the past few days trying to get through full sets(Day 8) but I've plateaued. I'm definitely having trouble with this day. I will be doing a few experiments over the next week to test the best way to structure my time around the AA Program.
When i had to split sessions over a couple of days I found it was hard to start a drill in the middle.

Like having to start on the time, directions, have you been there?
with no social momentum that is difficult. Some times I would just ask the time to warm up, then go into the harder stuff.

Might have to do more approaches just to get the social momentum going.
Day 8: Entry 6
Time, Leave (talk to very first girl you see; DONT let her slip by)
Time, Directions, Leave
Time, Directions, Have you been there?, Leave
Time, Directions, Have you been there?, Do you like it?, Leave
If the girl says "No, I haven't been there" repeat the drill on another girl who has and ask her "Do you like it?"
Repeat this 4 times today, you will speak to 16 girls in total.

Today was a Good day in terms of taking action. Even though, It was a workday, I was able to fit in an hour of approaching in the morning & an hour in the evening resulting in around 10 approaches today.

I essentially completed Day 8 today but I want to repeat/redo a few more approaches to solidify the completion in my head!!

If I can do around ~10 approaches/Daily during weekdays. I think that would be great for quick progress.

After work I went to another new Walmart. It was large & there were so many hot women that I skipped past, that I can't even quantify it. I'm tired of making excuses about the lack of women in my city. Honestly, there are enough women, I need to just man up & approach them as opposed to skip them when it's not 'convenient'.

I was monitoring my 'self-talk' & definitely had some pathetic excuses for ex: 'she's holding something, I shouldn't bother her, let's just skip her' or 'I've been lurking around her for too along, it would be creepy to approach her now' & others

I'm proud of myself for taking action today because I started working at 10:45AM & finished at 8:00pm, 6 hours of which were spent knocking on doors (Door-to-Door Sales) but I was still able to fit in a bodyweight workout & 2 hours of approaching today. It's now 10:30 & I can barely stand because I'm so tired from walking today :| :)

Again, I'm going to repeat a few approaches & then move to Day 9
JinderS said:
After work I went to another new Walmart. It was large & there were so many hot women that I skipped past, that I can't even quantify it. I'm tired of making excuses about the lack of women in my city. Honestly, there are enough women, I need to just man up & approach them as opposed to skip them when it's not 'convenient'.
great thing to realize man. a lot of room to grow.

JinderS said:
I was monitoring my 'self-talk' & definitely had some pathetic excuses for ex: 'she's holding something, I shouldn't bother her, let's just skip her' or 'I've been lurking around her for too along, it would be creepy to approach her now' & others
Everyone has to work through this problem. I still struggle with it myself. Realizing that they are just excuses is the first step. So you are making progress

Great job today
Day 8:
Entry 7 - COMPLETE

I did a few repeat sets & I tried to push myself to execute without too much thinking, lol. I opened so many girls just to ask for the time & directions. Eventually completed it, though.

I also opened a girl shopping for bras, :o . The interaction was kinda awkward but I congratulated myself on executing.
Day 9: Entry 1
Time, Leave (talk to very first girl you see; DONT let her slip by)
Time, Have you ever eaten at [nearby restaurant]?, Leave
Time, Have you ever eaten at [nearby restaurant]?, Did you like it?, Leave
If the girl answers "No, I haven't eaten there," you need to still ask her "Did you like it?"
Repeat this 5 times today, you will speak to 15 girls in total.

I did 5 Approaches in Total & was able to complete 1 set (3 approaches in Order) but I want to repeat.
I saw a girl across the street & I crossed the street to approach which seems unbelievable after the fact. She was pretty attractive too.
JinderS said:
I saw a girl across the street & I crossed the street to approach which seems unbelievable after the fact
Since u did it once, now u can do it again. Every time u do something "impossible" it gets easier the next time.

Loving the consistency my man. Great job
Quick Update:
Did a few approaches for maintenance past few days!!

Today, I officially Moved to a better location, much closer to the gym & bar/clubs (not that I would ever go to these). Back at it tomorrow morning.

Day 9: Entry 1
Time, Leave (talk to very first girl you see; DONT let her slip by)
Time, Have you ever eaten at [nearby restaurant]?, Leave
Time, Have you ever eaten at [nearby restaurant]?, Did you like it?, Leave
If the girl answers "No, I haven't eaten there," you need to still ask her "Did you like it?"
Repeat this 5 times today, you will speak to 15 girls in total.

I approached a 2 women this morning. There were more approaches I could've done but they were so hot, that I go really nervous & the AA came back. Will do more this evening after work.
Quick Update;
As everyone knows, I work in Door to Door Sales which is Commission-Only. Lately, I went into the longest Sales Slump since I started the job. Essentially, I haven't Closed a Sale for Over a Week. This is my current priority because I can't pay my bills until I can start to close sales. Will Update soon!

I've done approaches pretty consistently over the past week. I actually had a guy randomly hit me up from a Game Facebook group from my city on Monday. He's been looking a 'wing' for a while. We went out to a Walmart that same evening & approached.

He is definitely farther along in Game than I am. He actually met his previous girlfriend (2 years Relationship) from day-game. We get along pretty well due to a common shared interest. He's also coaches some other people on Dating as a side hustle.

Today is the third day I went out with him & I actually did real flirty approaches with women because he kept pushing me.

For Example: Yesterday, I approached a girl in the Walmart. I told her she was cute & had a very 'summer' vibe. Her Smile literally made my day at that point. I quickly exited the interaction because I was so nervous, but later on while we were looking for other women to approach. She actually 'waived' at me. It doesn't seem like a huge deal as I write this, but It was a big revelation in the moment.

Sparks were flying in head. I thought, Holy Shit, This girl actually liked the fact that I went up, approached her & complemented her on her appearance.

This is making me so hungry to go out & do more approaches. This weekend is going to be rampage, we're planning to burn our local mall to the ground with our approaches.

I'll keep you updated. btw How do you edit the thread name?

P.S. Also making some progress on my skills in Door-to-Door Sales as well.