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J's Log - AA Log

JinderS said:
This is making me so hungry to go out & do more approaches. This weekend is going to be rampage, we're planning to burn our local mall to the ground with our approaches.
Funny to think that in ur mind girls might get offended or something similar, but in reality most girls respond well to compliments and being approached. Also u proably made her day by complimenting her as well. Goes both ways

A good coach/wingman definitely can help a lot. Good stuff out there

Edit the very first post of your thread and change the title on there.
Toast said:
Funny to think that in ur mind girls might get offended or something similar, but in reality most girls respond well to compliments and being approached. Also u proably made her day by complimenting her as well. Goes both ways

I'm trying to see & locate commonalities in Door-to-Door Sales & Daygame.

In D2D Sales, Rejections can be relatively brutal because I'm an unannounced salesperson at the prospects door trying to sell them something.

There are many parallels such as:
- appropriate body language
- Tonality Control
Although the Tonalities used most often are different in Game vs Sales

- Build Rapport/Comfort
- Keeping a Positive Attitude through the Rejections

In Fact, I initially got into D2D sales because I knew it would improve my social intelligence & help with game. I'm seeing many parallels so I'm glad I made that decision almost a year ago now
JinderS said:
Toast said:
Funny to think that in ur mind girls might get offended or something similar, but in reality most girls respond well to compliments and being approached. Also u proably made her day by complimenting her as well. Goes both ways

I'm trying to see & locate commonalities in Door-to-Door Sales & Daygame.

In D2D Sales, Rejections can be relatively brutal because I'm an unannounced salesperson at the prospects door trying to sell them something.

There are many parallels such as:
- appropriate body language
- Tonality Control
Although the Tonalities used most often are different in Game vs Sales

- Build Rapport/Comfort
- Keeping a Positive Attitude through the Rejections

In Fact, I initially got into D2D sales because I knew it would improve my social intelligence & help with game. I'm seeing many parallels so I'm glad I made that decision almost a year ago now

There's a lot of parallels

Tonality helps...

But what I've realized is that unlike sales in game you're coming at it from the attitude of fucking girls.

Just think about how hot she is, because direct, even if that means being "rude".

In D2D, you kind of want to be everyone's friend, in day game that doesn't really matter a whole lot. You're not trying to build trust or likeability your going for lust. And what will be abrasive to some girls will be hot to others.

I would say the most relevant parallels come from being forward (trying to close every deal), and then the mindset stuff around rejection.
July 17 2021: 12 Direct-Compliment Approaches

Went out with my wing to the Mall, Several Outdoor Patios & A Local Street with many Pubs.
- Took tons of Action

1 notable approach from today
- It was in a shopper's drug mart at the mall. I stopped this beautiful indian girl with green eyes with whom I had a decent conversation. I also teased her a little & eventually went for the close by suggesting 'we should go on a date'. She told me she was engaged but I was proud in that moment for pushing myself. Things took off from there with essentially Zero AA after that.

- We also opened a 2-set at the mall. He initially opened it to speak to the cute girl & I kept her friend engaged until he closed by getting her instagram.

Myself & the wing(wayne) have also recorded several different infield clips to critique our Body Language, Tonality etc. Main thing I need to work on right now is my style & my instagram pics, they're atrocious. Things are moving really fast right now because today we discovered we need figure out how to pull-off 'table game' on patios because they're poppin' in Winnipeg, CA. That's where the most volume is.

We went out yesterday as well. Wayne(wing) was feeling very social & he opened so many sets with 3+ women. Hot af too. I was literally just awkwardly standing there quietly as he moved the conversation forward which eventually fizzled out because he's pretty new to opening sets with multiple girls as well. So much fun though.

So much action taking this past week. I literally only took thursday 'off' but that was only to go out & socialize with my work friends. I'm introverted by nature so it's crazy to think that I've literally been social every single day this past week.

Will keep updating.

P.S. I've moved sensitive infield & other private info into the private area.
JinderS said:
P.S. I might create an unlisted youtube playlist & upload all my infield there.
Edit: Infact, here it is, lol. please forgive the terrible audio & janky camera work

Lol is that shopper's?

I've approached so many times there...

It's really hit or miss tho.

Nice man. Great job going out there and actually approaching not a whole lot of dudes have done that.

I dont think there's really much to critique. Atleast anything of dire importance... what I will say is:

Your conversations can be short if you want . Like under a minute is 100% fine. I've noticed zero difference from long conversations to short ones. Doesn't change the likelihood of the girl exchanging numbers with you. Or that she 'likes you more'.

Open as direct as possible "HI I thought you were cute and wanted to say hi"

And ask for the number, pretty much always. ("I'm gonna go that way. Let's get a drink later. Whats your number?")

Just do more apptoaches and everything kind of clicks after awhile. It really is a numbers game. The competency and efficiency just comes from many many reps.

Also... being able to do it without a wing is absolutely crucial.

You don't want to be dependent on your wing to go out. Plus when you're decently competent at approaching you can go pretty fast from girl to girl and the wing kind of just gets in the way. Like a distraction almost.

Wing might be good at night tho.


You have to create a separate threqd in the private section of the forum to make it hidden from Google.
Manganiello said:
he closed by getting her instagram.

Oh just saw this.
I'm curious if that goes anywhere.
My experience with Instagram exchanges is that they're synonymous with a rejection. It's like a delay tactic. Or like a soft way of saying "maybe"

But I haven't seen it enough to be 100% sure about it.
He intentionally prefers to close using instagram because he has decent pictures & that's what his dating coach has recommended. Also, Instagram allows the girl to see what you look like completely especially if we're approaching indoors with a mask.

Girls are definitely hitting him back but he has yet to go on a date. To be fair though, it's only been 2 weeks since he has started approaching consistently because he just got out of a relationship.

Manganiello You might be right in that we might have to go for old-school numbers. we shall see.
Manganiello said:
Your conversations can be short if you want . Like under a minute is 100% fine. I've noticed zero difference from long conversations to short ones. Doesn't change the likelihood of the girl exchanging numbers with you. Or that she 'likes you more'.

I think it would help to get more investment from the girl in the conversation, because generally speaking. The more a girl speaks/invests in a conversation, the greater the comfort & therefore she is more likely to come out to a date as opposed to flaking. The goal isn't necessarily to get more numbers but to get girls out.

It doesn't sound like this has been your experience, though. Let me know what you think.

Moving forward, I'll be transitioning to posting in the Private area here:
I still consider myself a beginner approach practitioner, but from my experience receptiveness/investment in a conversation has no value towards if a girl will text back, go on a date, hook up.

Couple examples

Receptive Interaction:
Approach a girl. She seemed impressed that i approached and was very receptive. we go on an instadate and walk around the park, grab some drinks, chat for about and hour and I kiss her a couple times during the date. Seemingly a very good interaction. She had to go but we exchanged numbers and said "ill definitely be seeing you this weekend." Weekend comes and i text her "hey you free today?" No response and she ghosted.

Non Receptive Interaction:
Approach a chick. Call her cute. She literally gives me the most neutral responses ever. "what are you up to?" shopping... "how's your day going" good... She was not smiling, she was not receptive. Probably had a 1ish min conversation with this girl and we still exchange. Set up a date with her. Try to pull her back home, no dice. 2nd Date, she came home but wouldn't kiss me. 3rd date we smashed. This girl is now someone i see somewhat regularly.

What is valuable though is not overanalyzing what you are doing on the approach. Instead of thinking about tactics, conversation topics and such. Just approach more and the outcome will eventually lead to sex. It is literally an inevitability with high volume that a sexual experience will be the outcome.