Lex' AA log

Repeated day 9 and 10 doing the drills 5 times each. It was really somehow disturbing at some points.
Way more confontation involved.
I approached for day 10 at the end 2 women outside the mentioned age range. That is in their fifties. But i will count it. Overall Tthe confidence gained that they was considerable.
Finished off day 11 and day 12.
I woke up initially totally not in the mood to do the tasks and then started out approaching a few,
Experimenting a bit.
After some time I got my day 11 sets closed.
In less than an hour.
That is 5 sets. I barely had to repeat as I approached them not in the order.
That is I would ask the worst question right at the start and then it was easier for the rest.
Right after I thought I would stop for that day, but then I decided to try it out and completed the day doing for sets of day 12.
It was weirder than the other questions retrospectively because saying I am the sweetest guy ever made no sense at points but I did it anyway.
Since the previous tasks have been done using all the sets and repeating them multiple times I am back in track.
lexluther_999 said:
It was weirder than the other questions retrospectively because saying I am the sweetest guy ever made no sense at points but I did it anyway.
Even if it doesn't make sense still do it. just follow the program as intended.

Good job so far
Day 13.
At first i wanted to take a break today to focus on my tinder date.Sincece I moved for this week away to the beach I wanted to focus more on my work and the AA prgramm.
IN short I completed the day without any major challenge. I first said lets do one task and by the end I was commited to completing the entire day at least. I am starting to care less and less what people think about me. I also developed a stronger frame over the course of time as I am more present and less shy when asking these questions. I dont feel weird about the wuestions and so the girls dont feel weird about them.
The AA seems to help beyond basic approach anxiety. It really allows you to experiment with social awkwardness and quickly changes your previously assumed concepts.
lexluther_999 said:
The AA seems to help beyond basic approach anxiety. It really allows you to experiment with social awkwardness and quickly changes your previously assumed concepts.
100% true. On the surface AA is how to pick up girls, but the underlying results are an improved social freedom and self confidence to do whatever you want
Day 14 failed.
I was approaching a few women asking for high fives.
6 girls.
2 immediately and the other four by asking sth else first.
I got only one high five.
It seems that covid induced a lot of fears.
What am I supposed to do now?
If I hit on 50 girls and don't get even 10 high fives?
You keep trying. What else is there to do? give up?
Falling back on the excuse of covid being a barrier has already been proven to be false by several people on the fourm.

Also you did not fail today.

Just because you did not complete a day in one go does not equate a failure.
It is 100% a success because you went out and attempted the day.

The approach in and of itself is the success. Regardless of the outcome.

You are 6/6 on attempted approaches. 100% success rate for every approach you attempted. That is successful.
Day 14
19 approaches in total.
4 would give me a high five.
Since I approached quite often groups that permitted me to do os many high fives at once.
Overall one could feel if the girl is going to give me a high five.
I approached one couple, a girl and his boyfriend where I tried to receive a high five. But was denied with a clear 'no'.
Covid is way more problematic for this task than assumed.
Two younger girls would give me a high five after initial conversation.
Another young and goodlooking women on the phone which was in a good mood would also but would laugh out loud.
Finally a women in a clothes shop.
I could clearly see that many girls wanted to give me a high five but would before touching my hands back off when remembering the covid situation.
I did most high fives after initially asking the person for the time etc because otherwise it didn't work at all.
Thr statistics is pretty clear now, I spend 3 hours this day on the street weeding out a above valid age cases.
In short 1 in 5 gives a high five in general.that means I need to approach 50+ people to get the task likely completed.
Spending 5 hours on the street.
At least I got over my initial fears of giving high fives I had a few years ago.
This time I am slowly approaching the task being aware that every day I pass my social freedom increases.
I am not entirely satisfied today so I will redoo the task a few more times. Before I finally decide to move on the next day which is pretty much similar to this one.
lexluther_999 said:
At least I got over my initial fears of giving high fives I had a few years ago.
This time I am slowly approaching the task being aware that every day I pass my social freedom increases.
I am not entirely satisfied today so I will redoo the task a few more times. Before I finally decide to move on the next day which is pretty much similar to this one.
Love this post. Shows that you can see the growth from the program. Really makes all the madness feel like a tangible change
Day 14
Today i did 3 approaches trying to get a high five zith out asking for another question first.
I received none. Just a no.
Whatever, I approached another girl later that day on the beach.
I found it funny that she left her clothes near a stone and the flood was coming.
She didn't know how to get over there jumping over the stones.
I helped her out and got a high five.
1 in four high fives.
I didn't plan to do any high fives today as I had to focus on my remote job.
Anyways, things are starting to become easier and easier.
The more you interact the easier it becomes and the more natural and common sense which women start resonating with and basically adopt your idea of it being normal.
I plan to work over these tasks for the next days till I complete all the high fives irrespective of days as I am still not hundred percent confident zith that task.
Also I zill have to focus for the next Fez days on studying for another certificate and zill have to dedicate my zeek to it before moving to another place and seriously taklicng that problem, once and for all.
Day 14 completed.
20 high fives in 1hiur 20 min.
First ten in 35vminutes.
7 out of 20 clapped me.

Continued today on day 15.
Completed 7 high fives out of 11 in 15 minutes approximately.
Will continue tommorrow with the remaining 10.
At least I managed to give them a high five.
Doesn't matter that they didn't give it back all the time.
Frame control is most important here.

Sadly I stopped for 2 weeks even though 2 days were recommended.
Very unfortunate and dissatisfyimg. None the less I ll go back onto it.
Luckily no increase in anxiety has been seen throughout the 2 weeks.
That is the psychological progress made is constant
Day 15 completed

July 22
Went out in a highly depressive mode.
Was suddenly scarred as fuck and didn't approach anyone that day.
Depression kicked really in as fuck and put me down massively.
July 23
Completed the task.
Tried to give high five to 11 girls.
Mostly funny reactions or slightly surprised.
3 just stared at me I a weird way.
I did the high fives immediately without introducing with a question first.
Made the attempt more weird and generally less reception from people.
One couple asked me whether I was OK.
Then I ended up asking for the firection of the underground station and even discussed for entering a almost nude party which is supposedly on Sunday.
Overall not bad experience.
It pushed me a bit today honestly especially because my depressive episodes. Received 3 high fives out of eleven attempts.
Day 15 is accomplished. Managed to complete the task in 15 min approximately.
Took of one day to calm down and handle my depressive episode.

July 25. Went on date, she was dtf but didn't look very good in real life, so I invented an excuse that day.
She was really pissed.
July 26
Day 16
Was not able to find many girls in 1 hour who would stand still when going out to the streets.
I don't k ow what it is.
Anyway, I a managed to give 1 out of five girls I approached a high five.

Task failed.
Repeating the task tommorrow.
Day 16.
Completed my first set.
Approached eleven girls asking for the high five.
First women didn't give it
Later on the street waiting near semaphore for a bycicle rider wouldnt also.
The rest water was rather ok.
Two girls on the other side gave me immediately high fives after answering my question.
One girl was standing there in the corner while was talking to her and asking for a high five.
Overall my tactic was to wait on the semaphore for women as this was the easiest way to encounter moving targets.
Girl number ten was a middle aged women. THIS Was more or less the most spectacular thing today. After I approached her and asked for a high five which I received, I was moving away two minutes before a guy came from behind asking me what I did.
He was really pissed but I was pretty sure had he tried to attack me, I would have either knocked him out or called the police.He was really jealous and asking why I was approaching his wife and he could see that I was really pissed because he asked me that question.
I told him that I was asking her for the direction and he could see that I was pissed after he left as he was basically showing thumbs up for everything is OK.
I think this pissed me really off today.
This stupid moronic insecurity.
I was searching for more than half an hour for a women that was standing or in this case smoking a cigarette.
She was actually sitting down and a bit elderly in her fifties, but I will count this as it was really difficult to find a standing girl who would be smoking.
Overall I completed the challenge but the experience with this insecure moron indeed raised some questions.First of all, he looked Arabic or Muslim type of guy which might be one reason.
Seems like the programm isn't all that safe as assumed and some caution might be necessary.
I would be glad for some input from you guys
What are your thoughts on it?
Day 16 completed
7 out of 10 gave me a high five on the semaphore.
Again, I approached mostly girls near the semaphore who would hält.
Finished off day 16.
Looking forward to day 17.
Oh man this is gonna be a hard one as I see. At least for me this will be really daunting.
lexluther_999 said:
Seems like the programm isn't all that safe as assumed and some caution might be necessary.
I would be glad for some input from you guys
What are your thoughts on it?

Well probably not the answer you want to hear.

But it's actually not a big deal at all.
Stuff like that happens all the time. You're just not used to it.

Like have that happen 100+ times. And see how much you care when it happens.

He's insecure.
And honestly you just need to experience that a bunch of times before you stop caring about it.

Like I've had mom's tell me not to approach their daughters and after awhile you just say "ok seeya" and then approach another girl 60 seconds later.


Who says the program isn't safe.
Where do you get that idea from?
That makes no sense.
You're only saying that to yourself.

Tons of people get confronted about their approaches. This is normal.

If you think that's bad. Or "OMG people get confronted because they're approaching".

I can tell you with 100% conviction that's your AA talking. Because people who have approached 1000+ times don't really care about confrontation.