Lex' AA log

Day 17 ( completed without challenge)

Today was a serious milestone for me.
I can't believe that I actually accomplished this task.
I was pretty sure that I was in the flow state during the singing.
The task was really something new.
Not comparable to any of the other tasks before.
I did not approach any old women.
At most in the forties.
Youngest was teen.
12 out of 12.
Task completed.
Well, at least for me personally.
I managed to complete the program even though I really didn't believe I could do it.
The first girl was an Asian girl, I would start singing task 2 of the set. She would laugh like crazy.
The second and third were two women in their thirties where I went straight to task 4.
Similarly to women number four.
Afterwards I approached a young girl with some serious make up, you know these type of girls that look like having operated there entire body.
She would immediately run away after the abcdefg.
Later I approached another girl who was looking at me as if I was a serious weirdo.
Then another women with a dog.
Two people were next to us and they started all laughing like crazy. The women started singing with me.
Then explained to them afterwards that I was just doing a psychological Programm and that I am not insane.
They were like suggesting that they don't know for sure. This really made me laugh...
I managed to complete the rest with more ease.
I still can't believe that I managed to complete today's task as I checked the task out before and it looked like seriously daunting. Anyways, I experienced a massive up rise in endorphins as if I was skydiving.
I mean I looked fairly confident while doing the task even though inside I felt. Really not that well.
Anyways, I managed to complete the entire day moving to a meetup afterwards.
My frame and self control has changed massively just because of today.
I didn't feel any awkwardness even after not being in the beginning able to socialize with the group respectively being excluded.
What i mean is that I wasn't able to enter the right group of people as they were all talking as I was late. I was pretty confident with myself alone.
Anyways, I could really feel Confidence skyrocket just because of the task.
By far the most difficult task for me personally in the programm.
I will do an audio and discuss this task again afterwards.
Hey Lex, good stuff, just noticed you.

One tip: You can edit the title of your thread by editing the title of the first post in it. That way, one can always see what day you are on and if there is a new day to read up on. That way more people notice your progress and will check in.
Day 18
August 3
Finished if one set.
Pretty much all the girls were laughing today.
Had to approach seven girls to complete the set as 3 were in a hurry.
August 4
Completed 2 further sets.
Nothing special pretty much having to repeat some questions as many girls were running away.
Because of the previous cinema questions about taste, this question here sounded less problematic as it was more personal.
I felt less weirded out by it if at all.
Other than the regular bad days I tended to experiene which would cause me to question myself, it was generally easy task.
Should have completed the entire Programm,.
Kinda trying to fool myself with doing things slowly I think.
After five months of pausing and applying my newly gained skills I was able to approach women in many situations without much anxiety so to speak .It became way more normal for me. I am back on the programm. As allways the goal is to still finish the programm. I will do it as slowly as possible as I clearly see its results and I do feel like extending my comfortzone is pretty valuable. However, this time I do not consider the approach anxiety programm a necessity for achieving anything other than raising my comfortlevel and adrenalin.
Other goals are still remaining. I will contnue using the platform in the long run for help etc and advising people if possible. I feel bad for having neglected the programm for so long.
Ok here is the conclusion of the 2 completed days after 10 days. Neither did I do the program regularly nor in proper order. I had to restart day 18 again , as I became a bit rusty after some time.
Having spend a few days screwing around day 18 I asked myself what th epoint of the programm was. It didnt seem to fit a specific prupose anymore. Most of my regular day to day approach anxiety in terms of flirting with girls I didnt know and approachng them while in the bar was alreaady gone. SO I had to ask myself precisely what I plan to get out of the programm.
It seems that imagining the input and output that is the curret is state and and ferar of doing it helped massivley but only when done correctly.. For instance, I would focus on approahcing girls during a day I really felt fucked up ( depressed) . It was difficult to get rid of the feeling in short .I decided to pause and review my emotional reactions. I managed to finish day 18 which i did before in a shorter amount of time. Anywys, day 19 was really a bit hard this time. For once, I wasnt approaching any new girls in a month which massively impacted my ability to talk to girls confidently. I especially didnt approach girls on the regular basis before which is kinda the reason for the slow progress. Ayways, It tookk me about 5 days to finish day 19 off.
I did it slowly this time having in mind where a reduced fearfullness would be necessary. Where is the skill necessary of being able to ignore other peoples opinion and focusing only on the emotional presence ( body language). I was going into the detailsl of frame control again. As I am really not hte type of guy who massively enjoys raising girls value. I am not a mysoginist it its just that I dont consider women as a core focus in life which makes approaching girls and giving an offer interrestig in the sense that you feel like being judged by the girl. Whether she wants you or not. Is a critical thing to consider one more time. Why do we feel judged by girls if they dont accept our offer even though genetics might seldomly be the only reason even though it seems as if genetics is the reason, that is looks etc?
Ok The progamm took too logn to be complted and I failed regularly picking where I left. I didnt lose my ability to speak to girls as I increased my comfortzone and interaction with women as a consequnce of the porgramm in general. However , sleeping with dozens of women as a result of completing the AA programm simply isnt my Number one goal and thus i Lack motivation in this regards.
I am goingt o continue with the programm indirectly as a supply for another programm I am about to create with relevance in the development of social skills for business. I still plan to complete the AA programm as I see it as a test of manhood somehow.
My new programm is about becoming MEditation teacher and developing a business As i do not plan to givce up my old job for the new one in hte long rjn but only supplement it and only jump in case of positive assessed EV
I will be continuing to write here about AA programm in the future. But this time I will analyze my behavio in more detail in order to receive proper feedback by posting sound modified recordings.
>Te programm will be divided into three parts. Whats does each of the drils bring me ? -> purpose
integration _> way to execute the tasks
review : review all the previous steps taken and find repetitiveness.
WIll be restaring task -> repetiton of day 19 -> purpose, goal and integration of gained ps<chological competency.