Looking for Feedback and Advice on Photos/Looks


Sep 23, 2022
Hey guys,

First I’ve ever posted my pics for review. Thought it’d be good to give some context.

I haven’t used dating apps for years as I haven’t had much luck in the past, and felt the blow to my self-esteem. It wasn’t until I came across Andy’s articles last year that I got inspired and motivated to take matters into my own hands. Got a tripod and fairly recently started using it.

For most of my life I’ve tried to avoid cameras so suffice to say it’s been quite challenging starting to take pics of myself with a tripod. I’m glad I’ve finally got my foot in the door.

I’ve been in a 3.5 year dry spell, which includes dating. Hermit mode. I am now committed to shatter that spell.

I’m hoping, based on feedback, to start a new tinder profile after years by using this collection to get the ball rolling with matches/dates. Keen to start dating again. I feel strapped in for the long haul now and will be working on improving in this area regardless of any matches/dates I get, so I'm not interested in spinning my wheels.

For what it's worth, I’m also based in the suburbs of a major city and flexible as I can move around the city with my stealth campervan.

Most pics are unedited so I can definitely edit the ones people think have potential e.g. blurring the background, lighting etc.
I realise the festival ones are a little out there haha. For example I have no idea whether my torso is worth showing, just experimenting. And yes I realise they may be too feminine, but I love bush festivals and I’d like to show that if possible.

I really appreciate any kind of feedback, advice and comments you guys can give. On pics to use/edit, looks, style, hair, archetype, personal context, potential strategies, whatever it is, I’ll take it on board.

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Newbie here but I’d say cut any pics with sunglasses - showing your eyes is important in your dating profile
I'm sorry but of all these, maybe #5 is usable
Everything else is either, bad quality, bad expression, bad angles, bad distance/framing
I agree with AskTheDom. #5 is good, maybe #7a too but it feels more like a LinkedIn pic.

The main problem I see is the framing : you need to fill the frame. The camera should be around eyes level if you shoot closely, otherwise you'll get a bad vertical angle.

As for the sunglasses, it's okay to have a couple of pics with them, but you shouldn't lead your profile with a sunglasses pic.

So yeah, you have to shoot a lot of new pics. Good luck !
Full disclosure: I am a relative newbie to this. My opinion is based on my experiences, and while I own my opinion and take full responsibility for making a good effort to make it valuable, I encourage you to take it with salt, if at all. Not looking at other comments until after I finish reviewing the pictures.

1a - This is okay, shoulders look a little tight though
1b - I don't like the wrinkle in your forehead here, it looks like you're looking at something bright or worrying

2a-c - These all look a bit too posed from my point of view. The first one most of all, and if you have to use one of these three I'd go with 2b, but don't put your hands in your pockets with thumb sticking out. It's kind of like crossing your arms, it makes people look nervous/defensive. "Hack": hook only your thumbs in your pockets and have your fingers on the outside. It looks more confident and less potentially suspicious than stuffing your hands in your pockets.

3a,b - These both are awkward because of the posture you have. Like, it looks like you're relaxing, but relaxing in a strange-looking sideways way. My gut says it doesn't like either, but between the two I like the hat-tipping one more for the potential silliness.

4a,b - This feels like if you'd had the camera on shutter, you'd have caught some slightly better, more "natural" poses. I'm not digging the glasses, the hat is pretty cool, and I don't really understand the rest of the outfit; it doesn't stand out to me as "this guy gets laid", so to speak. It also shows you around people, but you're looking in the direction of the camera like you're on a photoshoot. Between the two, I like 4a better.

5 - I like this. It shows off your abs, really channels the "cool", looks like a guy who gets laid. A little posed, but it looks natural enough like you were just relaxing there. I dig it. I want to say, definitely include this or at least consider it.

6 - I don't like this one because it's blurry. Other than that, it feels like it could be functional, but not "good". Definitely edit to reduce the prominence of the brow furrow as well as blurring the background if you use it.

7a - I freaking love this. It could be better if you had some prop like a pencil and pad of paper, but it really channels the "cool man doing cool shit and looking like a model doing it" vibe. Edit a little for background blur but I definitely recommend including this.
7b - This feels mediocre. You're standing upright, out in nature, wearing a suit. The outfit doesn't fit the vibe of the location, and standing straight makes it seem like you were just standing there for a picture (instead of there in the park on some business, or walking through or something). I don't like this one. Definitely feels posed.

8 - Don't really like this one. It's just your heads, and not easy to tell who the star of the show is (you vs your friend). Also, seems like a selfie. You want to take up at least 1/2 or 2/3 of your photo space, as a rule of thumb. This doesn't have enough of you to make a photo cropped to that rule of thumb worth adding to your lineup.

9 - Kind of nerdy vibe, blurry picture, kind of portrays you looking like a doofus because of your shoulder posture + arm position. Probably a few seconds before or after would have had a moment which was a better shot, and you have the right idea with walking while taking the picture, but I don't like this one much at all.

So to summarize, I really like 5 and 7a; 1a + 2b + 6 look like they could be usable if you don't have anything else and need to fill out some pictures while you're taking more; and the rest I would say will probably just hurt your profile.

After reading other comments:
Agree with wave , having sunglasses (or any glasses) on is generally not great for profile photos (though some contrary results have come up from Playing With Fire). Aim to have more pictures without them.
Lord Rey said:
The main problem I see is the framing : you need to fill the frame. The camera should be around eyes level if you shoot closely, otherwise you'll get a bad vertical angle.
agree with this too. Says a similar thing about the frame-fill.

Hope this helps! This feels like the advice I'd want to receive if I were asking.
To be honest , i don't like any of them 1a and 1b are okeyish. Your looks are fine, but the pictures will certainly not work very well with women. You might be able to appeal to a few hippie women with the pictures where you went to this Goa Rave, but that creeps most other women out tbh.

Book a photographer for 200$€, take some basic outfits with you, tell the photographer you want to look masculine in the pics, edit them a bit -> win
Vamos said:
To be honest , i don't like any of them 1a and 1b are okeyish. Your looks are fine, but the pictures will certainly not work very well with women. You might be able to appeal to a few hippie women with the pictures where you went to this Goa Rave, but that creeps most other women out tbh.

Book a photographer for 200$€, take some basic outfits with you, tell the photographer you want to look masculine in the pics, edit them a bit -> win

I agree on the sentence but disagree with the message.

I'm not the best looking guy on the apps (and doing market research there are guys better looking, fit, tall than me) but what I nailed down is my archetype-look.
On the dating apps, like mostly things digital, attention and curiosity are what get people in the door.+

Will he appeal to a lot of women? probably not, you are right

Will he get laid with chicks that matches him? probably yes.

I have a Biker/Bdsm/rocker archetype..the kind of guy that will try to fuck her in the toilet of a seedy bar
AskTheDom said:
Vamos said:
To be honest , i don't like any of them 1a and 1b are okeyish. Your looks are fine, but the pictures will certainly not work very well with women. You might be able to appeal to a few hippie women with the pictures where you went to this Goa Rave, but that creeps most other women out tbh.

Book a photographer for 200$€, take some basic outfits with you, tell the photographer you want to look masculine in the pics, edit them a bit -> win

I agree on the sentence but disagree with the message.

I'm not the best looking guy on the apps (and doing market research there are guys better looking, fit, tall than me) but what I nailed down is my archetype-look.
On the dating apps, like mostly things digital, attention and curiosity are what get people in the door.+

Will he appeal to a lot of women? probably not, you are right

Will he get laid with chicks that matches him? probably yes.

I have a Biker/Bdsm/rocker archetype..the kind of guy that will try to fuck her in the toilet of a seedy bar

AskTheDom Where can I learn more about the different archetypes out there? Nailing my style is on my list of goals for next year, but I'm curious if there are any resources out there.
natedawg said:
AskTheDom said:
I agree on the sentence but disagree with the message.

I'm not the best looking guy on the apps (and doing market research there are guys better looking, fit, tall than me) but what I nailed down is my archetype-look.
On the dating apps, like mostly things digital, attention and curiosity are what get people in the door.+

Will he appeal to a lot of women? probably not, you are right

Will he get laid with chicks that matches him? probably yes.

I have a Biker/Bdsm/rocker archetype..the kind of guy that will try to fuck her in the toilet of a seedy bar

@AskTheDom Where can I learn more about the different archetypes out there? Nailing my style is on my list of goals for next year, but I'm curious if there are any resources out there.

You go on Instagram, find an IG-famous guy that you resemble who seems to be getting a lot of likes from girls (real girls, not bots--should be easy to tell), then emulate him. That's the way to go with what the market has decided on.
For OP you're fine-looking but the market is tough.

If you're going for a 'raver guy' archetype then you'll need to hit the gym. The guys getting attention in that scene are usually ripped and muscular, then they head to raves and walk around shirtless.
klondike said:
natedawg said:
@AskTheDom Where can I learn more about the different archetypes out there? Nailing my style is on my list of goals for next year, but I'm curious if there are any resources out there.

You go on Instagram, find an IG-famous guy that you resemble who seems to be getting a lot of likes from girls (real girls, not bots--should be easy to tell), then emulate him. That's the way to go with what the market has decided on.

Pretty much this.
There are some "general" archetypes that are timeless (like the sons of anarchy biker) and some that are more modern, like the billion dollar entrepreneur, the high end drug dealer, the fashion influencer, etcetc
Most of times I've googled "male archetypes" or stuff like that it came out vampires and shit
Thank you so much for all your comments guys. I was about to post about how I felt discouraged from the lack of response and then to see this flood of responses after 10 days of tumbleweeds, it blew me away.

However I’m glad I didn’t let that prevent me from taking action in the meantime. A couple days after I posted this, I bit the bullet and threw my pics into photofeeler, even though I’ve heard from you guys that it’s not that useful. As a newbie it still gave me enough confidence that my pics/looks were worth giving a shot on the apps.

Photofeeler results:

It’s cool to see that the feedback I got here kind of reflects to the more vague feedback on photofeeler. Also the notes from girls on my expression, looks, glasses etc. It’s good to know there’s some value in the service if I’m looking for quick feedback.

Update on using apps for the first time in years:

I made profiles on Tinder, Hinge and Bumble and bought premium… Maxed out at 5 matches boosting on a Saturday night on Tinder, otherwise crickets. Been getting a little more matches by messaging on Hinge. So far I’ve only got a couple numbers and no dates. Far more competitive than I remember.

Based on the response from you guys and the few matches I’m getting, I think for now I would get a higher ROI by adding the time that I would be messaging girls onto improving my pics/looks. Hard to justify the effort from the results I’m getting at the moment.
wave said:
Newbie here but I’d say cut any pics with sunglasses - showing your eyes is important in your dating profile

Thanks for the advice and making the first comment man. I can only assume this comment acted as the catalyst for all the other comments.

AskTheDom said:
I'm sorry but of all these, maybe #5 is usable
Everything else is either, bad quality, bad expression, bad angles, bad distance/framing

Brutal and honest, thanks. Considering I'm not planning on using #5 now, looks like it's back to the drawing board for me.

Lord Rey said:
I agree with AskTheDom. #5 is good, maybe #7a too but it feels more like a LinkedIn pic.

The main problem I see is the framing : you need to fill the frame. The camera should be around eyes level if you shoot closely, otherwise you'll get a bad vertical angle.

As for the sunglasses, it's okay to have a couple of pics with them, but you shouldn't lead your profile with a sunglasses pic.

So yeah, you have to shoot a lot of new pics. Good luck !

Thanks for the specific advice on framing. Got the message on sunglasses, will be careful about how I use them now.

Looks like I've got a lot of photography work ahead of me. Thanks for the encouragement.

NightRoller said:
Full disclosure: I am a relative newbie to this. My opinion is based on my experiences, and while I own my opinion and take full responsibility for making a good effort to make it valuable, I encourage you to take it with salt, if at all. Not looking at other comments until after I finish reviewing the pictures.

1a - This is okay, shoulders look a little tight though
1b - I don't like the wrinkle in your forehead here, it looks like you're looking at something bright or worrying

2a-c - These all look a bit too posed from my point of view. The first one most of all, and if you have to use one of these three I'd go with 2b, but don't put your hands in your pockets with thumb sticking out. It's kind of like crossing your arms, it makes people look nervous/defensive. "Hack": hook only your thumbs in your pockets and have your fingers on the outside. It looks more confident and less potentially suspicious than stuffing your hands in your pockets.

3a,b - These both are awkward because of the posture you have. Like, it looks like you're relaxing, but relaxing in a strange-looking sideways way. My gut says it doesn't like either, but between the two I like the hat-tipping one more for the potential silliness.

4a,b - This feels like if you'd had the camera on shutter, you'd have caught some slightly better, more "natural" poses. I'm not digging the glasses, the hat is pretty cool, and I don't really understand the rest of the outfit; it doesn't stand out to me as "this guy gets laid", so to speak. It also shows you around people, but you're looking in the direction of the camera like you're on a photoshoot. Between the two, I like 4a better.

5 - I like this. It shows off your abs, really channels the "cool", looks like a guy who gets laid. A little posed, but it looks natural enough like you were just relaxing there. I dig it. I want to say, definitely include this or at least consider it.

6 - I don't like this one because it's blurry. Other than that, it feels like it could be functional, but not "good". Definitely edit to reduce the prominence of the brow furrow as well as blurring the background if you use it.

7a - I freaking love this. It could be better if you had some prop like a pencil and pad of paper, but it really channels the "cool man doing cool shit and looking like a model doing it" vibe. Edit a little for background blur but I definitely recommend including this.
7b - This feels mediocre. You're standing upright, out in nature, wearing a suit. The outfit doesn't fit the vibe of the location, and standing straight makes it seem like you were just standing there for a picture (instead of there in the park on some business, or walking through or something). I don't like this one. Definitely feels posed.

8 - Don't really like this one. It's just your heads, and not easy to tell who the star of the show is (you vs your friend). Also, seems like a selfie. You want to take up at least 1/2 or 2/3 of your photo space, as a rule of thumb. This doesn't have enough of you to make a photo cropped to that rule of thumb worth adding to your lineup.

9 - Kind of nerdy vibe, blurry picture, kind of portrays you looking like a doofus because of your shoulder posture + arm position. Probably a few seconds before or after would have had a moment which was a better shot, and you have the right idea with walking while taking the picture, but I don't like this one much at all.

So to summarize, I really like 5 and 7a; 1a + 2b + 6 look like they could be usable if you don't have anything else and need to fill out some pictures while you're taking more; and the rest I would say will probably just hurt your profile.

After reading other comments:
Agree with wave , having sunglasses (or any glasses) on is generally not great for profile photos (though some contrary results have come up from Playing With Fire). Aim to have more pictures without them.
Lord Rey said:
The main problem I see is the framing : you need to fill the frame. The camera should be around eyes level if you shoot closely, otherwise you'll get a bad vertical angle.
agree with this too. Says a similar thing about the frame-fill.

Hope this helps! This feels like the advice I'd want to receive if I were asking.

I've been pleasantly surprised by the value I've gotten from everyone's comments, however this level of comprehensive detail is what I was initially hoping to get when I wrote this post. I realise most simply don't have the will/capacity to give this level of detail so I really appreciate you taking the time and effort you did in the spirit of giving what you would've wanted to receive if you were asking.

This has helped me understand, edit and shift my profile around, and to take the specifics on board to my next shoots. To hear from your unique perspective why each specific pic does/doesn't work for you is quite valuable and encouraging for me as a fresh newbie. It helps me to create more actionable steps for myself to improve.

Vamos said:
To be honest , i don't like any of them 1a and 1b are okeyish. Your looks are fine, but the pictures will certainly not work very well with women. You might be able to appeal to a few hippie women with the pictures where you went to this Goa Rave, but that creeps most other women out tbh.

Book a photographer for 200$€, take some basic outfits with you, tell the photographer you want to look masculine in the pics, edit them a bit -> win

AskTheDom said:
Vamos said:
To be honest , i don't like any of them 1a and 1b are okeyish. Your looks are fine, but the pictures will certainly not work very well with women. You might be able to appeal to a few hippie women with the pictures where you went to this Goa Rave, but that creeps most other women out tbh.

Book a photographer for 200$€, take some basic outfits with you, tell the photographer you want to look masculine in the pics, edit them a bit -> win

I agree on the sentence but disagree with the message.

I'm not the best looking guy on the apps (and doing market research there are guys better looking, fit, tall than me) but what I nailed down is my archetype-look.
On the dating apps, like mostly things digital, attention and curiosity are what get people in the door.+

Will he appeal to a lot of women? probably not, you are right

Will he get laid with chicks that matches him? probably yes.

I have a Biker/Bdsm/rocker archetype..the kind of guy that will try to fuck her in the toilet of a seedy bar

klondike said:
For OP you're fine-looking but the market is tough.

If you're going for a 'raver guy' archetype then you'll need to hit the gym. The guys getting attention in that scene are usually ripped and muscular, then they head to raves and walk around shirtless.

Appreciate your feedback, advice and perspective, particularly around archetype and looks.

Yeah klondike I'm seeing how brutal it is on the apps now compared to a few years back and realizing the need to build a solid foundation first. It's affirming to hear that I'm fine-looking, but as we know fine is not enough to get the results I'm looking for.

I'm currently aiming for mass appeal to get the most experience and an abundance mentality. Down the line when I've gained some decent muscle I'll probably pivot to a raver archetype.

That being said, these comments have helped me realise that even if I have good rave pics, with my current physique, it's just not worth it for me to mix in that archetype/vibe, and I'll probably put off a lot of girls as Vamos said. It's difficult because I got positive comments on #5, but it seems like it will hinder my profile more than help. This is backed up by my personal experience of raving with a huge crew, where only the few jacked guys we have actually pull at those events.

I'm thinking now I'm better off focusing on a street style maybe with some outdoorsy pics/styles mixed in.

I will definitely book a photographer at some point when I have the extra cash. I'll stick with developing my self-photography skills, as I've got the gear to do so now. I know the process will be slower but the benefits are I'll learn a lot and become more self sufficient that way.
Sincerious said:
However I’m glad I didn’t let that prevent me from taking action in the meantime. A couple days after I posted this, I bit the bullet and threw my pics into photofeeler, even though I’ve heard from you guys that it’s not that useful. As a newbie it still gave me enough confidence that my pics/looks were worth giving a shot on the apps.

Yeah, Photofeeler is really unreliable. I used it a ton for my pictures and some of my friends. It still can be useful for a quick (and really dirty) feedback, and for comparing two edits of the same pic.

The main problem with this service is that you don't know from where your votes come from. I live in Europe and I noticed a trend : my score is heavily impacted by when I launch a test on Photofeeler. In the morning I get way better results than in the evening. Why is that ? I suppose it's because when I launch a test in the morning, it's the peak hour for Asian users and thus most of my votes come from Asian girls who are so much into white guys...

That's my theory and it's a bit of speculation, but I can show you an example :

Same pics, one got tested during the day 3 X 10 votes, and the other got tested 1 X 20 votes in the morning.

I could have been tricked to think that this pic is great when in reality it's very mediocre...
Considering I'm not planning on using #5 now, looks like it's back to the drawing board for me.

Why? It's the best one by far.
7a also looks good to me but keep in mind I know zero about pictures and OLD
AskTheDom said:
Vamos said:
To be honest , i don't like any of them 1a and 1b are okeyish. Your looks are fine, but the pictures will certainly not work very well with women. You might be able to appeal to a few hippie women with the pictures where you went to this Goa Rave, but that creeps most other women out tbh.

Book a photographer for 200$€, take some basic outfits with you, tell the photographer you want to look masculine in the pics, edit them a bit -> win

I agree on the sentence but disagree with the message.

I'm not the best looking guy on the apps (and doing market research there are guys better looking, fit, tall than me) but what I nailed down is my archetype-look.
On the dating apps, like mostly things digital, attention and curiosity are what get people in the door.+

Will he appeal to a lot of women? probably not, you are right

Will he get laid with chicks that matches him? probably yes.

I have a Biker/Bdsm/rocker archetype..the kind of guy that will try to fuck her in the toilet of a seedy bar

I agree. In the end, it is a personal choice which route you go. A wide range of women, or a specific niche, but fewer options. I'm sure that men with a much worse "portfolio" than me can attract hippie/leftwing/metal/whatsoever women, but I wouldn't stand a chance, while those guys would struggle with "normal" girls.

Sincerious said:
That being said, these comments have helped me realise that even if I have good rave pics, with my current physique, it's just not worth it for me to mix in that archetype/vibe, and I'll probably put off a lot of girls as @Vamos said. It's difficult because I got positive comments on #5, but it seems like it will hinder my profile more than help. This is backed up by my personal experience of raving with a huge crew, where only the few jacked guys we have actually pull at those events.

I'm thinking now I'm better off focusing on a street style maybe with some outdoorsy pics/styles mixed in.

I will definitely book a photographer at some point when I have the extra cash. I'll stick with developing my self-photography skills, as I've got the gear to do so now. I know the process will be slower but the benefits are I'll learn a lot and become more self sufficient that way.

I would also advise creating "vibes" that appeal to many women and not just one niche. But as I said, in the end it's a personal decision. If I'm a metalhead and also want a woman from this scene, I have to sell myself like that.

If you want, you can write me a PM. I had a shooting last weekend and I think I know a a bit about self-portraits aswell.
Lord Rey said:
Sincerious said:
However I’m glad I didn’t let that prevent me from taking action in the meantime. A couple days after I posted this, I bit the bullet and threw my pics into photofeeler, even though I’ve heard from you guys that it’s not that useful. As a newbie it still gave me enough confidence that my pics/looks were worth giving a shot on the apps.

Yeah, Photofeeler is really unreliable. I used it a ton for my pictures and some of my friends. It still can be useful for a quick (and really dirty) feedback, and for comparing two edits of the same pic.

The main problem with this service is that you don't know from where your votes come from. I live in Europe and I noticed a trend : my score is heavily impacted by when I launch a test on Photofeeler. In the morning I get way better results than in the evening. Why is that ? I suppose it's because when I launch a test in the morning, it's the peak hour for Asian users and thus most of my votes come from Asian girls who are so much into white guys...

That's my theory and it's a bit of speculation, but I can show you an example :

Same pics, one got tested during the day 3 X 10 votes, and the other got tested 1 X 20 votes in the morning.

I could have been tricked to think that this pic is great when in reality it's very mediocre...

Thanks for your perspective. That's some interesting speculation. I also noticed that if I for example added +10 votes at a totally different time, it would give significantly different results. So if that theories true, it's yet another reason not to bother with photofeeler.

Good point on the the value of comparing two edits at the same time.

hush said:
Considering I'm not planning on using #5 now, looks like it's back to the drawing board for me.

Why? It's the best one by far.
7a also looks good to me but keep in mind I know zero about pictures and OLD

Yeah I have been using 7a despite it looking a bit too professional. Have been talking about why I'm not using #5 as per below convo.

Vamos said:
I agree. In the end, it is a personal choice which route you go. A wide range of women, or a specific niche, but fewer options. I'm sure that men with a much worse "portfolio" than me can attract hippie/leftwing/metal/whatsoever women, but I wouldn't stand a chance, while those guys would struggle with "normal" girls.

I would also advise creating "vibes" that appeal to many women and not just one niche. But as I said, in the end it's a personal decision. If I'm a metalhead and also want a woman from this scene, I have to sell myself like that.

If you want, you can write me a PM. I had a shooting last weekend and I think I know a a bit about self-portraits aswell.

It does make sense to me now talking with you that adding pics that tailor to extreme niches like you mentioned, would be counterproductive based on my goals.

Seeing as how "normal" girls are the majority and I'm going for an abundance and variety of girls, focusing on building a solid, generally attractive foundation like you're doing seems to be my best bet. Eventually I may tailor towards my preferred specific niche of girls.

I'll shoot you a PM, cheers.
Hey guys back again with an update. Finally broke my 3+ year dry spell and got laid just before Xmas! What a relief. First date as well which I've never done before. What an amazing resource the guide and forums are. So grateful.

Anyway, have slowly been chipping away improving my style and taking pics casually.

Took Vamos advice, bit the bullet and did a photoshoot with a dating photographer. $300 for 1 hr.

What do you guys think? What are the best ones in the lot and where to put them in my profile?
(I can only choose 10 out of the 38 otherwise I have to shell out extra.)

MFbag said:
#5 by far the best IMO

Thanks for the feedback mate. Not surprised it's a sherpa jacket pic haha. Glad I chose to bring it to the shoot.

Will try using #5 as my main. Hopefully others chime in on the other outfit pics so I can better see if there are any others worth adding to the mix. I think there's at least 1.