Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

Manganiello said:
My friend's cool, but he also doesn't think things out that well, put way too much in the bong.
Homie just tryin to hook u up with a fat rip. Respect
June 13 (0/15)

Felt sick. Still feeling trippy/groggy.

But honestly Im glad I went out there and did what I did.

If I can approach on a day like today. I can approach on almost any day.

All rejections but that's fine. I'm just getting karma points.


Lots of flaking dates lately.
Dont know why.
If any of you guys have general pointers I'm all ears.


Back at it tomorrow.

Weighed in at 169.4 this morning. Which might be my lowest weigh-in ever.
Manganiello said:
If I can approach on a day like today. I can approach on almost any day.
100% true. This is probably your lowest point in a while. Maybe even since starting the AA program and you still did it. Good shit
Greenranger said:
have you gotten numb to rejections over time?
Personally numb isn't the right word because I do feel something when I get rejected. I feel motivated to approach even more. Its fuel to the fire. Every time I get rejected it makes me want to do something more outrageous and bold.
Greenranger said:
have you gotten numb to rejections over time?


Theres two things I guess.

1. Anxiety about the approach
2 Feelings about the rejection

Anxiety is mostly mute but it's still there for a few situations (pairs and groups, silent crowds).

For the rejections. Pretty much nothing. It doesn't necessarily Amp me up like it does Toaat (or maybe it does and i don't notice it). But I see it as extremely predictable so it's just like "OK whatever, next" when a girl turns me down. I dont take a rejection to mean something about me.

Toast said:
100% true. This is probably your lowest point in a while. Maybe even since starting the AA program and you still did it. Good shit

Yeah I'd say so. It's not horrible.
I usually don't complain but I've just been complaining and I absolutely shouldn't be. It's a horrible destructive habit to start.

Ya it was tough to get going today. Harder than any other day. But I just did it and I knew if I did it today I'd be seeding the future with some good karma points.

Mike Melhman is helping a lot.
Crisis_Overcomer said:
RogerRoger said:
Yeah fair enough - I agree you shouldn't let AA rule your life.

Regarding BiB's lay count, Glasgow or Andy might remember. I honestly don't, but I'd bet it was 10+ and wouldn't be surprised if it was 50+.

I think both Chris and BIB had 100+ lays, and they both had written (Chris in an article and BIB in his signature) that around 30 came from cold approach.

If by Chris you mean GLL, I can't believe he only had 30 lays from cold approach. Maybe if you're separating that from bar/club/social scene. But given that Chris had 12 lays during his redshirt PUA year (a "bad" year for him) way back in 2008, he dedicated like 4 years of his life exclusively towards getting laid, and all that was before starting GLL in 2012.

Given that Rousseau had 50 cold approach lays and about 100 total lays and Chris had over 200 total lays, I'd be surprised if Chris didn't have 50+ (counting day+night).

30 for BiB, totally could be.


Anyway, I'll stop taking over Mangianello's thread now :))
I really want to see you hit 200 approaches in 5 hours. I've heard Ho Chi Minh city is pretty densely populated if you're having trouble finding girls wherever you're at :)
RogerRoger said:
Crisis_Overcomer said:
I think both Chris and BIB had 100+ lays, and they both had written (Chris in an article and BIB in his signature) that around 30 came from cold approach.

If by Chris you mean GLL, I can't believe he only had 30 lays from cold approach. Maybe if you're separating that from bar/club/social scene. But given that Chris had 12 lays during his redshirt PUA year (a "bad" year for him) way back in 2008, he dedicated like 4 years of his life exclusively towards getting laid, and all that was before starting GLL in 2012.

Given that Rousseau had 50 cold approach lays and about 100 total lays and Chris had over 200 total lays, I'd be surprised if Chris didn't have 50+ (counting day+night).

30 for BiB, totally could be.


Anyway, I'll stop taking over Mangianello's thread now :))
I really want to see you hit 200 approaches in 5 hours. I've heard Ho Chi Minh city is pretty densely populated if you're having trouble finding girls wherever you're at :)

No man I appreciate it.
June 14 (3/15ish)

- Approach count probably closer to 17 or 18. but idk.
- 1 instadate. Who ran off before we got there. I actually saw her again and approached in front of her :evil:
- 2 numbers. One seemed receptive, the other one was "let's be friends tho".

I think 15 is low now. Maybe 25 would be acceptable. So honeslty, I think today could've been better.
- This was due to me experimenting with venues.

--- There's actually a LOT of girls I can approach at the mall. I think I just need to hang around an area and be indiscriminately approaching. I will 100% get a reputation there if I do that. But I might have to. If there were zero security at the mall. I wouldn;t care, but admittedly I find myself playing around it.
--- Duos at night. I think I might just set a target like doing 5 per night. Or just one Massive set. Mike had a good article on being fast. that actually helped a lot.

Ballsy stuff.
- Few silent crowd approaches
- Few approaches in front of last girl who rejected me.
- Few duos (Though this isn't ballsy, I just need to work on it more)
- Duos sitting down and eating.
- Few girls running away after I ran beside them (probably better to walk)

Quite a few.

Less Interruptions
I'm bringing my old phone when I go approach, it has no sim, and I don't want texts distracting me.

Speed of the First Approach
How quickly and how ballsy I approach the first girl seems to have a disproprotional effect on social momentum. if I do something ballsy within 60 seconds. I can do crazy stuff for the next 60 minutes.

Be on a hair trigger
Related to the first approach. But the second I leave my car, I need to be extremely mindful that I need to be extraordinarily quick and get a huge rejection off the bat, to build up the momentum.

Other Stuff:
Got vaccinated
I counted approachable girls over the span of 5 minutes and realized I was missing tons.
They were mostly boiling down to, everyone seeing me approach 5 girls in quick succession.
Approaching duos on the street. Getting better, but I'm still missing the majority of them.

So for next time?
--- As soon as I leave the car I'm thinking about the hairtrigger, and getting a quick massive rejection within 60 seconds.
--- Leaving my networked phone in the car. Get numbers with the old one.
--- And work on Duos like they're drills. So I'm going to do 4 or 5 the next evening I got to approach. Duos seem to reject at a higher %, but 50% worse is better than not doing it at all.
Manganiello said:
Few girls running away after I ran beside them (probably better to walk)
What ive done if a chick is like all the way donw the block is ill like jog half way, then speed walk to catch up, then slow down and walk a little bit faster then her and then approach. That way its not like a sprint at her lol

Manganiello said:
Speed of the First Approach
How quickly and how ballsy I approach the first girl seems to have a disproprotional effect on social momentum. if I do something ballsy within 60 seconds. I can do crazy stuff for the next 60 minutes.
I like this thought. I find myself hesitating some days to get the first approach. Once i get it over with its smooth sailing.
Toast said:
What ive done if a chick is like all the way donw the block is ill like jog half way, then speed walk to catch up, then slow down and walk a little bit faster then her and then approach. That way its not like a sprint at her lol

I do that too. I just didn't have time before she disappeared. So I had to run. She was definitely frightened. I asked her if she usually goes quiet when people talk to her... no response. Haha

Toast said:
I like this thought. I find myself hesitating some days to get the first approach. Once i get it over with its smooth sailing.

It's worth experimenting with. It's almost like the first rejection determines how much I give subsequent fucks.
June 17th (2/15-20)


- Really tired.
- But Approaching the fastest yet.
- Maybe 18 approaches or so in an hour? Idk. just a guess.

Notable Interactions:

"You like coffee"
"I'm busy today"
"No later"
"Oh I don't give my number out"
"How do you meet people then?"
"Can I just take your number"
"Yea that's cool, let me grab your tho"
"I don't give my number out"
"That's ok."
--- she gives me her number.

Honestly it was just some well practices sales skills coming to the surface at that point.
I wasn't really even thinking.

Approached 3 girls in H&M. the girls just pretended like I wasn't there after they rejected me and saw me approaching another girl.

I'll make it weird for them. Not vice versa.

At this point I don't really care about getting a reputation as much.
In fact I was consciously choosing approaches that would get me notoriety in the mall.

Move to Toronto?

I think I'm going to move to Toronto.
I'm fundamentally limited by the quiet venues in Calgary.

The more I see stuff from honeybadger , play_time_is_over , and Toast the more I see just how radically busier their venues are to mine. It's not even a complaint at this point, it just seems to be fact. Like I'm actually limited here. It's just one of those obstacles where I have a choice to tolerate it... or NOT tolerate it.

I can approach here, fine.
But I gave so much of my life up to do this. I think I'd be dumb not to do it.

This is a larger point tho.
I literally took Tuesday off work, because the question was haunting me so much.
"do I actually have to move?"
It was kind of a weird day. I was driving along these scenic highways, pondering everything, the ground was bright from the light coming through the clouds, but the sky was black, from thunderstorms rolling in. It never did rain. But it was surreal, and the idea started to settle tho. Like maybe, I actually have to move.

I know KillYourInnerLoser says if you think your city is too small, you haven't grown enough.
But I'm starting to think that might apply for Online and less for cold approaching. Cold Approaching really is governed by the amount of girls you see per minute.

Weighed in at my lowest weight in the last 12 years. So that's still going good. I think all this walking is helping.
Manganiello said:
I know @KillYourInnerLoser says if you think your city is too small, you haven't grown enough.
But I'm starting to think that might apply for Online and less for cold approaching. Cold Approaching really is governed by the amount of girls you see per minute.

Since the thought is even in your mind I'd say you have to at least give Toronto a weekend trip to see if you're missing anything - or you could even "move there" for a week/month again to try it out.
RogerRoger said:
Manganiello said:
I know @KillYourInnerLoser says if you think your city is too small, you haven't grown enough.
But I'm starting to think that might apply for Online and less for cold approaching. Cold Approaching really is governed by the amount of girls you see per minute.

Since the thought is even in your mind I'd say you have to at least give Toronto a weekend trip to see if you're missing anything - or you could even "move there" for a week/month again to try it out.

Appreciate the push.
I'm already on it.

I'm going to go there probably 4 weeks from now.

It's funny I was so excited about this new apartment I got. But it took less than a month for me to think "actually this is shit".

I guess that's a good sign of growth.

It's like the saying "every asset eventually becomes a liability".

Appreciate it man.

Are you still approaching?
Sounds like you built some real competency with it.

It's a shame if you don't keep doing it.
Manganiello said:
"You like coffee"
"I'm busy today"
"No later"
"Oh I don't give my number out"
"How do you meet people then?"
"Can I just take your number"
"Yea that's cool, let me grab your tho"
"I don't give my number out"
"That's ok."
--- she gives me her number.
So sick dude. Fuckin direct, non conforming, and all around badass.

Manganiello said:
Weighed in at my lowest weight in the last 12 years. So that's still going good. I think all this walking is helping.
Same here man. Cold approaching is the most fun form of cardio out there.

Manganiello said:
Are you still approaching?
Sounds like you built some real competency with it.
👀 im interested as well
Toast said:
Manganiello said:
"You like coffee"
"I'm busy today"
"No later"
"Oh I don't give my number out"
"How do you meet people then?"
"Can I just take your number"
"Yea that's cool, let me grab your tho"
"I don't give my number out"
"That's ok."
--- she gives me her number.
So sick dude. Fuckin direct, non conforming, and all around badass.

Ya man. That one felt really good even tho she was on the low end of attractiveness. Felt better getting that number than the hot girl later in the day.
Manganiello said:
I know @KillYourInnerLoser says if you think your city is too small, you haven't grown enough.
But I'm starting to think that might apply for Online and less for cold approaching. Cold Approaching really is governed by the amount of girls you see per minute.

What that mean? Not taking advantage of every situation possible?
offwego said:
Manganiello said:
I know @KillYourInnerLoser says if you think your city is too small, you haven't grown enough.
But I'm starting to think that might apply for Online and less for cold approaching. Cold Approaching really is governed by the amount of girls you see per minute.

What that mean? Not taking advantage of every situation possible?

Andy has a lot of experience with Online.

With online it's about pictures. Look good, have great pictures. Message a ton of girls.

But wirh cold approach ita different. How you look is less important than how you talk.

... so the reason why small cities or even medium cities can suck with cold approach is because you need to have tons of girls in one area at one point in time to hit high numbers.

Woth online to play the numbers game you just message a lot of girls.
With cold approach you need them to be in one location.

If the city is spread out, everyone drives, there's 8 different malls, nobody goes downtown. You might have a hundreds of thousands of girls to talk to. But they're so spread out you can only talk to a handful at any one point in time.

So if you want to talk to 300 girls in a week. You can do that in a few days with a train station seeing 400,000+ visitors daily.

But 300 in a mall with 3,000 visitors daily will take a massive commitment 7 days a week.

So the size of the city matters A LOT. And the density matters even more.
Manganiello said:
offwego said:
What that mean? Not taking advantage of every situation possible?

Andy has a lot of experience with Online.

With online it's about pictures. Look good, have great pictures. Message a ton of girls.

But wirh cold approach ita different. How you look is less important than how you talk.

... so the reason why small cities or even medium cities can suck with cold approach is because you need to have tons of girls in one area at one point in time to hit high numbers.

Woth online to play the numbers game you just message a lot of girls.
With cold approach you need them to be in one location.

If the city is spread out, everyone drives, there's 8 different malls, nobody goes downtown. You might have a hundreds of thousands of girls to talk to. But they're so spread out you can only talk to a handful at any one point in time.

So if you want to talk to 300 girls in a week. You can do that in a few days with a train station seeing 400,000+ visitors daily.

But 300 in a mall with 3,000 visitors daily will take a massive commitment 7 days a week.

So the size of the city matters A LOT. And the density matters even more.

Yeah for sure. Getting over my AA in a city of 50,000 is downright painful sometimes, when sometimes there's literally only like 1 really awkward opportunity per hour. I'd be thrilled to be in a city your size. But the fact that it's getting too small for you is a good sign you're getting really advanced!