Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

Day 40 (done)

Drill: "Hey wait sec, you're cute, I'm (NAME)" high five.

- Did this today and yesterday so this is for both days.

- Yesterday was brutal. Whatever magic I had on Sunday did not transfer to yesterday.
- I missed work and felt guilty about it all day and that messed with my mindset for the drills.

- 7 girls
- 2 negative reactions, 4 neutral, 1 positive.

- Totallt different story.
- learnt my lesson and stopped trying to be smooth. Just cared about getting it done.
- I started to forget who I talked to and who I didn't.
- AA was significantly less. good momentum. Went about 3x faster than yesterday.

- 11 girls
- 4 great reactions (ironically), 5 neutral, 2 bad.

Notable girls:
1) Jillian. Fucking hottest girl I talked to. I followed her into a makeup store. Super receptive.

2) Girl asked "Are you following me". Happened yesterday. Totally shook me up. But after giving it some thought I realized I was in the right for approaching her ans did everything right. If anything i would've doubled down on that approach.

Me: "high five".
Her: "I'm good"
Me: "elbow bump".
Her: "I don't touch people".
Me: "air five"
Her: "No thanks"
Me: "It's really simple you just rise you hand up like this.:
Her: ...
Me: ....
Her: ......
Me: "You know I can't leave til you raise your hand up".
Her: *raises hand
Me: "Finally."

And then what do you know? I talk to a younger girl literally 30 seconds later, just as hot. And she's super receptive. Like what the hell?

That's why I was saying Toast its the girls JOB to respond well. There's no way I became a different person in the span of 30 seconds. It was all 1 girl being a bitch, and the other 1 being awesome. Almost nothing to do with me.

- do NOT be smooth, dont even think about being smooth. Being smooth is a waste of time. Just be aggressive. Aggressive gets it done, smooth is just an ego jerkoff.
- Im beginning to wonder if caring about the good reactions is counterproductive. I still love it when a hot girl responds super well when I call her cute. That feels amazing, but maybe wanting every girl to respond like that is a bad idea? It does feel like wanting a good response is a hurtle when I actually am doing the drills.
- It's almost like when I value a good reactions from girls I tend to get more outcome dependent and thus more AA, and thus less confident and then ironically I get worse reactions.
- What I was telling myself: "Don't be smooth, it might go good, it might go bad. Who the fuck cares? Just go in there and get it done."
- Some girls are predictable at this point. Hot 27+ year olds, are often pointless to approach seems like. Hot 20ish girls are almost always good.

Other stuff:
Calories: 2119 (2 needless snacking are to blame)
Back is getting better.

sundleboro I build houses. Oddly it wasn't from lifting anything that hurt it.
Manganiello said:
- do NOT be smooth, dont even think about being smooth. Being smooth is a waste of time. Just be aggressive. Aggressive gets it done, smooth is just an ego jerkoff.
- Im beginning to wonder if caring about the good reactions is counterproductive. I still love it when a hot girl responds super well when I call her cute. That feels amazing, but maybe wanting every girl to respond like that is a bad idea? It does feel like wanting a good response is a hurtle when I actually am doing the drills.
- It's almost like when I value a good reactions from girls I tend to get more outcome dependent and thus more AA, and thus less confident and then ironically I get worse reactions.
- What I was telling myself: "Don't be smooth, it might go good, it might go bad. Who the fuck cares? Just go in there and get it done."
- Some girls are predictable at this point. Hot 27+ year olds, are often pointless to approach seems like. Hot 20ish girls are almost always good.
Today seems like a day full of great lessons. I'll definitely come back here to reread this log. All of this makes sense.

Manganiello said:
- Im beginning to wonder if caring about the good reactions is counterproductive. I still love it when a hot girl responds super well when I call her cute. That feels amazing, but maybe wanting every girl to respond like that is a bad idea? It does feel like wanting a good response is a hurtle when I actually am doing the drills
you could possible be setting ur self up poorly with this mindset. If you always hope for a good response and u don't get it u may end up being bummed. If u thought the opposite and every girl u expected to give a poor response gave a good response, would u think it would have the opposite effect? As in you were surprised by the good response when u were expecting a bad one.
Toast said:
you could possible be setting ur self up poorly with this mindset. If you always hope for a good response and u don't get it u may end up being bummed. If u thought the opposite and every girl u expected to give a poor response gave a good response, would u think it would have the opposite effect? As in you were surprised by the good response when u were expecting a bad one.

Yeah it feels like there's some fine line here.

It's like I want good reactions. But trying to control the reactions is a bad idea. So there's some lesson here somewhere. Just haven't distilled it yet.
Manganiello said:
Yeah it feels like there's some fine line here.
Good point. Definitely something to think about. If you always thought negatively it could affect your overall approach and your mental state afterwards. Didn't really think about this lol

Maybe in the future what is referred to as "screening" helps with getting more good responses. I haven't read much about it, but it seems like within the first 10 or so seconds you evaluate whether or not the girl is receptive and if not you just move along.
You make this shit look easy - love that you trucked through a bad day to keep the good work is the approach log gonna be in this same post or are you gonna make a new one??
enjoyablehat said:
You make this shit look easy - love that you trucked through a bad day to keep the good work is the approach log gonna be in this same post or are you gonna make a new one??

Thanks Mr.Hat.

I think I'll start a separate log for the real approaches, or some general progress log. I'll probably turn this log into a resource for other people doing or looking to do the AA program.
No approaches yesterday. Had a friend from out of province.

Will be at it tonight again.
And possible a little bit on Sunday. But I'm planning to work then so we'll see.

Calories: 1600 (+/- 50)
Grats on Day 40 finished! Maybe to you and Toast's discussion, it's about having a percentage expectation. Like, maybe it's thinking, "I'm guaranteed to have 1/20" and going in with knowing most of them will go "bad" and just looking for that 1 that works. That way, you'll still do the 20 because you know you're guaranteed the 1 in the end.

Manganiello said:
2) Girl asked "Are you following me". Happened yesterday. Totally shook me up. But after giving it some thought I realized I was in the right for approaching her ans did everything right. If anything i would've doubled down on that approach.

Me: "high five".
Her: "I'm good"
Me: "elbow bump".
Her: "I don't touch people".
Me: "air five"
Her: "No thanks"
Me: "It's really simple you just rise you hand up like this.:
Her: ...
Me: ....
Her: ......
Me: "You know I can't leave til you raise your hand up".
Her: *raises hand
Me: "Finally."

You're responding well to it in the moment, and the thinking-back-on-it phase afterwards, it probably gets less and less as it happens more and more. Especially when you approach for real and some of them start leading to other things, so the bad ones, who cares. The "judging them" mindset really works well. It's like, you've seen it all, you know the normal reaction, and when something weird happens, you know it's an anomaly, and it's them, not you.
Watched your vlog on Day 22, thanks for doing that audio. I'm going to try the same! That was amazing
sundleboro said:
Watched your vlog on Day 22, thanks for doing that audio. I'm going to try the same! That was amazing

Yeah man, I forgot about that. I should record some audio again.
Day 41 (3/20)

DRILL: Hey you're cute, time, directions, high five, high five again.

- Probabky the worst execution I've had yet of the program.
- talked to 3 girls
- couldn't even ask for the time I was so out of it.
- eventually asked 5 people for the time to warm up and talked to 3 cute girls.
- 2 neutral, 1 positive.

Notable interactions...
- None. Well first girl was cute and receptive but it lasted 0.3 seconds.

- Not 100% sure what went wrong, this whole week was garbage. Every target got missed this week.

Potential lessons:

- Focusing on problems before/during drills makes my performance worse. (This is probably true because it was 100% true with sales).

- Also like sales some days will just have bad momentum and I need to spend 30 to 60 minutes to put myself in the right headspace. (That worked 90% of the time woth selling stuff).

- Remembwrinf my goals and having a deep purpose for my actions this week was definitely lacking. And possibly why I've been slipping on my weekly/daily targets.

- Have not written my goals down every morning since I had a week off from work (3 weeks ago). And that could've been the trigger that sidetracked my daily rituals (now that I think about it)

- I'm just doing what needs to be done and not much more which is usually a sign that I'm lacking motivation. Which is like duh.

- How have I rebounded from weeks like this? Because I've done it many many times.

- I probably need to inject some pain and a lot of it to remind myself what's at stake. In October last year I was really inconsistent diet wise and then I took 1 day and ate whatever the fuck I wanted to the point of throwing up. Felt mildly depressed for 2 or 3 days. And then went on an unbelievable tear and dropped 20 lbs in 3 months. I dont want to do that lol. But if I need to I will.

- I'm going to spend today and get to the bottom of this. Because its not just approaches its everything else that I'm getting C grades on.

Other stuff
- Calories 2143
- I did start to get mt wakeup time back to normal so that's good.
- Back is feeling 95%
Manganiello said:
- How have I rebounded from weeks like this? Because I've done it many many times.
This is a really powerful thought in my opinion.

Seems like just a hiccup in the grand scheme of things, and it sounds like you have a good idea of what you can do to get back on track.
Thanks for the tip about the morning routine. Good to keep your goals in perspective. You told me to keep my goals in perspective when I was down, and I went into the drill today thinking about what you said. I thought about it for like 30 minutes in the car. It may help you too, to just give yourself 30 minutes and just think about it.

Don't worry about today. Watch some of your old vlogs tomorrow. Here comes something crazy: this is like the stock market. The lowest point you feel is the key to the highest point you'll get to. You just have to take action, and do the hard thing. The best days/interactions really freaking often come right after the worst ones, more than you can explain with chance.

Something that may have helped me and may help you is, after an interaction where you still feel down and not wanting to do anymore, write a note about how it went. It grounds you and pulls you out of the spiral. That number 20 can be daunting, so just say, "today sucks, I'm only gonna do one more and I'm done". And then use that feeling of achievement at the end to force yourself to do another one. And another one.


Btw how do you put so much structure and clarity into your vlogs? It seems like it's instinctive for you. I tried an audio log today and it was just rambling and mumbling even though I felt good while recording it.
sundleboro said:
Btw how do you put so much structure and clarity into your vlogs?

Idk exactly. I just know when I talk about it. I have a mental note to say, what day it is, how it went, number of girls... and then go into interactions and some lessons... I think. Never really did it consciously.

sundleboro glad that helped you out. I need to do it more. I'm just realizing there were two ingredients missing.

1. I wasn't seeking inspiration actively. When im crushing it im reading a lot from people I want to be like, not on solving problems but just absorbing how they are and what kind of life they get to live. It's really motivating. And I usually end up Journaling a lot without planning to. So read more about and seek inspiration from idols and think about the person I want to be. This is huge.

2. Like I said I wasn't writing my goals down in the morning.

Toast I appreciate that. It may be a hiccup but its a powerful reminder. Because I started thinking about where my life would go if I kept having inconsistent weeks with my diet and work. And didn't like that future.

Anyways. I'll be back at posing some AA program stuff either today or tomorrow. Have a killer day guys. Keep crushing it.
sundleboro said:
Something that may have helped me and may help you is, after an interaction where you still feel down and not wanting to do anymore, write a note about how it went
Definitely going to steal this idea.
Day 41 (done)
DRILL: Hey you're cute,time, directions, high five, high five.

- Probably the most intense experience of the entire AA program.
- Had the one of the WORST reactions EVER, and had to drive back to the mall to tell the girl to go fuck herself (actually).
- 23 attempts, 20 completions, 19 very positive reactions, 3 neutral, 1 horrible reaction.
- This day will pretty much be remembered for the one brutal reaction and what transpired after it, so I may as well just get into it.

Notable Reaction:
I'll give the details below. Basically I had to keep my hand up for 2 or 3 minutes, and this girl flipped out, and after I was done the day I HAD to (Actually as per the AA program instructions) go back to the mall, find her and tell her to go fuck herself. Which I did.

So how it went.
It was the very last one of the day. Set Number 20.
It was a situation I was apprehensive about... she was waiting for her order at Starbucks, fucking 20 people around. This was going to be a Very. Public. Approach.
I wasn't super stoked about doing this with tons of people quietly watching us, but whatever...

Me: "Hey you're cute"
Her: "Oh thanks"
Me: "Do you have the time"
Her: "4:25"
Me: "Where's the closest gas station?"
Her: (she tells me)
Me: "awesome high five!"
Her: "Oh I'm good."
Me: "Ok cool, Covid, no problem, Elbow Bump!"
Her: "I'm good."
Me: "Alright, Air Five!"
Her: "I'm good."

  • Now I have a problem

    I'm not allowed to leave until she gives me a high five, or she leaves first.

    So I'm stuck, I can't leave... I have to finish the drill.
    She's stuck, she can't leave... she's waiting for her order.

    So Fuck, I'm realizing this drill could get really prolonged, awkard and uncomfortable if I don't do something fast.

Me: "Hey, it's really simple you just raise your hand up like this".
Her: "Yeah well I'm not going to do that."
Me: "Well I can't leave unless you do"

  • I'm holding my hand up with 20 people watching us.
    Staring directly into her eyes, 3 feet from her. She starts to ignore me. Hard core.

    30 seconds go by.

Me: "y'know ignoring me, doesn't make me go away."
Her: ....
Me: "Your making this awkward"
Her: "For you"
Me: "No for you too, everyone's wondering why you won't just give me an air five"
Her: ...

  • (I look around, yup, everyone's watching...)

    I'm holding my hand up, staring directly into her eyes, and she's still not doing anything.

Me: "K my arm is starting to get sore. Just raise your hand up"
Her: (Loses it) "When Will you get the hint! I don't want to give you a high five"
Me: Thanks! you're super helpful!

I leave the mall...
Take 10 minutes to cool down...
Go to another store, and talk to a super sweet, helpful girl she does everything right, double high five, everything.

... BUT I'M NOT DONE. As I'll soon realize.

So I did the final set, and I'm checking my phone out, to see if I really had to wait that long for the high five in the drill.
And as I'm reading it I see a text that Chris says...

QUOTE:"If you get a bad response...Short of physical assault, I suggest doing what you want and certainly saying what you want. You'll feel better that you did and be able to move on faster.

What you DO NOT do is- wish you did/said something but backed out because you are a pussy.

If you do that, anytime this week, I encourage you to start the week over again.

You will finish the week and you not finish as a pussy." END QUOTE

Are you fucking kidding me?
Now that I think about it I wanted to tell that girl to go fuck herself...
But that means restarting the whole fucking week?!
It took me 2 weeks, like a 160+ girls just to get this far in week 6.

So I had a dillema, restart the week or go and find that girl...

So I drive back to the mall.

Every store is closing up, mall is closing.

But, I found her.
She clearly recognizes me...

Me: "Hey, I just want to apologize for that... Just Kidding. Go Fuck Yourself!"

She was taken back by that.

But I got it done. And left.

... felt really surreal after that. I did it, I don't have to restart the week.

But it kind of made me realize how artificial that whole thing was.
Nomally, I would've filtered a girl out like that, by the time I got to the high five I would've left and normally, I would've let a bad reaction like that go.
But because the drill (1) Won't let me leave till she gives me a high five and (2) makes me restart the entire fucking week, if I don't say exactly what's on my mind. I was forced to have a bad conversation and then tell a girl to fuck herself.
In hindsight, I don't blame her for her reaction all that much. Everyone has bad days, maybe she was having one...

But at the same time, 90+% of the girls were nice, so whatever her excuse is it's not that great.

But yeah I did it. And it's just kind of crazy writing this here, thinking woah that really happened?

- Just do it.
- Had no social momentum up until the 12th girl, the last 8 were easy, but the first 12 were really tough. Had AA for most of the day.
- Yeah, being fed up helps, I was so fed up with girls after that one girl. Even though I had only 1 more girl to talk to at that point, I didn't care who people were or what they thought, I was ready to get banned from that mall.
- Most people are nice, vast majority, but some aren't.
- Hot girls aren't that special.

Other stuff:
- Work got cancelled so I drove to a different city to do drills.
- This city had crazy amounts of hot girls, never seen that many at once (In Canada anyway)
- Feeling the mojo back for the most part.
- I think I kicked myself out of Keto, so I might need to spend this week repairing the diet. Which sucks.
- Feeling clear headed.

Jesus christ, what a day.
I wrote a reply but browser crashed and it got lost before submitting. Let me try to paraphrase

This was even better than you said. I can't imagine what it was like in front of basically a crowd, in that awkward position and even worse when she flipped out on you. That's nightmare fuel for some people. It's a somewhat bad dream fuel for me thanks to the program. But instead of getting even more scared, you got angry. That's sick. Happy you found the girl afterwards (what are the chances that she was still there?), otherwise you'd be stuck with us for a good while longer. I doubt it'd take you 2 whole weeks to do it a second time though

Seriously, the epic return to the battlefield. The stars aligned. Congrats on the 19 other girls too, that's the bulk of the work. You'll probably remember this girl in 20 years though. Actually, if the program leads to better things and crazier days, hopefully you won't even remember this one.

The formatting and colors really sells the emotions of this lol. Also noticed you're keeping a copy of the log on the GLL forums. How's that working out?

I think getting banned from a mall should be Day 70 of the program
sundleboro said:
can't imagine what it was like in front of basically a crowd, in that awkward position and even worse when she flipped out on you. That's nightmare fuel for some people.

I love that. I think I'm going to get a hat that says that on it.

sundleboro lol yeah man. Super memorable interaction. I dont think I'll ever forget that one. It was a religious experience like you said about that day you had. It just kind of becomes a defining moment. That's definitely how I felt about it.

She had an earpiece so I knew she worked at the mall (somewhere) when I went back.

It was the stars aligning for sure.

I feel waaaaaayyy different today then I did yesterday. A lot more "do what I want" feeling. Curious how the drills go today man.

I dont think anyone reads my log on GLL. But I'll leave it there in case anyone serious finally comes around on GLL and needs to see what I'm doing.
Damn dude, this was an awesome post to read. Like a thriller movie just waiting to see what happens at the end. I laughed out loud when you said "Hey, I just want to apologize for that... Just Kidding. Go Fuck Yourself!"
Great job sticking exactly with what the drill days to do. Definitely one for the books. If anyone else reads this post its definitely a great example for not being a pussy and just doing the whole drill like stated. I'm sure there's going to be situations out there where I'm personally going to want to bitch out and think back to this. If Manganiello can drive back to the mall, find a girl and tell her off, why the fuck can't I do the same.

Mad props to you, super impressed with how you literally stood there till your arm got tired in front of a crowd. I feel happy knowing that you were able to tell that girl to fuck off.

The thoughts on your feelings after the fact are pretty insightful. I think that naturally interactions like this are very artificial or super rare, but the reason these need to happen is so that you are exposed to things way out of the norm to give your self a view on what is normal and what is extreme. Just like in Chris' case with the crazy coffee lady, that's something that happens 1 in like 500 chicks, but there is a possibility for it to happen and you need to be ready to either react to it or be able to say what you want. Or these crazy situation just callus you against super bitchy chicks and u can just laugh it off or be able to tell them off if u want.
hahaha epic story man you absolutely killed it and handled it in an awesome way - great work fuck that bitch