Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

Day 46??????? Already!? You beast! I can't believe how fast you are blasting through this. There was never any doubt at all you will finish this. Keep smashing away!

Sometimes you lose momentum. Don't beat yourself up about it. As long as you can do what you want to do 90% of the time then you have conquered AA (paraphrasing Chris the almighty)
Manganiello said:
Update February 6th 2021

No drills today, but had this funny thing happen...
1 - Went to buy a book today
2 - Caught this attractive girl looking at me twice
3 - She walks over to where I am and pretends to look at a book.
4 - I talk to her for like 10-15 minutes
5 - Turns out she just wanted me to join her MLM (multi-level marketing) Not sure if that's only a thing in North America.
-- Kind of felt like a waste of time after I found that out.
-- And it feels a little ego-bruising because I thought she was looking at me for how I looked (or maybe she was?) I guess it doesn't matter a whole lot.

Anyways it's just ONE girl. So I get that, but it taught me a few things.
(1) I actually don't know where I stand sexiness-wise, and probably won't until I'm actively going on dates and doing the more sexual compliment drills.
(2) I get why Chris says to keep the conversations short, because this whole thing would've been sorted if I left after 2 or 3 minutes.

LOL at the MLM thing. It happened to me once, before I even knew GLL, a beautiful girl talked to me on the street. It turned out she wanted me to sign up for some MLM shit. Fortunately even back then I had enough self esteem to reject that proposal.
It's pretty cool that you are doing the program, keep it up, I'm reading your log to motivate myself to approach :cool:
Day 38 (You're cute)
Drill: Walk past/go up to 40 girls and say "You're Cute"


- This day was MUCH harder than the previous days
- Talk to 4 girls in 3 hours.
- I think it was a mix of 3 or 4 different factors that made today harder than normal (besides the drill itself)

That being said, the day ended super well.
- After the video I recorded I went to another mall and finally walked up two girls who were super attractive and said "Hey this is random, but I just want to say both of you are really cute."
- Just like all the other drills I struggled with, it seems like I need to find my own way of saying it to actually get it done. This was the case here. I said You're cute. But had to introduce it by saying "Hey, I just want to say..."
- Just talking to those last 2 girls made it worth it. Felt fucking GOOD. Like really good.
- Honestly that 1 approach felt like the most important one I've done in the last 3 weeks (maybe the whole program), because I had to get over a bunch of stuff to do it.

Jesus Christ, style makes a big difference. Bought some clothes that looked more "fuckboy" (for lack of a better word), and seriously there were tons of girls staring at me.
- It was like night and day man. From nobody-seems-to-notice to they're all holding eye contact. Maybe that's in my head, but it seemed pretty pronounced to me.

So yeah despite only doing 4 approaches in 3 hours, this felt like a massive day because of the last 30 minutes of it, both the last approach and just changing up my look.


Radical I'm buying stuff in your Style Guide. Got another 15-20 lbs to lose, should I hold off on buying jeans til I lose all the weight or is it fine to buy them now? (I'm sure you've been asked this before, I just can't find the answer).

Thebastard Thanks man, but I'm only day 38! I'm stopping after Day 46 is what I meant. Trying to do 3.5 days/week, which I've been doing slightly faster.

Sisyphus Oh yeah? I swiftly turned her down too, but it was a good experience nonetheless. That's a great name btw.

TimmyTurner When you gonna resume the program? I seem to recall you were doing it until the country went into lockdown.
Manganiello said:
Jesus Christ, style makes a big difference. Bought some clothes that looked more "fuckboy" (for lack of a better word), and seriously there were tons of girls staring at me.
- It was like night and day man. From nobody-seems-to-notice to they're all holding eye contact. Maybe that's in my head, but it seemed pretty pronounced to me.

Not in your head. I experienced the same when I had a haircut and improved my style.

Decent style makes you polarizing, hence the staring. So some girls will look at you with interest and others will think you're weird. Think the grandfather of the PUA industry, Mystery. In the summer I was wearing floral shirts (like the one in my avatar) and goth girls would stare at me and chuckle after a while. They chuckled probably because our styles were diametrically opposed and they thought I looked funny.

Manganiello said:
- Just like all the other drills I struggled with, it seems like I need to find my own way of saying it to actually get it done. This was the case here. I said You're cute. But had to introduce it by saying "Hey, I just want to say..."

I like this. I tried the AA program 3-4 times in the past and since I'm autistic, I wanted to follow Chris' suggestions to a T. So no tweaking allowed and it was hard. But at the end of the day, there's no magic in the words - it's all about putting yourself out of your comfort zone.

You're killing it man. Good job.
Crisis_Overcomer said:
I like this. I tried the AA program 3-4 times in the past and since I'm autistic, I wanted to follow Chris' suggestions to a T. So no tweaking allowed and it was hard

Yeah man that was my hang up the whole day. I literally could NOT do it without changing it up. Felt like such a huge win once I got over that bump.

And you're right about style. Every other guy seemed to wear bad fitting ad hoc clothes and I was more-or-less doing the opposite.
Day 38b (You're Cute).

Walk up to/pass by 10 girls and say "You're cute." and Leave.
Walk up to and stop 10 girls and say "Hey, wait a second- you're cute." and Leave.
Repeat this 2 times, you will speak to 40 girls.

- Fucckkkkkk, couldn't do it again either.
- This day looks so fucking easy on paper, but it's like I can't actually say anything. Well I can, but very inconsistently.
- Not 100% sure what the issue is, I guess it's just AA.
- Talked to 5 girls in 2.5 hours. No bad reactions, mostly between positive and neutral.
- I just feel awkward as hell saying it, and what's worse is that I feel awkward about feeling awkward.

- It definitely wasn't lack of hot girls today (mind you majority of them were in groups.
- I could get girls attention.
- It was like I was waiting for some perfect chance.

- Not 100% sure.
- Maybe I just wasn't owning the fact I was getting girls attention and then calling them cute.
- Maybe just getting to the point where I assume all reactions will be bad and do it anyway will help.
- Maybe just barging in and saying girls are cute even if it's a weird as fuck situation?

I need some way of doing this one,
- All I have to do is walk up to a girl and say "you're cute". Maybe I'm overthinking it.

Anyway that's all me kind of rattling off thoughts in my head.
I think I just have AA about it, and just need to do it.
And even if I don't have any tips or tricks tomorrow to get this harder day done... I just got to do it anyway.

I really don't want to do this one day to be honest. But I really don't have a choice.

Tomorrow I'm just fucking getting it done. Whatever that means. I don't care if it's sloppy at this point.
Manganiello said:
Talked to 5 girls in 2.5 hours. No bad reactions, mostly between positive and neutral.

This is all just an assumption from my part, I'm not even at this point yet.
But I think this is an important thing to think about when going out next time. No bad reactions from the girls you did talk to!
U got this!
Day 38 (fukn done!)

Drill: Walk up to 20 girls and say "you're cute", walk up to 20 girls and say :"Hey wait a second, you're cute".

- Holy fucking fuck, what a good day.
- Talked to 53 HOT girls.
- Today felt like a game-changer. I'm on cloud nine.
- I told more girls that they were cute in about 5 hours than I did in the previous 30 years.
---- lol ye, that's kind of crazy when I think about it. It feels good guys. Really fucking good.

How the day went
- I had knots in my stomach pretty much the whole day, it was hours of just uninterupted mild anxiety. It was exhausting.
- After the 38th girl, I honestly just stopped caring about what girls said. It wasn't even that special of a moment, I was just so worn out emotionally, I couldn't get myself to care even if I wanted to. It got pretty easy after that.
- Besides the 'anxiety' obstacle, the other one just finding enough cute girls to talk to. But I really stuck it out and didn't lower the standards. They were ALL sexy.

- HUGE LESSON: I'm not trying to get Better Reactions, I'm just trying to be ok with ALL reactions. That mindset made this whole day doable.
- OTHER LESSON: I'm going to have to be ok with girls responding to me after I tell them they're attractive. So I may as well get used to it.
- The commitment level was very high on this day, I was going to do this day or die trying, and honestly I think that's what saw me through it more than anything.

- I think I just feel good because of how hard it was to get over this day. This victory feels like its mine, and mine forever. No one can take this day away from me. I'm going to remember this one for sure. I said in the video it felt like today nudged my life a few degrees in a different direction.

Other stuff:

- Aside from the crazy shit, i got a phone call letting me know the company I do marketing for doesn't exist anymore. HUGE mess, looks like there's lawsuits going down between the co-founders. Anyway, I'm out $400 and some side income I was expecting in the spring/summer.
- dunno my calories today, wasn't tracking. I did weigh in at 172 tho.

Adam thanks dude!

Toast being OK with ALL reactions was the most important part of today. I can't wait til you, Giles (and sundleboro ) get to this day. It makes the whole program worth it. No joke (and I'm not even done yet).

Credit where credit is due.
This was an important day my fellow dudes.

enjoyablehat thanks for keeping me accountable.

KillYourInnerLoser thanks for keeping me on the script, and not changing it. It was so worth it. And for setting up this fucking forum dude. I'll give you my first child as a thankyou, in fact I'll donate 300 kids to you. It'll make up for your vasectomy.

joe_ronimo Just seeing what you're up to made me realize that I have to get comfortable being honest and vulnerable with girls. (so it may as well be now).

blue thanks for the encouragement man.
Manganiello said:
@Radical I'm buying stuff in your Style Guide. Got another 15-20 lbs to lose, should I hold off on buying jeans til I lose all the weight or is it fine to buy them now? (I'm sure you've been asked this before, I just can't find the answer).

Sorry dude forgot to respond

Good fitting jeans are a really big part of it tbh. Its one of the more noticeable bad fits on people when they are wearing ill fitted trousers

Buy the black pair only now and if they dont fit at the end of your weight loss you can look to buy a new pair

The black pair is so versatile it can make up all of your combination options
Manganiello said:
@TimmyTurner When you gonna resume the program? I seem to recall you were doing it until the country went into lockdown.

Hadn't necessarily stopped, just been really cold here plus everything's closed so slow progress
TimmyTurner said:
Hadn't necessarily stopped, just been really cold here plus everything's closed so slow progress

I get that. Its definitely harder to do this than 12 months ago. Oh well.
Dude I try not to look at the drills ahead of time, but so happy for you

Manganiello said:
I had knots in my stomach pretty much the whole day, it was hours of just uninterupted mild anxiety. It was exhausting.

Understand this pretty hard. Isn't it great? Lol

I think I'm glad I had knots in my stomach because it made the day feel more like an accomplishment. But not fun in the moment.
Yeah whatever you do never look ahead and see what devilry is in store for you ;) Just keep doing what you are doing my friend.
Day 39b (You're cute, give your name)

- This is starting to feel like real approaches. (Which is crazy when I think about where I was at 6 weeks ago!)
- I thought there's no way I can get to real approaches, that shit's too hard.
- I mean I'm saying "Hey, you're cute, I'm Brandon" What else is there to do? Feel like AA is mostly(?) defeated at this point
- Overall today felt more real, Day 38 was just a "get through this day at all costs" where as now I'm more relaxed and it feels genuine.

God, why didn't I do this program years ago?

Notable Interactions (stole this idea from toast)
  • (1) It feels really good to be saying "You're cute" to super hot and cute girls. First girl I talk to in the mall, and I'm thinking to myself "Jesus Christ, she's hot as fuck", but she'll probably just give a luke-warm "thank"... but instead she ends up being super receptive. I mean I could live off that feeling, forget sleep and eating, lol.

    (2) First girl I gave my name to felt special, idk, I think it's just that all the previous (500?) girls, were just impersonal I'm fucking with this girl, but this girl felt a little bit more real. It was almost like the fact that I introduced myself made her enjoy it more. Her name was Rosaline, probably going to remember her.

- Again it's not about getting good reactions, it's about being OK with ALL reactions.
- I was way more genuine and I think that contributed to the positivity I got from girls.
- Pretty sure the tough part this week will be finding enough hot girls. I'm going back to work tomorrow, so my approaching window is smaller.

Other stuff:
- Calories: 1195,
- Weight: 171.8
- Might not get a whole lot of time to approach this Sunday (if any, need to catch up on work).
- I'm going to aim for 1400 to 1600 calories the next 4 days. 1200 is feeling tight rn.

Radical OK good, I got 2 pairs of black skinny jeans, feels weird wearing them, but I'm getting used to it.
Thebastard I don't mind looking ahead right now, it doesn't freak me out and gives me a chance to plan.
I feel excited after watching your Vlog man. Can definitely tell u were really happy with todays approaches. Ur the fuckin man!
Toast yeah man like I said at this point it feels like real approaches now.

- No drills because of the livestream
- weight 171.0
- calories 1737

I'll be doing some drills later today.
Day 39 (first set done)
"Hey, wait a second you're cute. I'm Brandon"

- talked to 9 (maybe 10?) girls today.
- Most of the problems today stem from not having enough time, and doing drills an hour before the malls closed.
- NNerves were higher than doing the same drill on Monday. Think it was just not being in the right headspace.
- Going straight from work to doing this, kind of messed with me a bit, it felt like I just came into the drill unprepared.
- Today was a day of lessons on what not to do.
- There were a few positives tho: Handled a negative reaction well, found a new way to warm up that worked really well, and went for it despite not feeling in the mood.

Notable girls
- First one was horrible, I don't even know why I approached her, but she was really dismissive (I said she was cute, and she says "That's nice" sarcastically and walks off. Caught me off guard, but I recovered really quickly.
- Second girl, was like a 180. Hottest girl of the day, and what do you know? She was awesome. Super nice, got her name too. Ashley. I actually walked by her and couldn't pull the trigger, then came back and did it.


  • 1) Plan the day before hand, better. I usually do this, but didn't do it today. And it lead to me not being prepared once I actually got started.
    2) Protect the apporaching timeblock better. I try and set 2 hours for this each day and it got dwindled down to 1.
    3) Having TIME is really important, like not too much time where there's no pressure, but having too little makes it very hard to find the rhythm quick enough to have a productive session.

    4) Pre Drills really work, I was just asking random people for the time, but it got me into the groove of talking to people, Scotty did warm-ups, so this must be a good idea.
    5) It's not about getting better reactions, it's about getting used to ALL reactions.

Watched some GLL videos where chris & scotty talk to some girls. Holyshit I feel like a total noob compared to them.
People complain too mch about covid, but seriously, it looks like there were so many more approachable girls in their videos. It makes the best days for approaching now, look like a joke.

Other Stuff
- Calories 1617 (still off target, but way better than yesterday)
- Weighed 171.8 (I'm getting soooo close to the 160s)
- Work was better today, it feels like such an afterthought with everything else going on.
- Had some crazy-ass realizations (might post about it tomorrow)

That's it guys.