Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

When I think of Scotty I feel nostalgic these days! Where have these 7 years gone? These days are getting tougher! But you are doing it instead of thinking too much. Keep it up!!!
Keep it up man - do you notice any more / less energy or in general how you feel on the days you've been 1500-1800 calories vs 1200?
enjoyablehat said:
Keep it up man - do you notice any more / less energy or in general how you feel on the days you've been 1500-1800 calories vs 1200

Yeah but not much. I'm only eating more because when im doing stuff outside my energy gets drained pretty fast.

So to go from 1200 to 1600 just ends up negating the lost energy so it feels about the same.

Today I barely ate anything and feel perfectly fine.
- Get halfway done Day 35
- Average out 1450 calories this week
- Execute 2 good strategies to increase monthly income by $500
- Simplify my weekly planning process.

Took too long to figure out my goals this week.k think I was trying g to figure out the best ways to make $500 extra per month TOO MUCH. And didn't get anything done in the end.

Honestly not feeling great. Feeling behind everyone here and still have a pretty steep mountain to climb.

I'll feel better tomorrow but thats how im feeling now. Can't wait to do more drills tomorrow.

Calories today: 1250
Manganiello said:
Honestly not feeling great. Feeling behind everyone here and still have a pretty steep mountain to climb.

Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today.

Good old JP.
Manganiello said:
Honestly not feeling great. Feeling behind everyone here and still have a pretty steep mountain to climb.
Feeling behind everyone? When I see what you're doing I'm thinking you're far ahead in terms of social freedom and I find myself questioning if I'd have the grit to do the same. I had a go at the AA program last year up until day 10, and by comparison, getting fit or taking photos for tinder is a walk in the park.

You may not be piling on lays or money at this stage but I can't imagine you not experiencing some degree of success in future endeavors with that level of perseverance.
Day 32 (Compliment)

Only did one set today. Just did it so I could say I did it.
- Drill gets back to the easier routines (Ask for time), so this drill was no problem
- Need to delete games off my phone. That made me to miss my target for the AA program, lost about 1.5 hrs.

Besides that it was a good day.
Calories: 1300
Reservoir said:
You may not be piling on lays or money at this stage but I can't imagine you not experiencing some degree of success in future endeavors with that level of perseverance.

Thanks man. You just saying that kind of reminds me of things I was really good at.

That grit is purely from lessons learnt. I don't think I was born with grit, nor was anybody else I know.
It just came from making mistakes and realizing I abandoned stuff too early. That was a big lesson 5 years ago.
FOCUS = Follow One Course Until Successful

You have grit when you decide to have it, that's my take on it.

I think the tradeoffs I'm making to have success in dating annoy me at times. I know I could be doing some big things career-wise, but I also know that if I chase a career and dating at the same time. I'll get nothing done. I'm not asking it to be perfect, I'm just acknowledging thats a feeling I get time to time, and don't 100% know how to deal with it besides staying the course.

The Beast said:
Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today.

Yeah I feel that.
I think the danger is in attributing "self-value" to how you measure up others, (or to anything external for that matter)
I'd just add you can learn a lot when you look at what other people are doing. It's not always bad to be comparing, so long as it's coming from a healthy place.
Day 32 already?!? My man. There are very few people matching you at this right now. Just keep doing what you are doing.
Day 32 - Compliments
Time, Leave.
Time, Directions, Leave.
Time, Directions, Non-Sexual Compliment (I like your shoes/shirt), Leave.
* Challenge 4th Girl: Time, Non-Sexual Compliment, Directions, Non-Sexual Compliment (I like your shoes/shirt), Leave.

- Talked to 20-25 girls today
- Felt really good to do this drill.
- Only talked to 3 girls in the last 6 days. There's some weird self-esteem boost that comes from regularly talking to hot girls it seems.
- Honestly it just felt cool to talk to the hottest girls in the mall.
- Really cute girl wanted to start a conversation after the fact.
- Didn't find any trouble at all.
- The only thing I would do differently would to slow down a little bit, be more genuine and talk to the girls a little more.

Other stuff:
- Calories 1800
- Wondering if I should try and do something to lower calories on colder days or just let it happen as my body seems to require it more.

Adam said:
Agreed. You're killing it with the AA program, man.

Thanks man, I'm just aiming for consistency.
Day 33a (I fell down)

Drill (essentially)
(1) Ask for directions (usually hospital). (2) I fell down a few minutes go. (3) Give a compliment (4) I should be more careful next time.

- Talked to 8 girls.
- Did NOT feel like doing this today. Just tired.
- Did it and really enjoyed it
- talked to one girl a few guys were looking at, and she was really receptive (that felt good)
- No problem doing this drill. Just took a bit to get the feel for it... halfway done, I'll do some challenges next time.

Other stuff:
- Weighed in at 171.8 lbs this morning.
- 1600 calories
- Closed a sale for a client. Some extra side money is nice.
- Discipline definitely made today a win, (15 hr day).
- Just need to get some sleep

Have a great weekend guys
Day 33b (hospital)

- Easier day, didn't find "I fell down" making the drill any harder
- Took 3 hours to talk to 8 girls.
- Which was more being a perfectionist than anything else.
- 2 bad reactions, which was honestly kind of suprising given I'm complimenting people.

- Give myself less time to do the drills.
- I gave myself however much time I wanted to do the drills, and I ended up doddling

Other stuff:
- Calories 1400
- Got off work early because it was so cold, might have all of next week off too.
Update February 6th 2021

No drills today, but had this funny thing happen...
1 - Went to buy a book today
2 - Caught this attractive girl looking at me twice
3 - She walks over to where I am and pretends to look at a book.
4 - I talk to her for like 10-15 minutes
5 - Turns out she just wanted me to join her MLM (multi-level marketing) Not sure if that's only a thing in North America.
-- Kind of felt like a waste of time after I found that out.
-- And it feels a little ego-bruising because I thought she was looking at me for how I looked (or maybe she was?) I guess it doesn't matter a whole lot.

Anyways it's just ONE girl. So I get that, but it taught me a few things.
(1) I actually don't know where I stand sexiness-wise, and probably won't until I'm actively going on dates and doing the more sexual compliment drills.
(2) I get why Chris says to keep the conversations short, because this whole thing would've been sorted if I left after 2 or 3 minutes.
Your doing great man! Just seeing someone that's farther ahead in the program continually posting updates definitely motivates me to continue.
Two Days Today

Day 34 (Banana Phone)

Drill: "Ring, ring, ring Banana Phone!, Hey I think your phone is ringing, I like your _________, I think it's your Banana Phone, Hey your Banana Phone is ringing"

- Had trouble doing the first 3 girls, felt awkward again (saying stuff I can't see myself ever doing).
- After the first 3 it got super easy.
- Only talked to 2 cute girls out of 14.
- Did it pretty quick, mostly good reactions.
Day 35 (U mad bro?)
Drill: "Hey Bro, Do you got the time? U mad bro? Thanks for helping a bro out. U mad bro?

- First 2 sets 100% bad reactions, All 8 girls were miserable.
- Probably the area I was in, it was the same as the Arnold Day (Drill in which I had the worst reactions by far)
- Felt like everyone needed to take some anti-depression pills (seriously)
- I was still feeling good, despite all that.
- Went to a mall and focused exclusively on attractive girls and this time All 8 (for the exception of One), were positive.
- 20 year olds who are attractive ---> Do NOT give red flag reactions most of the time.
- This was a good drill, after going to the better spot I enjoyed this.
- Took 5x longer to do that last 2 sets because I was being so selective, but it was worth it.

- Stopping girls for the time who are walking by you rarely gives a good window of time to do the full drill. They usually keep walking after answering
- Feeling good overall, I like doing these drills, and the REAL drills are in sight. One (or two?) More day(s) before I start giving sexual compliments.
- Getting 8-9hrs of sleep helps (feel more present)

Other Stuff:
- Calories 1400 midway through the day (this was a failure in packing food properly)
- No work today, so used that time to get extra Days done.

Going to Day 46.

Toast Thanks man, I want to see you finish this.
-First 2 sets 100% bad reactions, All 8 girls were miserable.
-I was still feeling good, despite all that.
This is awesome! Just being able to move on and not have it affect you is great.

- Stopping girls for the time who are walking by you rarely gives a good window of time to do the full drill. They usually keep walking after answering
I've also noticed the same. Girls on the street walking by tend to try and keep walking. Makes sense though. Everyone has somewhere they need to be. Girls in the mall or store are browsing and have time to talk.

I'm also definitely going to see this through!
Toast said:
This is awesome! Just being able to move on and not have it affect you is great.

Lol yeah doesn't always happen. But today I was feeling really good. I guess after like 40 or 50 bad reactions I don't care as much.

Toast said:
I'm also definitely going to see this through!

:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
Done Week Five!

AA Day 36 (Compliment til they leave)

Time, Leave
Time, That's a nice shirt, Leave
Time, That's a nice shirt, Those are cool shoes, Leave
Time, That's a nice shirt, Those are cool shoes, That's a cool haircut, Leave
Time, That's a nice shirt, Those are cool shoes, That's a cool haircut, That's an awesome purse (even if she isn't holding one), Leave
* Challenge: Give as many non-sexual compliments as you possibly can. Try to reach 7 or 8 before the girl leaves.

- Fun day. Mostly good reactions, still a few bad ones (For whatever fucking reason... I'm giving compliments?)
- 4 or 5 girls started leaving while I was giving the 4th compliment, most of the time in a good mood though)
- I ran out of things to compliment on the last girl I talked to, I was looking up and down on what she was wearing and covered everything.]
- I had to do 5 extra drills because I kept fucking a few up, and needed to do the challenge.
- This day had about a 30 minute stretch where I couldn't talk to anyone (lost some momentum).
- Overall fun day, I was like laughing the whole time, I couldn't keep a straight face, just remembering it is funny

Typical Challenge would be
" OH hey those shoes are awesome, where'd you get those? I love that jacket by the way it goes with your scarf OMG and that scarf is really cool, I love the glittery stuff on it, it makes it stand out, that's a cool haircut btw I legit love it when girls do their hair like that. And that touque is really nice... (as they start walking away)."

That's it men.

Going til day 46.

Other stuff:
- Still cold as fuck outside. So no work today.
- Calories 1300 today.
- Got a Canon Rebel T3 with a 50mm f1.8 lens. (might get a better camera depending how I like this one). Just need a tripod.