Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

enjoyablehat said:
What are you macros like for 1200 calories?? Not sure if it's just me but I start cramping reaaally hard when I do too low calories. I drink a shit ton of water but I think if I go under 1500 or so I start cramping - usually in my feet but sometimes other random places.

Typical day..
35g of carbs
100g of fat
55g of protein

Around there. Keep in mind besides an Xmas break I've been in it for 4 months.

No cramps. Zero. The only side effects are irritability and an occasional energy crash after strenuous exercise.

I've experimented a lot and this is close to the absolute minimum I can do before it becomes a hassle.
AA Day 24b (What do you want for your birthday?)

The Drill
Ask 30 girls: "Hey, What do you want for your birthday?"
Ask her until she answers it or you've asked 3x in a row.

- Finished the 2nd set today.
- Thas has been probably my favorite drill. ZERO bad reactions. Fun Drill.
- Got into 2 longer conversations with some really cute girls.
- Honestly I felt more uncomfortable being a few minutes into the conversation then starting it.
- Took 90 minutes to do 15 drills (I was kind of being a perfectionist, and then lost social momentum).
- Half the girls assumed I was asking to for gift recommendations for no apparent reason...
---- literally the conversation would be.
Me: "What do you want for your birthday?"
Her "i don't know"
Me: "If you could have anything, what do you want for your birthday?"
Her: "What does she like, does your girlfriend like jewellery?"
Me: "I'm not sure, what do you want for your birthday?|

... I don't know how they got that idea I had a girlfriend, but half the girls assumed I was asking them for gift ideas.

I might be getting more attractive, a lot of girls looking at me, but honeslty I can't tell. I don't know if I just caught them looking at me, or if they were like digging me. It just seemed to happen a lot today.
Still pushing for 8% bf.

- Eat 1200 Calories (1300, shit had a snack late tonight. I knew I was going to go over too).
- Complete Day 24 (DONE)
- LEave the house at 6:10 (DONE)
- Be engaged as humanly possible at work today (DONE)
dashedhopes said:
Good job on the drills. I remember that one, was fun.

1200 calories :?

Thanks dude. AA program is the highlight of my day for sure. 1200 is plenty, I think the trade off between losing more muscle and quicker fat loss is worth it in the end, but im only a moderately informed person.
This brings back memories :) I think doing several sets like you are doing rather than the bare minimum helps a lot. Its normal to feel discomfort when the interaction is prolonged like you experienced. Its all gold though. It will help a lot when you start approaching post AA program!
dashedhopes said:
Good job on the drills. I remember that one, was fun.

1200 calories :?

I asked Manganiello this and he hasn't had this issue, but do you ever notice you cramp more on low cals? I drink a ton of water and I've started adding more salt in (probably wasn't getting a ton before)
I cramp so much on low cals.

Literally can't sleep sometimes my foot cramps so bad.

I know of buddies though that don't crap at all during cuts but cramp like CRAZY on bulks. Really weird.
the foot cramps dude that's literally what's been doing me in.

ate a little more yesterday and today and it seemed to not be as bad
AA Day 25 - (What's for Lunch?)

The Drill
Hey, What's for lunch?
No seriously, What's for lunch?
No for real, What's for lunch?
Hey, I really need to know, What's for lunch?
I am going to ask you a 5th and final time,

- This whole drill forced awkward conversations.
- Unlike the Birthday Drill, I was very direct (especially on the last 2 sets)
- Most girls were visibly uncomfortable
- Few were scared, backing off, walking away, it was like they thought I was some crazy person who was going to attack them (seriously that was the vibe).
- 2 girls walked off on me, within 20 seconds of each other.
- One girl actually fleed the store when I was asking her.
- Fuck I felt generally OK, but just those 2 girls really made me feel uncomfortable and awkard. Big time.
- As per usual, the cuter girls gave the best responses

Typical Set looked like:

Me:"What's for lunch?"
Girl: "What?"
Me: "Yeah like, What's for lunch?"
Girl:"I, I don't understand. What do you mean?"
Me: "I mean like seriously, what's for lunch?"
Girl:"Is this a riddle, why are you asking me this?"
"I'm asking because I want to know What. Is. For. Lunch?"
(Girl's usually starting to walk away at this point...)
Me: "I'll ask you a fifth and final time, What is for lunch?"
Girl: "ummm, I'm just going to keep going here..."

So overall yeah, I could do it, anxiety level was generally pretty low, but fuck man, this was an UNCOMFORTABLE drill. Just felt weird.

I recorded audio of this (including the 2 girls that walked away) but I don't have time to slice it and put it up.
On that note: Does anyone know of a way to upload audio or mp3 files onto the forum with an embedded audioplayer?

TODAY's other goals:
1200 calories (1300, again)
Be fully engaged at work (DONE)
Leave house at 6:10 (6:18)
Finish day between 8:30 and 9:00. (almost there)

Thebastard said:
This brings back memories I think doing several sets like you are doing rather than the bare minimum helps a lot. Its normal to feel discomfort when the interaction is prolonged like you experienced. Its all gold though. It will help a lot when you start approaching post AA program!

Yeah I feel that. I think the several sets just allows momentum to build. The first drills really are the hardest.
I vaguely remember a similar drill when I was doing it in Aberdeen back in 2014. Some girls gave me disgusted looks whilst some seemed amused and played along. What this teaches you is that you can expect all kinds of varieties of responses when you talk to girls. After a certain point little phases you.
Update from FRIDAY...
(2 Days)

AA Day 26 (Who's Your Daddy)
We are going to play a game.
* Challenge: If they interupt you, yell at them- "I'M DETECTIVE JOHN KIMBALL" and restart the drill.
Repeat this 10 times, you will speak to 10 girls.

- Fucking shit show of a day man
- Worst Reactions I've ever had (Even in sales it was never this dumb)
- I was livid when I was done this drill
- 5 out of 10 people Gave BAD reactions
- 4 people told me they aren't playing this game, and I had to keep going.
- 2 people walked off
- 1 person told me to get away from her
- Just remembering this drill makes me mad.
- Really hated people after this drill.

- People I talked to were people just getting home from work, and probably bad people anyway
- Like Andy said in his Day 25 vlog, these people probably hate their jobs, hate their lives. Not happy people.
- LOCATION matters. I think I was just doing the drills in a suboptimal way

Final Thoughts
This would be A LOT easier if it wasn't winter, universities were open, malls were busy, etc.
There really isn't anywhere to find lots of attractive girls.
I don't know a way around this obstacle right now.
Any ideas?

AA Day 27b (where's the beach)
Tap on shoulder, Hey/Bro - I have a question... Leave
Tap on shoulder, Hey/Bro - I have a question... Where's the beach?, Leave
Tap on shoulder, Hey/Bro - I have a question... Where's the beach?, (Start Flexing your muscles in all directions for 5 seconds), Leave
Tap on shoulder, Hey /Bro - I have a question... Where's the beach?, (Start Flexing your muscles in all directions for 10 seconds), Leave
* Challenge: Approach an additional 5th girl and flex your muscles for 30 seconds
Repeat this 4 times, you will speak to 16 girls.

- Good day, glad I did it after the shit show that was Day 26.
- Did 1 set, had a 30min pause after last drill, had to shift my mood to do it.
- 3/4 girls were confused, last girl found it funny.
- Last girl was awesome, I'm so glad I talked to her. She was the hottest girl i've seen in the last couple days, and I talked to her afterwards. Redeemed the day.
- Had trouble with the *flexing*, just felt really weird to me, had slight anxiety about it tbh. But still did it.
- I found doing the drill in a way I wanted to do it, while still being true to the drill helped a LOT.
---- Just made light of the fact it was -15 Celsius, and then started posing saying I wanted to show off but can't.
- Lapped the mall twice passing 100+ Stores multiple times without a single approachable girl. (not ugly, not with other people, not working -- was my definition)

Location matters
Finding a way to do the harder drills in a way I would enjoy it, made it 10x easier.

Final Thoughts
Just proud & glad I did it after wanting air strike stores I was in earlier. lol

- Do 2 days (only got 1.25 done, not for lack of effort tho)
- 1200 calories (DONE)


Adam it wasn't so bad. It's just incrementally more uncomfortable.

@thebastard yeah I hope it stops phasing me after awhile, it definitely got to me on Friday. If it's like sales after awhile it just will stop phasing me as much.


Anyone know where to find a good density of attractive girls when colleges are closed?
You are making GREAT strides man. It sucks when people are rude - especially girls. This never stops sucking - it just sucks a little less over time. But you are still pushing ahead. You got this!
What a beast! Loads of respect for your dedication. The Arnold drill had one of the worst reputations on GLL, plenty of guys dreaded it.

Do you find that waking up early is valuable to you? I've never bothered waking up before 8am as my job doesn't require it, but maybe it's something I could look into.
Reservoir said:
Do you find that waking up early is valuable to you?

Thanks man.

It's been a big contributor to the consistency I've had.

Well I'll make a distinction.
What makes a difference is that I write my goals down for my life & define my daily targets.

I sleep in on weekends.
I wake up at 5:30 because in order to leave work early (and do AA drills) I need to be at work early.

The only thing I recommend is writing goals down and defining clear targets you want to hit that day.
AA Day 27b (Where's the beach?)
Tap on shoulder, Hey/Bro - I have a question... Leave
Tap on shoulder, Hey/Bro - I have a question... Where's the beach?, Leave
Tap on shoulder, Hey/Bro - I have a question... Where's the beach?, (Start Flexing your muscles in all directions for 5 seconds), Leave
Tap on shoulder, Hey /Bro - I have a question... Where's the beach?, (Start Flexing your muscles in all directions for 10 seconds), Leave
* Challenge: Approach an additional 5th girl and flex your muscles for 30 seconds
Repeat this 4 times, you will speak to 16 girls.

- Did 1 more set of this drill.
- Took me 40min to get to drill #1, then another hour to get to drill #4
- The: "Hey, I have a question" - then leaving, feels unnatural to me.
- Flexing felt very out of character, and yeah still had some 'anxiety' about it.
- Reactions overall were very good, whenever I flexed girls laughed.
- unlike earlier days, almost all the girls I talked to were hot.
- Still having issues with finding a good density of attractive girls alone
- Even though this day was harder, I did enjoy it.
- Having good reactions is a nice change tbh.

- Could manage time better on Sunday. My schedule's packed full, but just don't know if the priorities are getting done as good as they could.

Other stuff:
1200 Calories (done)
plan week (done)
Get haircut (done)


Thebastard Thanks man, last few days have been quite frustrating. So I appreciate that.
AA Day 27c (Finally Done!)
Drill Essentially:
"Hey, I have a question... Where's the beach?" (Do Bodybuilder poses or 10 seconds)

- This was fun
- Oddly remarkably easier today, like 20x easier than yesterday
- Took less than 30 minutes to do 2 sets, yesterday it took 2 hours to do 1 set.
- Flexed in front of a girl while her boyfriend came around the corner. That was actually funny. Both were chill.
- Went to a super dead mall (over 50% of stores are boarded up)... and still found more attractive girls

- Maybe on a subconscious level the anxiety goes away over time? Because today was easy right out of the gate.
- Timing seems to matter a lot right now...
--- Sunday: Popular mall, super busy, but every girl was with someone.
--- Monday: Near bankrupt mall, super dead, but girls were alone (and attractive too)
- So it's weird I would never go this mall to do drills, but I had to buy something and it was close. Turns out it was good.

Other goals for today
- 1200 cal (1800 -- too much, but I also eat more when it's cold (-20 celsius), not going to fret about this today)
- End the day by 8pm (went a little past, but that's ok)

That's it bros.
Have a great week.
AA Day 28a (Nerd Glasses)
Tap on shoulder, Hey - I have a question, Leave.
Tap on shoulder, Hey - I have a question, Do you know where I can get nerd glasses?, Leave
Tap on shoulder, Hey - I have a question, Do you know where I can get nerd glasses?, How cool are nerd glasses?, Leave
Tap on shoulder, Hey - I have a question, Do you know where I can get nerd glasses?, How cool are nerd glasses?, Pretty fuckin cool huh?, Leave
* Challenge: Approach an additional 5th girl and ask "would you fuck me if I had nerd glasses?"

- Didn't actually plan to do any drills, but had extra time to do one set.
- Girl followed me around for like 5 seconds after the first drill, wanted to know what I was going to ask
- Easy drill compared to the other ones
- Will try and do the challenge day.

- Maybe on shorter days I try and get 1 entire drill done, then work longer at work the next day to offset it.
- The weather is still cold, and I need a better target for cold days.

Other stuff:
- Be engaged at work (done)
- Eat 1200 calories (1800 again)
- Be prepared for livestream (done)
Think your face is starting to look leaner man.

Which it should do....1200kcal is super low. I would be a little wary about staying in such a deficit for too long though.

You’re showing some serious discipline.
The Beast thanks man. I dont perfectly follow 1200, but I know I can consistently lose 0.5+ kg per week on that. I listen to my body.
AA Day 28b (Nerd Glasses)
Tap on shoulder, Hey - I have a question, Do you know where I can get nerd glasses?, How cool are nerd glasses?, Pretty fuckin cool huh?, Leave
* Challenge: Approach an additional 5th girl and ask "would you fuck me if I had nerd glasses?"

- Hardest part was doing the challange, legit had anxiety about that. But I did it.
- Besides the challenge this was an easy drill. I had fun with this one.
- Still seems like a literal 98%-99% of girls are with someone at the mall.

- I owe this one to Scotty, How do you do the hard drills? "You just do it". That was literally the only way I could do the challenge.

Other stuff:
- Eat 1600 calories (1750), probably will drop down to 1200 again on Friday, or Saturday.
- Look at budget and see what it will take to get a bachelor studio (Did this, but not done).
- End day at 8:30 (Miss it's 9:15 now)