Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

Day 19b - Bieber

- Quite a bit easier than yesterday
- Still find the hardest part of the drill is saying "Hey, how's it going?" (listening) and then leaving.
- I think it's just because it's weird to start a conversation, then say nothing and leave.
- I completely Suck at doing a Gay voice. I did it lol, but felt like I was doing an impersonation wrong.
- 14 girls all-together
- Last set of 4 girls took about 6minutes.
- Starting to really tell I'm more comfortable than girls in these drills

NO IDEA what's after this, which is kind of exciting.
I always knew what the next day was up until now.

Todays targets:
- Eat 1400 calories (1800-2000) <-- don't even know
- Start work at 7am (8:30am)
- Complete Day 19 (done)

- Completely fucked up my calories (1800-2000?)
- I feel like this besides the AA program, is the MOST IMPORTANT thing I can be doing, and I did not do it well today.
- I either stick to the plan, or run a lower calorie budget where "off days" are offset by all the good days.
- Besides doing the AA program, today was off-target, and I'm not happy about it.

nipple-flip said:
good shit dude. keep on the path

Thanks man, I appreciate it.
You are killing it bro. The malls are empty cuz of the pandemic I guess but from what I can see there isn't a lockdown going on. Just a bunch of places shut. Not many guys are so motivated to do the AA program with this 'ultimate excuse,' that's for sure! Good job not checking out what the future drills are. Lol about the gay voice. I vaguely remember that one. Oh the hilarity!
Day 20 - Washroom

- Which finishes My January Target Already :)
- Still lots more to do (not even halfway done yet)
- Did the last 4 sets in under an hour, probably could've done it quicker.
- Did not find any issue here, the only thing slowing me down was finding enough girls by themselves to talk to.
- Most girls laughed at the bathroom thing, but not all. Honestly I was very indifferent.
- The whole day was a blur, don't remember really anything the girls were saying, honestly was in a hurry.
- I asked for the time 16x and still wasn't sure what time it was.

Todays targets
- Eat 1400 calories (1500) <-- better, but still too high
- Start work at 6:30am (7am) <--- better, but still off target.
- Complete Day 20 (done)

- Kind of feel like I'm not moving aggressively enough on weight loss.
- Even tho 1400 calories is a decent number, its still lackluster...
- ... with a LOT of exercise, 1400 calories gives me 0.9-1.3 lbs of fat lost a week.
- That's OK, but for as important as body composition is, not enough.
- IF I can figure out how to do the AA program and get consistently into the 1.5-2.0 lbs loss/week, I'll be ecstatic.
- I'm at 176, and I'm suspecting 150 to 155 is probably the range I need to be in.
- Maybe fasting some days? Maybe a 2week waterfast? Not sure yet.

Thebastard said:
You are killing it bro. The malls are empty cuz of the pandemic I guess but from what I can see there isn't a lockdown going on. Just a bunch of places shut. Not many guys are so motivated to do the AA program with this 'ultimate excuse,' that's for sure! Good job not checking out what the future drills are. Lol about the gay voice. I vaguely remember that one. Oh the hilarity!

Thanks dude. It's a partial lockdown. I for the most part believe COVID is legit, but it's also the perfect rug to sweep everything under... Most people won't blame you for blaming COVID. Honestly, I think I just reached that point where I don't have time to slack anymore.
Gotta respect your balls & dedication, you're plowing through these drills!
Manganiello said:
I asked for the time 16x and still wasn't sure what time it was.
:) very relatable
Adam said:
Great Job on the approaches, man. 1400 calories sounds really low to me. Do you find that you still have energy when eating that little food each day?

Thanks man.

Yup energy levels are unchanged. I was on keto and eating 1200 calories for 2 months straight.

- I just ate at regular intervals, 7am,10am,1pm
- Took a multivitamin
- 400 mg of caffeine each day
- 4mg of ephedrine if I was feeling depleted.
- 1 ketogenic cheat meal each week.

There were maybe 1or2 days each week where i was hungry.

What blows my mind is that I was exercising 600 to 900 calories off each day and still only managed to drop an average of 1.25 to 1.5 lbs a week.
AA Day 22 - Mom's Suspenders


- The only weirdness I had with this drill was the fact I had a mic on me.
- Fun as hell
- One girl walked away as I was talking to her (1st one in the audio)
- 50% girls found it funny, 50% didn't get it.
- The drill itself took 30-40 minutes doing it.
- I was actually excited to do this drill once I read it.

1. Hey, Leave.
2. Hey, Do you know where I purchase suspenders?, Leave.
3. Hey, Do you know where I purchase suspenders?, My mom says I look good in suspenders, Leave.
4. Hey, Do you know where I purchase suspenders?, My mom says I look good in suspenders, Suspenders are good idea because I've lost so much weight my pants won't even stay up, Leave.
5. Challenge 5th Girl: Hey, Do you know where I purchase suspenders?, My mom says I look good in suspenders, Suspenders are good idea because I've lost so much weight my pants won't even stay up, You can see my asscrack, Leave.

I think I internalized the idea of just doing things to fuck with people. That came pretty naturally.
Today didn't really have any anxiety to it. It was actually just really fun to do.

- Leave the house at 6:10am (DONE)
- Eat 1200 calories, (DONE - 1,000)

That was really it. The day was very fun.
Manganiello said:
5. Challenge 5th Girl: Hey, Do you know where I purchase suspenders?, My mom says I look good in suspenders, Suspenders are good idea because I've lost so much weight my pants won't even stay up, You can see my asscrack, Leave.

psml, has to be the gayest fucking drill I've ever heard
Day 23?

Nope (no drills today)...
- Had to take care of some stuff after work


- Complete Day 23 (missed, forgot/poorly planned today)
- Leave the house at 6:10am (6:30am)
- Eat 1200 Calories (DONE - 1150 cal)

- Most of todays issues are from yesterday and Wednesday.
- ... mainly: not going to bed sooner/ending the day too late, not thinking about what could get in the way of the time block I put in the AA program.
- Will be doing DAY 23 on Sunday.

I had a great week this week.
Still lots more to do. And I'm looking forward to Monday already.

I appreciate everyone paying attention to this thread as I go out alone, at night in subzero temperatures and talk to girls in dead malls. It actually does help.

The Beast said:
psml, has to be the gayest fucking drill I've ever heard

dude this drill was actually seriously fun. Like there were some drills where I'd just turn around and walk away while the girl was still talking to me. haha

Thebastard said:
You can't say the AA program isn't fun if terrifying

Yeah its commonly one or the other. Super hard, or super fun.

enjoyablehat said:
This is epic man all I can say is keep it up

Thanks man, and glad to see you on the FB group. I'll be posting there soon.

KillYourInnerLoser said:
I always used to say if you make it past Day 21 of the AA program, it's guaranteed you'll finish it.

Congrats on making it this far. I'm proud of you.

Thanks Andy I really appreciate that.
Only took me nine months to get to week 4.
Day 23 (Sesame Steet)

The Drill
Ask 30 girls if they know how to get to sesame street.

- Most bad reactions I've had out of all the days
- 1/3 laughed, 1/3 didn't get it, 1/3 were mad
- I'll probably remember the day because I went to a really bad mall
- Seems like you can judge girls a bit based on there looks (Judge a book by its cover)
- Today especially I went out of my way to talk to cute girls.
- Drove 90 minutes to a smaller city to do this one

- This was a long ass Sunday, 12hrs long.
- Next Sunday I'm going to prep the week FIRST, and then do everything else.

Other stuff for today
- Eat 1200 Cal. (DONE)
- Finish day 23 (DONE)
- Prep for next week (DONE)
I must say you are made of steel eating just 1200 a day! I would literally rather do full fast days so I can eat more calories when I do actually eat. I actually feel worse when I eat a small number of calories vs fasting. Weird.

Driving 1.5 hours to find a fresh approaching ground shows real dedication! It must be strange approaching all these girls when everyone is donning face diapers :lol:
Day 24a (Birthdays)

The Drill
Ask a girl "What do you want for your birthday" 3x until she tells you a specific answer.
Do this to 30 girls.

- Did one set of 15 girls.
- Easier Drill, but hard day to start.
- Frustration/stress from work definitely came with me to the mall and I had to spend 10 minutes to decompress
- Afterwards I felt very genuine and open
- Therapeutic experience (Who new Drill for Anxiety would actively remove stress?)
- Not a single bad reaction, in fact everything was good.
- Goal was to fuck with people, but I got a very different reaction, everybody just wanted to talk to me.
- Probably a case of *how I was saying it.

- Using 10 minutes to just talk myself into remembering what I wanted to do and why I was there was helpful.
- 80% of success is showing up.

Today's targets.
- 1200 cal. (DONE)
- Talk to 15 girls (DONE)
Thebastard said:
I must say you are made of steel eating just 1200 a day! I would literally rather do full fast days so I can eat more calories when I do actually eat. I actually feel worse when I eat a small number of calories vs fasting. Weird.

1200 is quite doable, has its odd tricky days. But that's about as low as I can go before I start "feeling" hungry consistently. Because work is so energy-demanding full-on fasts are intolerably brutal. Tried it twice, the whole day is combatting low energy. Didn't work well for me.
Good stuff man!

That sesame drill hahaha :) Does not surprise me people can't handle the joke. I find that younger/hot girls usually are the most easygoing in these drills.
Manganiello said:
Thebastard said:
I must say you are made of steel eating just 1200 a day! I would literally rather do full fast days so I can eat more calories when I do actually eat. I actually feel worse when I eat a small number of calories vs fasting. Weird.

1200 is quite doable, has its odd tricky days. But that's about as low as I can go before I start "feeling" hungry consistently. Because work is so energy-demanding full-on fasts are intolerably brutal. Tried it twice, the whole day is combatting low energy. Didn't work well for me.

Did you ever try good ol' snake juice? I find it helps a lot with the fasting. I am on about 45 hours now and I feel surprisingly fine. Still, best to do what your body agrees with the most!
Manganiello I actually did watch it "this far" lol, congrats for having an audience! Usually I just skim through the written notes. Interesting that you were into door-to-door sales before, I imagine this requires you to develop a thick skin.
UPDATE: Jan 19, 2020

No drills today.
- had a call today with Andy when I usually do drills. Still a productive day overall.
- excited about continuing them tomorrow.

Today's Targets
- Eat 1200 calories (DONE)
- Leave house at 6:10am (6:30) been consistently missing this one, changed my alarm time.

Giles Dude the attractive ones are always the nicer ones!

Really? That's just like a really high electrolyte juice isn't it?
I've been thinking about fasting on the weekend. That might help.

Awesome man, yeah that's really cool you watched it that far. Thank you. Yup, probably knocked in the 20,000 to 30,000 door range. I wouldn't call it thick skin, you just become immune to hearing "no". In fact you want to hear "no" as quick as possible so you can move on to the person who is actually interested. Pretty much the same concept as "screening" by Chris... But all that experience did not translate into getting rid of approach anxiety oddly.
What are you macros like for 1200 calories?? Not sure if it's just me but I start cramping reaaally hard when I do too low calories. I drink a shit ton of water but I think if I go under 1500 or so I start cramping - usually in my feet but sometimes other random places.