Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

Update March 1st

No drills. Long day at work coupled with some BS issues that racked my brain needlessly.

It's kind of tough because what I'm making now is enough and the schedule is (mostly) flexible and the work allows me to just forget about everything when im done the day.

But its also a shitty culture, and it gets on my nerves. Feels like I'm working with 2 year olds sometimes.

The AA program is getting All my attention and this is like a thorn in my side.

I dont know what to make of it. If it's worth quitting or just toughing it out for 2 years til I really start working on career goals again.

I dont complain much, but I think I'm entitled to complain a bit after the last 2 months. But yeah. I dont know the best way of dealing with this tbh. It's definitely a grey area.

Anyways dudes. Won't be able to do drills tomorrow either :x . But Wednesday I'll be back at it.

Thanks KillYourInnerLoser its just reps. I'm definitely over it. Don't regret my decisions at all.

Day 42 (3/20)
Hey You're Cute, I'm ____, Handshake, Time, Directions.

- Not enough time,
- I left work early, but because of errands I got there too late. Had about 30 minutes of good approach time, and then it was getting too late.
- 3 interactions, 2 were pretty positive, 1 was just not even paying attention.
- I missed about 4 opportunities, but they were mostly girls walking the other way. Maybe I should start going after these ones more.
- Mostly tho, this was just starting late and nobody was really out. 7 total opportunities is not a good number to make any progress on.

Notable interaction
Talked to a really shy asian girl and got the handshake.
Chris in the audio says today's drills start to feel real, I didn't really believe it looking at the drill on paper, but after that handshake, it was like "woah" this feels different. There's like a moment where the girl gets into you.
It's hard to explain I guess it's just less games, not high fives or any weird stuff, it's a little bit more genine. Like I'm implying to this girl, "I find you attractive, and I want to see where this goes... BUT! What time is it?! OK SEE YA!
It feels weird to just leave abruptly after seeing chemistry to develop. haha. Kind of like a shock. I really feel like I could've gotten that girls number.
... anyway

Other thoughts
- I'm going to aim to get this program completed by 11:59pm March 14th. So probably no weekends or days off. Just PURE approaches.
- After the AA program I want to do quite a bit of volume of real approaches, but I also want to work a lot more... So I might have to start working at 7am again, and going to bed at 10pm and just make that schedule work (even if it makes me super busy)
- Anyway I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

Dear Reader: You Should Do the AA program.
I'm starting to get a good outlook from this point in the program, seeing whats possible now and where I was a few months ago, anyone who hasn't done should do it.
Approaching makes you a man, and gives you an edge nobody else has. You feel way more confident around women. It's not an intellectual thing, like you're actually thinking "this girl is hot, but I've talked to hotter girls already today/yesterday and honestly her life isn't as adventurous or cool as mine, and any guy she meets won't be as legit as I am".
Plus it makes every hot girl outside an opportunity.
It's just a good idea.
Day 42 (20/20)

DRILL: Hey you're cute, I'm (name), handshake, time, directions, leave.

- Talked to 20 girls, 17 completions, Zero bad reactions, mostly neutral.
- Kind of surprised I did this today, especially since the "cute" drills take so much longer.
- Brutally hard to start, I turned down so many opportunities
- Got some serious momentum going around the 5th or 6th girl.
- Near the end I was following girls into stores, asking them in line, asking with tons of people around, make up stores, everything.
- Probably half of the drills came from girls I had to chase down or stop them from walking.

- As I started to rush I noticed the receptions got considerably worse, but I also didn't care that much.
- Lol I think I was cutting girls off, after they gave their name, just so I could finish the drill and find the next girl.
- Pretty much every girl gave their name, and a handshake, but I only remember 2 girls names lol

Notable Interactions

- 4th girl I talked to blushed hardcore. I'm starting to see that from time to time, the girl's face goes completely red. It feels cool to be able to do that.
- Alexa, was tricky. she was the first girl I saw today, passed her by, wasn't ready to follower her into the store, then 10 minutes later I caught her again, but she just whipped by me, didn't have time to do anything, then 40 minutes later in a different mall, I saw her in line at a store, didn't feel good to talk to her then either, finally got her at the foodcourt, got her name and the handshake.


Social Momentum - How I got it today.
- K I think I know why I wasn't able to get momentum yesterday, and why I got it today. The first 2 interactions were brutal to get going, but girls 3,4,5 were all super close together, maybe 5 minutes apart, and doing that many quickly really helped, then girl 6 and 7, at the mall were pretty close together too, after girl 7 I had momentum that carried me through the rest of the day. So I think some of the momentum just comes from talking to lots of people really quickly, even if I don't fee like it, after a certain point my brain shuts off and I can just execute.

Stopping girls walking quickly
- "Hey, wait a second" getting their attention with that, and then waiting til they stop and then doing the drill on them worked pretty well. Not 100%, but most of them.

Following a girl for a few minutes is worth it
- This didn't make sense to do on weeks 1-5, but since it takes way more time to find a cute girl, spotting one and then seeing where she goes, was really helpful.
It’s ok man, 3 approaches or not, always great to see your videos. I get a double dose every day, one from your current day and one from the day I’m doing next.

Manganiello said:
Chris in the audio says today's drills start to feel real, I didn't really believe it looking at the drill on paper, but after that handshake, it was like "woah" this feels different. There's like a moment where the girl gets into you.
It's hard to explain I guess it's just less games, not high fives or any weird stuff, it's a little bit more genine. Like I'm implying to this girl, "I find you attractive, and I want to see where this goes... BUT! What time is it?! OK SEE YA!
It feels weird to just leave abruptly after seeing chemistry to develop. haha. Kind of like a shock. I really feel like I could've gotten that girls number.
... anyway

Actually already feeling this in the past week or two of the program. Girls that just lean in close to you, surprise you, sometimes you think about them for a day or two afterwards. It’s tough but it’s good anticipation for the real thing

Your message to newbies is echoed. It’s teaching me about life too. Being uncomfortable but understanding the pattern of that discomfort so you can take it every day. Comfort is death
sundleboro said:
- Near the end I was following girls into stores, asking them in line, asking with tons of people around, make up stores, everything.
- Probably half of the drills came from girls I had to chase down or stop them from walking.
That’s awesome. How do you chase them down? Some of Andy’s vlogs, he like runs after them yelling, which is just wild.

sundleboro said:
So I think some of the momentum just comes from talking to lots of people really quickly, even if I don't fee like it, after a certain point my brain shuts off and I can just execute.

Thanks for this advice dude. You may be onto something there. Seriously important stuff. Even through this crazy program, it’s great to have seen and done so much that these commonalities kind of bubble to the surface. I read this yesterday and kind of kept it in mind, and tried it today and I think it helped! It’s all really about solving that “problem” to get going. After you have momentum, your cool self kind of takes over. Hahah

Glad you’re solid about the goals, even though you’ll be missed after you graduate... how’s the last few days been?
Day 43
DRILL: *high five, you're cute I'm ____, *handshake

- 21 attempts, 21 completions
- Went to a new (smaller city again)
- Really wanted to go for the number, especially after the hottest girl (see 'notable' section)
- Was mixing (unintentionally) part of Day 46 in here, which is pretty much a full blown approach.
- about 60-70% positive reactions


Girl #6 - Holy fuck she was hot, hottest girl I've seen this week, second hottest of the month. I did the whole drill, then afterwards she said "so you don't care about Covid either, I take it". I said "nah", I think she took that as confidence, and she was still waiting for me to say something, so I just asked her what she was up to... talked for a little bit, there was tension, 100%... and I was like FUCK ME, this girl is hot as fuck, and she's into me. I just want to take this girls number but I can't. Jesus Christ it was so agonizing. So I had to leave, but fuck.

Girl #13 - Similar thing, not as hot, but after I did the drill, she asked me what I was doing today. And so I talked to her for maybe 2 minutes or so, she got accepted to the same Nursing School my sister is in, which is really hard to get into (I think 3.8 or 3.9 GPA), so she's moving to the same city, and I know she wanted me to ask her for her number, it was like I know she thinks there's something here, but again, I couldn't. argghhh.

I can't remember their names lol


The more direct the better. I think that comes off as 'confident' to the girl (i think, not 100% sure).
Do NOT worry about bitching out of approaches, just keep going. I missed about 4 or 5 girls, and instead of guilting myself, I deliberately forgot about it and kept going. The 'Guilt' thing, or 'bitching out' or 'pussying out', can hurt more than help sometimes because you get further into your head instead of just fucking doing it. I found it much easier to just say "Ok", keep walking you'll find another girl in a few minutes
Warmup routine worked again. I'll just outlay it here so anyone can copy it:

WARMUP ROUTINE (what's been working)

1. Get the time from as many people as possible in 60-120 seconds. Prioritize people and situations you feel reluctant to ask the time from.
2. After that quickly find girls you can approach and try and get 3 done as fast as possible. If you need to approach from the front instead of the back that's fine, just get the approaches in quickly.
3. After those first 3 there will be some kindling of momentum, find another 2 quickly after that, within 10 to 15 minutes.
4. After about 3 to 5 girls you're brain shuts off allowing you to execute 10x easier
5. Even after that it will take another 5 or 10 girls to fully be feeling the 'zero fucks given' mentality.

^^I might revise this, but it was worked very well on Day 43.


sundleboro said:
I read this yesterday and kind of kept it in mind, and tried it today and I think it helped! It’s all really about solving that “problem” to get going.

Yeah it really makes like a million times easier.

I'll probably post some reports about real approaches for a few days before I create a new log.
Sundleboro said:
How do you chase them down? Some of Andy’s vlogs, he like runs after them yelling, which is just wild.

I follow where they go, if they go into a store I'll follow. I'll get ahead of them if they're walking slow and approach from the front.

No yelling, tho I guess that could work. Just isn't something I would do.
It truly is amazing that you are approaching at all during these tumultuous times!

I can't even imagine approaching here where you barely see anyone and virtually nowhere is open.

It truly is satisfying seeing yet another true GLL earning his stripes and smashing the AA program.
DAY 44 ( Eye Contact)

- OK this day is a waste of time.
- In 90 minutes I got ONE eye contact from a girl who wasn't with her boyfriend.
- In frustration I was looking at other people's logs. No one seems to have done this day... Andy skipped it, Rousseau skipped it.
- I ended up skipping it.

I think this day is doable on a busy night on a street with a strip of bars. I had lots of eye contact last time I was out at night. But everyone was just in their own world at the mall. I out myself in high visibility high traffic areas and got nothing.

- if the lesson is to learn how pointless waiting for eye contact is then I've definitely learnt it.
- I know from experience eye contact usually means much warmer approaches but yeah it's kind of dumb waiting for it.
- Scotty I think is the only guy who used it and he was doing it to save time (Filtering out the best girls out of 150).

I never mentioned this but ALL the audios in week 6 are amazing. Yotally worth the listen. I've learnt a lot from Chris just going into concepts.

Unlike the previous weeks where he gives more stories, this week he talks about really fundamental applicable things. Like
Presence and confidence, Do what you want, How to approach groups, sexual anxiety. It's really good.
Thebastard said:
I can't even imagine approaching here where you barely see anyone and virtually nowhere is open.

It truly is satisfying seeing yet another true GLL earning his stripes and smashing the AA program.

Thanks man I really appreciate it.

I have so much respect for anyone whose done a large number of approaches or completed the program.

You really do get a feeling of "earning your stripes"

I feel like this is a victory I am earning. It wasn't a gift or anything lucky. I earned it and no one can take it away from me. It's like a badge of honor.

So much respect for the people who have done this before me.
Manganiello said:
1. Get the time from as many people as possible in 60-120 seconds. Prioritize people and situations you feel reluctant to ask the time from.
2. After that quickly find girls you can approach and try and get 3 done as fast as possible. If you need to approach from the front instead of the back that's fine, just get the approaches in quickly.
3. After those first 3 there will be some kindling of momentum, find another 2 quickly after that, within 10 to 15 minutes.
4. After about 3 to 5 girls you're brain shuts off allowing you to execute 10x easier
5. Even after that it will take another 5 or 10 girls to fully be feeling the 'zero fucks given' mentality.

I like the warmup routine, ill definitely try and work it in on the difficult days.
Day 45 (7/12)

Super quick update:
- Talked to 7 groups of girls today.
- Need to talk to 5 tomorrow to get to the last day.

Day was really good. Just super long.
Day 45 (One More Day Left)
DRILL: *Only groups of girls* High five, you girls are cute, I'm (name), Handshake

- One more day left in the programm!!
- Just need to do the real thing now (pretty much).
- Today went way faster than yesterday (30 minutes for 5 groups)
- I think I just knew where to find the groups, and had good momentum at the start.


3rd Group - Cute girls, one girl had an amazing body. I followed them in H&M, approached from the front, as soon as the gave me eye contact I went for the high five and got it, got the handshake and left. They were really receptive, but I was in a hurry so I pretty much just left them hanging.

4th group - literally 20 second after the 3rd group, 2 asian girls. Went for an elbow bump, and they just looked at the ground and got quiet. Didn't say anything for like 2 or 3 seconds, it was awkward. THEY were being awkward. So finally I just leaned in with my elbow to the point where they had to do it, and I got it from both of them. But yeah they made that needlessly hard.

- Today was about energy control, I felt lethargic, sore, had a headache at the start of the day. I don't even know how I managed to be productive at work. But I took some ephedrine, caffeine and advil and that put me into a MUCH better mood. So i think today was easy because of the deliberate effort to feel good before I started the drills.
- OK I saw groups of girls as pointless, but after getting such a good reception from that hot girl on the 3rd group, I'm starting to think, maybe it could be worth it.

- On track to get the raise I need to get my own place (which is awesome, because this goal has been on the backburner during the AA program).
- Made the weirdest sale of my life, didn't even ask for it, it was an old client who just volunteered himself to buy consulting.
- I've made ZERO effort to get clients over the last 21 months, and still, somehow, I have some. I guess that just shows that, eventually, paid marketing converts into long-term referrals.
- I'm starting to wonder if the weirdness I'm feeling each morning is from a nutrient deficiency stemming from the extremely limited diet plan I'm on. If this persists I might just do a reset or do a raw vegan diet.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
"amazing boy" made me laugh

Lol woops, I meant "body"

KillYourInnerLoser said:
Throw in a "refeed" day?

I've cycled refeed days for 6 months and it was hell. I'd rather take a few weeks off then get back on then have routine low blood sugar feelings.
DAY 46 *Real Stuff*

Hey this is kind of random, I thought you were cute and wanted to say hi. I'm (name) *handshake* what are you up to today?

- 25 attempts. 24 completions. 23 positive, 1 neutral. 3 came across as available.
- this was a lot harder than I expected to get going. There was some AA just from switching up the opening line I think. So yeah even on day 46 it's still exposure therapy.
- After the first girls reaction I had that thought of "Oh wait, that wasnt so bad"
- Felt kind of poetic near the end. Going to a mall close to where I did the first drill.
- All but 2 girls gave the handshake. Covid my ass. Idk how I thought this was a big deal 4 weeks ago.

Notable interactions
Girl 4 - Super hot. She didn't look available but once I got talking to her she made it very clear that she wanted to talk some more.
Girl 10 - the only neutral reaction, she was shy and started walking away as I started talking to her. Some people are weird.
Girl 24 - Last girl of the program. This felt like the last question on the last exam on the last semester on the last year of college. It was a very distinct feeling. "After this, I'm done... wait really? ... woahhh". I kind of fucked it up a bit. I introduced myself and then forgot to give the handshake, so I stuck my hand out awkwardly after a 2 second pause. Super cute Asian... I think I have a thing for Asians. I seem to approach them a lot."

- big success of today was putting my head in the zone. It was very easy to waltz into this day because it was the last one. But I deliberately put everything together to execute at the highest possible level. And I think I did.
- Half the motivation today was that I wanted to smoke a cigar later and have Saturday off. As stupid as that sounds that was almost more motivating than "completing the program".
- Talk to the hot girl even if she looks unavailable.

Now for the reflection of the entire program...

Reflection Day

How does it feel?
I can't believe I just did that.
The world feels really open right now. Like a blank canvas I can write whatever I want on. There's so much opportunity oozing out of every day life. It's at my fingertips. Like right fucking there. It feels incredible. Never would've believed I could do all that shit when I started. Never ever. That was somebody else who could do that. But not me.

The AA Program by the numbers

3 Number of times I started the program

250+ Number of girls I've called cute (Week 6 is very long)

521 Number of days since someone else finished the program. Meaning got to milestone day (Day 46). Done by Canderson on Oct. 8, 2019

851 Girls talked to. Probably a bit more.

1,000+ number of girls I saw and bitched out of. (But that number drastically stalled near the end.)

Here's a hat I bought.

I thought it would be fitting to get something like a certificate or medal when im done. So I bought something I would wear.

Got it for 2 reasons.
1. To remind myself how hard this is and that I actually completed it.
2. I picked the words "nightmare" because I know that's how a lot of guys (including my past self) think of some of the stuff I did. Not just the ballsy stuff like being direct with a girl in public, but also the drills that freak you out as you read them (knowing full well you can't complete the program unless you do them).

How I changed during the program:
Stuff I've noticed.

It's extremely easy to talk to girls.
Telling a girl she's cute? No problemo.
This is an obvious consequence of the program, but when you're neck deep in doing drills it's not immediately apparent.
I reread my old logs and some easy drills took 2+ hours . I now think "Holy fuck that drills easier than tying my shoe laces why did I struggle so much?" The last few drills of the program where I was pretty much hitting on girls felt no harder than asking for the time. And I anticipate the more real approaches I do the easier and easier everything gets.

I dont want to live anyone else's life.
This hit me today. im not really jealous of anyone. The only life I want to live right now is my own. I'm not trying to be like anyone else really. I kind of see through the charade of trying to appear like you have social status. Big time. There's 0 impulse to fit in. Like totally absolutely zero desire to fit in. This was a big shift.

I dont care what a girl thinks about me.
I care somewhere in the 1,000 to 10,000 times less range about what a girl thinks about me. Literally somewhere like that. Its so nothing. Ive talked to something like a thousand girls at this point, so this one girl who is giving attitude is extremely insignificant and honestly who does she think she is? She's one of 3 billion + girls out there. I'm One out of one. I'm the only guy who will approach her in the day time like this. The ONLY guy. These few seconds are the only time this is happening to her in her entire life. She's just another girl, but this is a once in a lifetime experience for her. That definitely stacks the deck in my favor. All that being said I still get into lower moods. So its not like I'm not human anymore. It's just 1,000x easier.

I really don't care what people think about me.
This is hard to capture, but it's really profound. It's not just girls, it's parents, siblings, coworkers, friends, people in general. I think this stems from the thought: "I'm extremely legit, what have you done this year? Nothing? Why do I care what you think about me then? I'm living my life to the max." When most people were watching TV or on their phone I was talking to girls and crushing my goals. So I'm not going to care a whole lot if someone criticizes me.

I have a permanent one up on the population.
The number of people doing cold approaches in the high hundreds or thousands range is really really really rare. And I think every guy wishes he could do this. So its like I have this ability. And I wasn't given it. I wasnt born with it. I earned it. It can't be taken away from me.

I'm more confident and have a bigger ego.
Went out last night. Busy street with all the bars. Loud exotic cars, everyone's dressed up. But I had this profound thought that went "Yeah but all of you guys have absolutely nothing on me. You all WANT but CANT do what I just did today." Totally an ego thing but it feels good. It's like there's this hard, visible edge separating me from the rest of the population.

I trust myself.
This program is such a gauntlet sometimes. Day 17, 26 and 38 were brutal . Yet I got them done. And it's not just that, it's the fact this was a goal I set for myself 3 months ago and I kind of doubted myself if I could do it. Its seeing 1 really hard goal from start to finish. That makes me really believe myself when I say "I'm going to do X". Because there's cold hard proof I've done it. I can't really express how profound this is. If I want to make a million dollars there's a lot of trust in myself to do that. I dont know how to do it, but I trust that I can get there. If some goal needs to be accomplished or some problem needs to be solved I trust myself to take care of it. Not a whole lot of doubt anymore.

Work Ethic is high (80hr weeks are fun, seriously)
I haven't talked much about this but for the last 10 weeks I've been working and then doing this program like two full time jobs. If I include commute times I've been having 80+ hour weeks for 10 weeks in a row. And I feel as energetic as ever. In fact I'm kind if wondering why I'm taking a day off. Or even how or why anybody would need a 2 day weekend to relax.

I realize how much more work there is to do.
Yeah I'm done the program, but there is a distinct feeling that there is so much more to do and I'm only starting. This isnt a reminder or a thought, its very much a feeling and I felt that within an hour after the last drill. I finally cracked open the world, now I need to/get to explore it.

Thanks Dudes
This really feels like a legit accomplishment.
Even though "I" completed the program, without the community this would be nearly impossible. Really. I think at some point, probably after a really hard day I mightve just bailed. I'm not sure if I could've got this done without the community or structure. The highs would be less high and the lows would be more low.

It feels like the changes are permanent.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong (seriously)

What's next?

I'll log the next 200 to 500 cold approaches here. Still a shit ton left to do. Still haven't asked for the number yet. I've done everything else but that. So there's still lots left to do. I'm nowhere near done.