Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

Congrats dude. You're an absolute inspiration to me. Hope to be there next to you soon!
Giles said:
Congrats dude. You're an absolute inspiration to me. Hope to be there next to you soon!

Thanks man.

Very few people have gotten to Day 14. Keep it up! Keep doing what you're doing and it's inevitable you'll finish it.
Congratulations! This is an amazing achievement (even more during this days with the covid...). Looking forward to seeing what you are up to next!
JV12 said:
Congratulations! This is an amazing achievement (even more during this days with the covid...). Looking forward to seeing what you are up to next!

Thanks man!

Radical said:
Big up man

Hell of an achievement this

Dude! Your style guide really helped.

I got a number on the first real approach too. But I doubt I can beat your record of getting laid on the 2nd approach. That seems untouchable.
Amazing, you blew right through it at breakneck speed, while holding down a full time job! That feeling of "I've done this, so what other amazing feats am I capable of doing?" that you've talked about has got to open so many horizons.
Manganiello glad you liked the guide

My results were actually getting laid on the 3rd and 7th approaches. So you if you can do two in the first 6 you can top me
Manganiello said:
The more direct the better. I think that comes off as 'confident' to the girl (i think, not 100% sure).
Do NOT worry about bitching out of approaches, just keep going. I missed about 4 or 5 girls, and instead of guilting myself, I deliberately forgot about it and kept going. The 'Guilt' thing, or 'bitching out' or 'pussying out', can hurt more than help sometimes because you get further into your head instead of just fucking doing it. I found it much easier to just say "Ok", keep walking you'll find another girl in a few minutes

Gotta reiterate this. Forgive yourself. Put this advice into practice and it got me out of a rut.
Man I just watched your end vlogs and read everything. Can't say anything that you didn't already say better, and with more experience. The changes you're seeing are such an inspiration. I'm psyched you used my throwaway Nightmare Fuel line for the hat.

As always, here for accountability now and onto the 500+. Go get em. (jk I know you're already getting them, but this is for posterity).
Manganiello said:
psyched you used my throwaway Nightmare Fuel line for the hat.

Best comment/nickname I could ever hope for.

Told a guy at work that story and he was like "fuck im going to warn people to give you a high fove when you ask for it."
March 20 (Saturday)
Long video, I'll try and sum it up as best as I can below.

Today's Summary
- 7 girls
- 0 numbers, 2 underage, 3 boyfriends, and 2 girls I didn't even bother asking the number for.

Weekly Summary:
- Approach to 13 girls this week, 1 number.
- Got the number on the very first girl I talked to actually. I didn't even ask for the number she asked me when I was wrapping up. Didn't go anywhere besides a few back and forth texts.
- Work has been a very important priority. I'm aiming to move out and get my own place in about 10 weeks, so I want to have good-work habits habituated by then where I don't need to think all that hard to make $1000/month more than what I've been making.
- Feel kind of goalless right now, I got the AA program done which was the single-minded tunnel-vision goal I had and now that I'm done, there's this "Ok, whats next?" feeling.

Could write a book here. but I'll try and limit it.


Finishing the Program does NOT mean AA goes away.
Chris is very clear about that actually. But approaching is quite a bit harder than the drills. 2 Reasons:

  • 1) There's something on the line. You, yourself can get rejected, and it's not about good or bad reactions anymore.
    2) You have to hang in the conversation. Only for about 2 minutes, Which doesn't sound like much, but it's noticeably different from the 4 second drills I was used to. Especially on the days I wasn't feeling it.
    3) Exposure Therapy doesn't stop after the program. If asking for the number was a drill, I'd only have done 13 reps so far. So it's pretty reasonable to believe there'd still be some AA afterwards.

Treating the approaches like the drills made them a lot easier today.
Previous days I was thinking "OK shit, this is the real deal now, I. Am. Approaching." Which didn't help. The thinking definitely was different today. It was more of like "Who gives a fuck what she thinks. I'm just trying to get my approach volume up."

They're just NPCs.
I don't know these girls, they don't know me. They're just NPCs. Who cares where this goes? It's not a quest character. Idk for some reason that mentality has always helped.

Tasting blood kicks me into a kill-mode.
It's hard to explain this, it comes from previous cold-calling jobs. But I just need to have one person be a total asshole to me, after I get that I stop giving any Fucks, it's like I get so fed up that I actually just don't care what people think anymore. It allowed me to be very direct in sales, and here it actually just turns AA "off"

Thoughts/Things I could improve.

I still think 7 approaches today is abysmal.
Especially after seeing some people doing 100+/day, knowing multiple days in the AA program I did 15 to 20 in a day. 7 just seems like a sucky number. And I know Cold Approach has a very low conversion rate so 7 is just a bad number to be sitting at.

Maybe Calgary just sucks for Approaching tbh.
Like there's not a single place here that gets 100,000+ foot traffic in a day. IT seems like the guys who are hitting high volume have those kinds of venues. And being helpless about the city I live in, and whining about it doesn't change anything. So this is a decision i'll have to make at some point.

To screen or not to screen?
I knew I could filter some of these girls out by asking if they're single right at the start. But I'm opting out just so I can get some exposure here.

Expand who I approach?
Today a little bit, and definitely yesterday I was limited by the number of opportunities to approach girls. Just not enough hot girls by themselves, but if that's going to be in the way consistently. I might need to start approaching groups, girls in line, or uglier girls. I've been doing that, but not a whole lot. That would increase the number of opps at any given point.

2000 approaches is NOT a lot.
I used to think that was crazy. But if I think about the day I approached 60 girls in 5 hours, or the fact that Toast approached 22 girls in 25 minutes, 2000 isnt that crazy. If I did approaches for 8 hours Sunday and Saturday each, I'd hit 2000+ approaches in less than a month with toasts numbers, or even if I talked to 10 girls every 30 minutes, I'd talk to 2000 girls in a month and a half, if I get close to the speed I was doing Day 38 of the AA program.

Anyways guys that's it.

I don't feel super happy about the numbers this week, although work has been a priority. 13 just feels low.
You can have a monthly approach goal? Like 200 or so.
Do you have to have convo's of 2 minutes? Mine are mostly really short, like:

Hey, you're cute, What's your name? I'm Martijn. What are you up to today? Then I ask to hang out and get their number if they're down
endless333 said:
You can have a monthly approach goal? Like 200 or so.
Do you have to have convo's of 2 minutes? Mine are mostly really short, like:

Hey, you're cute, What's your name? I'm Martijn. What are you up to today? Then I ask to hang out and get their number if they're down

That might be a good idea. I think daily goals would work better for me anyway. I can measure progress against them easier. I just want to be putting the time in first and foremost and then start worrying about quotas.

If I get talking to a girl it can go 5 or 6 minutes. One I had today was 8 minutes I think. I just need to find one thing I'm legitimately curious about and I can talk for hours. One girl was going to Costa Rica, that was cool, One girl I was able to guess what college degree she abandoned, another did some artwork on her shoes.

But honestly I'm not sure if conversations over 2 minutes are any better.

I'm also a dumb noob who just started real approaches so all my opinions on "real approaching" have low credibility right now.
I saw your vlog on GLL smoking the cigar, fully energised from the events of that day. It hit me a different way to see how happy and alive you looked, very envious of those feelings you got. Good luck bro.
Pumped for your man you're done with the program and approaching the - it's the big tings that matters. Keep at it - slowly try to do more - and take advice from the guys that you know know their shit on this (not me!!) let's fucking go
Manganiello said:
They're just NPCs.
I don't know these girls, they don't know me. They're just NPCs. Who cares where this goes? It's not a quest character. Idk for some reason that mentality has always helped.
This made me laugh, but i think helps with approaches.

endless333 said:
You can have a monthly approach goal? Like 200 or so.
Do you have to have convo's of 2 minutes? Mine are mostly really short, like:

Hey, you're cute, What's your name? I'm Martijn. What are you up to today? Then I ask to hang out and get their number if they're down
Chris has also stated something similar to this. You're not there to talk to girls, you're there to pick up numbers and get laid. Having a natural conversation is nice, but is that giving the girl the vibe that you're just a friendly guy. Not a guy who could sweep her off her feet at this very moment and fuck her brains out?