Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

Man you are fire bro! I can't even imagine approaching groups - especially at night! Keep it up amigo!
June 5 (7/40)

40 approaches/7 numbers

Approached 40 girls. Huge thanks to play_time_is_over . After he got 25 I felt like I had to push myself today.

Was really fun for the first 25 approaches then it became tedious after that.

I think next time I won't focus on the headcount as much as the process of just being fast and ballsy.
It does feel pretty cool to send 6 new girls a text in a row.

- One duo
- Approaxhed in front of a security guard
- approached one girl a few feet away from the girl I got a number from.
- Approached one in line with a few observers
- Multiple walking girls (this is feeling easier).

1. Hot teacher. Looked at me when I entered the store. Really cute.
2. Accidentally hit on an employees starting a job at the store I was approaching in.
3. Very timid/nervous girl. Seemed unreceptive but got rhe contact.
4. Hot Norwegian girl who somehow made it into Canada during Covid. Leaves in 4 weeks.
5. Another accidental Employee! Was buying food before work
6. Super hot girl waiting kn line. I honestly thought she was too hot to be single. Guess I was wrong.
7. OK looking costume designer. Worked in the film industry. Honestly wasn't too stoked about her. Gave her my number. I coulsbe pushed but didn't want to.

- at the start of the day the challenge was just to not think and approach. But near the end of the day I was basically approaching extremely fast. Almost reflexively.
- I got like 3 numbers really quickly in one mall and I noticed I was shying away from other approaches because I though5 I might be *seen* by one of the girls I exchanged with.
- lethargy kicked in right around approach #25. I just wanted to go home and sleep after that.
- duos are still tough. But Im doing more of them.
- dunno if I lack good venues or just can't approach fast enough. I dont think I've done 20 in an hour yet.
- Still need to work on being seen by other girls who I approached earlier.
- I still feel like a texting noob.

- counting approaches is maybe the wrong focus. I think I should just focus on being ballsy, fast and having fun. When it started to be about headcounts my focus started to drift and I was feeling off.
- I still feel like it was inefficient. Might start each day with how fast I can get to 10. Or some challenge like that to get my speed up.
- I might just have to work harder than most people because of the venues/foot traffic I'm working with.

Thebastard thanks man. Huge respect for the number of approaches you've done.
XD I got a girl named Shiny today. Some chicks just have unique names i guess
Man we all beat each other in too big trips. The idea of doing 41 in a day is :? What do you guys reckon constitutes a "Good Day". I think 20-30 in a day is pretty good.
play_time_is_over said:
Man we all beat each other in too big trips. The idea of doing 41 in a day is What do you guys reckon constitutes a "Good Day". I think 20-30 in a day is pretty good.

You could do 41. I mean you were getting more approaches in per hour than I was (i think).
20-30 is pretty good.

If I got 20-25 in each day 7 days a week. I'd be satisfied with that.
Manganiello said:
June 5 (7/40)

40 approaches/7 numbers

Approached 40 girls. Huge thanks to @play_time_is_over . After he got 25 I felt like I had to push myself today.

Was really fun for the first 25 approaches then it became tedious after that.

I think next time I won't focus on the headcount as much as the process of just being fast and ballsy.
It does feel pretty cool to send 6 new girls a text in a row.

- One duo
- Approaxhed in front of a security guard
- approached one girl a few feet away from the girl I got a number from.
- Approached one in line with a few observers
- Multiple walking girls (this is feeling easier).

1. Hot teacher. Looked at me when I entered the store. Really cute.
2. Accidentally hit on an employees starting a job at the store I was approaching in.
3. Very timid/nervous girl. Seemed unreceptive but got rhe contact.
4. Hot Norwegian girl who somehow made it into Canada during Covid. Leaves in 4 weeks.
5. Another accidental Employee! Was buying food before work
6. Super hot girl waiting kn line. I honestly thought she was too hot to be single. Guess I was wrong.
7. OK looking costume designer. Worked in the film industry. Honestly wasn't too stoked about her. Gave her my number. I coulsbe pushed but didn't want to.

- at the start of the day the challenge was just to not think and approach. But near the end of the day I was basically approaching extremely fast. Almost reflexively.
- I got like 3 numbers really quickly in one mall and I noticed I was shying away from other approaches because I though5 I might be *seen* by one of the girls I exchanged with.
- lethargy kicked in right around approach #25. I just wanted to go home and sleep after that.
- duos are still tough. But Im doing more of them.
- dunno if I lack good venues or just can't approach fast enough. I dont think I've done 20 in an hour yet.
- Still need to work on being seen by other girls who I approached earlier.
- I still feel like a texting noob.

- counting approaches is maybe the wrong focus. I think I should just focus on being ballsy, fast and having fun. When it started to be about headcounts my focus started to drift and I was feeling off.
- I still feel like it was inefficient. Might start each day with how fast I can get to 10. Or some challenge like that to get my speed up.
- I might just have to work harder than most people because of the venues/foot traffic I'm working with.

@Thebastard thanks man. Huge respect for the number of approaches you've done.

Damn, that's amazing.
June 7th

1st cold approach date.
Norwegian girl. Hotter than I remembered.
Tried to get her back twice, nothing, kissed at the end.


How it went:
Went to a starbucks.
Then we went for a walk.
Talked for probably 20 minutes than I transitioned to "do you like movies"? ... "do you want to watch one now?"
She said no. She was tired.
Walked around for maybe another 20 minutes. Then i said "You want to get some wine?"
"sure why not." Kind of as like a "let's just live life a little" response.
Then I thought "fuckkkk... I don't even have wine." So I had to find a place as we were walking, and then when I looked on Google Maps she said "actually I only have 30 minutes"... "I don't think that's enough time to sitdown somewhere".

Anyway that put the date into the grave in my mind. 2 nos for a transition.

At the end, I just said "I want to kiss you" and did. The kiss felt natural/impulsive.

Maybe if I was more experienced I'd see something and act differently, but I was just thinking "well atleast I get to walk around with a hot girl I guess". It should be noted my nerves were anxiety was pretty much on fire.

Radical Thebastard Would you have changed what I did? Or is it just on the girl at this point?


I don't know what to text her now. I honestly don't even know how much I did right vs. wrong at this point.
My only goal for the date was to push myself. And I did. Asked her back twice, got the kiss.

I know I did the AA program, and proven I can do a reasonable number of approaches, but I am still in the total "Noob" category. Like this is pretty much my first date ever. Just a basically a nub really.

Calories: 1510 right now
Weight 172 (dropped 1 lbs. from last week).
Approaches 0

I need to approach more. 1 date on Thursday and then nothing.
I need to schedule dates so I can still approach that day.
Good shit man.

Few more dates and you'll get that cold approach lay.

It'll get easier and easier the more you do it for sure.
Have the following in your flat at all times

Oster Bay Sauvignon Blanc Marlborough - white wine
19 Crimes - red wine

Any kind of rose ( i dont really like it so prefer they pick red or white)
That's a huge leap Manganiello! Keep in mind that I did 42 in CPH March 2020 (pre-covid) before I did the 124/day - so you're in a similar boat to get up there.

I was pretty crippled at the end of that day so I would recommend building up your walking volume before chasing 100+ XD
June 8 (3/11-14)

- 3 numbers, out of maybe 11 or 14? Idk
- All conversations were under a minute.
- 1 number from a duo, 1 number from a shy chick, and 1 number from a hot indian girl getting bubble tea.
I feel good about approaching the duo. But I missed an instadate potential with the girl getting bubble tea.


Be less careless with the venues:
I'm pretty sure to hit high volume (20-30) on a weekday. Which FUCK i would love to do. Needs to go like this:
1. Good Mall (Northwest part of the city)
2. Drive 20minutes
3. Good Mall 2 (Southeast part of the city)
4. Drive 15minutes back to my apartment
5. Approach on the streets.

Could probably get to 15 approaches pretty easily with that setup. If I start approaching 80% of the girls I see, I'd probably hit 25 or 30 Maybe.

Situational Audacity is extremely important. And besides the venues, the biggest limiting factor.

Consciously be quick on trigger.
Probably missed 5 girls at the dead mall I was at because I hesitated, or just not paying attention.

Go after girls that are eating together. Lots of opportunity here around my place. Probably could've added another 6 or 7 approaches in from this situation. It might be redundant once indoor dining is allowed agian in 2 days, but still.

Normally it would be, do you like coffee? Lets get some. Right now.
But she was already ordering, so I couldn't think of what to say. Maybe this would've worked better: "Lets go for a walk, I want to get some coffee." but idk. Honestly just saying anything would've been better to get that instant date. Most of these numbers flake anyway. so might as well get a date in when I see an opportunity.

1800 calories
RogerRoger said:
I was pretty crippled at the end of that day so I would recommend building up your walking volume before chasing 100+ XD

Yeah man 124, is crazy.

There's an event happening here in July. I'm going to try and get to 124 then. I have no idea how busy that event will be, but that's probably the only way to get that much in this city with Universities and public transit being completely dead.