Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

June 6 (2)

Quick update
- only 2 approaches
- Couldn't see anything.

Had an eye appointment. Pupils got dilated. Like Supppeeerrr dilated. I looked high.
Went to buy some shades so I didn't look so high. But the mask kept fogging them up.
So I literally like couldn't tell what girls looked like.

Approached a 40 year old, accidentally.

<moderator edit>


Anyway I'm just sick of organizational stuff getting in the way of approaching time. I need to get everything that could get done on the weekend, done on the weekend. I'm fairly starved for time, and I need my life to revolve around getting higher approach volume. Like really do.
I want to hit 20 approaches like it's nothing. I want 30 in a day to be a norm. I really do.

~1800 cal
- 170.2 lbs (2nd lowest weigh in)
Manganiello said:
Then I approached a 14 year old and I was fairly aggressive. we talked for abit, and she just went along with it. Then I said: "You're cute tho, do you have a boyfriend? "I'm 14..." "oh... alright"

I have generally been trying to ask the girls age within the first min of the conversation if I'm unsure.
So far the girls are not to hesitant to give their age. Or they ask back "how old do you think i am?" to which I usually reply. Like 18 to 21.

I chatted up a 17year old for like 2 min b4 I asked. Found out she was 17 and was like. Ok bye.
One of the handful of approaches I did last year was in a Target. There was a 5'11" girl, suntanned skin with her mom. I approached her while she was on line with her mom. When I said I thought she was attractive, she ran and hid behind her little mom, all six feet of her, and her mom tried to shame me like "You know you're talking to a -year-old right?" It was embarrassing but it did give me momentum. I mean, I said sorry but I didn't leave the store. :)

In case you guys wanna delete your posts, talking about approaching 18-year-old < girls isn't allowed on the forums but it's an unfortunate reality of cold approach. It's inevitable; we're not in a video game where all the stats are above a woman's head. You have to take action and find out if she's of age or not. The real danger is if they are attracted to you and inflate their age.
I need to delete those comments as per forum rules guys.

I know you guys are cool and arent idiots but we have the rules for a reason
Radical said:
I need to delete those comments as per forum rules guys.

I know you guys are cool and arent idiots but we have the rules for a reason

Ah shit my bad
June 10 (3/25-30)

No video.

3 numbers
25 or 30 approaches
3 venues. Got the bulk of it done in the first 2 venues probably all within 90min.

Definitely the fastest I've gone.

Lesson here is that approaching in mall hallways is better than the stores. You can just get more in.

Experienced lots of rejection

Ballsier stuff.
- duo sitting. Turned out to be supperrrrrr old. Like 150.
- pushed the boyfriend excuse a few times. Actually got a number on one of them.
- approached one girl in front of the one that rejected.

Number from girl who's taken?
Do you have a boyfriend?
"No but I'm seeing someone."
"Cool. I dont know how available you are tho. You want to get some coffee?"

Got her number.

She hasn't responded yet. So this is just another ghost probably.

Nothing special. Just had decent traffic in the 1st mall and then again on the 2nd felt natural.

This was by far the highest volume I've done on a workday. The quickest I've gotten to 10 and 25 approaches.

Goal reached
So yah that Completes the 100 approaches in a week goal.

That was extremely fast. I was expecting it to take 2 months to get there.

Now on to 150. Or maybe just 200.

- starting out faster. I left work at 3:15. But somehow actually started approaching at 4:30.
- approaching in the vicinity of a number. I've noticed i shy away from a place after I've received one number. But idk. Most of these girls ghost or flake. So maybe I shouldn't care.
Manganiello said:
Turned out to be supperrrrrr old. Like 150

Manganiello said:
Number from girl who's taken?
Do you have a boyfriend?
"No but I'm seeing someone."
"Cool. I dont know how available you are tho. You want to get some coffee?"

Got her number.
Good job pushing through and getting the contact. Nice to see the results

Manganiello said:
approaching in the vicinity of a number. I've noticed i shy away from a place after I've received one number. But idk. Most of these girls ghost or flake. So maybe I shouldn't care.
Why care? What's the difference between doing all your AA drills in like 2 malls?
Toast said:
Why care? What's the difference between doing all your AA drills in like 2 malls?

I guess outcome dependence?
I think I just assume if the girl sees me approach in the same mall she'll decline the date when i go onto text her. That's just what's going on in my head.

Toast said:
Good job pushing through and getting the contact. Nice to see the results

Yah that one felt good. I actually didn't care that she said she's seeing someone. The hottest girl I talked to all day too.

Toast said:

+/- 200 years.
Manganiello said:
I think I just assume if the girl sees me approach in the same mall she'll decline the date when i go onto text her. That's just what's going on in my head.
all in your head is the key phrase. Never really know whats going to happen. I get the thought tho.
Radical said:

This. Always this!

You may have similar selections in Alberta as we do in Ontario, so here's what I'd recommend:
McMannis Cab Sauv (not a fan, but it's white girl crack)
Liberty School Cab Sauv
Beronia Tempranillo Rioja OR Beronia Reserva if you're feeling fancy
LAN Crianza
Any beaujolais du villages

They're all easy drinking reds, they're all under 20 bucks and they all pair with meats, olives, pickles -- effectively making an easy charcuterie board.

I rarely (like twice) break out food on a first date that ends up at my place. But sometimes a girl's gotta eat. Learning how to throw together something easy will put you above and beyond 90% of men. This is great for retention, especially if you're actually passionate about food and drink.

Too much effort looks like you're trying to impress them too early - so a small board of meat, cheeses and antipasto goes over well.

Manganiello said:
Talked for probably 20 minutes than I transitioned to "do you like movies"? ... "do you want to watch one now?"
If you're feeling it, I find:
"Join me for a drink at mine?" or "Let's grab a drink back at mine" works. It's direct, they know your intentions, and will politely opt out if they're not into the idea of having sex with you on the first date. If they say no, don't assume they're not interested in seeing you again either.

Manganiello said:
I don't know what to text her now.
"I really enjoyed last night. I'll be in touch next week" or "I really enjoyed last night. I'd like to see you again." Direct, honest, polarizing.

RogerRoger said:
Did I read that right? 124 conversations in a day? That's both incredible and exhausting. Good job boys.
Toast said:
Manganiello said:
I think I just assume if the girl sees me approach in the same mall she'll decline the date when i go onto text her. That's just what's going on in my head.
all in your head is the key phrase. Never really know whats going to happen. I get the thought tho.

Ehhh, I remember on one of the AA week 6 days I totally made this girl's day calling her cute...and then her face totally dropped when I did the drill to the two girls sitting across the table from her (was in a library, they weren't in the same group but it wasn't THAT big of a table either).

To be clear, she didn't say anything. But I did feel bad that I went from bringing her sky high and then plummeting her back down to earth.

For real approaches, I haven't done any in *that* close of quarters. I seem to recall Bad Idea Bear mentioning that it's kinda obviously not the best idea for a girl you get a number from to see you approaching girls - but I'm also pretty sure I remember from his log that he banged a girl from a grocery store who saw him hit on a girl after he got her number.

So it's definitely not the end of the world. Just do whatever you actually want.
RogerRoger said:
Toast said:
all in your head is the key phrase. Never really know whats going to happen. I get the thought tho.

Ehhh, I remember on one of the AA week 6 days I totally made this girl's day calling her cute...and then her face totally dropped when I did the drill to the two girls sitting across the table from her (was in a library, they weren't in the same group but it wasn't THAT big of a table either).

To be clear, she didn't say anything. But I did feel bad that I went from bringing her sky high and then plummeting her back down to earth.

For real approaches, I haven't done any in *that* close of quarters. I seem to recall Bad Idea Bear mentioning that it's kinda obviously not the best idea for a girl you get a number from to see you approaching girls - but I'm also pretty sure I remember from his log that he banged a girl from a grocery store who saw him hit on a girl after he got her number.

So it's definitely not the end of the world. Just do whatever you actually want.

Honestly I think I have to.
It's not really a choice.
I atleast have to be 100% fine talking in proximity to girls I just exchanged with and not do it for AA or some other excuse.

Vast majority of girls flake anyway.

Like the girl I was being concerned about ended up being the biggest dickwad I've ever texted (axtually). So its like "OK why the fuck was I concerned about her when she goes on to be a prick when I text her?"

Rejections should be the focus.

Actually RogerRoger, any idea how many lays Bad Idea Bear got from cold approach?
Yeah fair enough - I agree you shouldn't let AA rule your life.

Regarding BiB's lay count, Glasgow or Andy might remember. I honestly don't, but I'd bet it was 10+ and wouldn't be surprised if it was 50+.
RogerRoger said:
Yeah fair enough - I agree you shouldn't let AA rule your life.

Regarding BiB's lay count, Glasgow or Andy might remember. I honestly don't, but I'd bet it was 10+ and wouldn't be surprised if it was 50+.

I think both Chris and BIB had 100+ lays, and they both had written (Chris in an article and BIB in his signature) that around 30 came from cold approach.
June 12

4 #s out of 25 or 30 out of maybe 3 hours.

Could've been more. But...

1. I scheduled a date on the spot for later in the afternoon and she flaked.

2. I was hanging a friend who's moving to Toronto.

3. Had wayyyyy too much weed, ended up having to go to the hospital I was trippin so bad.

4. I was experimenting in new places.

Anyway it was a fun night. But ya would've done it differently a bit where I can approach more. Actually would've done it a lot differently.

I'm pretty sure all of those numbers are ghosting. But I guess you never really know.

Weight entered the 160s again.
Manganiello said:
3. Had wayyyyy too much weed, ended up having to go to the hospital I was trippin so bad.

Lol... this posts reminds me you're not from the US. Would just wait it out over here.
offwego said:
Manganiello said:
3. Had wayyyyy too much weed, ended up having to go to the hospital I was trippin so bad.

Lol... this posts reminds me you're not from the US. Would just wait it out over here.

lol it was extremely intense dude, like I've never come close to trippin that hard. My friend's cool, but he also doesn't think things out that well, put way too much in the bong.

Now I'm going to call on a client call with an executive and pretend like I'm a normal person