Manga: Shisha date no pull

KillYourInnerLoser said:
Manganiello said:
the super hot girls you don't screen as hard and take it slower with them

Biggest thing you need to do is improve yourself & become hotter so more of those girls give you the time of day.

In the meantime sure if you wanna drop the "nothing serious" bit, go for it. Just don't lie and lead the girls on by lying about being their boyfriend.

But bottom line, you aren't getting hot girls yet because you aren't hot/cool. You're not offering them anything they can't already get elsewhere.

Ok fair enough. What happened in 2018. I think I read a post where you went a when year not hooking up with hot girls and then you smashed that one hot Canadian? Was that just a result of losing weight?
Manganiello said:
Which makes me wonder if on the super hot girls you don't screen as hard and take it slower with them. Andy's Guide kind of conditioned me to only go for the super DTF girls but those rarely seem to be the super hot girls. Just an idea. I'm not sure about this. I might try screening less with the really hot girls and see what happens.

Like Ive gone on dates with some objectively hot girls using the 'nothing serious' line but so far all of those girls seem to be on the boyfriend track.

This is a limiting belief that super hot chicks don't want the same kind of casual sex that "less hot" chicks want. I haven't totally overcome this belief either, but there's no reason to believe hot chicks have some different psychology and only want serous relationships.

Hot chicks just have higher standards -- so you have to work harder and improve yourself to their level.
Radical said:
I screen based on what im looking for not what i think will work the most

This is the close i've been using all year that's specifically more geared to what Im after (fewer ONS and more ongoing):

'You seem cool. I’m looking for something ongoing but fairly casual.
If you’re looking for the same thing, send us your number and we’ll grab a drink.'

Nicked this from @MILFandCookies.

Deffo start experimenting more and creating your own style online. For example Andy doesnt even use his basic functioning template and hasnt for years

Agreed. And I've been explicitly telling girls I want something more ongoing lately.

Ed_ said:
there's no reason to believe hot chicks have some different psychology and only want serous relationships.

I think this is largely true, but from what I've seen online, they just dont seem as readily 'down'.
Could be the age as well, the super hot girls I have been setting dates up with... have been usually 23-25.

... I'm hesitant to say it's a limiting belief. I'm fairly well versed in this subject (I have coaching exp.)
My experience with dealing with limiting beliefs is that you can chase them til your blue in the face.
Yes it's important to work on them, but it's like only 20% of your attention max should be there.

You can tell something is a limiting belief if it stops someone from taking action or if there's some self-sabotaging happening. So on that note...
1. I have gone on dates with hot girls (maybe 5?)
2. The girl I was most attracted to on a date with was actually the girl I lost my virginity to.

So maybe its a limiting belief, but I'm skeptical about that... Strategies > Belief Changing techniques IMO.
Both have their uses, but results are the best cure for limiting beliefs. You just work on limiting beliefs if they've proven to sabotage efforts.
Oct 31

1 Date + Cancel
Didn't boost today
but still got 2 #s.

Date with Filipino

Week long texting, she is looking for a relationship, and I made it clear I want something ongoing, but I'm probably
moving. She doesn't like the fact that I might move.

Kinda boring date honestly, I didn't have any problems talking to her, but I think we just have different priorities in life.

Her car brokedown on the way to the date. She took it to the mechanic and got an uber to where I was.
If she was legit not interested that would've been a girl who cancelled, but she still got the uber to go.

Will I see her again? Idk. Balls in her court to text back. We loosely agreed to a Thursday date.
I wouldn't mind, but honestly we were fairly different people.

Hot chick cancels

Speaking of the hot girl discussion, I did match with an objectively hot 23 y.o. Setup the date today, but she cancelled.
I honeslty wasn't bothered by it. Suggested another date, and she gave me a "Maybe thursday". Cool that she suggested another date, but the "Maybe" adds to the flake risk.

Side note on cancels.
I think everyone should understand how overwhelmingly common it is to get a flake/cancel.
Don't take it personally it's just part of the game.


I was using Tinder passport to check out Denmark. o swipe maybe 10-20 girls and Instantly match with a Korean chick doing the same thing im doing.


I don't mind at all. It's just funny.


Despite Killing it in Dating, I got Killed Financially

I am $3000 off from where I projected myself to be at this time.
Which isn't horribly surprising considered I decided to go hard with Tinder. And I knew that already from studying people like Chris and Andy.
Why am I $3000 off? It's not the money I spent that took me off, it's that I've been working 50 hr weeks, and the last 2 months thats been closer to 30.

Goal Setting for 2022 Starts Now

Focus for the next 2 months

Ive hit all my goals this year (less the financial one).
So the focus for the next 2 months will be:
1) Putting $2600 in extra cash in the bank
2) Losing 10 lbs
3) Setting clear definitive goals for the next year of this dating phase.

What that means

- You'll see less dates overall.
- I'm going to go through "90 Days to a New Life Direction" best book on writing new life goal ever written. This will be my 3rd time going through it.
- Going to be at 10pm so I can be at work at 7am.

What I'm not sure about right now

- I really want to make a lot of money rn
- I really want to fuck hot girls rn

They seem to directly conflict with each other. Going through that book will clarify these seemingly conflicting desires. But I'm just noting this down because I see this as the major thing I need to get clear about over the next 2 months.

All said and done
I'm legit excited to start dreaming up what the next year will look like, but there's a tinge of regret for being so far behind financially... that's really only cuz I want to move and travel.
Nov 1

Currently resetting my body to a ketogenic state. So that should be fun.

1# (pretty cute too)
2 dates setup
Possibly 3.

No dates today.
Haven't boosted or swiped seriously for awhile.



was supposed to get more done today but I'm giving myself the ability to relax a bit and chill. (Even tho it felt like I didn't)

I'm absolutely exhausted. But it feels like I need to push harder. Really resonated with Holden's post. Cuz thats how I feel.

Just need some sort of reset.
Or even a spark.

I find when I'm this tired it's because I'm not as mission-driven.

Goal this week is to finish two chapters and exercises of the book Im going through.
Manganiello said:
What I'm not sure about right now

- I really want to make a lot of money rn
- I really want to fuck hot girls rn

They seem to directly conflict with each other. Going through that book will clarify these seemingly conflicting desires. But I'm just noting this down because I see this as the major thing I need to get clear about over the next 2 months.

Read this article from GLL. It could help deciding:!kmt-start=40

Also BlackDragon (Caleb Jones) states that it is better to handle the woman life first since it will be a distraction later on in the business life.
I also know that BoyToy went into celibacy to really focus on his business since it was too distracting.
Nov 2

Pull + no hookup

Two sentence summary

Went on a date with a girl from last month, who was near the low end of good enough. Contemplated pulling her, pulled her, she didn't want to do anything, nor did I after 2 failed attempts.


Girl I matched with last month and flaked earlier asked to meetup and "promised" to be here.

Problem was. This was a girl that was near the low end of acceptable to bang last month when I was going hard...


So I spent the whole date contemplating if I wanted to bring her back. I just thought ok, fine, if she gives a good BJ it's worth it.
Also talked with Andy about this last week on the podcast, so felt like the right decision.


Pulled pretty quick. Probably 15-20 minutes. I did not waste time on the date. Standard pull script:

"How much time do you got?"
"Wanna watch a show?"
"Let's go"

Bedroom stuff

But once I got back. I put on a tv show. Kind of ignored her for 2 minutes and just went to the washroom. I did it to remind myself to actually try.

Came back

Told her to take a mint.
She refused.

Told her to sit closer.
She refused.

Then I said... Ok we don't have to do anything.
She said "I'm chill"

...First of all I was barely attracted to her at this point and her resistance killed it completely.

Turned up the volume on the show and started watching it. Did not say a word to her and 5 minutes later she said "Ok I'm gonna go".


Zero fucks.

Had this girl been hot. Different story.
I would've been more sexual on the date. On the pull everything. I would've engaged way more. But I think my reluctance cooled her off if she was dtf at any point.

That's how I interpreted this one.


Have one date tomorrow (who confirmed literally 60 seconds ago, and she's actually attractive)

And tomorrow I finally get a decent chunk of time to myself and to work through my weekly goals.

Sprezza said:
Manganiello said:
What I'm not sure about right now

- I really want to make a lot of money rn
- I really want to fuck hot girls rn

They seem to directly conflict with each other. Going through that book will clarify these seemingly conflicting desires. But I'm just noting this down because I see this as the major thing I need to get clear about over the next 2 months.

Read this article from GLL. It could help deciding:!kmt-start=40

Also BlackDragon (Caleb Jones) states that it is better to handle the woman life first since it will be a distraction later on in the business life.
I also know that BoyToy went into celibacy to really focus on his business since it was too distracting.

Appreciate that bro.

I've read that article more than any other lol. It's been a constant nagging problem. But I'm well aware I can do one of those at a time. Not both.

Probably will keep focused on banging chicks.
I just want to sort it in my head so I can have the mental bandwidth that comes from not being conflicted.
Nov 3
Date, no pull

- Boosted once.
- added maybe 10-15 likes today
- probably 6 matches
- 3 phone numbers
- Got a number from a hot af stripper.
- Hopefully bang her.


Really kicking myself about this.

Cute girl. Like a lot of really cute girls she looks better in real life then pics.

Super fit dancer, blonde, nice makeup.

Anyway. I got relationship vibes from her. So I tried something different and slowed down and didn't aim for a pull. My gut said not to do it.

The quick bubble tea date turned into 3 hours. Really got a long with her. Probably best connection with a girl this far.

She suggested we meetup again.
Agreed to Saturday.

... But I'm really kicking myself for not even trying to pull. I was legit attracted to her. Got a long super super well. But didn't even bother pulling. Such a mistake. Cuz now it's to fate to see if we meetup again and bang.

I know Holden you have 2nd dates as a standard.

That's such a foreign concept to me.

My questions after this date were...

Is it a good idea to delay pulling on some girls?
And how do I get a conclusive answer to that question?

Right now my thinking its best to pull. Cuz it can go 4 ways.

#1 - go for pull and she agrees.
Win, cuz you have sex.

#2 - Pull, she agrees, doesn't hookup and ur cool about it.
Win, because you had fun, and you made it clear that your sexually available, but willing to go slower with her.

#3 - Pull, she doesn't agree and never will
Win, cuz you filtered out a time waster, who isn't sexually available or ready to date.

#4 Pull, she rejects, ur cool about it, she hooks up later
Win, cuz you made it clear your sexually available, but also cool to go slower with her.

I hate posting theory. And this IS theory. But I'm just outlaying my current thoughts about it.


My lesson from yesterday was ALWAYS go for pull unless it's logistically impossible.

And do it in a way where your chill with whatever she says and willing to work with her if she needs a slower pace to feel comfortable.

But always, go for the pull.

I'm surprised I missed this obvious lesson since it's so similar to my philosophy on closing in sales.

Dammit. Still mad.
I really like her.
Maybe I'll see her again, but honestly it's a coin toss at this point.

My first date is a quick coffee or walk around town of 1 hour max, not a 3 hour deep convo about life and making a connection. The goal is not to pull or get a connection. It's to get her off her phone, to see me as a "real life person", and to assure her I'm not a psychopathic serial killer.

I do pull on the first date if it feels right. But since I tend to meet girls for a first time during the day-time and we only have limited time, I go for the short date during which we agree on a time & place for a more "elaborate" date (movie & wine.)
Holden said:
My first date is a quick coffee or walk around town of 1 hour max, not a 3 hour deep convo about life and making a connection. The goal is not to pull or get a connection. It's to get her off her phone, to see me as a "real life person", and to assure her I'm not a psychopathic serial killer.

I do pull on the first date if it feels right. But since I tend to meet girls for a first time during the day-time and we only have limited time, I go for the short date during which we agree on a time & place for a more "elaborate" date (movie & wine.)

K thanks that clarifies a lot.

Makes me feel even dumber for delaying yesterday.

Argh. Lesson learnt.
Nov 4

- Took the day off to relax
- Did a lot of self reflecting.
- Had a date... she cancelled
- Got maybe 20-25 matches. 2 new dates.
- thought the girl from yesterday ghosted but she responded like 18 hrs after my good morning text.


The best thing to come out of today is I had space to organize myself. So it feels more clear what I need to do each day to hit my goals.

A few other thinga but nothing worth mentioning rn.
Nov 5

~ 25-30 matches bitches
4 #s
1 new date setup

... Tired af.
... But
Feeling more inspired lately.
Definitely wanna hookup more and go to a better city.
Nov 6-7
5 dates

Question for y'all
Anyone know a good simple structure for escalation and avoiding last minute resistance. I know full well Andy talks about this but I find his advice on the subject is too principles focused and hard to apply in the moment. I need a more do this then that source of info that explains why I need to do what.

If that exists or even something you guys have found useful please share it.

1st girl
She was visibly nervous and shaking when I got there. I think I did a good job cooling her down and relaxing her.
Pulled once. Didn't try again.
Tentative 2nd date Wed. Maybe...

2nd girl
Couldn't make it cuz of her kid.
In the midst of setting up Wednesday
(Low probability imo)

3rd girl
Long story short she didnt understand we had a date today. Rescheduld for tomorrow.

4th girl
Coffee date. Cute. Very cute.
No pull.
She was pretty boring honestly. Not a strike against her.

5th girl
Cool. I liked her and I could tell she was into me. I was into her. Date just had that vibe. Pulled. Made out. But she wasn't getting into it. So it ended. Felt like some slow down or calibration would've worked. But she made it seem like a big deal & I bought into it. And then it ended.

I think better move would've been ease off. End making out. And then go again for the makeout 5 minutes later.

But who knows.

funny stuff
Girl on tinder saw me on a date and called me out for not saying I was on one.
View attachment 1

Another funny thing about that date. .

Boytoy from the grave (/Danish business world). He’s an old school GLL guy and his guide really helped me

Also agree with Andy. Screening harder feels counterintuitive tbh but yields the best results.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
"We'll grab a drink, have a flirt, and if we like each other we'll go back to my place and get nasty in the bedroom. Sound good?"

Fucking thank you for permission to use this.
Nov 7

Date... catfish
2 cancels.

Approaches 0/4

Gonna message girls in 15 minutes. Sitting at ~10 messages to get to.

KillYourInnerLoser that's some intense screening dude.

I'm gonna experiment this week with being more specific with my intentions.

Some girls just don't get it.
Tell us more about the catfish. Worst I've gotten is they're just fatter than their pics. Was it even the same person?
Nov 7
Easy lay

So this just happened...

Girl messaged me tonight and wanted to meet and hookup.

View attachment 1

Came over.
Put on a show.
Put her legs on mine. Massaged them.
Brought her close and made out and then she just sat ontop of me and made out. She went for my dick before I made any attempt at her crotch.

Went down on her made her come once.
Then banged her pretty hard missionary and she came twice.

Night and day from yesterday's girl who didn't wanna do anything.

Value is I had nothing from the last 8 dates besides 3 pulls that didn't go anywhere.


Dewm said:
Tell us more about the catfish. Worst I've gotten is they're just fatter than their pics. Was it even the same person?

Same person just like maybe old pics? She was like very overweight dude. Like she came into the cafe and I thought. There's no fucking way that's her. And it was.

She talked about going to the gym on tinder. So I was like ok she's probably in decent shape then... Nope.
Manganiello said:
@Radical thank you as always for dropping value bombs


Yeah those fast and super forward hook up girls are random

I never really got those til this year and then i had like 3 in a month. My theory was its related to the lockdowns and more girls got used to doing that sort of thing

But then Andy has stories like that from 2017 so whatdoiknow