Manga: Shisha date no pull

5 years ago or something I matched with a girl that was down to meet after 5 messages or so. She later told me she always had a fantasy of meeting a stranger for very fast sex

Right time, right place

When a girl acts stuck-up or is being difficult, remember girls like these exist and they're out there. Enjoy
Nov 12

Day Game

Rusty af, but got them in.
Tryna do a real session again reminds me of all the things I hated about Calgary. After the sheer volume I've done on tinder and comparing that to Approaching volume at the mall. It feels like going from a highway to gridlocked traffic.

I just know I need volume and it's near impossible to get that here.

Maybe night game would satisfy me.



Not much to report, been getting cancelled on as always. Had a shisha date with a really cute girl 2 nights ago. She refused the pull and then ghosted. Got a long just fine. But the rapport dates are useless.


Almost got laid same night again with a very fucking hot Asian

She's like 100% my type.

She tells me she wants to hookup tonight on tinder. Snap each other to make sure we look good. She likes the selfie. I like hers but she screened hard for dick size.

I'm not small. But I'm not huge either.

Sent her a dick pic.

5 minutes later she says she can't something urgent came up but suggests Sunday at 8pm.

The time suggestion is good. But...
I don't trust girls like this. As interested as she seems now. It cools off.

My thoughts are that she went to find the guy with the biggest dick and used that.

... But you never know.
Either way she missed out.

All that being said it affirms the desire to buy and use bathmate. Procrastinating on it. I'm not small in the pants but if Im going this hard at fucking girls my dick should atleast be remarkable.

Picked up 4 #s today. Need to be more on top of messaging girls once I get the number.

I got a shot ton of numbers yesterday but 0 dates scheduled.
Manganiello said:
Day Game

Congrats, top 5 volume on the forums.

Manganiello said:
All that being said it affirms the desire to buy and use bathmate.

Don't use this outlier as a reason to buy a bathmate man. Sure, it's clear your spaghetti girth prevents girls from plating. But for all you know, she could have been a troll. I doubt she was messaging a ton of other dudes at the same time.
Crisis_Overcomer said:
Manganiello said:
Day Game

Congrats, top 5 volume on the forums.

Manganiello said:
All that being said it affirms the desire to buy and use bathmate.

Don't use this outlier as a reason to buy a bathmate man. Sure, it's clear your spaghetti girth prevents girls from plating. But for all you know, she could have been a troll. I doubt she was messaging a ton of other dudes at the same time.

I always wanted to buy it. I know this is an almost never again scenario.

Tbh it's because I want the confidence of being able to slam a girl like no one else shell ever meet can.

... Top 5. Ya sadly.
Most guys on here would benefit if they dropped 80% of their self improvement goals and talked to more girls instead.
My theory:

She rubbed one out to the pic of King Manga's cock, blew her beans entirely, and then was left dazed and confused, only to default to RFG #1 "sOmEtHiNg cAmE uP" - yeah, a laundry bill for the lady ejaculate all over her room!

Manganiello said:
Most guys on here would benefit if they dropped 80% of their self improvement goals and talked to more girls instead.

Most guys arent all in
Radical said:
Manganiello said:
Most guys on here would benefit if they dropped 80% of their self improvement goals and talked to more girls instead.

Most guys arent all in

I hope everyone reads that and seriously questions their priorities.
Nov 13
Matched & smashed same night

... Again

2nd time this week I've banged a girl without a date.

Almost the third but yesterday's girl didn't follow thru...

Just like the girl on Monday. This chick came to Calgary on readinf week to de-stress.

Super small petite 20 year old.


Ok so I'm tired as fuck.

But the gist of it is that I had a date at 11pm.

BUT... this girl messages me and after she refuses to give her phone number. We talk a bit more and she invites me her to her apartment.

So I had to skip the 11pm girl and just go there.

no date

We meet in the lobby. Immediately get in the elevator and talk, walk down the hallway, talk on her room for maybe 30 seconds.

escalation & sex

So we've talked for maybe a minute. And I bring her in and start making out. She gets more into it and I push her on the bed. Keep making out.

Good makeout session.

Then I rip off her pants and eat her out for maybe 30 minutes but she doesn't come despite getting into it.

She gives me a really good blowjob. Staring at me.

Then I put it in her and smash pretty aggressively for maybe 20 minutes.

The bedframe kept knocking against the wall so I'd have to like use her shoulders as leverage to pull her in so the bed didn't knock as much.

Made some nice clapping noises while making out with her.

Then cowgirl for like 30 minutes.
Cowgirl was intense. Didn't expose her breasts til 45 minutes into the session. And she pressed her chest into my face. And did this thing where she went super super slow up and down while I sucked on her tit. That felt amazing.

Then I sat up and just humped each other in that position. Her body was so light and small so I would just go between feeling her up, grabbing her ass and then pulling her into me.
Like she had a nice firm ass. Wasn't big, but just firm and I'd grab onto it and pull her.

It was like crazy we were both pulling each other into ourselves as hard as we could. Seeing how deep we could get penetration and then we'd hold it in while pulling hard on each other.

Then she would slow down and gently go up and down on me, I'd stroke her cheek. Dude it was such a turn on.

Anyway I went to fuck her doggy but she was tight and I went soft and couldn't get it in.

She hadn't cum yet. And she refused, like actually refused to tell me what made her orgasm... So I just went down on her until she did.

That was fun. She was pretty unenthused about me going down on her a second time it seemed but after 5 minutes that changed.
She started moaning, breathing heavily and humping my face.

Then I put my fingers and fingered her really hard. As she started orgasming I'd slam my fingers harder and she'd try to pull my fingers out but I kept going. Then ended it by licking her for maybe like 10 minutes.

Pretty fun sex. Maybe 2-2.5 hrs.
Longest fuck I've had so far.
I really enjoyed her tiny body.

Talked for an hour after we fucked. She's actually pretty cool. It's funny how nothing I knew about her until after the hookup. But she was actually pretty sociable, got along well.

Too bad she goes back. She would've made a nice plate.


Message girls fast on the apps guys. That's the second hookup this week cuz I was responding quickly.

It's a numbers game. What you guys don't see me talk about as much is how much I'm boosting. I've boosted 7 times last 3 days. And I have 4 dates tomorrow. And 13 messages from new girls k haven't had time to address. You guys need to be boosting.

I didn't do anything special here. Just being at the right place at the right time with a girl who was on the mood for a hookup.

Nice to see your succes man, good for you!
Can't wait to start myself, just got my DSLR camera and took my first shots, pic related
Nov 18

Shisha date no pull.

Logging this before I forget.

But ya date with cute filiino girl.
She was 100% my type.
Looks and personality.

No pull.

After talking to colgate I'm trying to be more myself on the dates, and less just a dating machine. And this was noticeably harder. I think I won on that front in some areas and lost in others.

Most notably I had a hard time being openly sexual with her. Even tho I found her hot AF.

So I'm just writing that, as a sticky so I can work on that.

Yes I got laid quite a bit recently. But I'm nowhere close to a finished product.

There's more to dating than just going on dates and screening. I'm starting to see that.


Anyway dudes. I had an awesome day yesterday.

Key lessons in noting for myself.

- be more sexually honest as a person in general
- work on all the small things where I'm weakly confident on in my interactions and presence around girls.
- start using snapchat and videos to message girls right after the date.
- think I'm gonna change my script to...

"hey the real deal breaking question is what do you like more coffee or boba?"

Or something along those lines.
Then I might transition into...
"Cool well let's set something up. What's your snap?"

Then either send them a video or snap.
Or schedule a 5-10 minute video date.

Dunno if this will work.
But honestly my conversion from numbers to dates are fairly low, so I'm just thinking out loud about how to improve that aspect.
Manganiello said:
Then either send them a video or snap.
Or schedule a 5-10 minute video date.

This is an interesting calibration. Kind of similar to how I started having longer interactions with girls on the approach and my contact->date conversions blew up 20x because the girl remembered who I was.

I'm curious to see if your flake rate reduces as well.
colgate said:
Manganiello said:
Then either send them a video or snap.
Or schedule a 5-10 minute video date.

This is an interesting calibration. Kind of similar to how I started having longer interactions with girls on the approach and my contact->date conversions blew up 20x because the girl remembered who I was.

I'm curious to see if your flake rate reduces as well.

I'm not sure if it will. I got the idea from Rick. But as I did some math on my conversion rates he was doing only slightly better than me for numbers converting to dates.

So we'll see it's worth trying.
Nov 18

No dates today. Just wanted to focus on approach.

I have two girls I've neglected to text. Not good. Don't even know why I'm saying that. I should just text them now...


That's it.

Girl from yesterday's shisha 'rapport' date got back to me like 12 hours after I texted her.

In some weird sense I'd rather smash the first date. Cuz now it feels weird to position everything around smashing on the 2nd date.

Like it's unnessecary step I've forced into myself because I selected a venue not good for pulling ad the first date.

Lesson learnt.
A bit late on this, but I'm amazed/a little envious at your string of girls that are just completely DTF same night from Tinder. I haven't had one of these in several years. In my experience, Tinder has gotten further and further away from "random hookups" and closer towards "dating" the longer its been around (and its not my age, either, as I keep my age at 28 every year).

We've also talked about Boosting privately, but our different Boosting experiences blow my mind as well. I just hard reset my profile here in Miami. Had all new, awesome-looking photos from a new photoshoot where I look badass. Ran a Super Boost, on a Thursday where it's raining (theoretically girls should be inside swiping, they certainly weren't at venues when I went out at night). Only got 7 matches and that's with the new account Boost.

Typically regular Boosts will get me 0-2 matches.

The only thing I can attribute the easy lays to is that I was actively messaging around 6-10pm and then it just so happened both girls came to Calgary to de-stress during reading week.

So if any girl was super dtf, I was gonna catch her at that time. But it probably was very very lucky.

It was like an identical backstory but just a different girl.


Your boost experience is perplexing because from just the few pics I've seen of you I'm guessing your profile is top notch.

What about Hinge over there?

I did a super boost on Hinge over here and got 8 likes. Which is atrocious considering how expensive it was. But one guy I know got 141 likes off of his super boost on hinge (in Chicago)

Like wtf?

And Reservoir has us best with his normal tinder boosts getting over 90 likes in Paris (I think).
pancakemouse said:
and its not my age, either, as I keep my age at 28 every year

Based on what KillYourInnerLoser found you need to keep it at 25

Standard set up for most girls on the platform is 18-26 and they dont change that a lot of the time. So 28 cuts you out of that pool of girls