Master Tinder Log - lay#12 4f10 Chinese girl + insane BDSM sex with #2

Crypto Put like that, it does sounds cool haha. Thanks crypto 👊

Toast Thanks a lot my Asian brother from another mother 😄
Sup guys I know my tinder needs a lot of improvement and I want you guys to roast it and hopefully give some advice/recommendation on what I could add to my style. I have a dlsr camera but don't have anyone to take photos with. I got a friend who sometimes have time, so I might get some photos in at some point but we will see. So here it goes!

This is my profile picture, but I'm experimenting with alternating this one and the #2, so far I can't really which one is better.
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This is #2, I really like the pose, and the long-sleeved shirt that really make me look big. Do you think It should be #1 or even be there!
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Took this photo yesterday actually and added it to the lot. Do you think a shirtless photo will push women away and is it even a good photo, I know its a little blurry, but I really liked the way I look on that photo. Should I keep it or not?
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Normal photo of me smiling at a restaurant, thought it was a good photo, should I keep it?
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Just a lifting photo to show my interest and that I lift heavy. Should I keep it?

Thanks for your time guys very appreciated 👊
hey, commenting from my own experience and brutal honsty -- no mean to be a dick.

1. Close up selfie with nothing really interesting (like it's not masculine, sexy or put forward something about your face -- you got blue eyes, the mood of the pics could go around that). It just look like you took a picture and went "good enough".

2. More interesting than 1. because it put forward your physics, but the shity quality, no blur of the kitchen and the shity light doesn't make the pics good

3. Nice body, the light is fine but you are blury ... It could be artistic if the rest of the pics were clean, but unfortunately, because they are not, the pic look cheap

4. Imo really fine pic, you should definitely keep it to add content to your profile

5. To blury, bad light

Getting a vibe from a pic is fucking hard and it require a lot of work from the photographer and the model. One thing i recommend is taking some picture in front of a wall to learn to position the camera and to pose (it remove the pressure of the background and let you focus fully on you). You got a great body (congrat on your lost weight journey) and a fine face, you can definitely get a really nice set of pics.
MakingAComeback said:
You got bodied up dude, you must be training hard. Props.

Yeah I've been, since joining this forum almost 4months ago now. This is the kind of possible transformation with hard work. Thanks for the support MAC 👊
Gabi said:
hey, commenting from my own experience and brutal honsty -- no mean to be a dick.

1. Close up selfie with nothing really interesting (like it's not masculine, sexy or put forward something about your face -- you got blue eyes, the mood of the pics could go around that). It just look like you took a picture and went "good enough".

2. More interesting than 1. because it put forward your physics, but the shity quality, no blur of the kitchen and the shity light doesn't make the pics good

3. Nice body, the light is fine but you are blury ... It could be artistic if the rest of the pics were clean, but unfortunately, because they are not, the pic look cheap

4. Imo really fine pic, you should definitely keep it to add content to your profile

5. To blury, bad light

Getting a vibe from a pic is fucking hard and it require a lot of work from the photographer and the model. One thing i recommend is taking some picture in front of a wall to learn to position the camera and to pose (it remove the pressure of the background and let you focus fully on you). You got a great body (congrat on your lost weight journey) and a fine face, you can definitely get a really nice set of pics.

Thanks a lot Gabi, def gonna keep everything you said in mind and move forward with it. Didn't take anything you said personally and understand all your points. Thanks for the feedback man going to upgrade my pics with all of them in mind 👊👊
Gabi said:
3. Nice body, the light is fine but you are blury ... It could be artistic if the rest of the pics were clean, but unfortunately, because they are not, the pic look cheap

Did you meant I should be clean and the background blurry? Because the background looks pretty clean to me. I found it pretty good with the contrast of me being a little blurry and background being super clean, that's why I put it there, but your criticism is what the photo looks to me so im a bit confused haha
I think you need a proper DLSR and get a friend to take some actually good photos. You're physique is really coming together (not there yet). You can only achieve so much with selfie phone pics.
Mainly telling you to get a better camera. Photo quality is pretty low.

But, damn muscles! Big improvement. Keep going!
Yeah the quality is pretty low mate, find someone with a DSLR/Mirrorless or at least see if a mate has the one of latest Iphone or Galaxy. If using phones make sure the lighting outside is pretty bright to eliminate the noise. Try and not have any photos inside your house. To me the topless one looks a bit staged even if it wasn't. The lifting one looks beast but is real blurry. I'd try it again but from a front angle like Andy's old rack pull one
Master said:
Gabi said:
3. Nice body, the light is fine but you are blury ... It could be artistic if the rest of the pics were clean, but unfortunately, because they are not, the pic look cheap

Did you meant I should be clean and the background blurry? Because the background looks pretty clean to me. I found it pretty good with the contrast of me being a little blurry and background being super clean, that's why I put it there, but your criticism is what the photo looks to me so im a bit confused haha
Check out andys guide to pics if you havent already read it. he gives some solid tips on what to focus on with pics. Like framing, focus, how to use a dslr ETC

Attached is an example of how a blurry background vs a clean one makes a difference in the pics feel
Master said:
Did you meant I should be clean and the background blurry? Because the background looks pretty clean to me. I found it pretty good with the contrast of me being a little blurry and background being super clean, that's why I put it there, but your criticism is what the photo looks to me so im a bit confused hah

Sorry i wasn't really explicit. What i meant is that the photo on its own is good. But put with all the other (1,2 and 5) photos, it doesn't get the reaction expected :

- The pic on its own : Nice, kind of artistic picture

- The pic with the rest of the porfolio : An other "clumsy" picture with a missed focus

Ps : imo you can definitely keep 3 and 4
play_time_is_over Thanks man, yeah def not finished improving my physic, but yeah I really have to improve the quality of my photos. I'm thinking about hiring a pro photographer, I have a DSLR camera, but I don't have anyone to take photos with and getting good at taking photos takes a lot of time.

SIGMA_1234 Thanks man! Been grinding hard the gym since they opened up and been training hard for the last 3months and a half to get to this point, now I need to grind for better photos ASAP or ill miss a ton of opportunities. Thanks again man cheers 👊.

Crypto Shit load of stuff to think about jesus hahaha. I think I'll just hire a pro photographer. Even though I have a DSLR camera, I don't have anyone to take pictures with and getting good at taking photos takes a lot of time which I don't really have.

Toast Read that part but it's far in my mind, def will have to go back to it and refresh my memory on it.
Gabi said:
Sorry i wasn't really explicit. What i meant is that the photo on its own is good. But put with all the other (1,2 and 5) photos, it doesn't get the reaction expected :

- The pic on its own : Nice, kind of artistic picture

- The pic with the rest of the porfolio : An other "clumsy" picture with a missed focus

Ps : imo you can definitely keep 3 and 4

Ah gotcha, yeah I see what you are saying. That make sense, will have to greatly improve those photos going to focus on it after moving out in 1 week.
Got a good one again for yall today! Let's start in chronological order of what happened since my last post on this log.

June 24th is Quebec national day and I got a date with the powerlifting girl (My first date/second lay). I invited her to a carnival and it was super fun. we had a great time and we left after 3h approx. We went a took a couple drinks to a microbrewery near her place and went to hers afterwards. We watched some 2000's music video for fun while drinking some more (candy shop, K-maro, Usher) it was a super fun rhing to do, but jesus music videos sucked back then even if it was the shit lol. We got wild sex afterwards, miles above the last 2 times in terms of fun. She was even griping my skin pretty hard with her nails and left me some big ass marks, something she didn't do the first 2 times. I really liked it and she also did obviously, she came like 3 times in a span of 45sec at the end when I ate her out. Overall top 5 experience ever, had a great ass time.

For a whole week I did pretty much nothing but getting my shit ready to move, work and go to the gym, so almost no forum or dating app. June 29th I saw a new girl for the first time, a girl I matched with a long time ago. It was a 34yo pretty cute girl, that was very talkative and interesting. We went to a bar for a drink and she insisted on paying for her stuff. It was a very humid and hot day so she wouldn't invite me back to hers (reminder: I cant invite girls back before I move). We made out really hard for a good 45min in her car in front of my apartment. At some point she even grabbed my dick and I played with her nipples. It almost made her invite me back regardless, but she resisted and it was better off that way since the heat was very bad lol. Whenever we were not making out, she was non-stop touching my body and telling me how much she liked it. She even said I was the most in-shaped dude she ever had a date with. It was a pretty insane compliment and completely surreal for me in the moment. All my efforts at the gym paid really hard, she was just all over me it was fucking insane. Boys that's the second girl in 3 that is just mind blown by my body, so go ahead and give it your all at the gym and it will also happen to you if it has not yet! The date ended there but we knew that the next time we saw each others, we would fuck no questions asked.

(June 30th) Slept like 5hours and woke up the to help move my brothers apartment and on the same day remove the protective skirt under my fathers house, so yeah, no training needed here. We stopped at like 7PM and we ate ribs and watched the hockey game. Idk wth happened that night, but in a span of 15min both my first and second lay wrote me to do something soon. The powerlifting girl (my second lay) politely asked to do something soon whenever I'm all setup with my new place. It was the first time she actually wrote me first, so I was very glad and happy about her showing her interest! The 18yo girl (first lay and ahegao face maker) was pretty fucking wild. She wrote me asking to come to my new place the day I was moving, so on the 1st. I said "My place is going to be a mess" and she just replied "As long as there is a place where you can bend me over, I'll be happy". This girl knows how to talk to me and it's not a surprise coming from a 18yo bdsm experienced girl lol. She said she would bring her handcuffs, her blindfold and a couple toy, I was fucking down!

(July 1st) Slept again like shit at my dads house, prob around 4h and had to wake up early to move my stuff. Got a text around 10am from the 34yo girl telling me gl with my moving, so in a span of not even 10hours all 3 of my dates texted me, so you can imagine how it made me fell. Let me tell you with a coffee and this much validation, I had infinite energy. Finished moving my stuff at around 3pm and started unpacking before the 18yo girl would arrive. She texted me at around 5pm telling me she was reporting our "date" to the next day instead to let me unpack my stuff a little more and avoid the huge ass works that is currently happening in my city along with the "international moving day" here in quebec (Oh also canada's national day, but we quebecois dont give a fuck about that lol).

I Was pretty down about her reporting the date. so I texted the 34yo girl asking her if she had time tonight and she did! So I prepared myself and arrived at hers at around 9pm. We talked for an hour or so then we started. We made out for awhile and she sucked me. Pretty good bj, but she only did it for like 3-4min, I then ate her out and made her cum using the ol cunnilingus + finger. We went to her bed and we fucked for a good 25min. She didn't cum from penetration alone and she didnt have a toy to play with, but said she really liked it reagardless... "Yeah", but I didnt. She ended up being a lot less attractive naked than with her clothes on. She was also super soft, which is the first time I had that. She wasnt super chubby, but she had literally no tonus at all and I really didnt like it. So overall not the best lay, but a lay nonetheless and a super confidence boost from her. Although im trying my best not to swell my head too much and stay on the work hard and humble path.

(July 2nd) My sister came and helped me unpacking my stuff. We also went and bought all the stuff I needed for my new place. I got the best sister ever. Arrived home at around 7pm and the 18yo girl arrived at 10pm. She had to ride 1h to get to my place. We watched 365 days on netflix as she requested and we then proceeded. Started making out on the couch and she then sucked me like a goddess fell from heaven. Like I said the first time, this girl fucking knows her shit and she habr the best blow job in my experience and by far. She did the ahegao face again multiple times (she knows I fucking like it lol). She doesn't like being eaten out so I didnt and we proceeded with bdsm stuff. Note: I'm still a noob with this, but I'm looking to learn. I started by blindfolding her and handcuffing her to my bed. licked her nipples and played with her pussy. I took her vibrator and played around her nipples and slowly made my way to her pussy. Played with the vibrator around her pussy and fingered her. I then fucked her pretty hard. It's kind of weird for me since I'm not someone whos naturally super rough but both time I've been with her I tried to step it up a notch. After a good 20min, I knew I was not far, so I gave her her toy and she came in like 3min lol.

We cuddled and tried for a round 2 after 20min or so, but my D wouldn't lift up no matter what. Idk what the hell happened, but it might be due to me being tired from the last week + it was like 3am and I had sex 2 time inside a 24h window. That is still worrying, since I remember being able to go 2-3times a day with my first girlfriend in my early 20's. I'm also not feeling a lot of sexual drive even after 1week and a half of no porn/masturbation/fucking, since I started dating. Might have to get myself checked, but will wait to see if it persist under more normal circumstances. We slept like 6hours, woke up and had sex after a shower. Did some more bdsm shit, tried a gagball, not sure how this can be fun for her, but whatever lol. Put on a cock ring to make sure I wouldnt loose my erection and gave it all! Literally had to go all out for like 3-4min at maximum speed before I could cum. I was sweating like a motherfucker and that cock ring saved me. God fucking bless doing all the cardio I did for these moments lol.

So thats pretty much it, a wild fucking week I would say. I'm seeing the powerlifting girl again on friday, but I wont be going on dating apps or looking to schedule anything before then. I'm completely fucked and drained. Will take the rest of the week to work, rest, unpack, gym, so basically no rest lol rip.

