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New daygame lay, sexual questions opener, etc.

Sisyphus said:
Never take things slower. Your subconscious mind is looking for opportunities to fuck you. If you make things easier for yourself, you'll underperform
I hope you realize how profound what you said was. I really needed to hear that man. Momentum is really important for a lot of things.

By the way, what were your overall thoughts on the AA program? I've been thinking of doing it soon.

Also, that painting you posted is super cool
Crisis_Overcomer said:
Sisyphus said:
I share one of the best. Not that anyone gives a fuck,

I liked it so much I made it my new wallpaper


Thx bro. Btw thank you so much for spreading the gospel of Mike M*lhm*n. It really changed my life. I was actually going to post about him but I also had lot of other shit to reflect about and I am afraid some things might be misinterpreted if I don't word them carefully. It really made a deep mindset shift, and it made me realize how much of a whiny bitch I am.
MilkyWay said:
Sisyphus said:
Never take things slower. Your subconscious mind is looking for opportunities to fuck you. If you make things easier for yourself, you'll underperform
I hope you realize how profound what you said was. I really needed to hear that man. Momentum is really important for a lot of things.

By the way, what were your overall thoughts on the AA program? I've been thinking of doing it soon.

Also, that painting you posted is super cool

It's profound because it comes from experience. Never take your foot off the pedal. Also, don't make Plan B, C, D... just go all in with plan A. I'm not succesful so take this with a grain of salt.

As I said I don't believe in the law of attraction but at the same time I believe "it works" on a practical level. Success really comes down to who you are, and a lot of that is subconscious/unconscious. What you think about on a daily basis. What is your comfort zone. What are you afraid of. What do you think is your capacity. What type of people do you hang around. What girls you believe are capable to get. (Chris gll talked about this as sense of entitlement) What amount of money you can handle. What you feel you deserve in life.

Succesful people ain't spreadsheeting decisions to death. They aren't necessarily super high IQ, making super smart strategies, They just have HIGH SELF STEEM. So they hang around succesful people. They position themselves in a place of more abundant opportunity and they take those opportunities without hesitation. And they do that on autopilot, because that's their default. Losers are afraid of making decisions, they are afraid of making mistakes. They are afraid of approaching succesful ppl, so they settle for less succesful ppl that give them bad advice. They are uncomfortable on high status environments, they are comfortable in their mediocre safe world. They miss obvious opportunities that are in front of their faces, it's like they are invisible (like when a girl from social circle shows signs of interest and u don't make moves). Because they live literally on another reality than succesful ppl.

Even if sometimes they venture to the unknown and make some improvements, it becomes too stressful. The pull from the default comfort zone becomes too strong. Family and friends don't like it when you become succesful and independent. So eventually you find a way to underperform and "correct" for the mistake of success, like a thermostat that must keep room temperature constant. Your biology doesn't care about goals, achievements, money, etc. Your biological imperative is to survive and leave offspring. If your body feels that success is a threat to your survival, you will fail. When you approach chicks or whenever you do something out of the ordinary, different from other ppl that sorround you, you feel vulnerable, not part of the tribe, thus in risk of not surviving.

It's not easy to beat this. Statistically, if you were born in a poor family, you will die poor. While I'm not denying that some actual limitations might exist, I would say that the reason the vast majority of ppl isn't succesful is: 1) they don't believe they are able/deserving to be succesful 2) they don't want that bad to be succesful. Again, this is almost close to impossible to beat, otherwise I would be on the succesful camp. This reality is so painful to admit that unsuccesful ppl develop a belief system that justifies their unfulfilled potential. Nietzsche talks about it as "slave morality". It's not the point of this post to dwelve into philosophy, but basically, slaves deem healthy, desirable traits of the master (independence, leadership, confidence, dominance, etc) as sinful, thus alleviating the pain of not possesing what they desire. Examples of slave moralists: social justice warriors and white knights. White knights will chastise the guy that's approaching for no reason other than justifying their own cuckness while fantasizing of way worse things than whatever the approaching guy performs in practice.

Other way unsuccesful ppl cope with succesful ppl, besides morally condemning success, is thinking that it's impossible. It sounds like a seminar sales pitch, but it is true that a lot of what you concieve possible has nothing to do with hard facts and everything to do with social conditioning and your own fears. I can prove to you that a lot of conventional wisdom is objectively wrong. It's not surprising though, during most of history humans believed in all sort of crazy shit, and still to this day ppl believe in astrology, molecular water, you name it. But sometimes seemingly crazy shit does happen, and not believing in it is ignorance. Take for example any invention, like the telephone, cars, planes, the atomic bomb, personal computer, smartphone. A lot of "experts" of their day believed that the above was impossible to achieve, or that it wouldn't work on the market. They were deadly wrong.

So, for example, most people believe it's impossible to bang a girl you just met on the streets, you need to use an app or meet through common friends, or go through a lot of dates, or that you can only do it if you have high cheekbones, hunter eyes, are 6'2" and rock designer clothes. LOL. You have plenty of evidence that this is not true. Not impossible, but statistically unlikely. But you could easily beat statistics by brute force if you weren't so scared of doing it, you could fly through dozens of approaches like it's nothing. If you approach 150-200 girls in the next couple of days, you will get laid. This isn't hard to do in a big city. You just don't believe it and/or don't want it bad enough. I garantee you that in your lifetime, going by the streets/public transport/uni campus, you have crossed paths with at least 50 women that you could have smashed. Only if you approached them of course. But nobody does it, so you believe that it is natural to avoid talking to women that you don't know. You wan't ppl to like you and say nice things about you, more than you want to accomplish goals. It's "weird" to cold approach. This feeling of weirdness is what will keep you forever exactly where you are.

It took me 2 years of accomplishing that simple feat of banging a chick from cold approach, for the reasons I exposed above, perhaps in a big city it would have taken me less, but I was still very slow. Completely below my potential. I wish I drank the gll koolaid. Instead, I tried to tweak things and do things my own way, instead of following the instructions exactly as they are written. The most succesful guys are the ones that follow the advice of a mentor like it was the word of God. It needs to be almost like a religious experience, you need to want to succeed with all your heart and believe with all your heart that the "system works", like you believed when you were a kid in santa claus. If I believed in "just talk to a lot of girls", I would have gotten laid in two months, not two years.

With all this context, let's talk about the AA program. It's great, it changed my life, it's fun. But over time I came to realize that it might be another tool of procrastination, of not going after the real thing. I did up to day 42 and still had approach anxiety. Default is a bitch and you always go back to being afraid.
-It's like using training wheels, or training vs playing a match. The real thing is just different from the learning stage and while you can simulate the real thing, it's never 100% the real thing and your mind knows it.
-You reinforce the belief that you NEED the training in order to perform, which makes you more insecure and dependant on the training. Approach anxiety now becomes a "thing" that you need to "beat", while instead all you need to do is just.fucking.do.it

Which is what I'd say to you. Just.fucking.do.it. You.don't.need.any.programs.to.approach.girls. You either want it bad enough or you don't. This is the truth.

The exception is, you want it bad enough, but you carry a ton of baggage. Nowadays it's not much of an exception, but the rule, LOL. The good news is, it's not just you and me, most kids our generation and younger are mentally fucked. Civilization has fucked us. We became too complacent.

Now, this is what I would consider baggage (I'm not trying to invent problems out of thin air, but if you are on an internet forum looking for advice to get laid, you're probably more fucked than you think)

-You've never been in a fight as a kid/teenager (yes, not facing adversity equals baggage).
-You lost your virginity after 18.
-You never had a girlfriend.
-You weren't part of the incrowd in highschool.
-You were addicted or semi addicted to porn at one point in your life.
-You were addicted or semi eddicted to videogames at one point in your life.
-You feel very insecure about looks and are obsessed with looks, bodybuilding, etc.(how you look is the least important problem you have though, but how feel about it is important).
-You are shy/introvert, you feel anxious at social situations/events.
-You had significant exposure to postmodernist or feminist philosophy.
-You had a religious upbringing, or significant exposure to religions that repress sexuality
-You had significant exposure to black pill/incel philosophy and hold negative/resentful views about women.
-You lived with your parents after adulthood (depends on the country and culture, but I'd say, after 18-21 in first world countries and 20-23 in third world countries).
-You describe yourself as a negative/pessimistic/unhappy person.
-You never had a job or significant responsibility, or you were a NEET for a period of more than 6 months in one point of your life.
-You've never tried to improve your sex life before the age of 23
-You'd describe yourself as a generally risk averse person

If you tick 3 boxes or less, you are overall normal, you don't need any aa program, just approach.
If you tick 3-6 boxes, you'll probably benefit from the AA program, although you can just approach instead, with a decent amount of effort.
If you tick 6-9 boxes you are on the limit, you probably should do some AA/Social Anxiety drills to desensitize yourself
If you tick more than 9 boxes, good luck mate. It's not impossible to fix your sex life, but almost impossible, and you'll have to spend money, time an effort to improve even just the minimum and you will suffer a lot.

Chris was right that for some reason the most vulnerable guys are the ones that gravitate towards the toughest form of dating (cold approach), while normies don't. And most guys that spend time on internet forums aren't part for the normie crowd. Which is why PUA companies target insecure/low self esteem guys and are succesful. For the love of god, whatever you do, don't get sucked into that, or PNL or EFT. Oh, and don't buy Phenibut or Kratom, or any of the crap that Chris suggests. I'm not against it in a moral way, but I believe he obviously pushed it because he sold it, it's what it's. It won't solve the root of your problems at all.

Tl;DR If you are a normal guy, just approach, if you have emotional issues, do the aa program, maybe go to a proper psychologist.
-Sold an NFT for 15USD, which is nothing, but it's a nice moral victory.
-My mindset is shifting slowly to working in a way that accounts for my energy levels, my probability of pussying out on a task etc. So I'll start focusing more on stickers/emotes, icons, etc. things with a more minimalistic style. Basically stuff with a high yield rate.
-I still need to approach ppl on fiverr.
-Deleted (not permanently) my facebook instagram and youtube accounts.
-March 31st is the date of my driving license test, I'm talking lessons. This should make life easier, although bike/walking burns a ton of calories.
-I approached 8 girls at a club last saturday and 5 girls today, which is cuck volume even for the town I live in.
-One of the reasons is I'm afraid of being "caught" "blacklisted" cause it's such a small town. But eventually I need to stop get over this and stop givimg a fuck. I'll get s virtual number and delete my whatsapp pick so that should make the worst scenario less likely
-I'm starting to see it as a good thing. I don't think cold approach is the best way to get laid but I do think it's the best for happiness/growth.
Not giving a fuck about other's opionions is a great thing. Let's be real, any super succesful person, like Steve Jobs, Andrew Carnegie was an asshole. Jordan Peterson is an asshole. Lenin was an asshole. Judith Butler is probably an asshole. Sigmund Freud was an asshole and had sex with his patients. Jesus Christ was a madman psychopath and people fell for it. Famous people behave differently on camera. They are probably not nice. I'd rather err on the side of asshole than on the side of nice. If super succesful people are giant assholes, it follows that even if you don't aspire to be the next Mohammad, you probably need some form of assholeness to move towards success.
Ppl don't want to be seen as assholes cuz it's stressful. Ppl are gonna through shit at you. So you need to develop a thick skin. Approach is the training ground for business/work
-My mindset is shifting towards "how can I fuck this girl in an ethical and legal way?". Even if I was able to cold approach in the past, I still wanted to be accepted by women, I wanted them to think I was a cool guy, or a hot guy, that I was somehow "better" than other guys for being forward and direct instead of lame indirect. I still wanted to be rewarded for my behavior. But really it's another form of white knightness. Thinking I'm somehow saving the girl from boring white knights, I am being a giant white knight.
So, while I don't hold any negative sentiment towards women, I consciously try to identify any feeling of romantization/idealization as just that, a fantasy. The litmus test is, if she were a guy instead of a girl, I wouldn't care about her hobbies or any anecdotal detail. She is just a girl that makes my dick hard. A nice piece of ass. Nothing less and nothing more.
Reading your posts, it seems like you're striving for perfection. You have to cut yourself some slack sometimes. What good is all the self improvement you're working on if you're just tormenting yourself for not doing more? Compare yourself today to yourself from yesterday.. from 1 month ago.. from 1 year ago. Don't compare yourself to people that started their journeys decades before you were even born, or to ideals that don't even exist.
1v1mekid said:
Reading your posts, it seems like you're striving for perfection. You have to cut yourself some slack sometimes. What good is all the self improvement you're working on if you're just tormenting yourself for not doing more? Compare yourself today to yourself from yesterday.. from 1 month ago.. from 1 year ago. Don't compare yourself to people that started their journeys decades before you were even born, or to ideals that don't even exist.

I can't cut myself slack. I need to make money. I can't live without money. I need to fuck girls. I can't go through long periods of not fucking girls. I go crazy. It's either success or death. You can survive and live life as a cuck yes but I don't want that.

And c'mon, it's not an impossible ideal. How hard it can be to go out and approach 200 girls. How hard it's to send emails to prospects. It shouldn't be that hard. It's just that we have very low standards. It's not an impossible ideal. Back in the day ppl got shit done on a daily basis much more easily


Learnt a little bit about freelancing platforms.
Fiverr=you post gigs, ppl reach out to you
Upwork and freelancer=you hunt for Jobs

fiverr is probably preferrable, there's more room for growth and better clients, but to start out, the other ones are better
a good way to start on fiverr is to have someone you know buy your gig
you can also improve your positioning by taking up courses on fiverr

to do:

finish sleeping cat NFT project
finish photo editing job
print flyers ( portraits, photo editing, logo design, etc) and spam my city
post announcement on instagram stories.


I'm able to cold approach chicks even when I go out to do other stuff. I'm becoming more spontaneous. But I lack consistency in going out. And some days I feel low self steem and approach anxiety grows back and I skip girls. I'm going thru a rough rejection tilt and that has pierced my armor. One rejection is ok but one after another adree another, after another, is what finally gets to you.


cutting social media is great

i also cut youtube, log out from my account, so I'm out of a toxic eco chamber of negativity (either left postmodernists or right ultraconservatives. both are toxic).but i still use it.

now I want to quit youtube for good and cellphone use in general, and stop using electromics and artificial lights after 8pm

I'm having a mental objection that I didnt have when I started 4 years ago. When I was starting out, I had the excuse of being young. Being young is such a great thing... You're full of hope, everything is potential. You havent fucked up so much. It's ok to be 18 and broke and a virgin. When you are 25 and still are basically at stage 0 in everything, you're without excuse. 4 years of gll and I still have approach anxiety. It's like, if you werent succesful when you just discovered it, it's never gonna happen. You'll never have the same momentum as when you just started.
-On that same vein, perhaps my hype about MM wasnt only about his content, but also about the fact that it was a new thing I discovered, just like I felt with GLL and KYIL. But eventually tye honeymoon period wears out. Then I find the new thing that will solve my problems. But then i have to perform. No matter how many tools you have, you must perform.

-Sometimes I think that by having access to all this wealth of information like gll, kyil, mm, that has probably saved me YEARS of frustration, guys that should have failed under normal circumstances were allowed to keep on longer than they naturally would. But it becomes worse.  You become dependent on it. You feel you need other guys to teach you, to tell you how it is. Instead of relying on yourself. If you can't trust yourself and make decisions, you'll fail. If, with all this free material that tells you exactly how to do it, you fail, FUCK, YOU are the failure, the weak link in the system, you can't say you didn't know how to do it.

-I won't quit. I still feel suicide is sinful. And giving up is symbolic suicide. I have seen the light. What else am i gonna do? So if I don't succeed I'll still live in a purgatory where I have one inch of hope of scaping, still trying, still pushing, in a sort of autopilot even though I'm already "dead" (financially and sexually) Or I'll figure a way to die sooner without actually killing myself. If there's a war, at least I can perhaps go to the army and die an honorable death. But I'm too much of a pussy to do that... (I wrote this before Russia atttacked Ukraine, lol)

-If there are cancer patients still going through chemotherapy just to live a little bit longer, then even if I'm mentally fucked and will always be a beta bitch, it's still worthy to be at least 10% less beta. You can always be worse and you will always regret being 100% shit instead of 90%, shit. I believe this is a much more mature motivation. Minimizing pain and regret

- Good mindset: never look back. Always think on the next ball. The next thing. Like you start out anew. If life is meaningless, why stress so much about my wrongdoings? If I'm gonna feel nihilistic, at least I should use it in my favor and stop giving a fuck about my mistakes and move on.  MOVE FORWARD

-Another good mindset: dont look around. Focus on your journey. Stop paying attention to what other people do. Stop being dependent on other people to create meaning in your life. Succesful guys have their own frame, their own opinions. And as I said, good mentors are usually dogmatic. Because, if you dont have faith in something there's always room for doubt and second guessing everything. You need to create your own convictions and shield yourself from other people's agenda. Also, listen to very, very few teachers. Maybe only 1. If you have too many teachers, you'll be lukewarm about all of them, and all of their philosophies will be weaker. It becomes confusing and contradictory. You need to be monotheistic.

-I will stop listening to music. Classical music only, perhaps. It's about removing stimulation and stop clinging to nostalgia to feel safe.
-I will further distance myself from ppl I know and start a new life. I'll never make the full leap otherwise.
-The problem with being too rational is that faith is a really important part of action taking. It's better to have an amount of faith that makes you slightly stupid/gullible and believe in some shit that doesnt exist (while remaining functional) than being a smart guy that never believed in something stupid but never made a leap of faith to start a business. I'd rather be succesful than smart.
-read about the life of miyamoto musashi and his philosophy. it's probably highly exaggerated, but still interesting. also read about the history of fencing/duelling. And it's very interesting how everyone cheated and it was expected to cheat. Like incwar, it was more about a practical strategy rather than super fancy techniques. Moral of the story: no good deed goes unpunished. If you're too good, you'll pay for it. Don't be naive. Don't trust anyone. Don't trust gurus. Dont be idealistic. Dont play by the book if no one does it.
-Success mindset: whatever you choose to do, you must feel you were BORN to do it. I was born to draw. I was born to cold approach. Play to your strengths.
-walking thru the same path over and over (I always go out to ride my bike to the countryside, going through the same streey). lidtening to the same audio. neural pathway of success (reinforcing a mental habit).
-Wont talk much sbout mike but one of the most positive things of his philosophy->mike=game until you die. there's no settling down. I kinda felt betrayed when my "idols" disappear from the map and marry or become monks never to step on the field again. I understand that there are stages in life (and perhaps my lack of understanding is the reason why the fucking girls phase takes me forever, I cant let go of it), but I feel that a long term prospect of gaming for 50 years is the best life possible.
you can fuck up at upwork then do well at fiverr

-Importance of teaching as a motivation for learning.
-I want to record timelapses of my process. My learning should be directed towards that goal
-Working with other people is critical for meaningful learning
-THERE'S ALWAYS SOME GUY CRAZIER THAN U. Watch out. Be humble. Those who exalt themselves will be humbled. I've been greatly humbled by MM whatsappgroup
I think you misunderstood me. I don't mean don't try to get rich, or don't try to get laid. I meant, just do the work and be done with your day and be happy you're here another day to enjoy being alive and to be able to work on your goals. The good times will come if you keep putting in the work.
Got drivers license. Shit was so easy I could have done that years ago. It doesn't even deserve a paragraph. Now that I've the license but I'm still novice, my father is teaching me how to drive. This is great for our relationship, I really like this dynamic.

-Got my nose pierced again. I remembered why I like piercings. First, the aesthetics, second the pain. I feel that I should test my ability to withstand pain (emotional or physical), otherwise I'm wasting potential for growth.

-Got to a leaness point I'm satisfied with. Probably more or less 10% BF. The leaner you get, the harder it's to get leaner. And I feel that I need to start building muscle and strength. Right now I cant even do a single pull up. Probably will just keep at maintenance.


-I'm at 100-150 approaches without even a contact, let alone an instadate. Perhaps I'm "doing something wrong" but for now I want to focus on approaching high volume, then maybe apply some tactic. I'm approaching 1-5 girls almost everyday. This is not high volume of course, but relative to the area I live in, it's not thay bad. Today volume was higher because of easter and I managed to approach 15+ girls in 1h or so. I skipped one or two girls and I'm still scared to approach girls with guys and some older women with angry face, girls that maybe are approachable or maybe not (ie. very short and or cute girls). I also could be more obnoxious/pushy (physically putting myself in the way so they don't run away). But I'm way more comfortable with approaching, and I'm confident interrupting them on the phone, speaking to them from 5 meters away, following them, etc. Yeah, I'm a shameless creep. But this is the behavior you eventually develop when you try to be nice and polite and chicks ignore you over and over or even react in a disrespectful way. Also, when your cuck friends that can't even cold approach get laid regularly with their girlfriends or chicks from tinder and you haven't banged a woman in ages, you eventually develop a ruthless attitude. It's like you have to pay rent tomorrow and you need to make money NOW and you don't have no safety net, no cushy job, etc. You simply go out there and HUSTLE. You do everything necessary to succeed. Without any consideration whatsover to your feelings, or other peoples feelings. And no I'm not advocating doing illegal or immoral shit. It's just, being effective over being loved or accepted.Necessity develops the right behaviors in you. We are made to survive today, not to fuck around and maybe do things next month.

I'm not anti online dating, I'm just too broke to pay for good photos or boosts, and I live in a small city. Unlike other parts of the world, other dating apps are not big here. It's just tinder. I barely get any matches. Maybe I'll try again.

I may try some pua tactics in the future just to experiment or for the lulz. But, gun to the head, I believe most pua guys are a scam, the same goes for any theory behind Game. As far as game goes, I believe it's a) general social skills, extroversion (if ur autistic, you'll not realise ur being weird) b) being a pushy asshole, not accepting a no for an answer (which nobody ever tells you to do, it's not pc). In other words, being masculine.

It's as simple as that imo. But it isn't easy to develop those traits, you can't consciously try to force them, u can't suddenly be normal or masculine, it becomes apparent. These are traits that you develop organically with experience, and you probably need someone more experienced to point you in the right direction. But again, I think you don't have to read a single book on this. And I don't think it can magically improve your conversion by a lot, cold approach is intrinsically weird and you can do very little about that, it's essentially a numbers game.

All of the legit guys I've talked to either online or irl do social circle. The issue with people in the cold approach or pua community is they think it as "my group of friends introduced me to girl from school/yoga/coding bootcamp", which leads to ltr and a mediocre sex life in which the guy has no control (still better than being a loser that runs around playing magic tricks with random girls though). So they are right in thinking that social circle is generally cuck.

Problem is, pua magicians or "approach practitioners" have no experience with the party type of social circle game, which is the way "normal" men I know usually achieve a polygamous type of life. Almost nobody in the internet giving advice does. I certainly don't. So everything I'm saying is still speculation.

But there's certainly evidence that it works, there's no question about it. It's not guys embellishing their outcomes. Having talked to guys I consider legit, it's all about partnering with people that are ALREADY SUCCESFUL, so you immediately acquire their status and benefit from their success.
And it needs to be in the right context/environment. There's a place for everything. Day time kind of spaces, like university class is a place to build a network with girls and guys. But as far as approaching goes, it's either same results from cold approach (basically almost every girl declining, with the potential to develop a reputation that may annoy you, I have tried that) or boring social circle game where you get introduced to a girl, you go on many dates, etc.

It needs to be a party environment. A club that then leads to an after party, in a house, pool etc, with alcohol or drugs involved. And you are not there alone as a rando, you are with a group of girls and guys that vouch for you. THEN, you make a move with a girl that has friends in common etc. You need to go through many filters, social proof etc so girls know your legit. Trying to hit on girls before that is a waste of time or even detrimental. It's better to act super friendly. All of this shit is obvious high school wisdom, but the internet has made me socially stupid.

So yeah. It probably has its downsides. You'll waste time with people you don't give a shit about, play an act to conform and fit into the crowd. Many guys would prefer to be more "free". I just want the results.

So it's either Mike's grunt method of apprpaching 1000s of girls weekly in bustling stations in megacities or having a thriving social life. I respect both methods and want to master both


This is the area I'm procrastinating the most. I've sent an application for a day job for the national census but I haven't received an answer. In july when the semester is over I'll send applications to bars/restaurants and work as a waiter.

In regards to art, talking to other people in the field, getting a job and building your freelance aside is probably the best thing rather than jumping on freelance all at once. If I were doing digital marketing maybe it I'd be easier to freelance, but as I realized like 2 years ago, it's hard to combine art and business. I think working in a videogame company gives you a better environment to improve as an artist. You get constant feedback from peers and superiors. You get gud or you can't keep up with the pace. With freelance I feel that you get entangled into the business aspect of promoting yourself on social media, etc. If I get into business, better to go all in and create a digital marketing agency and make big money. This is a possibility that I'm also considering, so I'm also doing google's digital marketing course.

So I'll keep working on my skills, I'll go as far as humanly possible. But if I don't get to a level where I can apply for a job as an artist at a company, I'll get a job elsewhere. Living with my parents is bothering me in a moral way. It just doesn't feel good. I prefer to work on art on the side while working a job. Maybe I'll "have less time", but it will be better for my psychological health. I have looked at rent prices and general expenses, etc. It's hard to find a place to rent in my small city it seems, but if I'm lucky and look hard enough I may be able to rent a place for $200 more or less. Internet+Electricity+food,etc=150$ more or less. With a $500 salary I should be able to sustain myself. I know a guy that earns $900 at a gas station. My first intention is to work as a salesman, either car sales or insurance. It's one of those jobs where they are always hiring people. Maybe because it's actually hard. But I also want that type of job.


I've been feeling a lot of insecurity lately about my goals, my "pursuit of success/happiness". I feel that I'm chasing this dumb youthful illusion, trying to be an artist, picking up girls. It's not only that I feel guilty, but I also feel that I may be misguided, that liberal democratic education brainwashed me to believe that doing whatever I wanted to do with my life was the best thing to do, but I'm actually lost in vanity, that the body is a mortal coil and why I'm trying so hard to reduce my calories just to look good on the mirror. Dunno, sometimes I feel that I need to throw away all my ambitions and go live on the countryside, find a woman to marry, have 10 kids, earn a living driving a truck and live a simple life. But then I find a reason to keep doing this self improvement shit.
Sisyphus said:
I may try some pua tactics in the future just to experiment or for the lulz. But, gun to the head, I believe most pua guys are a scam, the same goes for any theory behind Game. As far as game goes, I believe it's a) general social skills, extroversion (if ur autistic, you'll not realise ur being weird) b) being a pushy asshole, not accepting a no for an answer (which nobody ever tells you to do, it's not pc). In other words, being masculine.

It's as simple as that imo. But it isn't easy to develop those traits, you can't consciously try to force them, u can't suddenly be normal or masculine, it becomes apparent. These are traits that you develop organically with experience, and you probably need someone more experienced to point you in the right direction. But again, I think you don't have to read a single book on this. And I don't think it can magically improve your conversion by a lot, cold approach is intrinsically weird and you can do very little about that, it's essentially a numbers game.

Every single guy on these forums that has come from this mentality, I've sent one or two legit PUA books their way, or listened to their approach and or date audios and analyzed them from a game perspective, and they've had a breakthrough and pretty much all said "wow, I was banging my head against the wall just trying mass approach and trying to figure this all out by myself".

Expecting to naturally learn social skills from mass approach is like trying to learn Chinese on a desert island with a radio transmission.

There's a reason textbooks exist. And teachers. And mentors. You can shortcut this shit massively.

100-150 approaches without a contact means that you are doing something "wrong". The question is... do you want help?
Ok. Send me the resources. What could go wrong right?

I did say that mentors where useful though. How the fuck do I find a mentor irl is another story.

I also believe that my main problem is that I need to move. The other problem is, I still have "approach anxiety", meaning, I'm still a massive pussy. There's no fucking book for that and believe me I've read self help books and did inner work BS. There's no shortcut to developing a pair.

I also feel some disdain for pick up artistry. Even if it works, it feels like some manipulative, fake, superflous and beta scheme that's gonna hurt me in the long term.

I simply can't imagine my grandpa reading a pickup book and doing routines. My image of an alpha male is a man who isn't concerned at all with anyone's opinion and just fucks women, maybe in a way that would be regarded as "abusive" in the current era.

He does the kind of stuff that gets you cancelled on social media. Yeah. I'm 100% positive that women love an asshole. But I'm not going all in with that tactic. I'm not maximally pushy in a genuinely asshole way and that's why I am not getting results.

But yeah, I'm open to criticism.
Sisyphus said:
Ok. Send me the resources. What could go wrong right?

I did say that mentors where useful though. How the fuck do I find a mentor irl is another story.

I also believe that my main problem is that I need to move. The other problem is, I still have "approach anxiety", meaning, I'm still a massive pussy. There's no fucking book for that and believe me I've read self help books and did inner work BS. There's no shortcut to developing a pair.

I also feel some disdain for pick up artistry. Even if it works, it feels like some manipulative, fake, superflous and beta scheme that's gonna hurt me in the long term.

I simply can't imagine my grandpa reading a pickup book and doing routines. My image of an alpha male is a man who isn't concerned at all with anyone's opinion and just fucks women, maybe in a way that would be regarded as "abusive" in the current era.

He does the kind of stuff that gets you cancelled on social media. Yeah. I'm 100% positive that women love an asshole. But I'm not going all in with that tactic. I'm not maximally pushy in a genuinely asshole way and that's why I am not getting results.

But yeah, I'm open to criticism.

Your grandpa didn't need a pickup book because he grew up in a time where women weren't openly sluts. He probably had a body count of three and then found a wife and got married (I don't know him, I'm just extrapolating).

Naturals don't need books because they learned social interaction through repeated exposure to attractive women from a very young age, just like someone would speak their new language perfectly if they moved countries as a child.

The rest of us non-naturals need to study this and treat it like a skill game - because it is. The most complicated and hardest to learn skill game of all time.

Anyway, I just PMed you a book. Also, on the topic of social circle, Yohami, a Venezuelan who lived in Argentina for a long time, has interesting thoughts about this subject. I count him as one of my mentors:
The GLL/KYIL crowd mainly consists of an audience for whom PUA didn't work or didn't click and I've always felt like an exception to that. I got in pretty early though, 12 years ago I started reading the old school forums (mASF archives & shit).

I feel like along the way it became this huge industry with sales tactics like promising that "you can be an obese balding acne-ridden 40 year old and still fuck models daily." Looks got really de-emphasized while that should be step 1 for everyone.

I started hitting the gym because of a line from the Book of Pook: "most newbies would benefit more from a gym membership than from a new PUA book."

And I knew at least some of the stuff was legit when I could make girls in my high school laugh on purposes with lines I literally stole from that Double Your Dating book. I never had these huge trust issues with PUA material and I feel like that's holding a lot of people on these forums back, like pancakemouse said.
pancakemouse said:
Sisyphus said:
I may try some pua tactics in the future just to experiment or for the lulz. But, gun to the head, I believe most pua guys are a scam, the same goes for any theory behind Game. As far as game goes, I believe it's a) general social skills, extroversion (if ur autistic, you'll not realise ur being weird) b) being a pushy asshole, not accepting a no for an answer (which nobody ever tells you to do, it's not pc). In other words, being masculine.

It's as simple as that imo. But it isn't easy to develop those traits, you can't consciously try to force them, u can't suddenly be normal or masculine, it becomes apparent. These are traits that you develop organically with experience, and you probably need someone more experienced to point you in the right direction. But again, I think you don't have to read a single book on this. And I don't think it can magically improve your conversion by a lot, cold approach is intrinsically weird and you can do very little about that, it's essentially a numbers game.

Every single guy on these forums that has come from this mentality, I've sent one or two legit PUA books their way, or listened to their approach and or date audios and analyzed them from a game perspective, and they've had a breakthrough and pretty much all said "wow, I was banging my head against the wall just trying mass approach and trying to figure this all out by myself".

Expecting to naturally learn social skills from mass approach is like trying to learn Chinese on a desert island with a radio transmission.

There's a reason textbooks exist. And teachers. And mentors. You can shortcut this shit massively.

100-150 approaches without a contact means that you are doing something "wrong". The question is... do you want help?



Girls: I've been approaching about 5 girls weekly and I've improved my conversion rates significantly, although I don't have any statistics yet to prove this I really noticed an increase in positive reactions. My gut tells me this is not my imagination or auto suggestion. I've experienced this while doing aa drills in the past or approaching.

The only difference is that now I'm making a point of making 5 min small talk. So no, just approaching girls and asking directly for their number or to have a date is not the best move. GLL would agree with this.

Also, I'm now making an effort to be likeable/normal/have general social skills. I memorize some default questions like Where are you from, do you live in this city, do you like this city, do you work or study, what did you do today, what are you going to do today, etc. Smiling in a natural way is super important too. In terms of voice tonality, I tend to speak a soft and slow. I'm making a point to talk fast and loud. i force myself to project my voice at least 5 meters in front of me, while also trying to feel the vibration in my vocal chords.

I also need to constantly remind myself to make eye contact in a natural way.

Last Saturday I went to a club. My city is low volume, but the place was PACKED. With INSANELY HOT 18-22 girls. It was really insane. This weekend was a national day so it seems like all people from Buenos Aires province came in here. I was quite intimidated but I managed to talk to about 10 girls. However that was like 1/30 of the volume of the place, so I missed out tons of sets. This makes me really frustrated. Almost all sets were kinda harsh rejections. It seemed like a lot of people knew each other in that place (groups where saying hi to each other, etc). So I felt kinda like an outsider, like Chris GLL talked on his posts about nightgame.

I "almost" got a pull though. It wasn't technically a cold approach though. A drunk cute girl bumped into me and I looked at her and we made out. This girl was quite intense so I grabbed her ass hard. It was great. I pulled her, literally by her hand, pushing through the hordes of people. Girl was so drunk she couldn't even pronounce her name. We were like halfway to the exit door when her friends cockblocked and pulled her back to the group. You could consider this a fuck up. I should have been faster with the pull, knowing that her friends would probably cockblock.

There are some things I could have done better. Probably a lot of things. First, I think it's important to "match the energy" of the girls you approach. This one sounds like a pua concept, but it's true in my opinion. You need to have a slightly different vibe at a nightclub than you have during the day. There's way too much stimuli so you need to get their attention. Also, during the day girls are usually bored and by themselves. At night, girls are with their friends and having fun. If you approach them with low energy, you provide no value to the group. I've heard some pua say that fun is the main currency of the club and it really makes sense. This is specially true in the dancefloor, where in a lot of cases opening girls normally doesn't cut it, but trying to dance with them does. This is just an hypothesis though, so I'm gonna test it out. I'm kinda scared of dancing but I like to tell myself: you are a musician so you have better tempo than most people. Just move your body to the rhythm. Look how others are dancing and imitate them. Then, grab their hand and make them do a 360 turn. And BAM you know how to dance. Keep it simple. No need to be perfect. If you fuck up, at least you tried, now you have more experience. To be honest, I'm confident talking to hot girls during the day. But I have limiting beliefs when talking to groups of guys and girls. I feel I'm not cool, I don't know how to carry a conversation, I'm an outsider, I'm not street smart, etc.

Another thing worth mentioning is, when opening groups, the dynamic is a bit different. It's good to socialize with the group and not just one girl. I think a case could be made in favor winning over the group. Also, if you approach one girl and ignore the rest, there's a possibility that there was a sexually available girl in the group but you ignored her, since you talked to the unavailable one.

I also fucked up other potential leads.

One girl from the other week, she was standing outside the bar by herself. I open her and is receptive. I kinda run out of things to say and asked for her number. In hindsight, I should have tried to pull at that same moment. I don't have good logistics, I live like 5 km away from downtown and I live with my parents (which is a disgrace and embarassment to a guy my age, even if this is somewhat normal in Latin America), but I could call a taxi, ask my parents to hide into their rooms but this fucks me up psychologically, I really need to move. Besides, I could asked her if she lived nearby. Another lesson learned: always-probe-for-lo-gis-tics. So I got her number and got inside the bar. But the girl was still outside and then I saw her come in and she saw me. So that was probably kind of weird. I sent her a message the following day and she didn't respond.

Girl from bar last friday: I opened her in a weak way, she was kinda unreceptive, then she looked at me up and down and she seemed turned on. But then I fucked up by being too anxious and asking her too early to come watch movies in my place, which was kinda dumb. Of course she declined. Then she gave me her number but it was fake, or I could got it wrong, since the code area was from the shit she said she was from. The girl seemed like a smoker, so I could have asked her to come smoke outside or something. I think pulling the girl outside of the bar before attempting to pull her to your place seems like a more reasonable strategy.

Another girl from bar last friday: She was standing outside the bar by herself. We vibed really well, I got her instagram. Then we messaged each other and she was responsive. Tried to arange a date, she said she was going out that day, I said I was going out too. I said let's message each other when we are out, etc. And I didn't message her, which was a mistake. Bigger mistake, she messaged me 5am and I didn't respond. Yeah, I was super tired coming back from the club, it was cold (2ºC), and I don't check instagram often 'cause I don't have the app installed 'cause it's super distracting,etc, but a lay is a lay, and I think I missed one. Then, on Sunday, she went out with her family so she said she was available at evening, I messaged her 1930pm. She messaged back at 0am. I was already sleeping and disappointed that she didn't respond. Saw the message today. So, yeah, I missed to chances with this girl. Now that I think about it, I missed 3, because I could have tried to pull the same day I met her, she lived nearby (I found out that later). Again, always probe for logistics, always probe for logistics.

So I feel frustrated about my missed chances. But it's part of the game I guess, no one's perfect.

pancakemouse started to read Technichal Game Bible. I definitely believe social skills and game are important, I've seen too many examples of guys """embelishing their outcomes""" to think otherwise. It really surprises me how far some people will go to deny evidence of something just to protect their self image. Which really connects with one of the points of the book. Self image is absolutely critical to banging tons of hot women. Which is why being deregulated or being yourself, or being "open and honest" doesn't cut it. Or even being confident for that matter. Because, you're being confident by your standards. You have no reference point to compare to. You could feel super confident, but you could also be unconsciously incompetent, which is the case for lots of pua/approach practioners. Objective reality doesn't care.

Another important point is relaxation. I think I come off as very analytical, tense and uptight. Most people don't think too much and just want to have fun with other people, and I think that's a better way to live life, that also leads you to meeting more people.


I've been improving a lot, but I still don't feel I'm at a point of putting together a professional portfolio. Yeah, I'm studying and working hard, but the point of good enough never comes, so I still have nothing to show, except for unfinished projects (pic related).

So I should get a job.


I've cleant my windows, which was really easy, and I could have learnt this in two days, without watching countless youtube videos. Now I want to learn how to use a ladder safely, but I could learn this in 1 day instead of watching countless youtube videos.

After seeing a guy from GLL having success with a business so simple like window cleaning and gutter cleaning I was so mindfucked that I told myself I needed to do this shit. But I procrastinated for... 2 years. Yeah, covid came, and I don't live in the US, no one is going to pay for something so simple that they could do it themselves... a bunch of excuses, the reality is it's all in my head and I haven't even tried anything. I'm just scared of knocking door to door. I know it can be done. It's just AA in another area of my life.
Sisyphus said:
After seeing a guy from GLL having success with a business so simple like window cleaning and gutter cleaning I was so mindfucked that I told myself I needed to do this shit. But I procrastinated for... 2 years.

I remember watching a Youtube video on his business a long time ago. It resonated with me because that's what my dad did, though with gardening. I was just remembering his story the other day. Do you remember his username? I'm gonna look him up.
1v1mekid said:
Sisyphus said:
After seeing a guy from GLL having success with a business so simple like window cleaning and gutter cleaning I was so mindfucked that I told myself I needed to do this shit. But I procrastinated for... 2 years.

I remember watching a Youtube video on his business a long time ago. It resonated with me because that's what my dad did, though with gardening. I was just remembering his story the other day. Do you remember his username? I'm gonna look him up.

Go into the fastlane forum and search the user name gravyboat. His legacy is still there. He tagged GravyTrain on GLL. He also did rain gutter cleaning. Bad Idea Bear and TheRebel did the same thing basically. Carpet cleaning or something similar.

I also recommend looking into Fox Web Academy which has also an ongoing thread in the fastlane forum. Basically they teach you how to start a web design business from scratch and then scale it

There's another guy in this forum and gll called AGF that had a thread for his web design business (he also recommended fox web academy) and was vastly succesful. He also mentored this guy SIGMA (who commented on the first page of my thread), who did web design part time and landed high paying clients.


Those are the two business models (home service and digital marketing agency) that seem bullet proof (unlike ecommerce, coaching, writing an ebook etc). Basically anyone can do it and become profitable in a very short amount of time, very low overhead, low skill, lots of demand.
I'm still moving forward with cold approach. I think I improved in my first 3-5 mins of the interaction. But I need to get better at pulling. Still reading Technical Game Bible, a little bit everyday.

I am at a bar at night.

Made 4 apprpaches. 1st one was a cute hot hipster pink haired girl on the street with a top that revealed her big breast breast. Made small talk, said she was cute, but I couldnt pull her. I should be more persistant but I often see that doesnt work. We exchanged.

2nd one I squeezed at the bar, then looked back and smiled. Hot girl in tight dress and very slick hair, she was with another hot chick. Made small talk but then started walking away. 3rd one, two chicks when I was ordering a drink, they were behind me and I made small talk but they started accelerating away.

4th girl I say hey do you have a sec but her friends started pulling her away.

I'm still at the bar. Most women are 30+

sticking points: logistics. pulling. approaching mixed groups (fear of fightimg, etc). large groups of people in silent places (lines outside a club/bar cause me more anxiety than being inside them).


I've re reading gll posts and now I look at them at a different light. When I first read gll, I really idolized Chris or guys that got laid. Now, after all of this years of beating AA/approaching, I read the going out at night program. And it seems to me like most drills are simple, common sense. When i started, even the simplest drills seemed like a big deal. Now it's like, this is common sense shit. This is so fucking basic.

So the question arises

What the fuck have I been doing with my life??????

The more I "progress", the more being "elite" seems like common sense, the most logical way to live, and my past life is a gigantic waste of fucking time. A big facepalm.

And most people are like this.

A giant streak of self sabotage. A life of poverty, lack of resources, meekness, fearfulness and mediocrity.

But then I'm here. I've approached a 5th girl and got her instagram. Big deal right. If I pushed for it maybe I could have gone gotten a conctact from all 5 approaches. I'm still scared of bad reactions.

I'm still living below my potential. I'm in a jail of fear.

Sisyphus said:
I'm still moving forward with cold approach. I think I improved in my first 3-5 mins of the interaction. But I need to get better at pulling. Still reading Technichal Game Bible, a little bit everyday.

I am at a bar at night.

Made 4 apprpaches. 1st one was a cute hot hipster pink haired girl on the street with a top that revealed her big breast breast. Made small talk, said she was cute, but I couldnt pull her. I should be more persistant but I often see that doesnt work. We exchanged. The highlight of this interaction is that I crossed the street at 1am to stop her, like a complete creep. This is getting easier

2nd one I squeezed at the bar, then looked back and smiled. Hot girl in tight dress and very slick hair, she was with another hot chick. Made small talk but then started walking away. 3rd one, two chicks when I was ordering a drink, they were behind me and I made small talk but they started accelerating away.

4th girl I say hey do you have a sec but her friends started pulling her away.

I'm still at the bar. Most women are 30+

sticking points: logistics. pulling. approaching mixed groups (fear of fightimg, etc). large groups of people in silent places (lines outside a club/bar cause me more anxiety than being inside them).


I've re reading gll posts and now I look at them at a different light. When I first read gll, I really idolized Chris or guys that got laid. Now, after all of this years of beating AA/approaching, I read the going out at night program. And it seems to me like most drills are simple, common sense. When i started, even the simplest drills seemed like a big deal. Now it's like, this is common sense shit. This is so fucking basic.

So the question arises

What the fuck have I been doing with my life??????

The more I "progress", the more being "elite" seems like common sense, the most logical way to live, and my past life is a gigantic waste of fucking time. A big facepalm.

And most people are like this.

A giant streak of self sabotage. A life of poverty, lack of resources, meekness, fearfulness and mediocrity.

But then I'm here. I've approached a 5th girl and got her instagram. Big deal right. If I pushed for it maybe I could have gone gotten a conctact from all 5 approaches. I'm still scared of bad reactions.

I'm still living below my potential. I'm in a jail of fear.


Now I have taken a dozen rejections

I feel "tired" but I know I still have some fight in me.

I don't know what the fuck the 1/30 approach to ratio guys are doing. Maybe I need to smile more at the stop/opener. Maybe I need whiter teeth. I need to be stronger in my stop. DO NOT leave her space to walk away. She has to give a strong no.

This is still better than staying in the sidelines like all guys here. Way better.

One chick told me that I was drunk. I told her no, I just have a pair of nuts. Of course she didn't care. No one gives a fuck about balls.



