New here, trying to get into shape before putting myself out there for dating and such ! Help is greatly appreciated


So a bit of weight progress at first ..

Unless i am superhuman or the scale is broken , i lost over 2 kg in 10 days - i only walked and ate once a day ( tried to eat as much calories but didn't exactly count them to a number -probably under ate rather than over )

Make of this what you will and let me know if this is the correct way to go ..

Also these measurements is assuming i am 5'6 ( i verified my height with someone who i know are practically the same height as me and know their height to the inch )

I measured fully naked this time , not a single piece of clothing on my body

Done on Honor Scale 2

P.S : i had no dumbells, got them just today will start workout tomorrow

P.S : i would ignore the heart rate - it's different on every reading and i don't really get why heart rate is important while measuring weight
Oh and sorry for the late updates - i will try to be more active as things fall into place

there is some emotional / psychological baggage that i have held on for too long , i am working on letting it go forever

here's to better progress and despite the challenges that have come up ..

let's try to make the most of what we've got , you literally only get one life - have to make the most of it !
Ashsrt said:
Looking at your original photos, and with your current weight at 60kg (135lb), I think you can make a huge amount of progress in about 12 weeks. Sucks to hear about your knee, I’ve been there with a torn meniscus, it’s terrible. Stick to upper body weights, and light cardio if you can. Do not aggravate your injury, I’ve been doing mma with a fractured rib for 6 weeks and it hasn’t gotten better.

Coming back to your original photos, I think you can get pretty far in just 12 weeks. You don’t have a lot of muscle on your frame, putting some on will make a huge difference in your appearance. Lucky for you newbie gains are a thing. Aim to lose a half kg a week.

My suggestion, count every single calorie that enters your body. Be in a deficit to lose weight. You said you can walk 2.5km, wrap your knee with an ace bandage and do that 2x a day. Get your weights and lift with intensity. As you get stronger your joints takes less pressure and your knee will heal. When that happens add more low impact cardio in (swimming/biking)

If I’m way darker then you and get lays, you can do it too. So don’t focus on that.

And lastly, find a push/pull/legs workout routine. I wouldn’t worry too much about the exact details, you’re new to the gym. Literally any stimulus will make you grow. For the legs part only workout your right leg, but I’d still do some sort of exercise for your left leg just to keep off muscle wasting.

Good luck man

thanks for the elaborate post

doing everything to protect my knee - sucks that i can't run but i probably did this to myself ( bone bruise is either due to overloading the knee or a high impact on the bone )

i see .. well , i will just keep my head down and focus on working out - it's all i can do

interesting point about stronger joints taking weight off my knees - looking forward to it !

what would be the second time to walk the 2.5 km ? ( the first walk i take in morning - afternoon on empty stomach )

as for the " push/pull/legs workout routine " - can you tell me more about this ? and since gyms are not open i am not sure how to work legs out without equipment , esp with the injured knee. will appreciate your guidance

oh and what i said about my skin color - i said it out of insecurity / anxiety , it was a very stupid thing to say i admit - i own who i am by race , that's a natural part of our identity.

I won't focus on that and instead be confident about it - that's a promise !

we should focus and improve ourselves where we substantially can

btw , i got the Huawei Watch GT2e for heartrate measurement during running / walking - cost a fair amount of money and hopefully it will help with the workouts !

cheers Ashsrt , always happy to discuss and learn from you !
Lostcause said:
Ashsrt said:
Coming back to your original photos, I think you can get pretty far in just 12 weeks. You don’t have a lot of muscle on your frame, putting some on will make a huge difference in your appearance. Lucky for you newbie gains are a thing. Aim to lose a half kg a week.
I am gonna be a pessimist dude as always.
Yeah, in three months you can lose a noticeable amount of weight. But in this case, if he's really 15%bf (which is pretty low, probably you do not want to get lower, but the scales tend to lie in that regard so you should consider your looks first) the issue is the amount of muscle mass which is a slow grind to gain. Yeah, you can see a progress in gaining muscle in 3 months, but not that big, especially if your genetics are not preferable for building muscle (if they were you would not be here asking for advice, would you). Don't make my mistake and be prepared for years of building muscle ahead of you, not weeks. You will be in for a disappointement otherwise.

So in short, do not obsess over not being in form when your uni opens. You won't be and it does not matter. Focus on slowly gaining muscle mass and training cardio - your resting heart rate is literally my heart rate when I do cardio.

hey mate ! ( nice pic btw , really like your pink hoodie bro ! )

thanks for the alternate perspective

tbh , it's a bit of a bummer to know that the whole muscles thing will take time - but i do believe that anything worthwhile takes time - so be it !

tbh, i NEVER tried gym before except just for shits and giggles 6-7 years ago and that wasn't even good - i was dying from anxiety and lack of purpose back then ..

so as far my genetics are concerned ... well i don't know anything about them and there is only one way to find out - by actually sticking to a consistent workout routine

I am not expecting anything major all of a suddent tbh - i just want to lose the belly , correct my posture and be confident in my body - i don't have to be a chad at the very start , although i would like to become one later on .. since looks do matter

But i will try to be humble and just put in the work on the journey - this has to be a lifestyle , not just a temporary fix

going to try my best to inculcate good habits in this journey
MakingAComeback said:
Knee rehab is totally possible, if you have these issues, you will need to get to the core or it will return. Building strong knee over toe ability may be a good idea. I restate this because it doesn't seem like you have put together a rehab program, rather, you are just asking these guys for lifting advice? Not smart. I shared a resource above, consider consulting it if you wish to attain a structure that can be durable and reliably perform with minimal injury risk.

Brown dudes do tend to have a weird time dating, but I have known one in my life who did very well. I know you're not complaining, neither am I (I don't give a fuck what colour a human is). So I had a friend in University who was a total slayer, but I think he was an actual psychopath without feelings, he was ruthless and simply didn't care lol. Fucked endless bitches, he would bring multiple back home for him and my other flatmates. He is now smashing life in corporate law. His confidence levels are insane but although he was a close friend, he was not what I could call a decent human. Some guys are wired differently and it's not what I want to be around. Point being, if you become one of the best men out there, you can overcome any disadvantages. You don't have the luxury of being able to slip on a damn thing, so don't, build the total package and be able to compete with the best.

People have a problem with admitting things like that. I don't. You won't convince anybody either. I wouldn't choose to be anything other than what I am, and I'm guessing you wouldn't either. If I came back to this world, I would choose the life of the warrior again.

Keep working man.


Hey Mac, sorry mate .. i couldn't get back to anyone here - there's a bit of 'restructuring' going on .. let's just say there are some psychological challenges that i am trying to overcome on my own

first off , i appreciate you suggesting that channel and i admit - my lazy ass has not rehab plan but that's partly because i am kind of scared hearing the word 'rehab' .. it kind of sounds like working on a disability and that makes me anxious

but i totally understand and appreciate it - going to take a look at it nowadays and see what i can do .. a bone bruise is tricky but i hope it can be cured

interesting bit about the brown dude you knew - for sure he had the fierce inner psychology to bang several girls and absolutely ace corporate law - that's like cutthroat emotionless mentality stuff and he was built for it

And you're absolutely on point - i am not complaining who i am by race and naturally , we should embrace who we are and work on what we can improve

the funny thing is - improving ourselves helps us learn and gain so much more that we wouldn't have known if things were just given to us beforehand .. it truly makes us realize and value ourselves and what we can become

i believe we have all gone through shitty time periods where we wanted to off ourselves , Andy would know - he was suicidal , but he came through it and i did too - some time ago for about two years in my life i didn't want much from life and the thought of my family was the only thing holding me together and keeping me alive back then .. i am glad i was eventually able to see the better side of life and realize there's so much more to life than just some petty thoughts or choices that bother you mentally ..

the beauty of rising from the ashes - i don't think many get to experience that .. we should consider ourselves lucky heh

just gotta do away with the psychological hurdles / negative thinking , and we'll be set for setting everything on fire !

Mac, it's amazing to have you here and best of luck to you too !

see you around !
Adam said:
Yaxir said:
I know Adam suggested some exercises - but i am going to need help deciding the actual routine ?

how many reps ? how many circuits or sets i can do ? or rather how many should i do ?

Hey Yaxir. You can adapt the previous routine that I gave you with new exercises that don't stress your knee while it's recovering.

Reverse Lunge (5-10 reps each leg) - Skip this since you were instructed by the doctor to not put load on your knee.
Pushups (6-12 reps) - IF you can do these without any knee pain, do them. If then cause any knee pain, replace them with Floor Dumbbell Press.
Bodyweight Squats (10-20) - Skip this for the same reason as the lunges
Negative Pullups (4-8) - Replace with Dumbbell Rows (Look up on Youtube). If they cause knee pain, just skip them.
Plank (20-60 seconds) - IF you can do this without knee pain, do it. If it causes pain, replace it with Hollow-body Holds (look them up on Youtube)

Since you are skipping leg exercises, you can add some additional upper body exercises if you want . Choose 2 from:
Seated Lat raise with very light weight (8-12 reps).
Seated Overhead Press (6-12 reps)
Seated Bicep curls (10-15 reps)

Same as before. 3 circuits. If it becomes easy, increase the weight/difficulty of the exercise OR add a 4th circuit.

Hey Adam , as always grateful for your advice and guidance

terrific i can definitely try this and let you know some feedback , i got the dumbells today

i do have a few questions :

0. Is there any warm up - i recall you telling me that warm up is VITAL when lifting weights ! Also, i don't want any further injuries .. so would appreciate your input here !

1. What's the best time of the day to work out ?

2. Should i eat anything before lifting dumbells ? Will i need any energy or anything ? or just water will do ?

3. Will lifting dumbells improve my posture ? this might be a rookie question but i work alot on PC and my posture is troublesome , hence this question ..

4. Can in walk ( 2.5 or 3.5 km ) on the SAME day i work out with Dumbells ? or should i keep the days separate ? Asking since i won't run

5. I know you said to try the original workout on alternate days - but is there any benefit to doing this 4 or 5 times a week instead of 3 times a week ? asking since i will not be running any more for some time

6. I recall the push up bars i have .. are there any other exercises i can do with them , apart from push ups ? This is a stupid question but i read some people doing L-sits and even Dips with Pushup bars - are these safe to do for the knee ? or should i leave them out

Thanks for all your help , Adam

i sincerely appreciate it !
Medical Update : Had my visit at the Orthopedic Doctor today .. i told everything about the pain i felt and the walks i was doing to lose weight

the have PROHIBITED me from any kind of exercise that involves feet - INCLUDING walks

just so you guys can factor that in during future advice ( hopefully not too long in the future though )

This is for 2 months atleast .. i'm confused but i guess i will just do lifting for now
Adam said:
@Yaxir My advice is to just start. Do your first workout tomorrow if you haven't already done it today. The workout/run schedule you outlined in your previous post is fine. Try it for a week. See how you feel. You might want to do more. You will probably want to do less. Don't try to create the perfect plan. You have enough to get started with. So start, then come back with questions based on your experience.

As for a warmup, here's what I use. Takes about 5 minutes:
2 neck circles each direction
8 shoulder rolls each direction
8 big arm circles each direction
8 hip circles each direction
8 toe-touches
That thing kids do when they're bored where you swung your arms from side to side while turning your torso in each direction. 10 of those.

Again, just get started. Any online warmup routine will do if you don't like what I've put above. Hell, walking for 5 minutes will probably be enough. Just do something to get your body used to moving if you've been sitting in a chair all day prior to the workout. You're just doing bodyweight exercises at this point, so although you still want to warmup, it's not as big a deal as it would be if you were lifting weights.

Hey Adam , is this the warm up i should do ?

and if so - which exercises should i avoid to put strain on my knee ?
Gyms are finally open !

Adam and others, can you suggest a gym workout routine for me ? I am willing to take what you suggest for the dumbells work out and combine it with the very first workout you gave me

sorry, for reporting back so late - i was kicked out from dorms due to being unvaccinated and had to live and move across the city which kinda sucked but proved a learning / maturing process and experience

anyways, i am ready to split time between studies and workout - so please, please share whatever advice you think might be best

How's your knee? Fully recovered?

Others recommended at-home workouts you could do. Have you been consistent with those? Having a gym and a plan are worthless without consistency.

I haven't done them personally, but I've heard Strong Lifts and Grey skull LP are good plans for beginners. Others might have other recs that would be better, but the important thing is to start asap.
Svadhishthana said:
How's your knee? Fully recovered?

Others recommended at-home workouts you could do. Have you been consistent with those? Having a gym and a plan are worthless without consistency.

I haven't done them personally, but I've heard Strong Lifts and Grey skull LP are good plans for beginners. Others might have other recs that would be better, but the important thing is to start asap.

The knee is a tricky issue, it still gets fatigued while playing football (only played once) so i decided not to risk it any more and accept that the process will take time

Sadly, i wasn't consistent and for that i do feel terrible but it's better than lying about it

I went to the gym today and just did exercise cycle for around 25 minutes

I will try inculcating what Adam and others told me in my gym routine now that i have gym equipment available

And of course, i will be consistent !
Master yo whenever you're here

Can you tell me if exercise cycles are good for cardio and belly loss ?

I did it today and first impressions suggest it might help me better than walking

Please let me know at your earliest convenience
If your knee still isn't better, I wouldn't recommend engaging in any kind of dynamic, high impact exercise. I would warn even more against participating in any kind of sport that involves the knee like football. You will think to yourself that you will just take it easy and have some fun, but it is just too tempting to get excited and competitive, which leads to re-damaging the tissue. Playing football with your friends is the pinnacle of your recovery - you don't get to do it until you are at the end. If improving at or maintaining skill in football is important to you, this could be a great time to focus on technique and strategy, rather than competitive play.

If you haven't been consistent, that's fine - today is the day you can start being consistent for the rest of your life. While having a gym to go to is certainly no panacea for a lack of dedication, it can help a lot with consistency because it can form the basis of creating a habit. Put the effort in to actually show up at the gym every day your training plan says to. If you absolutely *can't* make it to the gym, follow the at-home workout routine already given to you. If you absolutely can't even fit that it, drop on the ground and do push ups to failure - it's not optimal, but it is *something*, and doing something is always better than doing nothing. No excuses for missing a training day.

Your knee, unfortunately, might throw a wrench in things. If you are not fully recovered, you are walking the razor's edge. Strength training has a lot of evidence for helping with injury, but if you go too hard, too fast, you will re-damage the tissue and set yourself back. The key is to apply stress to the injured joint and promote bloodflow to the area, while not going so hard as to not be recovered before the next training session. In the best case scenario, you will be able to follow whatever program you choose as written with no aggravation to the injury, and as you feel stronger you can gradually re-introduce high-impact activity, and then return to sport, letting pain be your guide.

If the exercises prescribed in the training plan *do* aggravate the tissue, then you will need to make some changes - don't be a dumbass and set yourself back just because "the program said to". The point of a strength training program is to make you stronger, not weaker, and when you aggravate your injury, *your are getting weaker*. In this case, you will either need to find a different program, or you will need to tweak the program you are following. Since most good strength training programs use some sort of leg-work as their foundation, it might be difficult to find a program that will work for you out of the box. However, if your knee is only aggravated by squats but not deadlifts, you might be able to find a program that would work.

Making substitutions in a program is never ideal. But if it is necessary, it is better than doing no training at all. When you find an exercise hurts, dropping weight on the lift can help, but if you are dropping to very low weights to avoid pain, it is typically better to simply find a substitution that doesn't hurt where you *can* challenge yourself. Luckily, there are 1000 regressions and variations for any of the common lifts. Try each one you can find until you find something that is both challenging and non-painful. For example, if back squats hurt your knees, you could try subbing front squats, goblet squats, box squats, cossack squats, deadlifts, trap bar deadlifts, romanian deadlifts, kettlebell swings, lunges, reverse lunges, walking lunges, bulgarian spit squats, leg press, leg extension, leg curl, hip thrust, hanging knee tucks, sitting knee tucks, leg lifts, six point rocks, bear crawls, etc. - try anything that at least kinda-sorta emulates the lift you are subbing out.

Let us know how it goes!