Noself’s AA Program Log Day 46: Milestone Day


Nov 10, 2021
This is my log for the GLL Approach Anxiety program I’m on Day 23 as of writing this and I will be taking my log from GLL and pasting it over here. Me personally, I feel like I am above-average, but my biggest character flaw is a state of trying reach perfection before actually talking to women. Noticing this, I said fuck it I’ll start the AA Program because I have no other way out, I’ve had a prolonged depression for about 2 years and it was due to my past failings with women plus the character flaw that was built to protect my ego. Time to kill my ego.
Day 3:
Things I did:
-Opened an POF account
-Messaged girls for 30 mins plus
-Read Rooster’s Guide

Day 4:
Things I did:
Asked 5 women for the time then left

Day 5:
Things I did:
Asked 5 women for the time, then left
Asked 5 women for the time, then left (this one took 9 minutes)
Total: 10 girls

Day 6:
Things I did:
Asked 5 girls for the time, left
Asked 5 girls for the time, directions, left
Asked 5 girls for the time, directions, have you been there?, left
Total: 15 girls

Day 7:
Things I did:
Asked 5 girls for the time, left (get in there)
Asked 5 girls for the time, directions, left
Asked 5 girls for the time, directions, have you been there?, left
Total: 15 girls

Day 8:
Things I did:
Asked 4 girls for the time, left (get in there)
Asked 4 girls for the time, directions, left
Asked 4 girls for the time, directions, have you been there?, left
Asked 4 girls for the time, directions, have you been there?, do you like it?, left
Total: 16 girls

Day 9a:
Things I did:
Asked 2 girls for the time, left, (get in there)
Asked 2 girls for the time, nearby restaurant?, left
Asked 2 girls for the time, nearby restaurant?, did you like it?, left
Total: 6 girls

Day 9b:
Things I did:
-Ask 3 girls for the time, leave, talked to very first girl
-Ask 3 girls for the time, then have you ever eaten at Olive Garden, left.
-Ask 3 girls for the time, then have you ever eaten at Olive Garden, did you like it, left.
Total: 9 girls

I was surprised by the responses of the girls today, I had no idea that there was an Olive Garden near the mall that I completed this drill at. Fairly easy but the mall didn't have a ton of women so I had to walk miles in the mall to find them.

Day 10:
Things I did:
-Time, leave (talk to the first girl)
-Time, do you know if there is a movie theater near here?, leave
-Time, do you know if there is a movie theater near?, Have you seen any good movies lately? Leave
Total: 5sets for 15 girls

This day was fairly easy, because of COVID the question of movie theaters was dumb to a lot of people, the girls today were very kind and receptive.

Day 11:
Things I did:
-Time, Leave (First girl) not on the 4th and 5th set
-Time, Is there a place that sells cell phones around here? Leave
-Time, Is there a place that sells cell phones around here? What phone do you have? Leave
-Time, Is there a place that sells cell phones around here? What phone do you have?, Do you like it? Leave
Total: 5 sets for 20 girls

Today was challenging majority of the girls were kind of off-put by me asking the questions over and over, one girl was completely annoyed by me just for asking the time while she waiting in line at Starbucks but fuck it she was probably having a bad day. Girls constantly wanted to walk away and I had to bring them back into the "conversation". After the drill was over I ran into a girl that was running a sea salt kiosk, I tried talking to her about going out on a date, I felt sooooo seductive literally staring in her eyes. She had a boyfriend but I didn't care because I have not felt seductive in a long time. Fairly good day but on the 3rd and 4th set of the drill, "Time, get in there" I just procastinated so much, at least 20 girls walked by me, terrible.

Day 12:
Things I did:
-Time, leave (first girl)
-Time, Random question- do you know anywhere that sells nice candles, leave?
-Time, Random question- do you know anywhere that sells nice candles, leave?, I'm planning a candlelit dinner for my girlfriend, Leave
--Time, Random question- do you know anywhere that sells nice candles, leave?, I'm planning a candlelit dinner for my girlfriend, I'm the sweetest guy ever, Leave.

Total: 4sets for 16 girls

Today was sooo fun, damn I sound gay, but nevertheless what a day all the girls were receptive today giving me so much help. Many girls were very kind when I said that I got a promotion. Can't remember much of this day though, fuck.
Day 13: WINE
Things I did:
-Time, Leave (first girl)
-Time, random question-do you know anywhere that sells good wine? Leave
-Time, random question-do you know anywhere that sells good wine? I got a promotion, leave
-Time, random question-do you know anywhere that sells good wine? I got a promotion, what type do you like, leave

Total: 4 sets for 16 girls

Fairly simple day, really the first time I felt bored, was hoping the program would speed up and boy oh boy, tomorrow will be hard.
Day 14: HI-FIVES
Things I did:
-Give 10 girls a high-five
Total: 2 sets for 20 girls, took 30-35 minutes

HOLLYYYYYY FUCKKKKK, I felt so nervous about this drill but today was a huge win, especially with COVID being still a thing. All the thoughts in my head, wanted me to not do this drill, I wanted to use COVID as an excuse but alas I fucking did it. First girl, was a janitor that was like a 7.5/10, I walked up to her and wanted to say good job on working then asked for a hi-five and she looked very neutral, I thought she was going to reject me but she still gave me a hi-five. After this, I walked into a store and got a couple more. A lot of the hi-fives were blurred together, I can't remember all of them. But the one that got me fucking hyped was when I was in Rainbow, this girl was a fucking 9/10 and I just gave her a hi-five as I walked by her and her friend, I couldn't fucking believe it. Great fucking day I was in disbelief that I got through this day. God bless.
Things I did:
-Give 10 girls a hi-five
Total: 2 sets for 20 girls, (in 12 minutes)

JESSUSSS CHRIST, I walked up to the mall with my timer set at 15 minutes and just got in there, first girl was walking across the street from the store and I just said "Hey hi-five" that was the first one down, she looked very neutral so I thought I was going to get knocked down. Next I hi-fived four girls in the Urban Outfitters literally begging them for a hi-five. Next, two girls in Sephora then I banged out 3 girls in succession at a clothing store as they were all standing next to each other. The next set was a blur I can hardly remember any of them, I know I said to some girls that "the government is about to snipe me in 10 minutes" just to get the hi-five. But today was great, the time factor really pushed me to do something I would've never thought possible, especially with COVID still being pissy. I decided to skip Day 16 because literally all of the hi-fives today were with girls standing still and I hardly gave any hi-fives to girls that were walking by.
Day 17: ABCs
Things I did:
1st Girl: ABCDEFG
3 sets for 12 girls
Extra: Singed the whole ABC in front of 6 girls
Total: 18 girls

So much anxiety was leading to this day, I was blaring music in my car on my way to the mall, it was a weekday so I did this drill at a small local mall instead of the bigger mall located outside of the town. First girl was an older woman sitting at a bus stop in front of the mall, bam knocked out the first stack, just to get in there. Next girl was a decent looking Spanish girl like a 6.5-7/10, stopped her saying "hey listen to this", 2nd stack bam. She looked so confused it was so hilarious. 3rd girl was a cashier at Zumiez, knocked it out saying can I sing you a song for the 3rd stack. 4th girl I can't remember exactly. The next set though, HOLYYY FUCKFFF, I approached 4 girls seating at a piercing stand in the center aisle of the mall, I literally did the whole second set on them pointing at each girl saying the 4 stacks, 1st girl, 2nd girl, 3rd girl, 4th girl, bam..... all just like that, I felt amazing. The next 2 girls were working in an American Eagle, can't remember all of it, then I really fell off for about 5 minutes seeing 2 hot girls walked by me and not doing it, fuck........ that really put me down... the last two girls I can't fully remember but since I had that fall off moment I went into a JCPenney then singed the whole alphabet in front of 3 girls at the same time, next was two girls in a bra section at a B-named store, I told them can I sing something to them, then singed the whole ABC's for 4 cycles hoping they would leave but they didn't so I just stopped and left. But at the end of the day I was in disbelief, more like wow, "that was it?" I know alot of hype was around this day but I did it in like 30 minutes. Onto Day 18.
Day 18: MY SHIRT
Things I did:
Time, Leave
Time, Random Question - Do you like my shirt?, Leave
Time, Random Question - Do you like my shirt?, I just got it and I can't decide, Leave
Time, Random Question - Do you like my shirt?, I just got it and I can't decide, I'm going to wear it and keep the tag on so I can return it, Leave
Total: 5 sets for 20 girls

This day was relatively uneventful, most of the responses were neutral and I got a few complements but nothing crazy, onto day 19.
Day 19: BIEBER
Things I did:
Hi, How's it going? (Listen), Leave
Hi, How's it going? (Listen), Do you know if there's a hair salon around here?, Leave
Hi, How's it going? (Listen), Do you know if there's a hair salon around here?, I'm getting the Justin Bieber haircut, Leave
Hi, How's it going? (Listen), Do you know if there's a hair salon around here?, I'm getting the Justin Bieber haircut, What's your favorite hairstyle for guys?, Leave
Did the challenge on one girl
Total: 4 sets for 17 girls

Oh my god, by far the most cringy and awkward day, I felt surprised by this because I honestly thought the rest of the days for this week would be a piece of cake. DEAD FUCKING WRONG. First, I wanna pat myself on the back for doing 3 days of drills today, I did Day 19,20,21 in the same day. Day 19, (Bieber) I’m starting to notice certain malls have certain people, some malls that I go to have girls that are very to themselves and are scared to talk more than me. The first two reps of this day were just cringy as hell, most likely because instead of asking for the time, saying hey, how’s it going feels a little more vulnerable, there is no excuse when you say hey. The first rep was on two girls aged 25-30 at a table in the food court and I just walked up, said the line, then they just stared at me for like 20 seconds asking what? looking confused, etc. god it was bad. It made me procrastinate for like 5 mins after, I did the rest of the drills (which I can’t remember all the encounters) but OH my god on the third set, I believe I was in a Forever 21 walked up to two girls and just completely botched the lines, I said ‘nail salon’ instead of hair salon and I had to go with it so I said how can I get my nails painted like Justin Bieber? Fucking terrible very funny though. Those were the 2 very cringy interactions that I had today but one thing that I do to warm myself up for these girls, is to walk around on my phone like I’m talking to my mom, saying I’m pregnant just to embarrass myself and giving people complements. Onto Day 20, oh wait I did it today
Things I did:
Time, Thanks, Leave
Time, Do you know where the nearest restroom is?, Thanks, Leave
Time, Do you know where the nearest restroom is?, I mean the mens room, Thanks, Leave
Time, Do you know where the nearest restroom is?, I mean the mens room, I hope it's clean, Thanks, Leave
Time, Do you know where the nearest restroom is?, I mean the mens room, I hope it's clean, The mens room is usually gross, Thanks, Leave
Did the challenge on one girl
Total: 4 sets for 23 girls

Guys I got cursed out today in the mall, wow oh wowwww, fucking amazing, I’m living, I’m alive, this is great. So basically I asked a group of girls sitting at a table in the food court where the restroom is and the time, while being literally in front of the restroom. I also had my watch on to make it harder, so I asked one girl the questions and it relatively was uneventful but just to fuck with them I walked to the restroom and made a hard right turn to not go in. 5 minutes later, I’m standing and the middle of the mall on my phone, and I hear, “Hey that’s him over there” the girls walked up to me and said “What the fuck was that about? You have a watch and a phone, but you didn’t go to restroom.” I think I just smiled and laughed, can’t remember if I said anything, but then I tried to explain to them, that I’m doing “social experiments” they start walking away and I try to walk towards them to explain, then one girl starts saying “get the fuck away from us, don’t walk towards us you fuck! fucking weirdo” an African couple looks at me and I say, “I was just asking for the time and where the restroom is.” Wowww what an event, but very liberating, you start to see a very depressing side of adulthood and modern society, which is we are so closed off then ever before, we suck at talking to strangers. Granted these girls were like 18-19. But the rest of the day was uneventful outside of a few death stares because I would make my watch visible and did some drills in front of the restroom. I walked beside one girl did the drill and see said, “but you have a watch on then started running away” lol. I forgot I could only do these drills on non-employees and did 3 extra girls to make up for it. But that was a crazy Day 20.
Things I did:
-Walk past 10 girls and squeeze their arm lightly, enough so they notice it.
Leave the place, if you want.
-Did the challenge.
Total: 23 girls

What a shocker, today was easier than I expected, when out to two clubs in Philly tonight. This was a day before Halloween so there was a lot of people out tonight. This is the first time I’ve ever gone out to a club by myself and I had to go relatively far just to do this drill, as my town is very “family-friendly” with no bars or clubs at all. So I drove an hour and 30 minutes to the city, I had done Day 19 and 20 before this drill, so I was a little warmed up. The first 2 girls were girls that I met in line waiting to get in, I interacted with two guys, one named Josh just to warm up, we started talking as we waited, snapping selfies while we waited in line. I was like wtf, I have nothing tugging me back from talking to these random fucking dudes that I just met. Then next I met my ‘wing-girl’ I guess you could say, Carla, she was a thick Latina in a gay marriage with her gf, we just started talking about life, I felt so fuckkkinggg free because I’ve neverrrrrr talked to strangers like this at all and I felt a genuine connection with her by just talking for 10 mins as we waiting, me and her walked into each other often in the club. But onto the drill, the club had 2 dance floors but got 3 squeezes in, at the ‘ bar’ section, from the girls walking past me or walking behind them. On the dance floor, I squeezed the girls arm while walking behind them and trying to walk by. The first 10 complete. The next set, was done at another club and holy fuckkkkk, enter GOD MODE, on the main dance floor I just walked around and blasted out the 13 girls in literally a minute and a half. I did one girl in the beginning and she eyed me as I walking out of the club, wowwwww. I did 13 girls in this club. What a day……. definitely an experience and something I will remember for a long time.
Things I did:
Hey, Leave.
Hey, Do you know where I purchase suspenders?, Leave.
Hey, Do you know where I purchase suspenders?, My mom says I look good in suspenders, Leave.
Hey, Do you know where I purchase suspenders?, My mom says I look good in suspenders, Suspenders are good idea because I've lost so much weight my pants won't even stay up, Leave.
* Challenge 5th Girl: Hey, Do you know where I purchase suspenders?, My mom says I look good in suspenders, Suspenders are good idea because I've lost so much weight my pants won't even stay up, You can see my asscrack, Leave.
Total: 3 sets for 15 girls (3 challenges)

Very uneventful day, except for one manager almost trying to kick me out of their store, (Abercrombie and Fitch) because I said Hey to one employee then asked about suspenders to the next one. She came behind and raised her voice, “YEAH, I THINK HOT TOPIC HAS THEM” in a mocking type way. I asked her where I could get suspenders and she brought up Hot Topic so she was basically trying to get me out. Girls were receptive today and kind but nothing else happened. I tried to complement an Asian lady on her coat and she literally started to run away from me, wtf lmao. Onto Day 23.
Hey guys, I created a vlog to introduce myself and talk about the first 22 days of the AA Program. I’m currently in a different country from home so the program is on pause for right now.
Total: Approx. 55 girls (55/30 girls) (3 challenges)
This day wasn't bad at all, I redid the day because I didn't know if groups of girls counted as a one approach or not. I did get two "bad" reactions both on girls with partners. The first one was just a boyfriend with a stingy look at me after I approached and the second was a man with his wife, "threatening me to not talk to his wife and to go back to my boys". There was a group of 16 year old dudes that I was talking to about the program, I literally preached to them saying that they should DO THIS SHIT NOW when you're young because adulthood sucks man, I really wish I had this information when I was younger.
Noself said:
I really wish I had this information when I was younger.
Damn, me too. I remember passing by GLL youtube videos but disregarding them and watching Simple Pickup videos instead.
Keep at it bro!
Is anybody else doing the program right now? Maybe we can Whatsapp or chat on a messaging app.
Total: 22 girls (22/30 girls)

Total: 8 girls (30/30 girls) (1 challenge)
This day was roughly scattered across several days, I've been slacking on logging everything each day. Now for the actual drill, was a pretty fun drill, since I took some time from doing the AA program my AA was moderately high because of inconsistency. I heard every possible response, purses, shoes, trips to Mexico, a new job, car, I don't know. I'm starting to get into the headspace of saying to myself that "I earn this shit" a sense of entitlement is brewing inside of me. I did get one bad reaction, I approached a girl from the front in a Forever 21 I believe and asked the question, we made eye contact then she literally just walked away. Did sting for a bit but I ended up laughing about it. I talked to this one girl that was black and at least a 8.5/10, she thought I was some type of FBI agent or spy because her birthday was in the near future, I just kept asking the question then told her "I have no idea who you are, I'm just asking", we joked about and she said this was "cute." Onto Day 25.
Did the lunchtime drill, on a total of 16 girls. (Done at 7 pm) Took about an 50 mins-1 hour, the first girl I did was standing at a cashier desk, I did the challenge on her and I didn’t really feel anything bad, I was not ashamed of being embarrassing. On this day that is how I feel I’m not ashamed of being embarrassed, next was on a pair of girls that were Asian and just stared at me the whole time. Then a girl with a fellow male employee, still had a very befuddled response, no idea what I was asking. Next, another employee but she was pretty cute and she thought I was speaking another language. Then another girl, I assume late 20s in the same store. The next set was a blur but one girl in particular was very responsive, as soon as I asked the question she responded with McDonalds straight away, it was a nice surprise. The next two girls both said steak as I only had to ask the question once. That was pretty much it, I’m starting to feel less outcome dependent as these drills force you to sit in states of awkwardness more than most people are used to. Tomorrow will test me with the daddy drill…Day 25 complete.
Total: 7 girls
-So much anxiety leading up to this drill, I really fucking dreaded this one. I had to blast music in my car before going to the mall, but fuck it I told myself. First girl was a worker at a makeup stand and said she had no father after I repeated the question for a second time, she did interrupt me but FUCK I didn't do the challenge. Second girl, worked at a jewelry store and was very receptive to the question and laughing the whole time. Third girl and second girl were shopping at some store and gave me an actual response, I can't remember......what it was. Fifth girl, walked away from me after asking the first time. Sixth girl, was a cute black girl with curly hair down to her shoulders, gave me an actual response after the second time. Seventh and eighth girl, didn't understand the question at all after I repeated the question 3 times. Ninth girl and tenth girl were the same didn't understand after 3 tries. Eleventh girl, walked away after the first try. Fuckkkk...... woww I am relieved that this wasn't as bad as I thought I'm starting to not care that girls will walk away from me, I feel less shame when they walk away now. Onto Day 27.

(I recounted the approaches and only really did 7)
Good shit. You are pushing ahead quickly in the last few days.

Couple things about the way you do the drills:
  • when you approach a couple or triple, I think it's supposed to count as one approach, not as two or three. After all, you only do the talking routine, the walk up and such once. There were only a few days on which I counted every single girl: The high five days because there the girls each individually responded. And the nighttime drills during some of which I squeezed all girls in a group. LOL
  • when girls walk away before you are able to finish the drill, then it does not count towards the minimum number. For example, if the girl walks away after the first round of who is your daddy without giving you a satisfactory answer, then it doesn't count towards the 10 reps. This makes some of the days harder in which you need some sort of compliance (high five days) or at least a fairly long convo (birthday, lunch, daddy)

I suggest you go back and get the missing reps for those days. If you don't remember exactly how many are missing, guesstimate it.

Why did you skip day 16 btw?

And as for connecting with others, just scroll through the recent posts in the hidden section or the progress logs or search for AA. I think one dude, iceneon is almost on the same day as you. You should definitely connect
Fuck it, I'll do Day 25 and 26 over again. I skipped day 16 because all of the hi-fives that I did for Day 14, 15 were on stationary girls and Day 16 is pretty much that.