Noself's Action Log: Down from 20% BF to 18%


Nov 10, 2021
This will be a daily log of all of my self improvement wrapped in one, including my personal financial, career, skill-building, and fitness goals.

What are your career goals?
-After my military service I want to become a professional artist that specializes in painting, drawing, and sculpture. Well how am I going to do that? After my service time, I want to get trained by an art atelier that focuses on skill-based learning, there is a school by my hometown that offers these services and I'm interested in what I've seen from them. I have to gain more knowledge about the school and ask previous alumni what there experiences were like attending the school. I'm currently self-teaching myself online using the website New Master's Academy, I've been doing their courses for about 2 years now.

What are your financial goals?
-Right now I will keep it small, the only goal right now is to gain more knowledge on this topic, I don't know what the fuck I'm doing regarding finances. I'm not broke but I'm not gaining wealth, today I purchased 4 books on the topic of finances.
They were, Personal Finance QuickStart Guide by Morgen Rochard, The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey, Baby Steps Millionaires by Dave Ramsey, and The Four-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferris.

What are your skill-building goals?
-Gain more manly skills, such as being able to change my own oil, tying different tie knots, learn how to jump-start a battery, cooking a perfect medium-rare steak, and to complete the voice improvement course that I'm doing.

What are your fitness goals?
-I've powerlifted before not competitively but I wanted to switch it up and start to run, so far my main goal is to run 2 miles, 3 times a week equaling 6 miles a week.

Anything else?
-I want to become more organized as a person, I'm not a total slob but I hate washing the dishes and tidying up, my art studio gets cluttered every week because of my inability to slow down and just clean. Finish the goddamn AA program (Day 39/46) so close..... but a life-changing program for learning how to talk to girls. Finish my 8-Week Voice Improvement Course and meditate for at least 1,000 lifetime hours. My dating goals are a little foggy right now I have to figure that out after I finish the AA program, but I know I want to continue to cold approach to improve my dating and social life. I'm an avid reader and here are the books that I'm reading right now:

-The Status Game by Will Storr
-Can't Hurt Me by David Goggins
-Quiet: The Power of Introverts in A World that Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain
-Stolen Focus by Johann Hari
-The Writer's Journey by Christopher Vogler
Day 0.5:
From 8:09 pm- 9:52 pm: I watched a video lesson on New Master's Academy focusing on The Planes of the Head by Iliya Mirochnik. This lesson is part of the Fundamentals of Observational Drawing course on the website, I'm participating in the live class on the website and will get started on the Week 7 assignment tomorrow after I change my oil. Here is Week 6's assignment that I had to turn in yesterday.
Day 1:
Day 0.5's night; Got into bed at 11:40 pm,
Read 10 pages of the book Stolen Focus by Johann Hari (192/283 pages)
Went to sleep at approx. 12:15 am
12:15 am-7:30 am was my sleep: Slept approx. 7 hours

My log for today, including timestamps
-7:33 am-8:41 am: Read 19 pages of the book Stolen Focus by Johann Hari (213/283 pages)
-8:41 am-8:51 am: Made my bed, brushed my teeth, took a piss.
-8:54 am-9:11 am: Sorted out laundry into piles then put them into the wash
-9:18 am-9:28 am: Ate a small breakfast
-9:38 am-10:38 am: Cleaned the trunk of my car
-10:55 am-12:10 pm: Commute/Got a haircut/Commute (26 minutes)
-12:36 pm-2:22 pm: Changed the oil for my car
-2:22 pm-3:28 pm: Started the 6th week of my Beginner's Guide to Drawing course
-3:28 pm-3:45 pm: Took a break after I started to have wrist pain
-3:48 pm-4:15 pm: Decided to fold laundry
-4:15 pm-5:15 pm: Finished my assignments for Week 6 of the BGD course
-5:15 pm-6:06 pm: Watched a sporting event on my phone
-6:06 pm-7:05 pm: Commute/Food Run/Commute, got pizza like a fat ass
-7:05 pm-7:38 pm: Eating food/Watching YouTube
-8:09 pm-8:55 pm: Worked on Day 5 of my Voice Improvement Course

Green fonts represent items/tasks that I wanted to accomplish today. Also good habits that I'm maintaining
Red fonts represent shitty habits that I'm doing. Yellow means ehh... not bad but not good either.

Screen time from iPhone today: 2 hours 5 minutes (Would like for this to be smaller but I was watching my favorite sport today)
Day 2:
Day 1's night: Got into bed at 11:00 pm
Read 8 pages of the book Stolen Focus by Johann Hari (221/283 pages)
Did not wash the dishes last night
Did not clean my art studio
Went to sleep at approx. 12:20 am
12:20 am-7:02 am was sleep: Slept approx. 6 hours 40 minutes

My log for today, including timestamps
-7:02 am-7:10 am: Woke up, took a couple of minutes to gather my senses
-7:10 am-7:58 am: Read 13 pages of Stolen Focus by Johann Hari (234/283 pages)
-7:58 am-8:11 am: Getting dressed, brushing teeth, made bed
-8:11 am-8:28 am: Ate breakfast
-8:38 am-11:37 am: Work
-11:37 am-12:44 pm: Lunch
-12:44 pm-3:07 pm: Work
-3:07 pm-3:55 pm: Started Week 7 of Fundamentals of Observational Drawing Course
-4:15 pm: Getting dressed
-4:19 pm-8:42 pm: Commute/AA Day 39a/Commute

Screen time from iPhone today: 2 hours 27 minutes

Also, here are some books that I recently purchased and the drawing that I'm working on.
Day 3:
I took a mad hiatus from this log and it is just from laziness on my part. I’ve been struggling with a lot of fatigue lately and it is crippling, went to my doctor and I’m waiting on the diagnosis of test results. Still I want to accomplish small tasks to help me not further dive deep into what I can presume is this “depression,” Baby steps man….. I feel comfortable sharing more with you guys cause we are all here for the same reason and Andy’s story is very relatable. But for today so far;
-Made up my bed
-Meditated for 10 minutes
-Washed my colored clothing and folded them
Uncompleted Tasks for today:
-Buy groceries
-Run 2 miles
-Buy led lights/fake plants/put up posters in my room
-Complete the assignment for Week 10 of Beginner’s Guide To Drawing
Day 3 Complete:
Tasks for today
-Wash/dry/fold laundry
-Buy groceries
-Run 2 miles
-Buy led lights/fake plants/put up posters in my room
-Complete the assignment for Week 10 of Beginner’s Guide To Drawing

Oh and by the way, I finished reading 3 books for March.
-Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain (266/266 pages)
-Can't Hurt Me by David Goggins (356/356 pages)
-Stolen Focus by Johann Hari (283/283 pages)
Day 4:
Tasks to Complete for Today:
-Get a haircut
-Do Day 45, 46? of AA
-Run 2 miles
-Get Groceries
-Finish Assignment for Week 10 of Beginner’s Guide to Drawing
-Clean back of car
-Change windshield wipers
Love to see the action-taking.

Dave Ramsey fucking sucks when it comes to advice on how to become rich. His intended audience is for people with low financial literacy and large debt. His approach is infantile and quite honestly could be described as "bitch ass bullshit"; I personally refuse to listen to anyone who refers the process to becoming wealthy as "baby steps".

But that's just me being a hardass, I've been studying financial success for about 15 years at this point. I suggest reading Rich Dad Poor Dad, followed by Rich Dad's Guide to Investing and Cashflow Quadrant as a launching point, and from there you'll be able to suss out what wealth-building vehicle you most resonate with.

RSD Derek also has top-tier financial education as well.

Not to be a dick, but how have you managed military service and not known how to change oil and jump-start batteries?
Day 4 Complete: Here are the completed and uncompleted tasks.
-Get a haircut
-Do Day 45, 46? of AA
-Run 2 miles
-Get Groceries
-Finish Assignment for Week 10 of Beginner’s Guide to Drawing
-Clean back of car
-Change windshield wipers

Below is the drawing assignment I had to complete.
Day 5 Tasks To Do:
-Change windshield wipers
-Make bed
-Complete Day 45 and 46 of AA
-Get groceries
-Clean back of car
-Clean art studio
“Not to be a dick, but how have you managed military service and not known how to change oil and jump-start batteries?”

Vice when you were raised by your mom and do a job in the military that’s not necessarily mechanically this is what happens.
Fair enough.

Looks like you're building yourself a solid life foundation; are you planning on doing night game over the weekend? That's where you're going to see a lot of results. You can use the momentum from the weekend to carry on into weekday approaches.
Day 5 Complete:
-Change windshield wipers
-Make bed
-Complete Day 45 and 46 of AA
-Get groceries
-Clean back of car
-Clean art studio

I was so focused on completing the AA Program that I literally didn’t do anything else.
Day 6: Tasks to do
-Make bed
-Change windshield wipers
-Get groceries
-Clean back of car
-Clean art studio
-Redo challenge rep from Day 28 of AA (just for fun)
-Cold approach at least 1 girl
-Run 2 miles
-Tidy up bedroom

Now that I’ve completed the AA Program, I want to start cold approaching. I will start small today by just doing at least one girl. Vice this town is pretty trash for nightlife, the town only has a population of about 37,000 and the nearest metropolitan city is 1 hour 30 minutes away.
I suggest you make being able to move to a larger city a priority. If I was your age I'd find roommates in college in a college-aged area.

Good work on starting out with mechanical stuff; YouTube is always a great place to learn things. Will be putting a new bumper on my vehicle soon, as well as swapping out the exhaust and struts on my other car.
Day 6 complete:
-Make bed
-Change windshield wipers
-Get groceries
-Clean back of car
-Clean art studio

-Redo challenge rep from Day 28 of AA (just for fun)
-Cold approach at least 1 girl (0/3)
-Run 2 miles
-Tidy up bedroom

I did 3 cold approaches today, first approach was very shaky went straight to the point and botch up my name. She gave me her IG but that’s it, didn’t really want to pursue after that honestly. Other 2 girls were married.
Day 7: Tasks to do
-Make bed
-Change windshield wipers
-Clean back of car
-Clean art studio
-Cold approach at least 1 girl
-Run 2 miles
-Watch Week 11 of Beginner's Guide to Drawing
Day 7 complete:
-Make bed
-Change windshield wipers
-Clean back of car
-Clean art studio
-Cold approach at least 1 girl (0/5)(all married or bf's)
-Run 2 miles
-Watch Week 11 of Beginner's Guide to Drawing (40 mins left in the video lesson)