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On my road to a happy sexual life


Jun 20, 2022
Gentlemen (I assume no lady is around here),

I introduce myself and my goal to you today.

29 Years old living in Paris, my sexual life started at 25 when I had sex for the first time. It occurred when I started watching and reading content about seduction, that really helped me.

Today, with the 11 ladies I had sex with, I want more. My goal is to have 1 or more FWB so I can have discover a woman deeper, build a real sexual connection with a partner and hone my sexual and connection skills. Today I never had sex more than 3 times with the same woman (I never had a serious relationship), this number has to increase.

In order to reach my goal, I keep on working on other aspect of my life : I just got employed to a wonderful job, now my goal is to be sure I'll be the leader or my pole. I also keep working on side projet to get more incoming money from my work. I practice a lot of sport (tennis, martial arts and muscular reinforcement). I feel aligned with my self I know what I want in my life and what I want to be.
Logistically, I'm working on moving from my parents flat (it's really about time). Now that I have a job, it's no more a dream but a real objective. With that done I'll finish my driving licence to be more independent.

To speak more about seduction : I'm a night player. I love dancing so I often go out in pubs an dancing bars in Paris. That's my main layer of meetings. I'm also trying to approach ladies on day recently but I need more practice of it. And of course I'm also trying dating apps (I opened a topic on the appropriate section).

I have to say a specificity of mine: I'm only attracted to busty women (and believe me, Paris isn't known for the size of its women breasts) so it's quite difficult to find women that I would love to have sex with.

Today I feel like my game is missing something when I meet a woman. I think that I'm too focused on the result, that create multiple flaws in my game. I'm trying to work on this aspect by mediating while having this intention in mind. I also madidate while thinking about seven words that describe my masculinity. I fell that doing this helps me to integrate those concepts and adopt them naturally, without thinking about them in my daily file.

That said, I'll try to post and update you about this wonderful journey. Thanks for the readers and those who will help or share their experience.

May the Light bless you all and be brave on your journeys !
Hello Folks,

To follow KillYourInnerLoser 's advices, I'll from now on be posting EVERY SINGLE day on that log. (S/O to that man for the review and advices he did to some of us)

I didn't have much news since my previous post. No dates from Tinder and co or no interesting encounters IRL.

Atfer following a lot of red pill content, I lost myself into trying be more masculine and assertive. I denied my benevolence and wish to connect with people, and connect people together. My goal is to combine the traits I won from red pill contents and my original nature in order to affirm my true masculinity and personality.

In order to do I keep on meditating and repeating my self the 7 key words that represent what I want to be.

Let's keep in touch; Light and Peace on you !
Hello mates,

not so much things to say today. I went to practice tennis with a friend of mine after my day of work and I'm actually preparing my self to go out tonight. Let's hope some busty cute chick we'll be on my way.

Light and Peace on all !
Hello folks,

today was filled with a little event. As I was heading home after my tennis hour (which was really good and way more satisfying than yesterday), my friend and I saw a group of 3 ladies with tennis material. One of them had HUUUGE tits (remember I only like busty women).

After hesitating, I saw them take my road to go home so I didn't have the choice I had to speak to them. To make it short they were 3 foreigners looking for a place to have a drink so I gave them a tip and proposed to join them. They preferred stay the 3 of them so I didn't insist and wished them a nice day. I'm happy to have tried but I'm more than convicted that it would have give a different outcome if I didn't hesitate cause they saw me 2 -3 times before we talk.

Tonight, a birthday of one of my best friends with a crowded place. Let's connect with people and flirt with cute busty ladies.

Light and Peace on you all !
Hi hi mates how are you all ?

Yesterday was a nice party night. I met some friends randomly and that's always very awesome.

I flirted and kissed a girl during the party. I wasn't really into her and she was drunk so nothing more and I'm very fine with it !

Tonight anither birthday of a girl I know. She's the busty kind I like. I know she was into me at a time so let's see how it goes !

Light and Peace on you all !
Hello people !

Yesterday party was so nice. They were really good vibes from everybody and I had a great time discovering new people.

Unfortunately the girl I was coveting ended up with another dude, S/O to him !

Starting on this week I'll try to work at least one hour a day(minima 30minutes) on a project I wanted to progress on since a long time. It's time to work on it ! With that, I'll also try to work my flexibility.

I keep my sexual life a high priority in my goals but I always keep in mind my personal development in the TOP priority. Actually the number one priority is to find my own flat as I'm always living with my parents (even if I have the flat of a friend at my disposal for girls activities.)

Light and Peace on you !
Hello mates

Almost forgot to post !

Not much things to say, I started the flexibility routine and had a my day of work.

Well to be honest I'll be working on a totally different project as I had a chat with one of my relatives. The only thing I can say is that it's a mobile app.

Let's stay tuned, Light and Peace on you !
Hellooooooo gentlemen !

Quite an interesting day. I had to work to my bar cause a lot of people booked some places so I went there as reinforcement. There was this table with this cute busty blondie. As you know, I only like cute busty females so I had to play some moves.

After some ballsy moves the group came with us to another bar so we continued the party and went to a more dancing bar.
On the road I managed to chat only with her and to know that she had no boyfriend.

We went to the dancing bar and I tryied to dance and kiss here. I felt her a bit hesitating.

I told here that she liked to be desired. We talked a bit, she said I was the kind of guy who had some succes with ladies. I replied "everyone has his public. The real question is do I have success with you ?" She told me that she found me really attractive, handsome and that she liked me but she also told me she was independant and not so at ease with her friends around.

I replied "every problem has his solution. We could go dance away from the group or go at my home" (the home choice was an error I think) She replied positively, and said that we could go to my place right now but she told me no, not while her friends are here. So it took her to go dancing away from the group. We danced and kissed each other. At a moment she told me that she wanted to go back to her friends and enjoy the party with them. I was very comprehensive and didn't insist on dancing or kissing her. Before going back to the group, I told her that I really wanted her.

So we went to the the group, I respected her space and let her speak with a friend of her. They talked a long time but i didn't want to insist on talking with her and being needy. After a long talk, they ended up kisisng each orher in front of us. I immediately said goodbye to each of them and I left the bar.

I think I'll need a bit of time tomorrow to clearly have some information about all of that. If one of you have some reading of the event, feel free to share it with me.

The only not so positive feeling I have is my lust for women, so I think I reached a nice spot of taking thinks with positivity.

Let's chat about it if you want !

Light and Peace on you all mates.
GentleBlack said:
I have to say a specificity of mine: I'm only attracted to busty women (and believe me, Paris isn't known for the size of its women breasts) so it's quite difficult to find women that I would love to have sex with.

Easy: just take a weekend trip in a tiny Norwegian small town and there's basically only fat chicks there.
Or come to the US and use Hinge, the app that only fat chicks use.

Jokes aside tho. Busty as in slim AND busty, or do you fare well with chubby/busty chicks?
I like them slim and also chubby but not bigger than that. I don't really like big ladies but some of them tease me when they have really massive tits hehe
Hello mates, hope you're all doing good.

I'm currently at an other birthday party, let's see how it goes.

I'll come back tomorrow on the yesterday's story so let's enjoy my time ! ( so far I succeded on my flexibility and working routine)
Hello mates.

I thought a bit about my recent story and I just wanna take the positive side of it. I just think that this girl wouldn't have kissed me if she didn't feel attractive. Even if she kissed her friend after. So it's just give me some good mood and relaunching the Mojo machine.

Let's try to have some fun this weekend. I keep working on my routines, so everything is fine !

Light and Peace on you !
Hi mates,

As I thought my yesterday's post didn't made it to the sending so it'll be a double post today

Not so much to say, I keep doing my routines ans stay motivated.

Light and Peace on you all !
Hello folks !

Double post as promised

Nothing new of today except a match mith abusty eastern europe lady. I tried KillYourInnerLoser's routine. No answer for now. Too bad for her !

Let's see how things evolve.

Light and Peace on you !
Hello Folks !
Nothing juicy today, that was a calm day. I had one hour of tennis and was really happy about the way I played. I feel like I'm finding some consistency in my game which is what I'm loooking for since a long time. Nothing is acquired so let's keep working on that.

Let's hit the week with all the positivity and determination possible.

Light and Peace on you all !
Hello gentlemen !

Today I had a good surprise as my second ring was ready, so I went buy it.

The routines are still on the go so everything is good.

I strongly believe I should go out more on different places where I can meet my type of women and women who are more into black dudes. Let's try that soon enough.

Light and peace on you all !
Hey hey Mates !

Today a friend of mine threw a challenge at me. I have to bang a lady before 31 of July. If I don't, no woman for me during the whole August.

Nothing more. Nothing Less.

Let's go.

Light and Peace on you !
Hi hi,

Nothing alarming today. I had a meeting with a friend for some project, very productive.

Let's keep the work !

Light and Peace on you !
Hey hey gentlemen,

Well the challenge is completed, the lady was cool and physically ok, sex was ok. Nothing awesome but still appreciable. Not sure I want to see her another time but let's see what happens.

Let's continue on this road.

Light and Peace on you !
Hello mates

This week end is wedding time for one of my old friends.

I'm sure there will be a lot of interesting people. My goal is to meet them, have plenty of fun and meet some busty cute ladies.

Light and Peace ln you all !