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On my road to a happy sexual life

You have a strong masculine face + you know how to dance, you can only succeed in Paris

Regarding your last report: your game was too aggressive! The girl was into you but didn't want to appear slutty in front of her friends. In those cases you must understand that, accept that you won't fuck her tonight, get her number/instagram and see her later. Make plans with her during the night ("I'll take your number, we'll go at [whichever cool place you talked about together'], something like that)

Also I'm not sure telling her you want her is a good idea
hush said:
You have a strong masculine face + you know how to dance, you can only succeed in Paris

Regarding your last report: your game was too aggressive! The girl was into you but didn't want to appear slutty in front of her friends. In those cases you must understand that, accept that you won't fuck her tonight, get her number/instagram and see her later. Make plans with her during the night ("I'll take your number, we'll go at [whichever cool place you talked about together'], something like that)

Also I'm not sure telling her you want her is a good idea

I can agree with you, one of my biggest problems is to calibrate my game. I sometimes go not enough hard, sometimes too hard (lost of the cases I go too hard I admit haha). It comes from the facr that I was too kice before, now I'm often too honest on my intentions, I need to find a balance between connecting, assertive and sexual energies.

I'm trying to work on that.

Nothing to relate about yesterday except another goal that is to read at least 50 pages of a book each week. Actually I red 20 pages of a design book I should have ended times ago !

Light and Peace on you mates !
Hello hello mates, what's up today ?

Nothing impactful to relate, can't wait for my tennis our today. I'll maybe go on my first session of the week tonight but nothing sure.

Let's keep in touch!

Light and Peace on you all
The thing is, if she's with friends, there's less chance she'll go home with a stranger that night. Her friends want her to go home safe, they'd never let her go with a stranger, it only happens if her friends trust you.
In general, if she's out with female friends, they tend to either all go home with a stranger or none of them do.

The exception would be when it's a kinda slutty group of girls that encourage each others to meet as many men as possible

Out of curiosity, how did you learn to dance?
hush said:
The thing is, if she's with friends, there's less chance she'll go home with a stranger that night. Her friends want her to go home safe, they'd never let her go with a stranger, it only happens if her friends trust you.
In general, if she's out with female friends, they tend to either all go home with a stranger or none of them do.

The exception would be when it's a kinda slutty group of girls that encourage each others to meet as many men as possible

Out of curiosity, how did you learn to dance?

You're totally right, the group pressure is a true element to take in consideration.

What do you mean by "slutty" that's a term I use only use under certain conditions !

I made one year of hip hop and some initiations of latin dances but it didn't help that much. I mainly learnt by going into parties, watching others do and let my body do the work. I think I have the luck to have a natural affinity with music and dance

To hold the progress, yesterday was a good day about my tennis session, I felt more in control of my strokes. Tonight will be the first 'hunting' session of the week, let's have some fun.

Light and Peace mates !
Hello mates !

The first hunting session of the week was really quiet. There isn't a lot of people in Paris. We made 3 bars with my best friend. 1st bar : very few ladies so we left. 2nd bar : no ladies until a group of 3 with 2 girls and 1 guy. One of the girl was really cute and very busty so you know, the target was here. One of the ordered a mocktail (alcool free cocktail). As I know very well the barmen at this bar and one them made me an amazing mocktail recipe. So I took this occasion to introduce myself and propose them to order the mocktail at the barman by giving my name (it's a good way to make my social status higher). I chatted with them tried to play my game but it didn't work at all towards my target. They left the bar so we tried a last one. This one was really crowded, an Australian bar in one of the best place to go out. There I met a friend of a long date. My friend introduced me to his friends. On of them was my type but had a boyfriend so I instantly deleted har as a target. We talked to few girls but nothing relevant, it was quite late so my best friend and I left.

Another session tonight, let's hope we'll have have better interaction.

Beside that my goals regarding my sides project are fulfilled. I still have to read 20 pages of my book so nothing hard to achieve.

Here are the updates mates. Light and Peace on you all !
GentleBlack said:
What do you mean by "slutty" that's a term I use only use under certain conditions !

Nothing particular, I didn't use it in a bad way. Simply sometimes groups of girls will encourage each others to go home with a guy or kiss a guy

This one was really crowded, an Australian bar in one of the best place to go out.

Café Oz @ Austerlitz? 😁
hush said:
Café Oz @ Austerlitz? 😁

I see you're a man of taste. Are you in Paris ? (Actually I went to O'sullivan Grand Boulevards)

The second hunting session was cool but no result about women. I went out with a dude I've never seen before. I'm on group chat with Paris guys who are into seduction and going out to seduce women. So we set up a meeting to go and tried to make some head turn. The place we went was quite empty, very few people so few women to talk to. I talked with a dude who was going out alone, so I told him to join us. The first dude left early cause he had to take the Parisian subway. So we were the two of us. We went to another bar, more crowded but not a lot of ladies. I talked to many groups but even if the interactions were nice, nothing came out of them. You know that feeling, you talk to someone, they reply to you while smiling but nothing come from them, they add no value to the conversation. I have this feeling with a lot of people I talk to, but not every time. I don't know if I'm not impactful enough or if people are les open to meetings. I really feel that since the lockout, people in Paris are less eager to meet other people. When I go to bar, pubs, or clubs, I see that groups of friends stay between them, I really see few groups mixing each other. What do you guys think, have you the same feeling about it where you live ? Let's talk about it.

My new acolyte and me went to a third and last bar. The ambiance were much more better, more people, nice music to dance, I had a lot of fun. As always I went and talked to many groups, danced with some groups, some girls but nothing interesting concerning women. I tried my luck with a busty small girl but nothing came out of if. In that bar I met 2 other really nice guys, so I guess it was a friendly encounter night.

Beside that all my goals have been fulfilled (My documents are finished and ordered, I red the 50 pages of my book) so I feel really good.

Light and Peace on you men !
It’s a good thing that you at least went out, regardless of the outcome. It’s always better to at least try rather than stay at home!

About the lockdown thing, over here in Germany people seem to be more careful about touching each other now, but I think apart from that, people are just as social with each other as they were before.
Paris is different in August, the mood should go back to normal in September

I used to live in Paris, I'm in Lyon now 👍 the rooftops at La Cité de La Mode were my favorite place to have fun and meet girls
Crimson said:
It’s a good thing that you at least went out, regardless of the outcome. It’s always better to at least try rather than stay at home!

About the lockdown thing, over here in Germany people seem to be more careful about touching each other now, but I think apart from that, people are just as social with each other as they were before.

Where do you live in Germany mate ? I'm in Munich from 18 to 22 August !

hush said:
Paris is different in August, the mood should go back to normal in September

I used to live in Paris, I'm in Lyon now 👍 the rooftops at La Cité de La Mode were my favorite place to have fun and meet girls

I see ! I agree with you those places are one of the best to go out in Paris !

Nothing particular about Sunday, the goals have been reached, but I still want to go farther about them, so let's work hard.

Light and Peace on all !
Hi mate, this is the posting for the 16th August

Nothing incredible to relate. Here are the goals of the week :

- Read 50 pages of my book
- Having at least 2 hunting sessions
- Keep my discipline about physical (workout, flexibility) routines
- Finish all the interview protocols for my side project
- Define the values we want to respect for this side project
- Enjoy as much as possible my trip in Munich

Let's keep in touch. Light and Peace on you all :)
GentleBlack said:
Crimson said:
It’s a good thing that you at least went out, regardless of the outcome. It’s always better to at least try rather than stay at home!

About the lockdown thing, over here in Germany people seem to be more careful about touching each other now, but I think apart from that, people are just as social with each other as they were before.

Where do you live in Germany mate ? I'm in Munich from 18 to 22 August !

I live in North Rhine-Westphalia, Munich is like 7 hours away unfortunately. Have fun in Munich, though!

hush said:
Paris is different in August, the mood should go back to normal in September

I used to live in Paris, I'm in Lyon now 👍 the rooftops at La Cité de La Mode were my favorite place to have fun and meet girls

I see ! I agree with you those places are one of the best to go out in Paris !

Nothing particular about Sunday, the goals have been reached, but I still want to go farther about them, so let's work hard.

Light and Peace on all !
Hey mates, post for the 17th

Nothing to relate, things going quietly but positively

Light and Peace on you all !
Hello hello !

About yesterday : went out with some friends but nothing interesting to relate, Paris is really empty at this time.

I keep having in mind that I need to work on specific aspects : I'm the price, I need to convey a most masculine and sexual energy combined with my natural positive vibe and finally don't think about the result when intercting with ladies. Let's have this in mind for Munich !

Light and Peace on you all :)
Hi mates
After my day of work I did my trip to Munich.

Going out tonight let's see what happens !
Light and Peace on you all !
GentleBlack said:
Hi mates
After my day of work I did my trip to Munich.

Going out tonight let's see what happens !
Light and Peace on you all !

Have fun in Munich and tell us how it is over there! I’ve always wanted to go there.
Hello gentlemen, so my post about the 19th didn't arrive. Quick summary, nothing crusty happened, I met two guys, who showed me nice places. Had some great interaction with people but nothing amazing ladies related.

Let's talk about the 20th which is more interesting. I asked a girl in the bus if she knew places to go out tonight. She was surprisingly nice to me, too bad she wasn't my type, didn't want anything with here. So I selected the RnB Party Music club. You know how I am, I need to eat before going to party !

So I grabbed a quick meal. While I was eating I heard a group of french men talking. Went to them to have a talk and ask them where they were going to. They weren't rude but not so friendly. They went to a hip hop rnb afro music club (all that I like) so I asked them to join. As they were 6 dudes they told me it was hard to come with them which I totally understood. Decided to go by myself and I got in with no problem

It's time to reveal you something mates. I LOVE DRAGONS. I've always been amazed by those creatures, whatever there's europeans or asians. And I think I'll love them even more. The club I went in is called "Enter the Dragon". I had a good opinion to change my plans and select this bar. So the night went as usual, gret interaction with many groups. The music was damn dope so i really enjoyed dancing and making a bit of show (in clubs, dance is my main "love" language).

I was about to leave 3 times, but the first two times the DJ triggered me with 2 of my favourite songs ( Kilometer and Anybody from Burnaboy. When I hear them I cannot do anything but dance). The third time I wanted to leave, I was hot and thirsty. I took a Corona and decided to interact with some girls I found attractive until the end of my beer.

That is when I saw her. A blonde girl. Not there before. Men. She wasn't hot. She was HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT. GADDAMN Do you the the fire of an ancestral dragon ? Or the lava from a volcano ? I swear she was that hot !! She passed near me, and I decided to go talk with her. Eventually she was also alone in the bar. She started to be really physical with me at the beginning of the conversation. Keep in mind that she doesn't speak a lot of English and I don't speak a lot of German so it was difficult to understand each other. We started to dance together and soon we kissed. I never kissed a girl I found that attractive. We started to dance in a truly sexy way "Collé Serré" as we say in french. But at a high level of this. The level where you two are literally doggystling on the Dancefloor, you all know !

At this moment I felt like the king of the club. Lot of dudes where giving me the "DAAAAMN NICE WORK BRO!!" Look. But this is also where the painting starts to go wtf.

Lot of dudes tried to dance with her. I never interfered except when they were really too close or insistent. During our whole interaction, this girl was moving a lot on the Dancefloor. At the beginning I followed but soon I started to also move to lead her or to stay at my place to escape being the all time follower. Keep also that in mind. I eventually expressed the fact that I wanted to spend the night with her which she agreed to. While I was very proud of myself for this interaction as I was dodged by the group of french dudes (felt a bit like a revange, but I kept a positive attitude toward them, never be arrogant), I kept in mind that until my dick isn't in a woman's pussy nothing is done. That's why I tried to not be the full time follower. Sirs...

We left for a second club after she wasn't really into following me to my hotel. Things got worse. They knew a guy who was there. This dude tried like 10 times to dance with her, one his friends too. And many other guys in the place, even if we kissed and danced in front of everyone. At a moment she brang me to a more quiet place of the Dancefloor. There we were really sexual, me behind her doggydancing together and my finger on her pussy. After that, same dynamic her always moving to a different place, dudes trying to dance with her. This time I made the mistake to follow her a lot more. She was reectring me, dancing and kissing me in cycles. She didn't dance with other dudes but was really close of some of them. Espacially an older man she knew from here. This man is a G.O.A.T. He took me appart and told me that she was the kind of girl playing and playing and playing... that is eventually what I undertood when she started to kiss 2 dudes. That was my limit. I gave her a last chance by saying to her that I was leaving, either with her or no. She said she would stay. I went to take her jacket I was holding which I left at the bar beforr reaching her and gave it back to her ( I could have left without doing it but my devotion to the Light prevents me from this kind of attitude. She looked sad and surprised, but the limit was broken, I couldn't stay with this lack of respect from her. And the music was crap and it was 7 am so no reason to stay. I don't know if I could have done things an orther way to not reaching this situation. I wanted to be more strict and tell her I didn't like her attitude towards other dudes but I thought that would have been taking things too seriously from a dude which is travelling alone and is here to have fun. I think my desire to fuck with the most physically amazing girl of my life didn't help also to be honest. I always thought that I would be strong regarding not breaking my boundaries about sex but that's not so easy. Think I was at a limit to be not acceptable on this field. Tell me what you think. While finishing this story, it's 8.53 pm. Sorry if the text was hard to read- my purple ball( the level above blue balls) prevents me from having a clear mind 😂

I look forward to my last night in Munich, things can still happen. Also looking forward to your feedbacks about the whole interaction.

I stay positive, I know I'll have a girl that I find that attractive in my bed someday. Not today but somday for sure.

I understand if you didn't read all, that was a damn long post !

Light and Peace on you all !!
Hey Gentlemen !

Sunday was a great day ! I visited an Egyptian Art Museum in, then went to one of the famous lake of Munich, which was the main thing I wanted to do during my trip. I never saw lakes from my own eyes and wanted to. The place was incredible, I understand why people like to live near from nature !

I ended my day by going to the restaurant where the G.O.A.T. from saturday night is working. Damn I had 2 drinks, one plate and a dessert (which were all reeeeeaaaly good) for absolutely free. Moreover I could have some nice talk with the man and that is most important thing to me. To meet people with a great positive energy is part of why I want to travel more. Didn't go on any party cause most of places are closed Sunday in Munich and the few open places I saw weren't appealing.

Today is the last day. Gonna make few purchases and wait near the train station to have launch and work while waiting for my train.

I'll make a resume about my trip tomorrow.

Until then Light and Peace on you Gentlemen !
Hello dudes, what's up?
Quick summary about my Munich trip :

The two goals were to discover a lake (never saw one in my own eyes) and to go out ot my confort zone by doing what I do about social interactions but in a foreign country and all alone. The two goals have been reached but next time I want to go farther about ladies, try to provoke more interactions. That's a goal I also want to achieve in my everyday life.

Monday was cool, day of work, train to go back to Paris

Tomorrow I'll talk about the objetives I set up.

Light and Peace on you mates!