On my road to a happy sexual life

You kissed a girl that was highly attractive, that's a huge win.

She agreed to sleep with you then kissed other men... Strange attitude
hush said:
You kissed a girl that was highly attractive, that's a huge win.

She agreed to sleep with you then kissed other men... Strange attitude
You're rigt that's a realky good thing !

And yeah strange attitude. I think I should have been more firm during rhe interaction, follow her less and do myvown things more, maybe it would have changes things, I don't know !
Ok so let's talk about my objectives of the moment :

The most important one, the number one priority, is to move from parens' home. No keed to tell you why. Know that I have a really enjoyed job and some money, I keed to have my place. The goal is to try coliving with my best friend.

The other objectives are all around the same importance :

- Work hard enough at my job to be sure to evolve and get a manger role
- Work on my side pojects
- Gain a bit of muscle and strenght
- Find that DAMN FWB
- Get laid

Simple and doable objectives but they will definitely make me grow as a man.

I'll keep in touch about them. Tell me if one of them interrest you more than another one, we'll can chat about it (I won't tell a lot about the side projects, dont like to talk about on going stuff)

Light a Peace on you all !
Hello Gentlemen

Yesterday was a really quiet day. Worked remotely and geeked out, not much thing important.

Light and Peace !
Hey men,

Quiet day yesterday too. My book goal is going well, aiming to finish the book this week.

Nothing important to say except I officialy validated my trial period.

Light and Peace on you all !
Hello there !
Things going on. Had a hunting session yesterday but nothing came out of it. Next one is tonight, wish me luck !

Light and Peace on you !
Hello There,

Nothing incredible to relate. No success from my 2 hunting sessions. In the future, I'll adopt a more direct approach : the script would be approaching the group really quickly and speak directly to the girl I like, telling her I want to flirt with her tonight and see how things goes. I'm fed up of being too friendly. I like to vibe with people but I also want to bang ladies, so I need to respect of the aspects of my desires. So let's see how things go.

Beside that all my weekly goals are achieved so I'm quite happy.

Light and Peace on you mates !
Hello there ! A double post for the 29 and the 30, I forgot my duty !!!

Well don't worry, nothing noticable happened.
I keep on doiing my routines ans reading the books ;)

Light and Peace on you mates
Hellooo There,

Still a quiet day yesterday.

I'll directly talk about today. This morning I approched a damn hot lady while arriving near my work space. Just before that I listenend to video. The topic was mainly appreciating the work ( approching, seducing, flirting and all)
My approach wasn't successful but I really enjoyed it, and analyzing it right after. So I think I'm the right way towards my geting laid goal and finding a RWB goal. Let's keep the DAMN work !

Light and Peace on you all !
Hello There !

Sorry for not being there these days, I got a condition that make me very week times to times (guess it's my kryptonite haha) so I just worked and got rest.

Before the strike of my condition, I got a date with a girl from Fruitz but it gave nothing, I really didn't find her attractive.

I'm back on tracks, let keep the work !

Light and Peace on you all !
Hello There hope you're doing well !

Nothing to relate today, I had my day of work, read some books ans now I'm working at my bar. I'll certainly have a drink to a near bar, maybe some busty ladies will be there

Light and Peace on you :)
Hello Gentlemen,

I had a drop of discipline at the end of previous week.

I'm back on tracks. Today I changes my photos layout and my bio for the dating apps.

Let's go back to work, without it my goals won't be reached !
Light and Peace on you all !
Hey Gentlemen,

Nothing to relate about today, had my day at work and worked at my bar.

Light and Peace on you all !
Hey there

Back on tracks, I'm following my routines and doing my work properly.

I'll try to go out a bit more by the end of the week, I really need to meet new pople.

Light and Peace on you all !
Hello you all !

Once again, nothing incredible !

I'll have time this week end to reach my reading goal, I'll focus in that and going out to find some ladies.

Light and Peace on you all !
What's up men ?

Still a quiet day, had a funky night yesterday but nothing relatable.

Light and Peace on you all !
Hello There !

Nothing incredible today. Yesterday we discovered a really nice bar with my friends with a cool dancehall music ambiance.

I need to find other places like this, I'm sure I'll find way more ladies to fit with than the usual place I went those previous months.

I'll keep working on all to achieve my goals

Light and Peace on you all !