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On my road to a happy sexual life

Hello There,

Nothing noticable to relate, the day was good, full of work. The week will be interesting. My company is going to participate in an event to promote our work. I'll be forming 3 hostess to help us on the even, 3 ladies. Let's hope one of them has big enough boobs for me ! They will be in our desks Wednesday I'll work with them until saturday. I'll keep you in touch !

Light and Peace on you mates !
Hello all !

Good new I managed to get the info about my coworker, she doesn't have any boyfriend or girlfriend. I'll definitely try to bang her, would be awesome to make her my FWB as I find her physicality very attractive and also quite funny and with an energy that I like.

I'll tell you how things evolve !

Light and Peace on you all !
GentleBlack said:
my coworker, she doesn't have any boyfriend or girlfriend. I'll definitely try to bang her

Be careful with this man.
One my of colleagues just had to leave our company cos he fucked a coworker.
Everybody knew in the office after that and she tried to play it like it was not consensual & he got her drunk.
They did not fired him, cos there was no evidence, but he left cos of the pressure around him.

Good luck!

Red said:
GentleBlack said:
my coworker, she doesn't have any boyfriend or girlfriend. I'll definitely try to bang her

Be careful with this man.
One my of colleagues just had to leave our company cos he fucked a coworker.
Everybody knew in the office after that and she tried to play it like it was not consensual & he got her drunk.
They did not fired him, cos there was no evidence, but he left cos of the pressure around him.

Good luck!


Thanks for the warning Red mate !I really wanna try my luck with her, despite hopping she's not a brainfucked person, I guess I can play it to lower the chances of triggering this situation.

Today her and I will spend the day together on a stand at an event to promote our company's work. I'll try to build up and confirm the potential sexual tension I felt between us. If it is done, the play'll be to invite her for a drink.
I'll keep you in touch !

Light and Peace on you all
Mates, everything will change from now on.

I finally moved from my parents' house. I repeat, I FINALLY MOVED FROM PARENT'S HOUSE !!!

I'm now living near my previous house, 15 mins by bike, with my best friend as a roommate. I put a stop on all of my goals while looking for this flat. Now that it is done, I can focus back on the other goals.

No more logistics matters concerning ladies. I will now focus on meeting them, have sex and find this damn FWB. Besides that I'm from today starting again to practice workout and tennis on a regular basic (at least 2 tennis sessions a week and a daily workout routine).

I'll try to keep this daily posting a thing, so wish me luck in my discipline.

Light came back to shine and and bring you peace.
Congrats man. Having your own living space makes a huge difference, you never have to worry about your roommates or parents being in the way.
Wow that’s so big, congrats! Now it’s time to go after those French ladies hehe
Hello men

Thanks for the reactions Crimson Squilliam . How you guys are evolving ?

I bought many premium accounts on dating apps and I plan on going out more to meet ladies. I also need to take care of my sleep, which can go against the previous point but hey, we need to do things.

I'll keep you in touch.

Light and Peace on you all
Hello Mates,

nothing interesting to relate. I'll maybe have a date tomorrow. If not I'll go out at night to meet ladies, with friends or alone. Let's see how it'll go !

Light and peace on you all :)
Hello men

Finally my plans have changed, I stayed at home as a friend of us came so I decided to spend some time with him.

I plan to go out with a friend tomorrow and to also go out Saturday night, I really need to get back to flirting with ladies, that miss me.

I'll keep you in touch, Light and Peace on you all !
Hello mates

No party tonight, some other friends came so as yesterday I decided to stay with them.

Tomorrow I'm working at the bar. A Tinder date is supposed to come over, let's see how things go !

Light and Peace on you all !
Hello Hello, how is it going ?

Sory for not reaching out, when I work late at the bar I forget to post, I need to be more disciplined.

About the Tinder date, she never showed up, she told me she had covid so... I understood the fake reason and deleted the number ?

Yesterday at the bar I met a friend of our friendly customer. She was all chubby with MASSIVE tits. I tried to play my game but our friend told me she wasn't interested at all, despite being free and wanting to have sex by those times.

I will go out this week, I'll try to find a place with some good hip hop/ RNB music.

I'll keep you in touch. Light and Peace on you !!
Hello Hello here, long time no see !

hush thanks for reaching out, it's a great pleasure.

Lot of things happened lately, I lost my job, went to travel in Canaries, and no much more concerning ladies. I'm still trying to reach this FWB goal.

I'm currently wondering if I should keep it a main goal or make it a side one. Despite this one, finding a new job and passing my driving licence are the main goals I have.

I'll try to be more present and to post daily as I used to !

hush how things are going on your side ? Keep me in touch !

Light and Peace on everyone !
Hello hello,

so let's talk about some shet I wanna put in place.

I wanna get rid of some belly fat and have better abs along with my working habits. I bought what needed to follow a calisthenics programm so I'll start from tomorrow, adding some abs and core exercices.

I have two interviews this week for job opportunities so let's how it'll go.

Squilliam Crimson how are you evolving mates ? :)

Light and Peace on you all !
GentleBlack said:
I'm currently wondering if I should keep it a main goal or make it a side one.

From my experience living in Paris: you should make a habit out of going to bars and approaching women there. That's what has worked for me. Preferably with a friends or two that are "game aware".
At least once a week and you'll see results

I'm doing fine, I'll update my journal soon :)
Hello hello gentlemen, how is it going ??

I know I'm not really good at posting regularly but do not worry, I keep working on myself and my objectives.

I joined a group of people into personnal developpement, in order to find some information about creating my own business and making more money. I, since months, have an idea about a dating app I want to work more on, so let's get on it. Next to it, I'm geting some information about african mythology for a longer term project.

Concerning ladies, I had a sexual interaction with a lady I met in a bar. This was really cool as it didn't happen to me since months ago. We both had some good connection. Sex was tender and powerful at the same time and we both enjoyed our bodies (hearing a lady complimenting your body is such a great thing !)

I feel very frustrated to be in my own flat and not being good enough to close ladies I meet in bars to my place. The sexual interaction I talked about occured to the lady's place.

I don't know if I'm trying too hard to get this FWBs and to get sex, but I cannot resolute myself into making less effort. Instead of that I prefer to keep working and find what laks me to close more (I go talk to almost every lady I find attractive in bars but I don't know why nothing more than some quick chat happens. Either they're not interested, either I don't manage to convey enough desirability and they don't feel like answering to my text when I take their numbers or even going farther than chatting during the night).

Anyway I keep working, that's for sure, and I know results will come. Oh and I'm trying to find a new job as I got fired because my company had money issues and fired a lot of people, but well, I'll find soon enough.

Light and Peace on you all !
Hello soldiers, I hope everybody is doing well.

I'm back after months and months of silence. The reason is that the goals I wanted to achieve aren't done at this time. Things evolved, some in a good way, others in a bad way. I won't make the complete story but rather than that make an update of my goals :

  1. Overall, I want to have a better discipline if my life, mostly with administrative tasks and in my organization. I want to be more reliable for my friends, my family, and everybody in my life. This is why coming back here is good for me in order to work on that discipline
  2. I still have this objective to have at least one FWB, it still hasn't happen to me yet. I also want to sleep with more ladies as my sexual drive is still absolutely high and the frustration is growing with it
  3. I still don't have my driver's license, I need to finish with this by the end of summer.
  4. I'll lose my job the next week so I need to focus on finding a new one for the summer season before deciding on my professional future.
  5. Improve my tennis level and go to competition again.
Those are my overall goals. To do so I have daily things I have to do :

  1. 5 minutes of hard meditation with a trait of my personality in mind, one different every day in order to evolve this trait.
  2. Bodywork (workout, tennis training, flexibility...)
  3. A least 1 hour of work on my personal projects regarding the design field.
I won't go deeper into the goals and the direction I want to go to, I'll give information during my different posts. I will of course answer your question if you want to know better what is my work about.

Let's do it now, let's improve.

Light and Peace on you all mates!
Hello guys,nothing important to report, my routines went well yesterday and today. My tennis session was just cancelled because the courts were closed without any warning. I have another one planned today, really waiting for it.

Light and Peace on you all !