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On my road to a happy sexual life

Hello Here,

nothing incredible, just having a chat with a lady from a dating app, let's see how it goes.

Have a nice week, Light and Peace on you all !
Hello here, how are you mates?

Today I met a group of men in which I'm part of. This game is about gaming, seduction and all. Was nice to meet the people but we mostly introduced ourselves and didn't have a lot of echanges.

Except that, I'm really starting to think that one of my female coworker has a thing on me. The way we speak and we act. Let's see how it evolves but unfortunately she's not my type at all.

Light and Peace on you all mates !
Hello here,

Didn't post since a while sorry for that.

I had a lay previous week, the girls was a 12/20 (don't like to rate on 10 haha) on my grid and sex was quite cool !

She was from Belgium so that was a basic ONS. The day before I set up a goal of 2 lays with different ladies before the end of the year, so let's upgrade this goal to 3 !

Light and Peace on you all ;)
Hello Gentlemen,

I seriously should take back this posting activity for serious.

Nothing incredible to relate regarding this past week. I keep working on my goals, mainly my flat research. Beside that I try to go out at parties to meet women.

Light and Peace on you all !
GentleBlack said:
Hello Gentlemen,

I seriously should take back this posting activity for serious.

Nothing incredible to relate regarding this past week. I keep working on my goals, mainly my flat research. Beside that I try to go out at parties to meet women.

Light and Peace on you all !

Did you make any new headway on selecting your new photos from your picture thread?
Hello Gentlemen,

New Week, I'll try to take back on the daily posting !

This weekend was Really interesting for me as I managed the team to the bar I work to the whole weekend. Everything went well and we all did a great work regarding some metrics (feel free to ask if you're interested in knowing more).

On Saturday a customer girl came. My God I loved her. She wasn't that beautiful despite being cute but she had an amazing smile, a genuine and positive energy. I felt a kind of feeling between us but it's really hard to ask for a number or else with a customer (not professional and can lower the bar's image, and it's a sure way to put her in a bad mood as all her friends are here). The only time wen manage to game ladies is when we spend some time with their groups after we close, in another bar. If ou guys have any idea to help game ladies when they are at my bar, the debate is open !

natedawg said:
GentleBlack said:
Hello Gentlemen,

I seriously should take back this posting activity for serious.

Nothing incredible to relate regarding this past week. I keep working on my goals, mainly my flat research. Beside that I try to go out at parties to meet women.

Light and Peace on you all !

Did you make any new headway on selecting your new photos from your picture thread?

Do you mean did I select a new photos layout ? I can send the layout I'm using actually if you want !

Light and Peace on you all mates!
Hello mates,

No much time to tell more but I definitely want to BANG one of my coworkers.

I'll try to tell you more later !

Light and Peace on you all !
Hello here !

Need to take some time to tell you about my coworker. Today I went to a concert of Adekunle Gold, was truly amazing !

Light and Peace on you all !
Hello Mates !

Don't worry the coworker story is coming ! I took a decision to go out less and sleep more, I really have to think about my health. Even if I don't feel tired, I'm sure I'll have a big drowback about my lack of sleep at a given time. I need to compose with that and my mating goals.

Light and Peace on you all !
GentleBlack said:
Hello Mates !

Don't worry the coworker story is coming ! I took a decision to go out less and sleep more, I really have to think about my health. Even if I don't feel tired, I'm sure I'll have a big drowback about my lack of sleep at a given time. I need to compose with that and my mating goals.

Light and Peace on you all !

How are you tracking with your goals brother? Feeling good?
Hello mates, doing well ?

Nothing more to relate, went to Asterix this night, was cool despite I don't really find roller-coasters amazing.

natedawg said:
GentleBlack said:
Hello Mates !

Don't worry the coworker story is coming ! I took a decision to go out less and sleep more, I really have to think about my health. Even if I don't feel tired, I'm sure I'll have a big drowback about my lack of sleep at a given time. I need to compose with that and my mating goals.

Light and Peace on you all !

How are you tracking with your goals brother? Feeling good?

My actual goals are really simple to track. I need to move from my parents house, finding a FWB (I'll consider it is done when I'll spend at least a month in a friendly and sexual relationship with a lady) and lay with 2 more different ladys until the end of the year. I feel like they are totally possible. What are your goals mate ?
Hello Men !

Tonight will be interesting. I'm heading to my bar where a lady I find highly attractive will be. She belongs to a group of friends of us but it's only the scond time she comes to our bar. Lates news say that she's free and I had a good feeling the previous time we saw each other so it's time to go farther.

Light and Peace on you all !
Hello here !

Bad news, the girl I was aiming yesterday didn't show up. Gotta tell you about some story about my night in a bar yesterday. To make it short, a girl that cockblocked me went lying to the bouncer saying that I badly touched her and her cousin I was gaming. The bouncer quickly noticed that she was drunk and went from my side hopefully. I was frustrated cause I couldn't really settle this story as my friend and the bouncer prevented me to talk to the girls.

This kind of me makes me want to try hard more to get lafies that deserve me.

Soon enough I'll talk about my coworker.

Light and Peace on you all !
Hello There !

I should try to take more time to do my posts because I always do them quick before going to bed haha.
Used a boost today and had 2 interesting matches, let's see how things go.

About my coworker : she's new in our team. I interacted with her and the way she behave and the way she looks at me make me thing there is something between us.

Previous Tuesday, I invited her and others in an afterwork to my bar. I didn't have the time to talk a lot with her cause I was working but the few interactions were satisfying.

Anyway I don't know yet if she has a boyfriend or not. This will be the thing I'll try to know tomorrow. I decided not to talk to her by message yet when we're working remotely but only to chat with her in person (tomorrow and Wednesday). One thing is sure I WANNA DAMN BANG HER. This shall be heaven lightning falling on her.

I'll keep you in touch !

Light and Peace on you all !
Hi mates,

My coworker wasn't there today, should be there tomorrow.

I'll keep you in touch about that. Nothing else to relate !

Light and Peace on you all !
Hi hi !
So I saw my coworker. Didn't have the time to talk a lot to her and the afterwork to my bar was cancelled. I got a feeling that one of my coworker ans her are getting well together. I don't like to fighr for a girl, so if I can't trigger something fast I'll get totally fed up of trying to date her (I'm starting to be)

I'll keep you in touch !

Light and Peace on you all !
Hello men,

Double post today as I forgot to post yesterday.

We visited a flat yesterday, it was really gorgeous but the rooms were too small so I don't think we'll go on this one. Another visit today, let's hope it'll be a good one !

I'll post again tonight after the birthday party I'll go to. It'll be in a bar in Paris, so let's hope for busty pretty ladies !

Light and Peace on you all !
Hello hello !
Nothing interesting happened yesterday so I didn't double post.

I'm heading to another birthday tonight, let's hope I'll have things to tell you !

Light and Peace on you all
Hello mates how are you doing ?

Nothing new here. I'm starting to be bored up about dating apps, whatever I try give me almost 0 results. I have a feeling of loosing my time and money.

I'm trying to find the balance between going out to find ladies, my work, and sleep more for my health. Whatever I'm not loosing my goals from my sight.

I'll keep working !

Light and Peace on you all !