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On my road to a happy sexual life

Hey guys!

Bad news, today I injured my left calve during my tennis practice. It's frustrating as my partner and I were playing a good level today (do any of you play or follow tennis ?), but I think it's nothing very serious so no need to worry about it. I did some good work about my personal design project. Today I start my last week at work, I'll have to find something else quickly.

Let's keep in touch, light and peace on you all !
Hello There!

I have important news to share with you (I should have shared it as soon as I returned). By the 8th of July, it'll be one year without having sex for me. I've had 2-3 blowjobs during this time but nothing more. Some opportunities but with some ladies I didn't like enough to have sex with (it's very important for me not tonot have sex with the first coming but with a lady I like enough). So I'm on a mission to get laid before this date. If I don't, nothing serious, a date is just a date but well let's go hard to do it.

I tried my luck with two girls I liked in the bar I work today but it gave two failures (I LOVED the first one !!!!). Despite the failures the interactions were very cool, I have confidence in my abilities to have flirty and funny conversations, I need some practice to calibrate lot of things tho.

I'll keep you in touch about this glorious mission wich me success !

PS : my calf is already doing better !

Light and Peace on you all !
Good work brother, really glad to see your CONSISTENCY

That is how a man can become successful in this world!

Eh. Consistency is just one piece.

There needs to be more.

It's been a long time that this log has existed and we see almost no analysis of what you're doing wrong and what you plan to do better. Just surface-level platitudes.

You're simply using it as a diary.

You haven't had sex for a year. WHY? How do you plan to fix this? Where are the details?
Eh. Consistency is just one piece.

There needs to be more.

It's been a long time that this log has existed and we see almost no analysis of what you're doing wrong and what you plan to do better. Just surface-level platitudes.

You're simply using it as a diary.

You haven't had sex for a year. WHY? How do you plan to fix this? Where are the details?
Glad you ask mate!

As I said I've had occasions of having sex but not with girls I was interested in so no use to talk a lot about those.

I've had a long period of few months where I tried to focus on myself instead of trying to get girls. That involved finding a new job and getting my driver's license. The plan was to keep the conversations I had with ladies platonic, but to keep my sense of repartee exist, whether it would make me flirty or not. I found the work but with much instability and family matters I didn't have the money for the driver's licence.

After coming back from a trip to my native country I set new objectives and decided to go back on actively seducing girls and trying to get laid.

The past four months I worked as a bartender, so all the girls I met were customers from the two bars I worked in. To summarize, the problem I had in the interactions with the ladies I liked was calibration. Each time I tried a move the outcome was either the girl saying she's not interested after some interaction or not answering my texts when I got the number. To me, it means that I wasn't impactful enough. Either I showed too much interest, or my brutal-teasing side was too powerful.
It's just a theory but I think it's the main problem. I always try to be flirty in my conversations, to have a strong frame control, and to convey positive energies whatever the situation. I also always try to have in mind that I don't NEED the girl I'm trying to seduce.

I'm finishing my job at monday and I plan to go out a lot after that, in order to meet girls in other situations than at my work. I also try to force myself to approach ladies by day. Whatever the situation I have to work on my calibration and on how to deliver a sexual frame. That's how I plan to get laid before the 8th of July.

Expecting you guys to tell me what you think or to ask for more details if needed!

Light and Peace on you all :)
Hi guys quick update here. Just came back from an after-work party with some coworkers I won't see anymore.
Went to a bar I don't like cause I know the music and the girls at this bar don't suit me. But hey, the bar is close to my work and is part of the same group so free drinks was a strong argument for my coworkers.

Arrived at the bar, as I thought no girl I was really into and music I didn't like. I approached girls tho, for the fun and the exercise. On 5-6 interactions, only one girl seemed receptive. The other responded politely or just refused my invitations to dance.

It seems I still have some work to do. I'd like to develop an aura, being seen or noticed by ladies before talking to them. I really think it almost never happens to me, so I need to develop that aura and make it stronger and more sexual. If guys have some advice on that point, feel free to share them!

Light and Peace on you all !
It seems I still have some work to do. I'd like to develop an aura, being seen or noticed by ladies before talking to them. I really think it almost never happens to me, so I need to develop that aura and make it stronger and more sexual. If guys have some advice on that point, feel free to share them!
You need to link up with wingmen from your city so they can see you in person. Start with http://gameglobal.net/groups.
dont know whats going on with this groups, I tried to join game milan, bologna, parma, all I see is the same guy in the profile pic. Didn't talk to any real human
Make sure you introduce yourself and set a profile photo and describe a bit about who you are and what you're looking for. I doubt Parma has anyone but the other two cities should at least have someone to reach out.

If not, there's probably an underground Italian community somewhere.
You need to link up with wingmen from your city so they can see you in person. Start with http://gameglobal.net/groups.
I'm already on Game Paris, went out with some wingmen but never in a dynamic to be observed and have feedback, I should try it, thanks for the idea.

Except that nothing important to relate. Had a good day of work at the bar. Talked to a lot of customers, ladies and gents.

Tomorrow is the last day let's see how things will go.

Light and Peace on you all !
Hey guys, how are you all?

Last day at the bar, new 'failure' with a customer girl. I really thought she was into me with the interactions we had but she told me she had a boyfriend, so she was just in the flirty-confidence-taken mood.

Starting from Thursday I'll go out a lot to reach my objectives regarding women. I'll of course keep you in touch !

Light and Peace on you all!
Hey guys!

Nothing important to say, I took the time today to see some friends I hadn't seen in a while very pleasant moments.

Tomorrow I'll step back on the court, let's hope my leg is definitely healed!

Light and Peace on you all !
Hello mates!

I played tennis today but the pain came back after one hour. I'll try again tomorrow and if it is the same case, I'll try to rest two weeks instead of one so I'll heal correctly.

Tomorrow I'll write about how I plan to act on my night session which will start tomorrow.

Light and Peace on you all !
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Hey here!

Here is what I plan to work on to reach my objective of getting laid before the 8th of July :

  1. Convey a more sexual energy :
    1. Focus on the fact to look people even more in the eyes and have a sexual intent when I'm talking to girls
    2. Have positive thoughts about being seductive, attractive and sexual.
  2. Work on my calibration :
    1. Try to have real information about the impact of my way of seducing (if my 'all out-brutal' side is more a quality or a flaw in my game)
    2. Take the list of the previous girls I had sex with an try to remember how I gamed them, in order to understand which style of game resonates the more with me and which energy I give (I have to be careful with it because I changed during all those years so maybe my old style doesn't resonates with me as good as before)
  3. Discover and go that suits me more as a black man in Paris (I'm persuaded that I have more chances with some populations than others, let's talk about it if you want to ! )
There is the road map: now I have to apply it as much as I can.

I'd be glad to talk with you about it guys!

Light and Peace on you all !
Hey here!

Here is what I plan to work on to reach my objective of getting laid before the 8th of July :

  1. Convey a more sexual energy :
    1. Focus on the fact to look people even more in the eyes and have a sexual intent when I'm talking to girls
    2. Have positive thoughts about being seductive, attractive and sexual.
  2. Work on my calibration :
    1. Try to have real information about the impact of my way of seducing (if my 'all out-brutal' side is more a quality or a flaw in my game)
    2. Take the list of the previous girls I had sex with an try to remember how I gamed them, in order to understand which style of game resonates the more with me and which energy I give (I have to be careful with it because I changed during all those years so maybe my old style doesn't resonates with me as good as before)
  3. Discover and go that suits me more as a black man in Paris (I'm persuaded that I have more chances with some populations than others, let's talk about it if you want to ! )
There is the road map: now I have to apply it as much as I can.

I'd be glad to talk with you about it guys!

Light and Peace on you all !
Hello !

Tonight is my sister's birthday, so we’ll play laser game and have drinks with some friends of her. After that I'll join friends of mine for a live concert, the occasion to start my work.

I'll tell you how things went, Light and Peace on you all guys !
Hello !

Tonight is my sister's birthday, so we’ll play laser game and have drinks with some friends of her. After that I'll join friends of mine for a live concert, the occasion to start my work.

I'll tell you how things went, Light and Peace on you all guys !
Hey guys,

Yesterday's party was more quiet than excpected. It was France Nationale music day so a there were a lot of block parties. I went to the one of my friend. Few people, no girls that I liked but I worked on the points I described before during my interactions. I tried to go to other block parties but mostly Electro/Techno music was displayed ( I hate this ) so I went back home.

Tonight I go to a dinner for one of my friends birthday, hope we'll go out after !

Light and Peace on you all !
Hello mates, hope you had a nice week!

Yesterday was also a bit disappointing, I didn't have the opportunity to go out after the birthday dinner of my friend. Despite that, I met two twin girls who were very funny and very sociable. We had a good talk with them and my roommate. We plan to see them again, either to go out in some cool places they know or even some house parties at our place.

Today there was a huge event in my town. A lot of different stands with food, drinks and everything. I went there with some friends and my roommate, we had a really pleasant time with the sunny weather. Unfortunately, they were a lot of children and young people, not many girls to approach.
However, one of my friends has been joined by another friend and is girlfriend. Quite beautiful italian brunette, not curvy enough for me but I bet most of men would have found her quite hot. She was quite sociable, but we had many long talks together and I felt a tension between her and me ( the physical touch and the looks she gave me are some good indicators). I didn't push it too much as she was taken and I respect that, but I'm pretty sure I could have a real chance if I wanted to ( she's 25, arrived in Paris 10 months ago, and met her boyfriend 2 months ago, those elements combined and what I felt tell me that she has the 'I want to have fun' mentality, but I can of course be mistaken)

It was really pleasant and confirmed to me that I can convey this sexual energy and build tension with a woman. (I focused on my posture, having an implicit sexual language, need to think also about sexual intention while I'm looking at the girl in the eyes) I need to work on it more to increase that aura.

I'll start a different training tomorrow, more oriented with bodyweight and resistance exercises for my tennis. I'll also go to different bars to find a new job so I'll try to approach at the same time.

Light and Peace on you guys !
Hello guys, seems I missed the post of yesterday.

Nothing interesting about yesterday, some job research, some personal work and some time with my parents.

Hope you guys are doing well.

Light and Peace on you all !
Hello guys, seems I missed the post of yesterday.

Nothing interesting about yesterday, some job research, some personal work and some time with my parents.

Hope you guys are doing well.

Light and Peace on you all !
What is the point of posting every day, when most days are uneventful? Is this useful for you?