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On my road to a happy sexual life

Hello guys

I had my tennis lesson with the coach. I didn't really like it, I'll surely try another lesson with him but if I don't have a real better feeling I'll quit working with him.

Except that, nothing interesting to relate.

Light and Peace mates!
Hey guys!

Well, tonight was a real fail about the places I went out. Not many people, no girls to approach.

Nothing interesting to tell so.

Light and Peace guys!
Hello mates !

I deleted all the apps, 0 results from them I think my photos are just lame. I'll try to get some new ones and try another time

My training of the week has all been done so that's a good thing.

My goal to be laid before the 8th of July is failed but well that's not really important I'll keep on tracking the other ones.

Light and Peace mate !
Hello mates !

I deleted all the apps, 0 results from them I think my photos are just lame. I'll try to get some new ones and try another time

My training of the week has all been done so that's a good thing.

My goal to be laid before the 8th of July is failed but well that's not really important I'll keep on tracking the other ones.

Light and Peace mate !
Have you posted your profile here for feedback yet?

It would also help to see a few of your conversations with matches if you have any.
Have you posted your profile here for feedback yet?

It would also help to see a few of your conversations with matches if you have any.
I posted the photos, not the complete profile. I had some feedback from the bros mentioning small modifications but I think the photos themselves weren't good enough.

Unfortunately no conversations to show, I had 2 matches while I suspect one of them being a bot haha
I had 2 matches while I suspect one of them being a bot haha
Which apps were you using? Did you pay for the memberships?

If you were using Tinder did you use Boosts with the membership?

If you were using Hinge, how many girls did you send out a message to?
Which apps were you using? Did you pay for the memberships?

If you were using Tinder did you use Boosts with the membership?

If you were using Hinge, how many girls did you send out a message to?

I used Tinder, Fruitz, Bumble,and OkCupid. I used none of the paid options as I think that it's useless: if your profile is poor, paying options won't make things better. More than that, I suspect my account on the apps of the match group to be shadowbanned.

I have currently 37 likes on OkCupid but even using all the likes the app gives me without paying I have 0 matches. I know that OkCupid gives fake likes to force you to pay to see them, but 37 is a high number in my opinion to be only fake matches. Maybe I shall try the paid membership for one month to be sure they are scams or not ( I didn't delete OkC as I don't remember my password haha).

I didn't think about Hinge, maybe I shall give it a try.
Hey mates !

The promotion on OkCupid went off so bye the premium membership.

As it is now 1 year without having sex, it's time to take other actions. First of all I have to improve in day game. Approaching more women by day.

I also definitely need to stop to wait for my friends to go out or to go speak with girls when we're out. They don't have the same ambitions than me so I need to go for it on my own.

I'll tell you about this goal of increasing number of approaches.

Light on Peace on you mates!
Hey mates !

The promotion on OkCupid went off so bye the premium membership.

As it is now 1 year without having sex, it's time to take other actions. First of all I have to improve in day game. Approaching more women by day.

I also definitely need to stop to wait for my friends to go out or to go speak with girls when we're out. They don't have the same ambitions than me so I need to go for it on my own.

I'll tell you about this goal of increasing number of approaches.

Light on Peace on you mates!
And what is your concrete plan to do this?
About daygame : approaching at least one girl everytime I go out

Nightgame : going out on my own and approach as I used to. Approaching girls on my own even if my friends aren't eager to follow
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Hey guys!

Today I did one approach to a lady. The interaction was really short as we were biking and I talked to her when we stopped at a red light. She just nodded and continued her route.

Tomorrow is an interview at a cocktail bar, hope this will do ! I'll try again to approach at least one girl, and even more!

Light and Peace guys!
Hello !

I made 2 approaches today but no results despite the interactions were cool

The interview for the job was really cool, I should get an answer tomorrow. I'll keep you in touch.

Light and Peace mates!
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Hey mates !

It was difficult but I made an approach today.

As I was coming back home I refused to enter my home without making an approach, so I went to talk to a couple. I'm genuinely interested in relationships so I often ask people about their situations and stories when I work at the bar. That's what I did with them, it wasn't approaching a girl but it's still good work to be able to open up in any situation.

Tell me what you think!

Light and Peace :)
Sorry guys, I forgot to post yesterday!

Maybe because nothing special happened, I just went out to collect a package very quickly.

Today also nothing important, I had to work a lot this weekend to prepare a boot camp starting tomorrow.
I'll tell you about this, it's maybe an important milestone for my professional career!

Light and Peace guys!
Yo men !

1st day of boot camp today. It was truly amazing, every person that came enjoyed the project we're working on so it's a really good start.

I'm aiming to do 1 approach every day when I go out of my home. If I succeed for a whole week, it'll be 2 approaches a day and so on until I feel truly comfortable to approach in daygame. Did my approach today, even if the girl wasn't my type at all. The interaction was nice, all smiley and cool.

Tomorrow second day of the boot camp. Things we'll be even more interesting as we're entering the serious business of the project.

Light and Peace mates!
Hello guys!

Today I made a very quick approach. As I doubted the girl was underage so I didn't last in the interaction but once again the most important thing at this moment for me is to go and interact. I'll do my best to have good and interesting interactions but it's not the priority right now.

Light and Peace mates!
Hey guys !

I did an in-extremis approach today. I struggled to go for girls on my way back home and I had a meeting online so I couldn't stay long in the street. As I went to go home, a lady I had never seen took the elevator with me so I of course started talking with her. She was already taken and not my type anyway so nothing really entertaining. I count is a an approch even it wasn't in the streets (or is it just a joker for my streak? lmao) I still need to go for ladies that I like in order to do 'real approaches', which is the ultimate goal.

PS : I finish this message this morning as I noticed I didn't finish it yesterday haha.

Light and Peace guys !
Hello there!

I did my daily approach but it wasn't to a girl I like so no need to extend this.

What is more interesting is my philosophy regarding approaches. I need to change my paradigm. Most of the time I'm telling myself that I don't want to bother the lady. I'm forcing myself to change that by telling myself that I'm a positive value man and that she'll whatever have a good interaction with me even if nothing comes out of it, which happens every time I approach. I know that this will become a stronger reality by continuing daily approaches with this mentality. What do you guys think?

Light and Peace bros!
Hey there!

The streak is respected, I approached another couple. I'll make it for the whole week!

Light and Peace mates!