Paid Renegade's Log- Looksmaxxing updates

Been awhile. A few updates/things I've been working on:

How to stop Tinder/other apps from cropping you photos
Found a neat trick here, in the form of a free website that will add blurred borders around the edges of your photos. Allows you to upload images of any aspect ratio to your dating profile without having the app chop half of your body off (this happened to me a lot and was a minor pet peeve, as each app has a different aspect ratio that they like to use and some of them zoom in as well.)

Here's the website - Play around with it and see what works best. I set the blur to 50.

More photoshoots with girls
Have been seeing the same onlyfans girl from my last post as well as a couple others who messaged me interested in boudoir/nude shoots.
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(I have her permission to share these but I'm censoring anyway)

Basically I just list photography as a hobby in my bio and also put "bonus points if you'll model for me"

Physique update
Cut has gone well. Regained pre-injury strength and cut on about 2400 cals for 4 weeks
Received these messages today and not sure what to say without traumatizing the poor girl. Text chain pretty much explains it, went on one date last night at hotel she booked. This is not the norm but has happened before esp with Asian girls for whatever reason.

Also this is why I do not like girls to know where I live

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Rip the bandaid - there is no way to end that without her taking a huge emotional hit.
People like this have created a narrative fantasy of what they want prior to meeting you, and as long as you do nothing that breaks the possibility of it they will try to force you into the role of the male lead in their story.

You're absolutely right, she can't love you, you just met. When you pointed that out, her reply is basically "shut the fuck up, you're ruining my fantasy asshole". They get majorly distressed then very angry when the fantasy falls apart, which it will, because its not fucking real. You're a real person with strengths and flaws, of which she knows little.

95% you should just end and be kind, kindness costs nothing. I might consider not ending it if she is very very inexperienced and/or young. Ignorance and inexperience can be solved, but if they're past that point it just means they're actively delusional.
She's crazy. Be as nice as possible. Don't say anything that could possibly be interpreted as mean or asshole-ish. Screenshot everything just in case.

You can also just lie and tell her you met another girl and you're going to pursue a relationship with her. I do that sometimes because it's the only language girls like this understand. They will have hope and cope if you say anything other than that.
Yeah I broke it off, still not taking no for an answer so just blocking her.

Young and inexperienced yes but like Holden said there’s definitely some shit going on there. I was hoping for a gentle way to help her snap out of it but I couldn’t think of anything else either
woahhh yeah

sending a firm but gentle 'lets end it here' text and then cutting off contact is 100% what i'd do in your sitch too
Yeah she's definitely crazy, who the fuck says "I love you" on a first date?
Squilliam said:
Yeah she's definitely crazy, who the fuck says "I love you" on a first date?

You’d be surprised how often this happens if she thinks you’re the absolute man
Oh dam shes the opposite crazy of the last girl that I got with. How old was she btw? Might've been possible bpd.
Looksmaxxing Updates

Has been a minute. I have been reading peoples’ threads and there’s been a lot of interesting stuff that I wanted to comment on but I told myself that the next post I make would actually be some sort of update/accountability post to my log. So here goes

Looksmaxxing is at the front of mind right now. To that end there’s a few things I’ve been making progress on and some experiments I’ve tried since my last post that I can share here –

Style – Ripped jeans, tailored shirts, new accessories
I feel like I could use some more rockstar edge in my look. I have sort of a baby face, girls always tell me I look young and I do think I look slightly vanilla. Aside from tattoos (which are coming down the line and I’m already saving for), I had the idea to try out some ripped/knee slash jeans. Rather than buy them I tried making my own, using Levis 512’s which I know fit me well. This is how my first stab at it turned out.
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The grey shirt above is another experiment that I did, taking a plain t shirt to the tailor and having it fitted to my physique. I forgot to take a picture of the shirt before altering – it was a little long and slightly loose but overall good quality and the shoulder seams hit right so I figured it’d be a good candidate to try altering vs. buying a dozen more t shirts and hoping that one would fit just right off the rack. It took a couple of tries and it’s still not 100% I think (could be slightly longer), but the goal here is to have my measurements dialed in so that I can take any old t shirt I buy (as long as it’s good quality) and take it to the tailor to have it fit just how I like. My t shirts tend to last a couple years so it’s worth it to me.

Slim fitted t shirt on a good physique is like a superpower. I love walking into a room and getting compliments.

Ordered this black beaded bracelet off of I like it. Was looking for ideas on more accessories by scouring through Andy’s tinder photo examples. I tried a white one as well but ended up returning it.

Other looksmaxxing updates:

I’ve been mewing like a madman (sort of). Reason why is that I did a bunch of research and came to the conclusion that yes, our facial bones are malleable and there were enough examples of adults gaining improvements that it reaffirmed my commitment. I’ve been sort of mewing for like 8 years now (and looking back at pictures there’s been a positive difference) but going forward I am being more disciplined, holding myself to daily habits such as constant “firm” mewing and sleeping on my side without a pillow to encourage proper oral posture at night. If anyone gives a fuck I can elaborate.

Gym-wise, I’ve added 5 reps to my incline bench press, 2 reps to my triceps press, and I plan to add 1 excruciating rep to my Bulgarian split squats this week. That’ll be bodyweight plus 2 90lb dumbells for 8 reps. I am trying to put on bodyweight and have been mostly successful but each time I go out at night on a date or whatever I end up coming short on calories and having to stuff myself with food the next day to compensate. Up to 176.5lbs, goal of 177 by the end of next week.


Have slowly added to the dividend investing portfolio, which due to the stock market coming back is sitting right at $164k right now and spinning off $600 per month in dividends as of today (that’s the average, I’m getting $1000 in dividends for December which is cool because the ecommerce business is kind of slow right now). I’ve just set a tentative goal of getting that to least $700 per month by the end of next year.

I also raised the price on a digital service (related to landscape design) that I’m offering through my ecommerce shop from $200 to $300. Raised it just this last week and had a buyer purchase. I don’t necessarily see myself doing this long term but I like that it is completely location independent unlike most of what I sell.
Paid Renegade said:
If anyone gives a fuck I can elaborate.
Yeah be cool to hear about your daily habits

I’m researching mewing but more over correct face development for breathing. Macs post in the looksmaxx thread was the spark. Did you ever use any oral setting devices?
Paid Renegade said:
F10A8338 copy 3.jpg
The grey shirt above is another experiment that I did, taking a plain t shirt to the tailor and having it fitted to my physique. I forgot to take a picture of the shirt before altering – it was a little long and slightly loose but overall good quality and the shoulder seams hit right so I figured it’d be a good candidate to try altering vs. buying a dozen more t shirts and hoping that one would fit just right off the rack. It took a couple of tries and it’s still not 100% I think (could be slightly longer), but the goal here is to have my measurements dialed in so that I can take any old t shirt I buy (as long as it’s good quality) and take it to the tailor to have it fit just how I like. My t shirts tend to last a couple years so it’s worth it to me.

That's an excellent idea. I found that fits me almost perfectly, but I should see if I can dial it in more. I apparently have the cheapest tailors in NYC in my neighborhood, too. How much did this cost you per shirt, and did you have yourself measured there?

(also, you may have answered this before, but which brand of shirt is the white one in your profile photo?)
Adrizzle said:
Yeah be cool to hear about your daily habits

I’m researching mewing but more over correct face development for breathing. Macs post in the looksmaxx thread was the spark. Did you ever use any oral setting devices?
Yeah I actually do have a list of daily habits – always evolving. Some of these might seem a bit odd but they are specific to my priorities/vices

1. Mewing
>5+ hours firm mewing (includes firm chewing) – obviously this is an estimate and the more time spent mewing the better.
>5 minutes mealtime exercise (no multitask)
>15 minutes standing tall (chin-tuck exercise against a wall)
>5 minutes HARD tongue press (no multitask)
>no screens at breakfast

2. Stick to my diet plan as-written

3. Physique: set a goal each month and hit it (best shape yet)

4. Photography
>Take photos of yourself (selfie + non selfie) & practice posing
>30+ minutes editing practice
>Take 500 photos per week (using a reference photo from the tinder guide)

5. 20/60 minutes researching predefined looksmaxxing topic (except day trips/rare occasions)
(20 minutes on work days, 60m on off days)

6. Work hours: T,Th,S,Sun 11-6, except on trips or special occasions. No dating apps during work hours.

7. No picking at acne (always struggled with this one)

8. Invest $8+ per day [auto]

9. Add $2+ per day to hardmaxxing fund [auto]

$15 penalty for fucking up

108 days without failure so far

365 project: 246 (45 minutes investing research per day)

As far as mewing specifically, no I never used a device of any sort. I wear a bite guard at night and had to switch over to a flexible one to allow my dental arch to widen naturally. If you have enough room on your upper palate then your tongue is all you need, it just takes discipline like with working out.

Breathing and aesthetics are intrinsically linked with mewing, gaining improvement in one area will positively affect the other. I could not breathe well through my nose as a teenager, it is a non issue now so I am primarily concerned with aesthetic improvements at this point.

I might as well mention that I started work on a looksmaxxing site a little over a week ago, 4 articles up and one of them is about proof of mewing’s efficacy for adults. The website isn’t polished enough to share around but if you would like to check it out send me a PM and I can link you the article. Basically a brief compilation of the research that sold me on mewing. Soon there will be a guide up there about how to mew, with more detail on my specific routine.

pancakemouse said:
That's an excellent idea. I found that fits me almost perfectly, but I should see if I can dial it in more. I apparently have the cheapest tailors in NYC in my neighborhood, too. How much did this cost you per shirt, and did you have yourself measured there?

(also, you may have answered this before, but which brand of shirt is the white one in your profile photo?)
The white shirt is from Zara . Same one that Radical recommends

The guy did my alteration for about 40 bucks, I had basically everything altered though and you might not need as much done. I think all you really need is to know your ideal sleeve width along with the torso width at armpit, mid-torso, and hem. That’ll slim the shirt up so there’s no excess fabric. Easiest way is to pull these measurements off of a shirt that fits just right (I used the Zara shirt – shame they don’t make one in heather grey) and tell the tailor to copy those measurements onto the new shirt. Or they can just measure you at the shop. I’ll be playing around with this more and will post a more detailed guide on the website I am working on.
Paid Renegade thanks for the post man very informative. (Mods MakingAComeback this should be stickied somewhere for new guys and for dudes who don’t understand the work needed (me))

I’ll do some of my own researching about mewing and get a professional to assess me. I understand tongue posture but it feels like the back of my tongue never makes contact with my upper palette. I have a family history of sinus issues. I wake up every morning with a clogged nose, I believe I usually mouth breath when sleeping. Day time I’m good, interestingly at the gym I automatically nose breath and especially riding, mouth breathing with a motorcycle helmet on fogs up the visor.

Thanks again for the post!
Great work bros.

As a mewwer of several years, who consulted with Dr Mike Mew himself, I am glad to see you guys doing this amazing work!

We have a LooksMaxxing thread, and I would welcome contributions to it.

I am also going to hardmaxx myself.


Adrizzle a mewwing routine, is very individual, and requires a dude to really take their posture and breathing seriously, alongside oral posture. I've done this, daily, since the jump, and have invested about 12 grand into it. It's quite a long game tbh, and there's a bunch to learn. But I welcome this discussion, and I will say, we can produce some technical guides and add them to the sticky

I can review the guide, and am happy to include it in the OP of the sticky, along with Pancake's post
