Paid Renegade's Log- Looksmaxxing updates

Paid Renegade said:
@MILFandCookies yeah sorry for the confusion man, I’m not taking 1 photo every 10 seconds. The 10 second delay is just to get into position before the camera starts firing on burst. Then it continues firing for a set length of time and takes several photos per second for a total of about 30-40 shots. (You can adjust all these parameters with the remote. I just like setting the delay personally)

The remote is basically just holding down the shutter without me having to keep my hand on it. I bought this remote so I wouldn’t have to keep holding it while I’m walking at the camera:

I did see the remote you linked but steered away from it because it appears you have to keep pressing it. If that’s what I gotta do though then I can try it

Ah gotcha... The description says you can push the botton on your remote halfway to focus - it has that feature.

Try this:
•Find out how to half-press to focus.
•Turn the articulating screen towards you so you can see it.
•Scrap the 10-sec timer. No need for it, just set the # of photos to 60 and use the first few to get into position.
•Half-press, making sure you see a square around your face, meaning the camera has detected it and is focusing on it.
•Then full press, starting the 60-photo burst. Get into position and voilà you should have 60 in-focus shots.

Let us know how it works!
Week Update

Hit incline bench twice, didn’t put any more weight on the bar this week. Felt lighter though last workout, and I think we’re on a good track. Body weight up to 175.5lbs, am increase from last week. Again I’d like to get 240lbsx8 reps by the end of the month. Currently at 6.

Added $365 to the portfolio.
Added a new product to my ecom shop.

Played around with chatgpt for the first time. Pretty dang impressive. Mostly throwing business related questions at it, including looking for business/url names related to certain products or services. Liked one of the suggestions so much I ended up registering a new url.

Went flying on Saturday and tried to grab some pics. Not sure if something like this would be good to throw on Tinder, at the end of the lineup

Also MILFandCookies thanks again for the tips - I was able to figure out how to pre-focus with the remote control I have for my camera. You still have to keep holding the button down to shoot unfortunately but it’s a good function to have
Hell yeah! I'm glad you figured it out. It's not a big deal to have to have the remote in your hand. You'll find ways of hiding it I'm sure.
Week update

Increased incline bench to 240x7 on Monday and then to 240x8 on Friday. Doing 10 heavy sets per week is really working. Funny how I can be stuck at the same level for a couple weeks and then BAM.

(Minor detail; also added 1 rep to rear delt flyes.)

Anyway that’s my strength goal for February completed, Also got my body weight up to 176, slightly higher than last week. Still targeting 180 by the end of March. And I’ll keep hammering incline bench - will increase the weight by 5lbs next week.

I’m definitely gaining some fat too and losing a little definition but I still feel good about the way I look, especially in a t shirt. Actually getting more compliments than usual from strangers when im out and about. And no complaints from any girls yet. By the time I get to 180 though that will probably be pushing things and I’ll be ready for a cut. Going to be shredded by summer and bigger than I’ve ever been.

Mewing - Jawliner review

I’ve been using the Jawliner (jaw muscle exerciser) every other day for a couple of weeks now and am liking it. Im used to chewing hard food and gum but after 5 minutes of this I feel completely fried.

No jaw joint pain either. Im using the 2nd highest resistance model they sell. I like that it works the masseters super hard without engaging cheeks (buccinators). Am even considering ditching my tough chewing gum.

Dating stuff

I noticed this last week on Valentines a massive surge in activity on the apps. Like girls responding in seconds and way more messages than usual. This is my first time using dating apps through February so that was interesting and I assume it’s a normal occurrence?

I’m actually less active than normal on the apps right now but planning to step it up here. I got banned from hinge and fb awhile back. I deleted tinder recently to incentivize myself to get out and take more pics. Just on bumble and CMB at the moment. I told myself that when I was able to improve my profile by adding a new pic, I’d get a new phone and re download all the apps and maybe even sign up for the paid Tinder membership to see what happens. Have only used the free version til now

Anyway I believe I’ve done it. Still testing on photofeeler but looks like I’ve improved the look of my profile. This was a secondary goal for 2023, to upgrade my profile with a new pic. I’ll still be working on getting better looking and taking more pics throughout the year but once I officially check this box it means I can fully shift my focus over to my #1 goal (investing)

Investing -

Added 600 to the portfolio this week. 4 out of 20k added for the year.

365 project -

This is something I started before joining this forum and never mentioned til now.

Inspired by Andy I set out to take a picture of myself everyday (no selfies) and spend 30 minutes each day learning to edit with photoshop.

I’m on day 363 today.

It’s paid off and I consider it a major contributor to my success with online dating in 2022.

But now I’m thinking about what’s next. I want my next 365 project to be geared towards making money/investing.

After mulling it over I have a couple of ideas and am open to suggestions. One idea is to spend at least 30 minutes each day researching and learning about investing. I control a pretty sizable amount of money ($136k) so this time spent researching could be well worth my while if it results in me getting better returns in the market.

Another idea, and the one I’m leaning towards right now, is to do one thing every single day that may increase my income on its own. As in, even if I just did this one thing, it has the potential to increase my income going forward regardless of whether I lose my motivation.

This is the kind of mindset that worked for me when I was building my e-commerce business back in 2019-2020, but at that time I was doing one thing per week instead of one thing per day. (Usually adding a new product listing)

Some examples of such actions -

Publishing a monetized website

Publishing a monetized article on a website/blog

Adding to or improving an article

Publishing a new photo promoting a product

Improving marketing photography

Adding a new product

Posting in a forum/community in such a way that may result in recurring business traffic

Improve the value proposition of a product

I’ve got a couple business ideas that I could focus on if going this second route, rather than putting all my eggs into one basket. One idea is for a completely new website and the other would be related to my current successful business.

These are just some ideas. Would be interested to hear any thoughts from anyone who’s done a 365 project focused on making money.
End of week update -

245x5 incline press (PR)
Weighed in at 177 on Friday and 179 as of today. Therefore exceeded my goal of hitting 177.5 by the end of of February. Next month will aim to reach at least 181lbs before beginning my cut for the summer

Added $1,000 to the portfolio
(5k added for the year so far)
Am now receiving over $500 per month in dividend income which is cool.

Also added a new product to my ecom shop and listed several domain names for sale on eBay and Sedo.

Added a new pic to my profile. That checks off one of my goals for 2023

365 project-
Still contemplating the next one. Am now leaning towards doing 45 minutes or more of investing research daily.

“Tanning” research-
This was my main looks maxing goal for February, to come up with a plan for looking more tan without just sun bathing and accelerating aging. I’m looking heavily into trying melanotan but need to do more research before I feel comfortable jabbing myself with that. In the meantime I’m going to try using a fake tan while I continue doing my research. (If the fake tan gives me an aesthetically pleasing result and isn’t too much of a pain in the ass then that would be great)

Funny thing is I tan extremely quick for a white guy but due to a)living in the Pacific Northwest and b)wearing sunblock daily to protect my skin, I don’t have as much color as I’d like
Week update-

Physique/progressive overload -

Hit 245x6 incline press. Goal for March will be 8 reps.
Added 1 rep to side lateral raise.
Broke my weight bench (lol). Cracked it while doing triceps extensions.

Body weight fell to 177lbs, mainly as a result of going on more date nights this week and neglecting to follow my own meal plan on those nights. To gain weight I really have to force the food and calories in every couple of hours. I weighed myself the following morning after going out one night and I’d lost 4 lbs from the day before. Ate a whole pizza the next day and managed to gain some of the weight back.

Other looks-maxing -
Ordered some sunless tan lotion to try out while I’m researching melanotan. This stuff is supposed to be extra dark so will be interesting to see how it goes. I’ve got no experience with sunless tanning 🤞

Picked out some great looking shorts with help from Radical

Also seeing some results from consistent Jawliner use.

Investing -

Added $500 to the portfolio. That’s 6k added so far this year, including dividends.

Totaling up tax deductions for my CPA. Should get a fat refund from the IRS this year.

Other stuff -

Finally getting a new phone to do a hard reset (banned from FB and Hinge)

Bought the Xaiomi Redmi 9A smartphone (thanks Hedon) and new SIM card for under $100 combined. Will post an update on how this works out.


Recently fooled around with a fwb and her friend, through no initiative of my own -
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But this got me thinking that it would be fun to introduce some of the girls I sleep with to eachother and see how that goes. I’d say at least half of the girls I sleep with are bi or at least bi-curious

So this week I offered to introduce 2 girls ive slept with (who live next to eachother ) and they are both into it. Could be fun as long as we're all free
Paid Renegade said:
“Tanning” research-
This was my main looks maxing goal for February, to come up with a plan for looking more tan without just sun bathing and accelerating aging. I’m looking heavily into trying melanotan but need to do more research before I feel comfortable jabbing myself with that. In the meantime I’m going to try using a fake tan while I continue doing my research. (If the fake tan gives me an aesthetically pleasing result and isn’t too much of a pain in the ass then that would be great)

Funny thing is I tan extremely quick for a white guy but due to a)living in the Pacific Northwest and b)wearing sunblock daily to protect my skin, I don’t have as much color as I’d like

If it means anything, I went down the same research journey you did with melanotan and ended up pulling the trigger. Very happy with it and didn't have any side effects.
Manly Cockfellow Ikr. Both a blessing and a curse. Can only imagine it’d be even more work if I was your height

And thanks! I’ve read a handful of your posts, looks like you’re absolutely killing it

Yeah man that actually does mean a lot. Now I know at least radical, moreplatesmoredates, and yourself have all had good experiences with it.

One thing I’ve noticed though is that even guys who do really well with MT2 seem to take it for awhile and then cycle off rather than doing the once weekly maintenance doses indefinitely. Are you in that same camp?
Yeah, I've just done two short cycles. The color lasts for a long time, so I didn't feel like I needed to stay on.

I also used way less than was recommended: started at 50mcg and worked up to 125.
End of week update


Up to 245x7 incline press

Bodyweight up to 178.5 (still bulking)


Added $500 to portfolio, purchased SCHD & UNP.

Dividend income now approx $507.50 per month.

Started new 365 project (this is day 1) - 45 minutes or more of investing research daily.

Other looksmaxing (tanning research)-

Tried using a sunless tanning lotion (just applied to one arm to test it out). Pretty dark. Goes on clear and develops over 8 hours. I didn’t follow all recommended steps such as exfoliating and applying an oil to skin, but still able to get an idea of the effect you can achieve. Nice to have a potential option aside from Melanotan. Will be interesting to see if the tan lasts a full week.

Continued melanotan 2 research this week. I’m examining all potential side effects. This week my focus was on the supposed libido boosting effects of MT2 and any dependency issues that might cause down the line, as well as the possible increased risk of melanoma associated with MT2 use.

Attached research notes below in case anyone’s interested. This isn’t a recommendation for or against MT2

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To summarize my view so far, neither of these side effects are concerning. I’ve got a lot more research to do though. Next I’m looking at potential darkening of hair, eyes, lips, freckles, and moles. I’m also a little concerned about potential scarring (lipohypertrophy) from repeated injections into the abdomen.

I WANT to use use melanotan 2, so I’m a little biased here. I just want to make sure I do my due diligence first.

Lastly, set up my new burner phone and created a new Facebook and Hinge profile today using it. (Hard reset). For Facebook dating you need to have a profile in good standing that’s at least 30 days old, so it’ll be awhile before I know if I’ve successfully fooled Facebook. For Hinge I’ll know this week if I was successful.

Used all new photos, phone #, email, different Wi-Fi, etc.
End of week update -


I ended up taking the week off from training. Was actually pretty sick all week and on top of that I realized I hadn’t taken a week off in a loong time (I used to program them in every 8 weeks or so) and this was also a good time to do it in my training cycle.

Body weight up to 179.5. Was probably easier to gain weight since I wasn’t lifting this week.

Still targeting 181 by the end of the month and then I’ll cut. Am def ready for that. Have gained a noticeable bit of fat but importantly the lifts have gone up, which I’ll maintain when I cut.

Other looks -

This week I continued researching melanotan 2 (made some good progress) and used a self tanning lotion all over my upper body and face for the first time. Mixed feelings on that but overall probably won’t repeat. Worth a shot tho

Things I liked -

It looked pretty decent on my body I feel like. I have some KP/acne scars which I feel like they were a little less noticeable with the tan. And of course having some color makes your muscles look better

The color did last a full week for me before I have to reapply so that’s cool (applying was a bit of a pain)

Things I didn’t like -

I ended up with some streaking where I had to wash my hands and I also stained the fuck out of my palms despite washing them off after applying the lotion. The coverage of the tanning lotion on my arms also isn’t totally even, which is more noticeable in certain light.

Stained my sheets too. It’s weird because the lotion comes out clear and then is supposed to develop over like 8 hours but in this case my bed sheets looked fine the next day and only turned orange like 3 days later 🤷‍♂️

Most importantly I don’t like the way it looks on my face. Not like the glow you get from a legit tan, this looks more like your skin is just stained and kind of dirty looking. This is even after I diluted it with moisturizer before applying to my face.

I was ready to get called out and definitely cringed a few times when I caught my reflection in the mirror but no one ever said anything lol. Maybe they were just being nice.

Apps/hard reset -

New hinge profile is getting likes. So far so good. This is all with new pics though, taken after I was banned. Next thing I’d like to do is edit my preferred pics (remove metadata, liquify, etc.) that I was using before and see if I can get away with that.

Also, quick question for those of you that have done a hard reset before-

I get that when you first sign up, you should do it through a different Wi-Fi. Thing is, I’ve only been using hinge when I’m NOT connected to my Wi-Fi just to play it safe for now, even though I’ve already created my account. My question is if anyone can verify that it’s fine to log back into your old Wi-Fi after you’ve already successfully created your new dating profile. Haven’t seen this clarified elsewhere.


Added $650 this week to the portfolio. Now at 7/20k added for the year.

365 project (45 minutes of daily investing research) is going well and because of this I’ve been following recent stock market events more closely.

On Tuesday I bought some banks/financials that I believe were oversold due to panic resulting from the svb collapse.

I put a little over 10k into the following:
Bank of America
American Express
Morgan Stanley
Fifth Third Bank

These will be long term holds if necessary (I’m comfortable owning all of them and they pay dividends) and if share prices drop significantly then I’ll probably pick up more

That’s all for now
End of week update-

245x8 incline press, goal achieved
Added a rep to side laterals
Bodyweight at 181.1 lbs as of this morning. Bulking goal achieved.

Other looksmaxing-
After more than a month of research I’ve decided to run an experiment with melanotan 2. Will be taking before/after pics

Dating apps -
Added my preferred pics (the ones I was using when I got banned) to my new hinge. Still not banned and getting a bunch of likes. Next step will be to see if I can use it from my wi-fi and still not get banned


Added $615 to the portfolio. Now at exactly 8k out of 20k added for the year
End of week update -

Switched over to cut (2500 calories)
Bodyweight: 177.5 (down 3.5lbs)
Feels so fucking good not force-feeding myself for the first time in months. Makes going out on dates much easier too

Other looksmaxing:
Ordered all supplies for Melanotan 2 experiment.

Added $500 to the portfolio
Playing around with Midjourney and trying to potentially come up with some marketing photos for ecom shop.

Hard reset:
New hinge profile is holding strong. In case anyone else was wondering, I can confirm that you CAN access your new dating profile on your old Wi-Fi without getting banned, at least if you sign up using different Wi-Fi or no Wi-Fi at all.

Tripped solo this week (low dose shrooms).

I haven’t been doing this very often, but it’s unreal how literally every single time I do I come away with something amazing. My ability to think through problems for example feels 100x clearer.

Some of the benefits I’ve had in recent months which are 100% attributed to shrooms:

(Each of these came from a different trip)

Adopted a new product which has been a top seller, and delivers real value

Dumped a girl who was a bad influence and was wrong for me even though the sex was amazing

Cutting down dramatically on distractions and unhealthy screen time

Belief in God (as in, I know this to be true and there’s no doubt in my mind). This is worth everything to me. Won’t expand on this one further unless anyone asks but it is probably something that can only be experienced anyway.

Ability to think through business and life decisions with much more clarity. (While high)

This is not a recommendation for anyone, just sharing my experience. I spent some time reading up on the science involved here and in layman’s terms it basically has to do with strengthened neural connections.
End of week update 4/9-

Unfortunately have developed some sort of (seemingly) mild injury in my right shoulder which limited my ability to work out this week, especially with chin ups and back work. Likely rotator cuff related but not sure. Since I’m limited in my lifting at the moment I’m pausing the cut and bumping up the cals a bit to stave off muscle loss. Bummer. Also starting to do some rotator cuff work for the right shoulder going forward (was already doing this for the left side as I had an injury there before)

Hopefully will be able to ease back into it this week. As of Friday I’m down to 175 lbs after following 2500 calories (down 6lbs in 2 weeks)

Still waiting on syringes to show up so I can try melanotan. However we’ve had nothing but clouds and rain here lately which is no bueno since you want to combine MT2 with uv exposure. So may need to wait at least a week or 2 to start.


Added $475 to the portfolio, 9k added so far this year in total. Almost halfway to my goal.

I’m selling out of 2 oil stocks (chevron and bp) which I’ll be closing at approximately 100% profit. Going to move the proceeds into schd which currently has a dividend yield approximately equal to the oil stocks and a much faster growth rate. Also cvx and bp are yielding well below their 5 year averages while schd is yielding well above. No brainer in my humble opinion.

Still doing 45 minutes of investing research daily. Considering getting a kindle and downloading a bunch of investing books to try and learn them intimately.

Upgrading my style-
New jeans on the way, light grey wash. Ordered a new accessory from Daniel Mason (awesome brand for men), a silver cuff with a rough finish. Looks pretty cool but I’ve never worn a bracelet before so may take some getting used to.

And happy Easter everyone! Best online community I’ve found yet.
End of week update - 4/15

Still working around the shoulder injury. Maintaining bodyweight and carefully doing rotator cuff work every other day. Really want to get back into it and resume this cut. It’s easy to forget just how cathartic weightlifting is for me and I already miss pushing myself hard in the gym.

Deposited $500 this week
My oil company trades resulted in a profit of almost $2k. So now in total we’re at more than $11k added this year. Getting there

Has anyone ever gotten around a Facebook dating ban?

After getting banned from Facebook dating and hinge awhile back, I decided to buy a new phone+sim and do a hard reset. It worked on hinge, but not on Facebook. I did the following:

New phone: Xiaomi redmi 9
New SIM card & number
Did NOT sign up from the same Wi-Fi
Different photos

This is all I had to do to rejoin hinge. In the case of Facebook there’s a couple other considerations since you have to create a whole new Facebook account.

New email address
Altered my name
Waited 30 days for my new profile to be eligible for dating, as per Facebook’s guidelines.

I also made sure to actually use the new profile here and there while I was waiting. Liked some posts, added (different) friends, etc.

Based on Facebook’s info I should be eligible for dating, but no luck. It’s been more than 30 days since I made my new Facebook profile and when I try to sign up for dating I get the message “dating is unavailable”.

So must be one of 2 things:

1. Either they somehow linked my new profile to the banned one, which I haven’t the foggiest how they would have done that.
2. I’m missing something else and there’s another reason my profile isn’t being approved (but based on Facebook’s very limited info on their website I should be eligible)

Has anyone else been banned from fb dating and successfully made a new profile?

(Or if anyone’s got an idea of what could possibly be going on, please share)

It was actually one of the better apps I used in terms of how many messages I would get on it, and if at all possible I’d like to get back online. Hopefully someone smarter than me knows what’s up!
End of week update 4/23-

Spent plenty of time reading on the subject of investing. I’m midway into “The Intelligent Investor” by Ben Graham and finished listening to “The Little Book that Still Beats the Market” on Audible.

Cutting out bullshit in the form of social media (YouTube). Has been a big time/attention waster for me, particularly when I’m on there solely for entertainment which I tend to do a lot. I’d rather replace with reading or listening to an audiobook.

Added a new digital product to my ecom shop. Added $300 to my investment portfolio ($12k total this year).

Still attempting to navigate my shoulder injury. I believe it is a simple case of impingement, probably bursitis. No fun being unable to train fully but I am trying to be nicer to myself and take some time to heal up.

Despite the recent weight gain and lack of training I’m still holding it together though and haven’t experienced any negative dating impact.

I’m about 8-10 lbs above my ideal “beach weight” and look forward to cutting as soon as my shoulder is feeling better.

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^Meeting this girl tonight, met 2 new girls this week and chilled with 1 fwb, asian chick who I’ve been doing without a condom since she’s fixed. Had to bail on another fwb I made plans with too, we talked about watching lord of the rings while tripping on shrooms and using her new vibrator she bought. Rescheduled to this week

Also I thought this was funny and wanted to post. Love getting dirty openers from girls now and then

Paid Renegade said:
End of week update 4/23-

Spent plenty of time reading on the subject of investing. I’m midway into “The Intelligent Investor” by Ben Graham and finished listening to “The Little Book that Still Beats the Market” on Audible.

Cutting out bullshit in the form of social media (YouTube). Has been a big time/attention waster for me, particularly when I’m on there solely for entertainment which I tend to do a lot. I’d rather replace with reading or listening to an audiobook.

Added a new digital product to my ecom shop. Added $300 to my investment portfolio ($12k total this year).

Still attempting to navigate my shoulder injury. I believe it is a simple case of impingement, probably bursitis. No fun being unable to train fully but I am trying to be nicer to myself and take some time to heal up.

Despite the recent weight gain and lack of training I’m still holding it together though and haven’t experienced any negative dating impact.

I’m about 8-10 lbs above my ideal “beach weight” and look forward to cutting as soon as my shoulder is feeling better.


^Meeting this girl tonight, met 2 new girls this week and chilled with 1 fwb, asian chick who I’ve been doing without a condom since she’s fixed. Had to bail on another fwb I made plans with too, we talked about watching lord of the rings while tripping on shrooms and using her new vibrator she bought. Rescheduled to this week

Also I thought this was funny and wanted to post. Love getting dirty openers from girls now and then


This is goals right here.

Keep crushing it, brother.
End of week update 4/30

New digital product has sold multiple copies this week, as did my other digital products. These make up a relatively small part of my business income but are totally passive and represent a potentially promising area to expand into. My most recent digital product (pdf format) also links to a more pricey physical product in my shop which is necessary to get best results. (And this appears to have worked)

Still, overall business income has been lower as of late. Only added $350 to my investment portfolio this week.

Am still reading “The Intelligent Investor” by Ben Graham. I’m on chapter 7. It’s a dense book to work through but packed full of great info. I also listened to “One up on Wallstreet” by Peter Lynch on Audible this week.


I finally started Melanotan 2 this week with my first injection (first time ever shooting anything into myself, felt kind of weird)

Our weather seems to have finally warmed up and the sun is peeking out so I decided to go for it on Friday. Took the injection and spent 20-30 minutes out in the sun.

I chose to start with an extremely small dose to assess - about 50 micrograms. This is in line with Dereks/more plates more dates recommended approach.

I got a very slight headache (but could’ve been from sitting out in the sun) and some barely perceptible nausea. By far the most noticeable side effect was flushing. My face got super red for about 90 minutes. Didn’t feel like talking to anyone or showing my face for a little bit lol.

Overall not bad and apparently the flushing tends to go away with repeated use. Taking the MT2 directly before bed is also a potential option.

I plan to take on Monday Wednesday Friday 3x per week, increasing the dose by 25mcg per week as long as I feel it’s appropriate and I’m not getting bothered too much by side effects.

Plan to post pics here eventually as my tan develops.