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Picture Feedback Megathread

Radical said:
Also tell your dad that youre an adult and to fuck off (politely)

This ^

I paid $2,000 to Tai Lopez' Social Media Marketing Agency a while ago, when I was 24. My dad saw the transaction, called them up, and made them refund me, because he thought I was being scammed. The program was good, but I didn't end up making a dime from it - but it was my mistake to make, not his.

I chewed him the fuck out, changed my password, and told him I need to make my own decisions - even if they end up being mistakes.

That was the first and last time he crossed that boundary.

The only way you'll learn to manage your money well is to be able to make your own financial decisions - and face the consequences for them, good and bad.

Change your bank login password, and if you live with your parents, move out. Independence is HUGE for life-maxxing and getting girls. Much higher impact than fashion or getting better dating profile photos. Personally I'd made this the #1 priority, then sort out your dating profile and fashion.
MILFandCookies said:
kratjeuh said:
Background blur necessary or nah?

Just added some simulated lens blur.

You're welcome ;)


How do you do this btw?

I’m very curious to learn more about editing and maybe even photography in the future.
What are some of the better free apps to practice on?
kratjeuh said:
MILFandCookies said:
Just added some simulated lens blur.

You're welcome ;)


How do you do this btw?

I’m very curious to learn more about editing and maybe even photography in the future.
What are some of the better free apps to practice on?


It's a beta feature in lightroom. Takes some skill to make it look perfect. Lightroom automatically gets it 90-95% right, but I have to clear up edges here and there, and knowing how to do that to make it look realistic takes a bit of know-how.

Otherwise it looks like phone portrait mode where edges are too sharp, or blurry when it's not supposed to be, or a backpack strap is half-blurry and half-sharp... etc. for a few examples of the issues with the tool.

But with some know-how and practice you can get perfect realistic lens blur.

As for free programs that do this, none that I know of that can end up with a perfect result... others do a good job but tend to mess up some edges here and there, especially hair and straps, and personally I think lens blur is something you need to be perfect to use on dating apps - otherwise it looks fake and takes away from the photo.
MILFandCookies said:
It's a beta feature in lightroom

Oh this is dope. I've always used photoshop so you can gradient a blur to replicate that of a lens. Otherwise you get those harsh edges as you mentioned. I'll have to give this a spin next time I do some photos.
kratjeuh said:
GN44 said:
Are you thinking of adding this pic to your tinder? If so imo I think it doesn't stand out much, tons of dudes have photos like that and ig it doesn't give off the "bad boy" flair.

It’s definitely a damn solid pic and will be used as my primary pic for a insta post.
I’m considering using it for tinder as well, I’ll at least give it a run for it’s money.

Every guy has pics like this

No, a lot of guys have a travel pic and it’s terrible. Face barely visible, that weird arms out pose, cringe facial expression, …

It comes down to look hot and interesting, you don’t have to do a weird hobby that nobody does just to stand out.

It doesn’t look fuckboy enough

Doesn’t have to. As long as your profile shows that you’re a comfortable sexy man, then you show the correct message.

Cheeky confident smirk, good clothes for the situation, looking very good —> that’s also sexy. You don’t necessarily have to wear a leather jacket or 4 rings to be considered sexy

Yeah many of their travel pics look terrible, also in part due to bad lighting. I guess that makes sense. Even in my case its hard to look like a fuckboy while cooking since usually thats just something I do for fun, I don't cook just to impress women (although it can be a plus).

Last part is good knowledge, the jacket in my pfp I want to get a more "comfy" look with it that still looks good, so that is a work in progress. I could get a good pic and then I could get it on my profile
MILFandCookies said:
Radical said:
Also tell your dad that youre an adult and to fuck off (politely)

This ^

I paid $2,000 to Tai Lopez' Social Media Marketing Agency a while ago, when I was 24. My dad saw the transaction, called them up, and made them refund me, because he thought I was being scammed. The program was good, but I didn't end up making a dime from it - but it was my mistake to make, not his.

I chewed him the fuck out, changed my password, and told him I need to make my own decisions - even if they end up being mistakes.

That was the first and last time he crossed that boundary.

The only way you'll learn to manage your money well is to be able to make your own financial decisions - and face the consequences for them, good and bad.

Change your bank login password, and if you live with your parents, move out. Independence is HUGE for life-maxxing and getting girls. Much higher impact than fashion or getting better dating profile photos. Personally I'd made this the #1 priority, then sort out your dating profile and fashion.

At this point any financial transaction private to me happens in Paypal, even better because their buyer protection is very good. Even he told me he cannot object to what I do with my own money as long as its not hard drugs. Sure he nags me about things I do with my own money but he doesn't ultimately try to come between it. If he does I will put my foot down.

Eventually he will know I am making money from tutoring, hell if anything he should be proud his son is hustling in a way that helps people rather than doing something potentially illegal or dangerous.

And anyways the point of a side hustle is to have money for hobbies and other shit, currently my side hustle money just goes towards fashion and dating stuff.
My new chain came in today, it’s a lot smaller than I thought it would be but I like it, also learning how to style the leather jacket. Would these extra pieces help make better photos?
GN44 said:
My new chain came in today, it’s a lot smaller than I thought it would be but I like it, also learning how to style the leather jacket. Would these extra pieces help make better photos?

You really need to sort out your brows. They need to be 20% thinner at least
foducossy42 said:
GN44 said:
My new chain came in today, it’s a lot smaller than I thought it would be but I like it, also learning how to style the leather jacket. Would these extra pieces help make better photos?

You really need to sort out your brows. They need to be 20% thinner at least

Will do, I think there is a spot nearby that does eyebrow thinning.
GN44 said:
foducossy42 said:
You really need to sort out your brows. They need to be 20% thinner at least

Will do, I think there is a spot nearby that does eyebrow thinning.

Meaning their height needs to be shorter. Not necessarily the bushyness.

You can trim it yourself with a trimmer. Search my posts I’ve explained how to do this in the past.

Since we’re on the topic of facial grooming here (sorry if I derail the original thread) and you know a bit of this.

What is your opinion on dying your beard and eyebrows?

I’ve attached a selfie before and after the “handsome” filter. The biggest improvement looks to be the darker facial hair which enhances the face shape and makes the eyes look more light.
Also attached a pic where you can clearly see how much darker my head hair is compared to my beard/eyebrows
foducossy42 said:
GN44 said:
Will do, I think there is a spot nearby that does eyebrow thinning.

Meaning their height needs to be shorter. Not necessarily the bushyness.

You can trim it yourself with a trimmer. Search my posts I’ve explained how to do this in the past.

Im aware of that, I have reduced their size before but I think it was still too big, Ill show them what I usually get and just tell them to go thinner than that.
foducossy42 started working on facial expressions. Any of these good or all trash?
Hi all,

I have been lurking the forums for quite some while. Mentally masturbating and theorycrafting on the many logs here isn't going to get me laid, so I decided to take some action myself. My current goal for this month is to obtain four somewhat presentable Tinder pictures of myself. I really like to have some feedback on my first two photos. I would like to know if these are somewhat usable and where future improvements can be made.

Both photos are shot with the DSLR-Camera + lens Andy mentioned in his Tinder guide. I edited them myself in Lightroom. No Faceapp has been used (yet).

View attachment 1

Things I think that can be improved:
  • I can smile a little bit more
  • More 'edge' (watch, rings, bracelets)
  • Next time I should not forget to iron the shirt

Things I think that can be improved:
  • I could be leaner
  • The picture is a little bit unsharp
  • The lightning is somewhat dark

Let me know what I can do better. Thanks!

Shameless expert mentions: MILFandCookies Radical
MisterE good work. You're doing the right thing, picking up the equipment and practicing.

Your first photo is kickass. Yeah you can improve, but for a 1st photo it's great.

The improvement I see is in the editing. It's a bit too saturated, and it seems you lowered the highlights significanty and raised the shadows significantly. That can make the photo look a bit off. Other than that it's great for a first photo.

To improve with future photos, you can do some activities that a girl could see herself doing (grabbing a drink, a bite, walking in a park, being on a hammock, etc.)

MisterE said:
  • The lightning is somewhat dark

Yup. Great idea, but the lighting is very very dark. Keep iterating on this, you've got the seeds of something good.
MILFandCookies said:
@MisterE good work. You're doing the right thing, picking up the equipment and practicing.

Your first photo is kickass. Yeah you can improve, but for a 1st photo it's great.

The improvement I see is in the editing. It's a bit too saturated, and it seems you lowered the highlights significanty and raised the shadows significantly. That can make the photo look a bit off. Other than that it's great for a first photo.

To improve with future photos, you can do some activities that a girl could see herself doing (grabbing a drink, a bite, walking in a park, being on a hammock, etc.)

MisterE said:
  • The lightning is somewhat dark

Yup. Great idea, but the lighting is very very dark. Keep iterating on this, you've got the seeds of something good.

Hey man, I appreciate the feedback.

I will play with the highlights and shadows a bit more in the first photo. I also read something about that Tinder reduces the saturation of photos when you upload them, so I keep it like this for now before adjusting the saturation.

For the second photo, I will try to look into what I can do in Lightroom. If I can't fix the lightning, I will just use this photo until I can re-shoot it somewhere next year when I'm done bulking. I already scored some studio lights to tackle the lightning issue for next time.

About future photos: those are some great ideas. I will get back to you when I have something more to show.

And again: thanks for the feedback!

If anyone else has something to add (what am I doing right and what am I doing wrong) regarding my style, my looks or whatever: any feedback is welcome.
MisterE said:
MILFandCookies said:
@MisterE good work. You're doing the right thing, picking up the equipment and practicing.

Your first photo is kickass. Yeah you can improve, but for a 1st photo it's great.

The improvement I see is in the editing. It's a bit too saturated, and it seems you lowered the highlights significanty and raised the shadows significantly. That can make the photo look a bit off. Other than that it's great for a first photo.

To improve with future photos, you can do some activities that a girl could see herself doing (grabbing a drink, a bite, walking in a park, being on a hammock, etc.)

Yup. Great idea, but the lighting is very very dark. Keep iterating on this, you've got the seeds of something good.

Hey man, I appreciate the feedback.

I will play with the highlights and shadows a bit more in the first photo. I also read something about that Tinder reduces the saturation of photos when you upload them, so I keep it like this for now before adjusting the saturation.

For the second photo, I will try to look into what I can do in Lightroom. If I can't fix the lightning, I will just use this photo until I can re-shoot it somewhere next year when I'm done bulking. I already scored some studio lights to tackle the lightning issue for next time.

About future photos: those are some great ideas. I will get back to you when I have something more to show.

And again: thanks for the feedback!

If anyone else has something to add (what am I doing right and what am I doing wrong) regarding my style, my looks or whatever: any feedback is welcome.

dude your first photo looks so much better than your old profile picture haha
It was startling.
That's the best thing I found on shirtless photos- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jx-7UGkiDwo&ab_channel=PassionUnchained
bonzo34 said:
That's the best thing I found on shirtless photos- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jx-7UGkiDwo&ab_channel=PassionUnchained

Yeah I figured I could be leaner so my abs would pop a little bit more. For now I was going for the Daniel Craig look as seen in Casino Royale: Someone you can see who is taking care of his body.

A leaner photo of me has to wait till somewhere next year. Meanwhile I will try to brighten up the photo a bit and see if I can fix the noise and unsharpness with some AI shenanigans.

Or do you (or anyone else) think that I should give up on that picture completely for now because it looks awful?

I appreciate the feedback.