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Picture Feedback Megathread

kratjeuh said:
k314 said:
Tinder profile goes something like "Homeowner with a 20A farm, enjoy boating, hiking, ebikes, ... professional web developer .. "

I thought this boat picture was going to be a boost but I still get 0 results.

Read Andy’s tinder guide

I've read it multiple times. That's why I'm here, the guide mentioned to get your pictures rated here. I'll work on more pictures over time - I've tried to take hundreds but these two are the only decent ones so this time I started with them. The guide said less pictures are better than bad pictures and to start off with the best of what you already have. Anything more constructive than "re-read the entire guide"?
k314 said:
kratjeuh said:
Read Andy’s tinder guide

I've read it multiple times. That's why I'm here, the guide mentioned to get your pictures rated here. I'll work on more pictures over time - I've tried to take hundreds but these two are the only decent ones so this time I started with them. The guide said less pictures are better than bad pictures and to start off with the best of what you already have. Anything more constructive than "re-read the entire guide"?

The guide also says no horrible selfies.

You have to take thousands of pics just like the guide (you didn’t try hard don’t lie) before even considering that you have good pics.

You’re just leeching expert advice on a lackluster effort, you can do better
k314 said:
kratjeuh said:
Read Andy’s tinder guide

I've read it multiple times. That's why I'm here, the guide mentioned to get your pictures rated here. I'll work on more pictures over time - I've tried to take hundreds but these two are the only decent ones so this time I started with them. The guide said less pictures are better than bad pictures and to start off with the best of what you already have. Anything more constructive than "re-read the entire guide"?

The guide also says no horrible selfies.

You have to take thousands of pics just like the guide (you didn’t try hard don’t lie) before even considering that you have good pics.

You’re just leeching expert advice on a lackluster effort, you can do better
kratjeuh said:
k314 said:
I've read it multiple times. That's why I'm here, the guide mentioned to get your pictures rated here. I'll work on more pictures over time - I've tried to take hundreds but these two are the only decent ones so this time I started with them. The guide said less pictures are better than bad pictures and to start off with the best of what you already have. Anything more constructive than "re-read the entire guide"?

The guide also says no horrible selfies.

You have to take thousands of pics just like the guide (you didn’t try hard don’t lie) before even considering that you have good pics.

You’re just leeching expert advice on a lackluster effort, you can do better

Fine, is the boat one usable? Boat's back in so I can't go out and take another until next year. I could blur the background in photoshop.

Currently you're making mistakes like this: https://killyourinnerloser.com/why-your-tinder-pictures-suck/

You need to take pictures like this: https://killyourinnerloser.com/paparazzi-factor/

Pretty sure the tinder guide has an inspiration section of photos from instagram. Study those. What is the difference between those photos and yours?
Two (more technical) critiques for the two of you (rohanp and k314):

1) Make sure your lens is clean.

rohanp, I can tell that your lens was dirty by the hazy look that your pictures have. I'm presuming you're using your phone. Before you take a picture, wipe the lens with your shirt (so long as it's reasonably clean) just to get the fingerprints & schmutz off of it.

If you're using an actual camera, clean the lens with a lens cloth when it gets dirty. Camera lenses are a lot more delicate than smart-phone lenses. They've got thin coatings to help improve image quality. The best way to clean a camera lens is to keep it clean in the first place; use the lens cap to keep the lens clean when you're not using it.

2) Unless you're going for a specific look, use indirect ("soft") lighting

Direct lighting makes you squint, throws harsh shadows on your face, and generally makes you look like a serial killer. If you can stare into the light source, it's direct lighting.

Indirect lighting lights your face without creating harsh shadows. You get indirect lighting when light bounces off of things (e.g. walls or floors) or is filtered by something "porous" (e.g. clouds or tree leaves).

I might throw together a quick reference of direct vs. indirect lighting styles.

k314, regarding the boat pic: I'd say it's a no-go. I'd rather see a shot of you from the front of the boat with you sitting confidently behind the helm.
DozerBoy said:
Two (more technical) critiques for the two of you (@rohanp and @k314):

1) Make sure your lens is clean.

@rohanp, I can tell that your lens was dirty by the hazy look that your pictures have. I'm presuming you're using your phone. Before you take a picture, wipe the lens with your shirt (so long as it's reasonably clean) just to get the fingerprints & schmutz off of it.

If you're using an actual camera, clean the lens with a lens cloth when it gets dirty. Camera lenses are a lot more delicate than smart-phone lenses. They've got thin coatings to help improve image quality. The best way to clean a camera lens is to keep it clean in the first place; use the lens cap to keep the lens clean when you're not using it.

2) Unless you're going for a specific look, use indirect ("soft") lighting

Direct lighting makes you squint, throws harsh shadows on your face, and generally makes you look like a serial killer. If you can stare into the light source, it's direct lighting.

Indirect lighting lights your face without creating harsh shadows. You get indirect lighting when light bounces off of things (e.g. walls or floors) or is filtered by something "porous" (e.g. clouds or tree leaves).

I might throw together a quick reference of direct vs. indirect lighting styles.

@k314, regarding the boat pic: I'd say it's a no-go. I'd rather see a shot of you from the front of the boat with you sitting confidently behind the helm.

That really sucks, I thought finally, finally I had one good picture there. It looked so perfect. Guess I'm starting over.
Unchained said:
Hey guys need some honest feedback about my photos. I was having decent success using pics 1,8,9 in my medium sized town. I was able to get dates consistently, but I recently moved to LA and now I'm struggling. Took some more photos and would love some honest feedback if any of these are usable and what order I should put them in. Also should I include the group photo I know its not very candid, but it does show off my height. Any advice is welcome. Thank you.

Ok so:

1 it's meh-ish , the t shirt fit is bad and you are too "yeyyyyyy" with facial exp
2 too intense , serial killer vibes
3 odd neck position,
4 ok usable
5 nice smile and face expression, usable
6 and 7 are good, a bit too posed and body could have framed in a different way - I'm not photo expert but I think it needs some work from an editing wiz to be great
8 it's ok but it's an "average" photo, meaning it won't drive much
9 good - jfyi you look like a "nice guy" so you'll be attracting a lot of latinas/ asians looking for a BF
10 take a gallon of gasoline and a match and set this photo on fire and erase it from your memory
foducossy42 said:
GN44 said:
@foducossy42 would these be good facial expressions to try and emulate? Trying to find a reference point

Not the third one. His eyes aren’t squinched.

I’d say 2 and 4 are the best. 1 is good too. Play around with it. Take lots of selfies on a tripod or take a video.

strangely thats one that came up when I searched up squinching, may go look for some others. I think the fourth one I could easily emulate w/ enough practice and having a leather jacket.
Unchained said:
Hey guys need some honest feedback about my photos. I was having decent success using pics 1,8,9 in my medium sized town. I was able to get dates consistently, but I recently moved to LA and now I'm struggling. Took some more photos and would love some honest feedback if any of these are usable and what order I should put them in. Also should I include the group photo I know its not very candid, but it does show off my height. Any advice is welcome. Thank you.

Personally I think your guitar photo is good but the others seem kinda plain, lots of guys have photos like that. A lot of these look super posed. For the social pic I think you should be in the middle, otherwise it kinda just makes you look like you are just "there". Listen to other people too as I am no expert but I have gained some insight.
GN44 said:
foducossy42 said:
Not the third one. His eyes aren’t squinched.

I’d say 2 and 4 are the best. 1 is good too. Play around with it. Take lots of selfies on a tripod or take a video.

strangely thats one that came up when I searched up squinching, may go look for some others. I think the fourth one I could easily emulate w/ enough practice and having a leather jacket.

Yes I’ve also seen that pic (3rd pic) before as an “example” of squinching. It’s not, he looks like a puppy.
DozerBoy said:
Two (more technical) critiques for the two of you (@rohanp and @k314):

1) Make sure your lens is clean.

@rohanp, I can tell that your lens was dirty by the hazy look that your pictures have. I'm presuming you're using your phone. Before you take a picture, wipe the lens with your shirt (so long as it's reasonably clean) just to get the fingerprints & schmutz off of it.

If you're using an actual camera, clean the lens with a lens cloth when it gets dirty. Camera lenses are a lot more delicate than smart-phone lenses. They've got thin coatings to help improve image quality. The best way to clean a camera lens is to keep it clean in the first place; use the lens cap to keep the lens clean when you're not using it.

2) Unless you're going for a specific look, use indirect ("soft") lighting

Direct lighting makes you squint, throws harsh shadows on your face, and generally makes you look like a serial killer. If you can stare into the light source, it's direct lighting.

Indirect lighting lights your face without creating harsh shadows. You get indirect lighting when light bounces off of things (e.g. walls or floors) or is filtered by something "porous" (e.g. clouds or tree leaves).

I might throw together a quick reference of direct vs. indirect lighting styles.

@k314, regarding the boat pic: I'd say it's a no-go. I'd rather see a shot of you from the front of the boat with you sitting confidently behind the helm.

Really appreciate the advice! Yes, it was from my phone. I took them on my own.
Unchained said:
Hey guys need some honest feedback about my photos. I was having decent success using pics 1,8,9 in my medium sized town. I was able to get dates consistently, but I recently moved to LA and now I'm struggling. Took some more photos and would love some honest feedback if any of these are usable and what order I should put them in. Also should I include the group photo I know its not very candid, but it does show off my height. Any advice is welcome. Thank you.

Hey mate. I would say your guitar picture is definitely tinder worthy. I also really like number 6 as it comes of natural, and the sunset view absolutely harmonizes well as a background. 1 is also pretty good, but the facial expression on number 2 is not bad either.
Tried some more color grading to touch up this specific photo, it had potential but the color were very flat. Are these any good?



Sidenote: I know this has been said a thousand times by now but how do you avoid the apps fucking up your image quality?
GoodLookingNerd said:
Sidenote: I know this has been said a thousand times by now but how do you avoid the apps fucking up your image quality?

My leather jacket arrived today. What do you guys think? Fits pretty snug ngl

Also before y’all comment yes my mirror is dirty I’ll clean it.
GN44 said:
My leather jacket arrived today. What do you guys think? Fits pretty snug ngl

Also before y’all comment yes my mirror is dirty I’ll clean it.

Yeah a little tight around the upper arms but the vibe is instantly more fuckboy. Your current photos look like this guy

But with this new style in photos I think you can do much better.
GoodLookingNerd said:
Tried some more color grading to touch up this specific photo, it had potential but the color were very flat. Are these any good?


Sidenote: I know this has been said a thousand times by now but how do you avoid the apps fucking up your image quality?

100% Mokko on background and 70% on the face/body on Faceapp
GoodLookingNerd said:
how do you avoid the apps fucking up your image quality?

Bumble desaturates photos as well. You will want to oversaturate.

If someone can figure out a system to keep track of all these variants of photos on an iPhone please let me know because this is killing me
foducossy42 said:
GN44 said:
My leather jacket arrived today. What do you guys think? Fits pretty snug ngl

Also before y’all comment yes my mirror is dirty I’ll clean it.

Yeah a little tight around the upper arms but the vibe is instantly more fuckboy. Your current photos look like this guy

But with this new style in photos I think you can do much better.

lol fair enough, I have my chain and some new shirts coming in soon. I think I need some new black/grey jeans now as well as some new footwear. I mainly wear dark blue Nike sneakers since I can use them for literally anything but they probably don’t go with a leather jacket.