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Picture Feedback Megathread

My date was so nice to take some cool pics. The camera flash made me look like a 50year old in a midlife crisis so I had to edit a bit harder.

I feel like this is pic worthy but not as a main insta pic. If y’all think it’s bad I’ll post it as a story
kratjeuh p cool photo man. Expression is good maybe turn down the highlights, also as easy save is turning things black and white if the lighting is off

Ok I’m in Bombay/India. I got on Hinge here and got p good matches from some hotties when I got here last week. Couldn’t meet due to logistics. Ran a boost last night and got nothing. I don’t get it my photos are p good but maybe not good enough, there are guys here with money. I also suspect hinge is not the app here and tinder would be better. I have an Indian number tried tinder but got hit by the ban. I goofed probably device ID. Fuck Tinder

Gonna push the profile into more fuckboy cos I literally only have 1 free night. Advice appreciated, I don’t know how else I could be more fuckboy

Profile is running is reverse of the photos below. Starts at the bottom
kratjeuh said:
My date was so nice to take some cool pics. The camera flash made me look like a 50year old in a midlife crisis so I had to edit a bit harder.

I feel like this is pic worthy but not as a main insta pic. If y’all think it’s bad I’ll post it as a story
This pic is fire. Def insta worthy
kratjeuh said:

You’re right that the fashion and poses etc aren’t top notch quality but for insta it’s important to have that pretty solid first pic (doesn’t need to be as good as tinder)

I’ve listed all 5 usable pics below. I haven’t played with the crop and only used basic Lightroom editing so if there’s improvement there, I’d love to know

Lightroom has a feature in development to add lens blur that I'm playing around with - they gave me early access. Still takes some expertise but I've gotten the hang of it.

Fixed this one up just for kicks. Enjoy ;)
Adrizzle said:
@kratjeuh p cool photo man. Expression is good maybe turn down the highlights, also as easy save is turning things black and white if the lighting is off

Ok I’m in Bombay/India. I got on Hinge here and got p good matches from some hotties when I got here last week. Couldn’t meet due to logistics. Ran a boost last night and got nothing. I don’t get it my photos are p good but maybe not good enough, there are guys here with money. I also suspect hinge is not the app here and tinder would be better. I have an Indian number tried tinder but got hit by the ban. I goofed probably device ID. Fuck Tinder

Gonna push the profile into more fuckboy cos I literally only have 1 free night. Advice appreciated, I don’t know how else I could be more fuckboy

Profile is running is reverse of the photos below. Starts at the bottom

Your first pic is your weakest and actually not congruent with the rest of your profile.

Get someone to take a pic of you in a leather jacket sitting super comfortable and confident. I bet that will make your profile elite
kratjeuh said:
My date was so nice to take some cool pics. The camera flash made me look like a 50year old in a midlife crisis so I had to edit a bit harder.

I feel like this is pic worthy but not as a main insta pic. If y’all think it’s bad I’ll post it as a story

Still very crunchy - light on your face is quite harsh, and there's a bit of moisture on your face so it's quite shiny.

I made a couple edits to the levels on your face to make it more pleasing, plus added lens blur and cropped it in closer. This is good for an Insta photo - I'd try to use a bit less light next time though.

MILFandCookies said:
kratjeuh said:
My date was so nice to take some cool pics. The camera flash made me look like a 50year old in a midlife crisis so I had to edit a bit harder.

I feel like this is pic worthy but not as a main insta pic. If y’all think it’s bad I’ll post it as a story

Still very crunchy - light on your face is quite harsh, and there's a bit of moisture on your face so it's quite shiny.

I made a couple edits to the levels on your face to make it more pleasing, plus added lens blur and cropped it in closer. This is good for an Insta photo - I'd try to use a bit less light next time though.


Fucking love this community, thanks a shit ton for the edit.

The girl obviously didn’t carry her high tech camera and photography lens to a bar so ofcourse the pic isn’t perfect. I actually prefer this for insta since my account is still relatively small.

Once I’m growing past a certain milestone I definitely going to upgrade to only professional shots and magnificent editing.

I know some dudes with only pro shots, 300 followers and 20likes on their pics. That shit makes me cringe and I doubt their proclaimed success with girls.
kratjeuh said:
MILFandCookies said:
Still very crunchy - light on your face is quite harsh, and there's a bit of moisture on your face so it's quite shiny.

I made a couple edits to the levels on your face to make it more pleasing, plus added lens blur and cropped it in closer. This is good for an Insta photo - I'd try to use a bit less light next time though.


Fucking love this community, thanks a shit ton for the edit.

The girl obviously didn’t carry her high tech camera and photography lens to a bar so ofcourse the pic isn’t perfect. I actually prefer this for insta since my account is still relatively small.

Once I’m growing past a certain milestone I definitely going to upgrade to only professional shots and magnificent editing.

I know some dudes with only pro shots, 300 followers and 20likes on their pics. That shit makes me cringe and I doubt their proclaimed success with girls.

My pleasure ;) It's fun for me too to practice using this new tool Adobe just came out with.

100%. The context/posing/fashion/setting/photography skill etc. of the photo is 80% of its value. Quality photog gear is the last 20% you focus on after the rest is in order... I don't take good dating profile photos because of my gear... that's just the whipped cream on top.
MILFandCookies said:
kratjeuh said:

You’re right that the fashion and poses etc aren’t top notch quality but for insta it’s important to have that pretty solid first pic (doesn’t need to be as good as tinder)

I’ve listed all 5 usable pics below. I haven’t played with the crop and only used basic Lightroom editing so if there’s improvement there, I’d love to know

Lightroom has a feature in development to add lens blur that I'm playing around with - they gave me early access. Still takes some expertise but I've gotten the hang of it.

Fixed this one up just for kicks. Enjoy ;)

I really like this picture. I feel like it would do great on. hi
kratjeuh said:

You’re right that the fashion and poses etc aren’t top notch quality but for insta it’s important to have that pretty solid first pic (doesn’t need to be as good as tinder)

I’ve listed all 5 usable pics below. I haven’t played with the crop and only used basic Lightroom editing so if there’s improvement there, I’d love to know

Comuna 13 haha
I like both of the walking pics.
Probably going to be ripped to shreds again but what you guys think of these pics. They are from the same photoshoot I did a few weeks ago.
Is four pictures too less for a profile? I was running with five but I feel like my gym pic is such a massive weak link for me that I got rid of it. My initial intention with it was hopefully I would get more matches who also went to the gym but that did not happen. I will just get rid of it for now until I get a better one.

Another question, mainly for Bumble though. Does being at only 70% completion on my profile make my profile shown less? I deleted a bunch of stuff that could be dealbreakers or not. At the moment I don't believe so since I get like 2-3 likes a day.

I have attached the photos I am using for Bumble and Tinder. Both are in the same order. I know theres still a lot to improve on them, and I ordered a couple of things for fashion+planned a reshoot.
It’s better to have less pics than more pics with a weak link.

Fill in just about enough on bumble. The more you put, the more reasons you give a girl to possibly reject you. My bumble profile is 55% complete and works wonders
GN44 said:
Is four pictures too less for a profile? I was running with five but I feel like my gym pic is such a massive weak link for me that I got rid of it. My initial intention with it was hopefully I would get more matches who also went to the gym but that did not happen. I will just get rid of it for now until I get a better one.

Another question, mainly for Bumble though. Does being at only 70% completion on my profile make my profile shown less? I deleted a bunch of stuff that could be dealbreakers or not. At the moment I don't believe so since I get like 2-3 likes a day.

I have attached the photos I am using for Bumble and Tinder. Both are in the same order. I know theres still a lot to improve on them, and I ordered a couple of things for fashion+planned a reshoot.

Delete that "cooking" photo immediately, it's hurting you.

davideiaco said:
Andy’s tinder guide suggested to get feedback about my looks.
There you go people. Be as harsh as you want.

Gain muscle, trim eyebrows.
pancakemouse said:
GN44 said:
Is four pictures too less for a profile? I was running with five but I feel like my gym pic is such a massive weak link for me that I got rid of it. My initial intention with it was hopefully I would get more matches who also went to the gym but that did not happen. I will just get rid of it for now until I get a better one.

Another question, mainly for Bumble though. Does being at only 70% completion on my profile make my profile shown less? I deleted a bunch of stuff that could be dealbreakers or not. At the moment I don't believe so since I get like 2-3 likes a day.

I have attached the photos I am using for Bumble and Tinder. Both are in the same order. I know theres still a lot to improve on them, and I ordered a couple of things for fashion+planned a reshoot.

Delete that "cooking" photo immediately, it's hurting you.

davideiaco said:
Andy’s tinder guide suggested to get feedback about my looks.
There you go people. Be as harsh as you want.

Gain muscle, trim eyebrows.

Already deleted it, I think I just had it up for experiment purposes. Idk if it is necessary to have pictures where I am looking directly at the camera.
GN44 said:
Idk if it is necessary to have pictures where I am looking directly at the camera.

Def opt for casual looking off to the side photos the most though. OKCupid did a study on their platform which they took down for some reason, but Playing With Fire did a breakdown of it which is still up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4B8vxuyGhk

It breaks down the difference between results of looking at the camera versus not, plus the right or wrong facial expressions.

tl;dr, based on the data looking off with a neutral expression by far takes the cake.

Personally I like to have a couple with good eye contact, especially if you have a sexy fukkin smile, or a piercing smirk, but opt for mostly no eye contact with a neutral expression.
MILFandCookies said:
GN44 said:
Idk if it is necessary to have pictures where I am looking directly at the camera.

Def opt for casual looking off to the side photos the most though. OKCupid did a study on their platform which they took down for some reason, but Playing With Fire did a breakdown of it which is still up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4B8vxuyGhk

It breaks down the difference between results of looking at the camera versus not, plus the right or wrong facial expressions.

tl;dr, based on the data looking off with a neutral expression by far takes the cake.

Personally I like to have a couple with good eye contact, especially if you have a sexy fukkin smile, or a piercing smirk, but opt for mostly no eye contact with a neutral expression.

Sounds like a plan, i figure I look cooler anyways when I am not looking at the camera. With the right angle I can make my jawline look really good, properly trimmed eyebrows will help a ton too. I watched some of that video, Ill probably finish it today.

Still need to practice facial expressions and upping my fashion.
MILFandCookies said:
GN44 said:
Idk if it is necessary to have pictures where I am looking directly at the camera.

Def opt for casual looking off to the side photos the most though. OKCupid did a study on their platform which they took down for some reason, but Playing With Fire did a breakdown of it which is still up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4B8vxuyGhk

It breaks down the difference between results of looking at the camera versus not, plus the right or wrong facial expressions.

tl;dr, based on the data looking off with a neutral expression by far takes the cake.

Personally I like to have a couple with good eye contact, especially if you have a sexy fukkin smile, or a piercing smirk, but opt for mostly no eye contact with a neutral expression.

Do you think the order matters, e.g. if the picture with eye contact would be best as a first picture? I think foducossy mentioned how he prefers to have a picture with eye contact as the main one. My pictures with eye contact also get noticably higher ratings (top 5% vs usually 20%)