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Picture Feedback Megathread

Brother_Tucker said:
Photo 6 should be axed when you can and the shuffle board slot should be your kink alluding photo. 5 is probably where the park picture fits to add some comfort vibes after they are already thinking about sex to reaffirm that you are attractive and they can tell their friends, he's not a fuck boy even if you are.

Hmm first to clarify, the photo numbers you reference are from my earlier profile (the one where I scrawled numbers in red) or the new one? So photo 6 to be axed — which is this?

Brother_Tucker said:
The girls really into kink tend to use other apps to be very direct. Tinder is a place to allude to it by inference and get them talking about it in messaging or on the date. If you want to portray a dom like photo, you need one in your line up, and I would have it after the sexy shot.

Sexy shot means the suit picture, I’m assuming? Is there a difference between dom-type photo and kink positive photo? You mean the same thing right — maybe something like a girl in handcuffs or something.

Also I am on Feeld tbf but. Tinder is where a lot of girls are — eg a super kinky girl I’m seeing next week used to be on Feeld but is now only on Tinder. Like, she wants me to take pictures of her during sex so that she can send them to her boyfriend type of kinky.

Also she will send me those pictures too. So if you have an idea for a kinky picture I could take with/of her to include in my profile, might be an opportunity lol. Could get a kink + preselection pic all in one. But ideally I’d be in the picture too…

Anyway starting small with Andy’s handcuffs picture, here is my attempt at implementing what you said. Thoughts?

Alternatively I can change the denim picture to another one where my stare is much more sexual

The story here is:

successful and sexy, fit and masculine run, sexual stare, kink pic, friendly park pic, candid mid-conversation lime drink pic, friendly skydiving pic so she knows I’m a cool person. And end off with something a bit more masculine with the focused expression during the game of shuffleboard and the somewhat-muscular arms, just to remind the girl that I’m still sexy.
Slurp said:
Thank you in advance for any feedback.
P.S. the rooftop pictures are jpg exports of RAWS, the lighting looks much better in RAW and I still have to edit those.

I think all the rooftop pics are useless.

The presentation one is not good — you are just standing around, there’s no action. The standard can be quite high here, eg have an audience there.

The friends pic could be good but I need to see their facial expressions for that.

You should upload the pics here so it’s easier for us to see and comment on the pics at the same time.
Any of these pics salvageable or bin em?
GN44 said:
Any of these pics salvageable or bin em?

Bin everything. No tourist pics. You can see my profile above… you need to at least meet that standard.
foducossy42 said:
Brother_Tucker said:
Photo 6 should be axed when you can and the shuffle board slot should be your kink alluding photo. 5 is probably where the park picture fits to add some comfort vibes after they are already thinking about sex to reaffirm that you are attractive and they can tell their friends, he's not a fuck boy even if you are.

Hmm first to clarify, the photo numbers you reference are from my earlier profile (the one where I scrawled numbers in red) or the new one? So photo 6 to be axed — which is this?

Brother_Tucker said:
The girls really into kink tend to use other apps to be very direct. Tinder is a place to allude to it by inference and get them talking about it in messaging or on the date. If you want to portray a dom like photo, you need one in your line up, and I would have it after the sexy shot.

Sexy shot means the suit picture, I’m assuming? Is there a difference between dom-type photo and kink positive photo? You mean the same thing right — maybe something like a girl in handcuffs or something.

Also I am on Feeld tbf but. Tinder is where a lot of girls are — eg a super kinky girl I’m seeing next week used to be on Feeld but is now only on Tinder. Like, she wants me to take pictures of her during sex so that she can send them to her boyfriend type of kinky.

Also she will send me those pictures too. So if you have an idea for a kinky picture I could take with/of her to include in my profile, might be an opportunity lol. Could get a kink + preselection pic all in one. But ideally I’d be in the picture too…

Anyway starting small with Andy’s handcuffs picture, here is my attempt at implementing what you said. Thoughts?


Alternatively I can change the denim picture to another one where my stare is much more sexual


The story here is:

successful and sexy, fit and masculine run, sexual stare, kink pic, friendly park pic, candid mid-conversation lime drink pic, friendly skydiving pic so she knows I’m a cool person. And end off with something a bit more masculine with the focused expression during the game of shuffleboard and the somewhat-muscular arms, just to remind the girl that I’m still sexy.

I appreciate the ordering changed alot and I wasn't clear there. The I have my shit together shot is number 1 (suit picture), the sexy shot is showing you're fit, in this case your running picture. Your kink picture is ok, it's very polarising and it will filter some users, but thats the point for what you're looking for. When you get a kink friendly picture with you in it, I would swap this one out.

The new layout is good, the only one I don't like is the drinking picture, it feels like a worse park picture.

Just to check, you have smart photos off right? Leaving it on will mess with the order as the system tries to find the best order for you, which is counter productive to what you want to be doing here.
Brother_Tucker said:
I appreciate the ordering changed alot and I wasn't clear there. The I have my shit together shot is number 1 (suit picture), the sexy shot is showing you're fit, in this case your running picture. Your kink picture is ok, it's very polarising and it will filter some users, but thats the point for what you're looking for. When you get a kink friendly picture with you in it, I would swap this one out.

The new layout is good, the only one I don't like is the drinking picture, it feels like a worse park picture.

Just to check, you have smart photos off right? Leaving it on will mess with the order as the system tries to find the best order for you, which is counter productive to what you want to be doing here.

Thanks so much man!

Makes sense, I will also experiment with the denim one and also check with my FWBs — the standing denim one does very well on Hinge despite being a crappy picture (with the exposure). The lime drinking picture is quite candid, but it does feel like the park picture to an extent I agree. The vibes are great though… almost universally people love that pic. I’ve got first world problems here where I have lots of very good pictures and it’s hard to narrow down and leave pics out in order to tell a story.

I think the general layout is there now thanks to you, I’ll just make small tweaks along the way.

Also I added the kink pic to my Feeld and got pinged by a very sexy redhead. Which is the first high quality ping I’ve gotten.

Will definitely swap out that pic for one with a girl once I can, little bit hard to set it up but I think it’s doable given some time. It’s a massive DHV though and if she’s white it can be a preselection pic too.

And yes smart photos is always off. Stupid feature. We already know what my best first photo is.
I would not include any kink photos unless your profile is explicitly 100% fuckboy/kink. E.g. no skydiving or running photos or other activity stuff. It's too incongruent.
Holden said:
I fail to see how a picture like that would turn girls on tbh. Fine if you have nerdy hobbies but you wouldn't for example put a pic on your Tinder of you playing Xbox either.

Not to mention 99% of girls don't even know what it is and will just default to "it's weird"

yeah me too, I mean, tbh it might be the set of vikings or some other tv show based in medieval times

I really need to find a photo of me 12 years ago in a roman legionary cosplay event, i still get hard ons remembering what it felt wearing the armor and the centurion helmet
foducossy42 said:
Also I added the kink pic to my Feeld and got pinged by a very sexy redhead. Which is the first high quality ping I’ve gotten.

Living my fucking dream LMFAO
pancakemouse said:
I would not include any kink photos unless your profile is explicitly 100% fuckboy/kink. E.g. no skydiving or running photos or other activity stuff. It's too incongruent.


I actually disagree with this feedback based on the goals you shared, ultimately you have a person in mind that you are looking for. Switching to 100% fuckboy and kink will be a different group of people the profile will be appealing to. It's worth testing 2 different approaches and seeing what level of matches you get and which ones end up working better for you.

yeah me too, I mean, tbh it might be the set of vikings or some other tv show based in medieval times

I really need to find a photo of me 12 years ago in a roman legionary cosplay event, i still get hard ons remembering what it felt wearing the armor and the centurion helmet

It's fair enough. I appreciate this might be a tiny bit of a troll, but wearing a full suit does feel pretty awesome. Perhaps we have found the nerd fish picture, the medevil cosplay.
Brother_Tucker said:
Switching to 100% fuckboy and kink will be a different group of people the profile will be appealing to. It's worth testing 2 different approaches and seeing what level of matches you get and which ones end up working better for you.

This is true it could lead to appealing to hardcore kink enthusiasts when I’m still a beginner. I matched w a girl a few weeks ago who said she has been going to sex dungeons for 9 years. I can’t cope with that lol.

Well we have 3 approaches here: 1. Sexy and all-round attractive. This requires more filtering and wasting time. Sexy but a bit of a Christian Grey. This might be a niche category of girls who are interesting people but also kinky. That’s what I’m betting on. 3. Kinky fuckboy. This may work as well, you get the most casual girls, but that’s also what I have Feeld for. Would be nice to have a balance between sex friends and girls who are fun to date properly.

I think this is all theory, it’s just a matter of trial and error. Lots of different factors at play. Let’s see how it goes…
Brother_Tucker said:
I appreciate this might be a tiny bit of a troll, but wearing a full suit does feel pretty awesome

Oh man, I would never troll when the Roman Empire is involved.

Legio Aeterna, Aeterna Victrix!
AskTheDom said:
Brother_Tucker said:
I appreciate this might be a tiny bit of a troll, but wearing a full suit does feel pretty awesome

Oh man, I would never troll when the Roman Empire is involved.

Legio Aeterna, Aeterna Victrix!

To be fair, I do think about the roman empire about once a week. It was pretty mad.
Ok. I’m getting’ in on the fun. See attached for my current Tinder portfolio.

I’ll admit; it’s a mess. Very much bland “nice guy” and not much of a story.

I’m working on building an archetypical vision for myself (thanks Bman for the fantastic guide that you put together). I’m trying to balance out my clean-cut white-collar appearance/presentation with my more gritty blue-collar attitude/personality.

(Also, let me know if you’d like the individual photos attached. Not sure whether the screencap resolution is good enough. Figured it’d be easier to attach one photo vs. six AND I doubt that I’m at the point where you’re going to nitpick the technical details. Feel like that’s a ways off.)
DozerBoy said:
Ok. I’m getting’ in on the fun. See attached for my current Tinder portfolio.

I’ll admit; it’s a mess. Very much bland “nice guy” and not much of a story.

I’m working on building an archetypical vision for myself (thanks @Bman for the fantastic guide that you put together). I’m trying to balance out my clean-cut white-collar appearance/presentation with my more gritty blue-collar attitude/personality.

(Also, let me know if you’d like the individual photos attached. Not sure whether the screencap resolution is good enough. Figured it’d be easier to attach one photo vs. six AND I doubt that I’m at the point where you’re going to nitpick the technical details. Feel like that’s a ways off.)

I feel like I just looked at a whole mans life. Some of these pictures really age you. 4 and 6 make you look super old.

You need a really good shot of you for picture 1 that shows you have style. 1 looks a bit too Grindr when put next to the rest of your profile. The Motorcycle picture is the right concept, it just looks a bit too posed. A few angles of you looking away from the camera and there would be a really good one in there. First port of call will be nailing the photo for your number 1 slot.

As an aside to this, was photo 6 taken in Colorado? I love the mountains near Denver.
Brother_Tucker said:
DozerBoy said:
Ok. I’m getting’ in on the fun. See attached for my current Tinder portfolio.

I’ll admit; it’s a mess. Very much bland “nice guy” and not much of a story.

I’m working on building an archetypical vision for myself (thanks @Bman for the fantastic guide that you put together). I’m trying to balance out my clean-cut white-collar appearance/presentation with my more gritty blue-collar attitude/personality.

(Also, let me know if you’d like the individual photos attached. Not sure whether the screencap resolution is good enough. Figured it’d be easier to attach one photo vs. six AND I doubt that I’m at the point where you’re going to nitpick the technical details. Feel like that’s a ways off.)

I feel like I just looked at a whole mans life. Some of these pictures really age you. 4 and 6 make you look super old.

You need a really good shot of you for picture 1 that shows you have style. 1 looks a bit too Grindr when put next to the rest of your profile. The Motorcycle picture is the right concept, it just looks a bit too posed. A few angles of you looking away from the camera and there would be a really good one in there. First port of call will be nailing the photo for your number 1 slot.

As an aside to this, was photo 6 taken in Colorado? I love the mountains near Denver.

Yeaaaaah. 4 and 6 are from when I was still wearing my clapped-out glasses. I wanted to keep them in because they’re my “social proof” (4) and “this guy does cool stuff” (6) pics. I’ll nuke ‘em.

I have 1 where it is because I wanted the “sex appeal” to lead. I’ll try leading with style and see how that goes. My “new look” is nearly complete. I should be able to get some new photos by next week.

Nailed it. That particular hike was at the Maroon Bells in Aspen Snowmass. I need to go back. It’s so beautiful out there.

Thanks for the feedback. I'll be back soon with another round.
DozerBoy the motorcycle pic is the only one where the resolution is kinda shaky hard to tell what you look like
Ah I'll post the tinder pictures I have. The one with the spoon is first
Any praise goes to milf n' cookies any criticism to me :)

I guess 2 questions:
1) I'm literally lay count 1 so my standards are pretty much the girl is attractive enough and I won't get robbed or something with lasting consequences. Is my current profile good enough for that?
2) Of course any feedback on it.
bonzo34 said:
1) I'm literally lay count 1 so my standards are pretty much the girl is attractive enough and I won't get robbed or something with lasting consequences. Is my current profile good enough for that?
2) Of course any feedback on it.

1. Probably good enough for getting some matches but can do a lot better in terms of style.
2. Main issue is you look like you have a pained expression on your face. You may need some fundamental work on learning to pose. Also use FaceApp on these pictures so you don’t look like you are constipated (pic 1 is really giving Hide the Pain Harold). Eg pic 1 and pic 2 you have a similar expression.

I like pic 3 and 5 though. 4 is just okay but you could do better when it comes to dog photos — play with the dog.

In short, FaceApp pic 1, possibly also FaceApp pic 4. And work on your facial expressions in general.
Thanks foducossy42 I had a feeling a feeling looking awkward was the issue, I'll look up the faceapp and the face expressions specifically