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Picture Feedback Megathread

bonzo34 said:
Ah I'll post the tinder pictures I have. The one with the spoon is first
Any praise goes to milf n' cookies any criticism to me :)

I guess 2 questions:
1) I'm literally lay count 1 so my standards are pretty much the girl is attractive enough and I won't get robbed or something with lasting consequences. Is my current profile good enough for that?
2) Of course any feedback on it.

This is a good start, I can tell you’ve not been looksmaxing for long but you’ll get there.

1 is fine for now. You can clearly see your face but nothing that makes you super attractive.

2 I don’t like this one at all. There’s not a single bit of intention in this picture. It looks like you picked up these ropes to give the illusion that you work out.

3 keep for now

4 play with the dog, this looks like you asked someone for his dog and to take a pic with it

5 better if you play, slightly oversatured. It a keeper for now
thanks so I could do the profile just 1,3,5 it looks like
haha that's exactly what happened with the dog
bonzo34 what are your current results on apps?

I reckon you’re expressions are a bit off. More lips together/variation. Dog photo is cool
GN44 said:
One thing I do like about this pic is that it shows off a hobby of mine, which is baking/cooking.
Wood slam pink hair.

Also as for getting a bar/club photo like fo attached. Go to a bar/club with a photographer get your photo taken hope it’s good, or straight up tell the photog u want something for tinder and offer cash. I’ve actually had this happen to me once and sent the guy the photo on the night. You might not get the photo but try
Adrizzle said:
@bonzo34 what are your current results on apps?

I reckon you’re expressions are a bit off. More lips together/variation. Dog photo is cool

haha the open mouth expression is kinda weird

I haven't used the apps in months so hard to say. results were not good before that. I'll update when I get more data
foducossy42 said:

I don’t like the picture much. The girls simply aren’t that hot. This isn’t preselection as they are clearly just friends. But this is a decent social picture that shows you have white friends and can assimilate. My profile may benefit from this... but idk. I’m not an expert on social pics but this doesn’t seem to be very good. It definitely doesn’t make a girl want to fuck you. So probably not good.


Maybe you weren't thinking about dating profiles when you took this so I'll let it slide.

Hinge only does square, Bumble takes landscape or portrait, but Tinder only takes portrait orientation!

That means the best for all 3 apps is portrait. Never ever take a dating profile photo in landscape, you're cutting out Tinder entirely.
Adrizzle said:
GN44 said:
One thing I do like about this pic is that it shows off a hobby of mine, which is baking/cooking.
Wood slam pink hair.

Also as for getting a bar/club photo like fo attached. Go to a bar/club with a photographer get your photo taken hope it’s good, or straight up tell the photog u want something for tinder and offer cash. I’ve actually had this happen to me once and sent the guy the photo on the night. You might not get the photo but try

Never been to a bar/club, kind of terrified of that environment ngl. I can try and ask a friend if he want to come with me to hopefully ease my nervousness.
MILFandCookies said:
foducossy42 said:

I don’t like the picture much. The girls simply aren’t that hot. This isn’t preselection as they are clearly just friends. But this is a decent social picture that shows you have white friends and can assimilate. My profile may benefit from this... but idk. I’m not an expert on social pics but this doesn’t seem to be very good. It definitely doesn’t make a girl want to fuck you. So probably not good.


Maybe you weren't thinking about dating profiles when you took this so I'll let it slide.

Hinge only does square, Bumble takes landscape or portrait, but Tinder only takes portrait orientation!

That means the best for all 3 apps is portrait. Never ever take a dating profile photo in landscape, you're cutting out Tinder entirely.

Didn't consider that. Important little factoid to note for me 🫡
Feedback would be appreciated.

Things that I’m not 100% sure about

Is paragliding cool enough as a adventure pic + it’s posed but does that matter here
Would you say I overedited myself?

The standing group pic is overlit but I tried to save it, is the light ok
Also, are the girls considered hot enough?
Also also, should I cut out the guy or is it fine

Sitting pic
Is it too obvious that I only edited myself, I don’t think I overdid it
Is it a problem that I look the smallest because I sat a bit lower?
Standing one is good. Girls are close to you/ center of attention.

Paragliding is sick but there’s a limit on how cool you look with another man strapped 2 u lol
Adrizzle said:
Paragliding is sick but there’s a limit on how cool you look with another man strapped 2 u lol

Haha, made my morning :lol: It's a cool activity but you need to edit the pic since it looks a bit boring (not the activity, th epic itself). Color grading, the sky needs to look more impressive. If you want, I'll do it for you.

Very good idea with the thread, by the way Radical

Now my turn: I was in Paris a week ago, which of these two pictures would you take social media and dating apps?

View attachment 1
kratjeuh said:
Feedback would be appreciated.

Things that I’m not 100% sure about

Is paragliding cool enough as a adventure pic + it’s posed but does that matter here
Would you say I overedited myself?

The standing group pic is overlit but I tried to save it, is the light ok
Also, are the girls considered hot enough?
Also also, should I cut out the guy or is it fine

Sitting pic
Is it too obvious that I only edited myself, I don’t think I overdid it
Is it a problem that I look the smallest because I sat a bit lower?

Paragliding is cool and I don't think your editing is too obvious. So very usable.

Standing pic is better than sitting pic IMO. In sitting pic, the editing is very noticeable as your face is lit too differently than the others. So, I would keep standing pic and cut the guy so you'll be more centered in the frame.

Vamos IMO the second one on the bench is the best because your face is clearly visible and you fill more the frame.
I may be biased, but I'm not a fan of the pose of the first pic that everyone uses on Instagram.
Vamos said:
It's a cool activity but you need to edit the pic since it looks a bit boring (not the activity, th epic itself). Color grading, the sky needs to look more impressive. If you want, I'll do it for you

Would hugely appreciate this

Vamos said:
Now my turn: I was in Paris a week ago, which of these two pictures would you take social media and dating apps?

Use both but the sitting one first if it’s for IG. It’s good to not always have just 1 pic on your posts
kratjeuh said:
Feedback would be appreciated.

Things that I’m not 100% sure about

Is paragliding cool enough as a adventure pic + it’s posed but does that matter here
Would you say I overedited myself?

The standing group pic is overlit but I tried to save it, is the light ok
Also, are the girls considered hot enough?
Also also, should I cut out the guy or is it fine

Sitting pic
Is it too obvious that I only edited myself, I don’t think I overdid it
Is it a problem that I look the smallest because I sat a bit lower?

In the second picture the girl on the far left with the serious expression throws me off because it's different than everyone else in the picture
Vamos said:
Now my turn: I was in Paris a week ago, which of these two pictures would you take social media and dating apps?


Not a fan of either. You look glum, which just adds to the grey skies. The first has poor photo quality and in the second your face looks compressed. The other photos on your profile are fantastic and these are a downgrade.
pancakemouse said:
Vamos said:
Now my turn: I was in Paris a week ago, which of these two pictures would you take social media and dating apps?


Not a fan of either. You look glum, which just adds to the grey skies. The first has poor photo quality and in the second your face looks compressed. The other photos on your profile are fantastic and these are a downgrade.
Thx for the feedback

Will check out some other pics on my memory card, i have a few hundred left from Paris, maybe i can find a better one. The first picture got extreme feedback from women when I posted it in my story (didn't post the second one). I might change the sky a bit via Photoshop to post it in my feed. I want to keep my IG feed balanced, some happy pictures/vibes, others more strict/stoic. I think this covers everything from both worlds. Mixed with other impressions of travel/landscapes etc.
bonzo34 said:
out of order but is this faceapp too much on these? dog one is for sure :lol:

The last pic is totally fine.

I don’t recommend changing an expression with faceapp as it always looks kinda odd.
—> if you smile, only adapt with a smile feature
—> if you smirk, use the close lips feature
Lord Rey said:
So, I would keep standing pic and cut the guy so you'll be more centered in the frame
bonzo34 said:
In the second picture the girl on the far left with the serious expression throws me off because it's different than everyone else in the picture

Gonna ask the stamp of approval from pancakemouse and MILFandCookies for this one.

First of all, is the pic even good enough because otherwise we don’t have to talk about it.

My though process in keeping the guy is that it shows player but not total douche with only 3 girls. I also look taller (unfortunately smaller) which can add points.

Would you slightly change the left girls expression or keep it this way. I actually don’t see that much of an issue in it
bonzo34 said:
out of order but is this faceapp too much on these? dog one is for sure :lol:

It's indetectable.

kratjeuh said:
Lord Rey said:
So, I would keep standing pic and cut the guy so you'll be more centered in the frame
bonzo34 said:
In the second picture the girl on the far left with the serious expression throws me off because it's different than everyone else in the picture

Gonna ask the stamp of approval from @pancakemouse and @MILFandCookies for this one.

First of all, is the pic even good enough because otherwise we don’t have to talk about it.

My though process in keeping the guy is that it shows player but not total douche with only 3 girls. I also look taller (unfortunately smaller) which can add points.

Would you slightly change the left girls expression or keep it this way. I actually don’t see that much of an issue in it

The photo is bad. Bad quality. Needs to have good lighting and be taken by competent photographer (even if on a phone camera). Do not use.