Picture Feedback Megathread

GN44 said:
My photographer fucking cancelled on me. Said she was sick and also was not comfortable coming to my place to shoot. Wonder if I should just go buy my own camera and do this, but I don't want to make a decision because my anger and frustration is still fresh.

If I am getting my own camera, should I ask my friend to help me take photos even if he isn't a photographer?

The longer I’m in this the more I realize one thing.

It’s ok to spend money

Find a fucking solid photographer and pay him/her a real amount. Make sure it’s worth it though. Will save you a ton of time that you can spend without worrying about your profile.

foducossy42 for example spends a lot of time getting his profile together with a friend. If it takes a straight out almost model quite some time to get a sick profile, just imagine how long it takes more average dudes.

And to get an insane social proof shot, you’ll more than likely have to pay some girls regardless
kratjeuh said:
GN44 said:
My photographer fucking cancelled on me. Said she was sick and also was not comfortable coming to my place to shoot. Wonder if I should just go buy my own camera and do this, but I don't want to make a decision because my anger and frustration is still fresh.

If I am getting my own camera, should I ask my friend to help me take photos even if he isn't a photographer?

The longer I’m in this the more I realize one thing.

It’s ok to spend money

Find a fucking solid photographer and pay him/her a real amount. Make sure it’s worth it though. Will save you a ton of time that you can spend without worrying about your profile.

@foducossy42 for example spends a lot of time getting his profile together with a friend. If it takes a straight out almost model quite some time to get a sick profile, just imagine how long it takes more average dudes.

And to get an insane social proof shot, you’ll more than likely have to pay some girls regardless

It is fine to do so. Whatever I do here I have to spend money.

For starters I don't need my profile to be elite atm, I just need it to be a good bits better than the average crap a woman has to swipe through on the apps for now. Rome wasn't built in a day, but they definitely planned that shit.

If I buy a camera, I could ask a friend to take photos for me. I also have a tripod so in some cases I could do the photos by myself. The only issue is I don't know how to edit photos well at all. I could trial and error for photos. If anything for candid photos its best to do that.

Currently finding a photographer is fucking difficult. My finances are super constrained. A student photographer would be my best bet. I found some website with student photographers but a lot don't have very many reviews. Maybe I will just try and talk to them, get them to show me a portfolio. If i like what i see then maybe I can get a shoot done.

I also posted on reddit which is where I found my initial photographer but she is ass at communication.
GN44 said:
For starters I don't need my profile to be elite atm, I just need it to be a good bits better than the average crap a woman has to swipe through on the apps for now. Rome wasn't built in a day, but they definitely planned that shit.

You see, Rome didn’t have to face Elite Macedonians or advanced Carthage armies at the beginning, meanwhile you have to face the most competitive market right from the get go.
Your idea to take a kitchen shot is flat out wrong.
For the pictures, you can buy an iPhone prox max used if your SMV isn’t shit, having PRO photos doesn’t add much, I would say these days, you need some “less pro” photos in the profile.

Romans didn’t plan at all the development of Rome, they built as they did go with only one goal in mind: how can our city guard move faster and control more the city?
AskTheDom said:
GN44 said:
For starters I don't need my profile to be elite atm, I just need it to be a good bits better than the average crap a woman has to swipe through on the apps for now. Rome wasn't built in a day, but they definitely planned that shit.

You see, Rome didn’t have to face Elite Macedonians or advanced Carthage armies at the beginning, meanwhile you have to face the most competitive market right from the get go.
Your idea to take a kitchen shot is flat out wrong.
For the pictures, you can buy an iPhone prox max used if your SMV isn’t shit, having PRO photos doesn’t add much, I would say these days, you need some “less pro” photos in the profile.

Romans didn’t plan at all the development of Rome, they built as they did go with only one goal in mind: how can our city guard move faster and control more the city?

Very good point. Not going to slack off.

I don't want a kitchen shot, I want a COOKING shot that tells a girl I know how to cook and is appealing sexually.

I am above average in looks now, I could trade in my Iphone 11 for a 15 but I am going to wait for Apple to work out the heating problems cuz I don't want my phone blowing up. Have they fixed that photo issue with phones were it looks blurry trying to capture a moving subject? If not I will just stick with this DSLR pancake recommended me.

I could just get that DSLR and have my phone take photos with me. I am debating between this and a photoshoot.
If the debate is between a photoshoot and a camera, camera all day everyday.

You’ll learn a new skill and you can get good at posing.
Yes it costs time and money, but it pays more dividends long term
AskTheDom said:
If the debate is between a photoshoot and a camera, camera all day everyday.

You’ll learn a new skill and you can get good at posing.
Yes it costs time and money, but it pays more dividends long term

If you don’t have the slightest interest in learning photography, you shouldn’t.

The only benefit is that you can get pics wherever you want for your socials and you’ll need a friend who’s also in it as well unless you want to be weird and take your tripod everywhere (and people will steal these when you’re setting up in certain places).
An iPhone camera is totally fine for IG pics and there’s a million of editors so prices for editing pics are fairly low anyways.

There’s also a big rise in dating photographers or personal branding photographers to fix your socials and get pics that are tinder worthy for a couple hundred dollars.

If you spend the exact same time doing something you actually love and can get you money, you’re better of doing this.

If you’re passionate about photography, go get a camera. If not, you’re really just using your time wrong
kratjeuh said:
AskTheDom said:
If the debate is between a photoshoot and a camera, camera all day everyday.

You’ll learn a new skill and you can get good at posing.
Yes it costs time and money, but it pays more dividends long term

If you don’t have the slightest interest in learning photography, you shouldn’t.

The only benefit is that you can get pics wherever you want for your socials and you’ll need a friend who’s also in it as well unless you want to be weird and take your tripod everywhere (and people will steal these when you’re setting up in certain places).
An iPhone camera is totally fine for IG pics and there’s a million of editors so prices for editing pics are fairly low anyways.

There’s also a big rise in dating photographers or personal branding photographers to fix your socials and get pics that are tinder worthy for a couple hundred dollars.

If you spend the exact same time doing something you actually love and can get you money, you’re better of doing this.

If you’re passionate about photography, go get a camera. If not, you’re really just using your time wrong

I am not necessarily passionate about photography but I WANT to look great in photos and I think having those photos makes me more confident I am a good looking guy. All my life until recently I thought I was average at least but I always looked like crap in my photos.

Ive seen plenty of people take photos around campus w/ other people, doesn't look weird so I wouldn't mind having my friend tag along. He may think it is weird I am doing this for OLD but idgaf anymore. Fuck the tripod.
AskTheDom said:
If the debate is between a photoshoot and a camera, camera all day everyday.

You’ll learn a new skill and you can get good at posing.
Yes it costs time and money, but it pays more dividends long term

Its what I am leaning towards, really only afraid of the learning curve but trial and error is what gets you the best photos.
Brother_Tucker said:
I managed to get an updated archery photo on the range today, I will try to get one in a wooded area when I get a chance to upgrade.

Does this look better than the red shirt one?



Yea this is quite good man. I would say you can do better but this doesn’t need much improvement now and replacing the pic is low priority

So one thing I think about is: can a picture say more than one thing? Your picture says you do archery, in a rather badass way. But if you have a good physique you can possibly do a shirtless archery pic outdoors. Now the pic does two things.
AskTheDom said:
feedback on some of them. Specifically:

Probably 3.
Worth being on tinder probably not depends on what else u got
In general the framing is okay (eye level would be better or slighting looking up)
The colours are kinda shit. Blue biased desaturated making your skin look not great. Easy fix in editing. Lord Rey might do that for ya (I could if u cool with me using it)

This is also a really good example of the effort you need to take photos by yourself.
I defs think getting a photographer is more effective.

@idoser did you get up a tripod with a remote for these?

Brother_Tucker first one for me. Sick photo btw, you doing shoot with compounds?
foducossy42 said:
Brother_Tucker said:
I managed to get an updated archery photo on the range today, I will try to get one in a wooded area when I get a chance to upgrade.

Does this look better than the red shirt one?



Yea this is quite good man. I would say you can do better but this doesn’t need much improvement now and replacing the pic is low priority

So one thing I think about is: can a picture say more than one thing? Your picture says you do archery, in a rather badass way. But if you have a good physique you can possibly do a shirtless archery pic outdoors. Now the pic does two things.

Cheers man,

I will get an out door wooded one when I can catch my brother to take the picture. Having a second shirtless photo in the line up might be a bit much, but I know I can get a better one and will get around to updating it. Having a photo do 2 things could be good. My shirtless picture is the one I'm using for my profile right now and could probably be updated.

@Brother_Tucker first one for me. Sick photo btw, you doing shoot with compounds?

Adrizzle I haven't shot a compound yet, I see people on the range all the time with compounds and they do look cool. I kind of prefer more traditional bows and recurve. Something about them looking like they were from a medevil setting makes them look super appealing. That said, my accuracy with a sighted compound would go up significantly...
Brother_Tucker said:
Having a second shirtless photo in the line up might be a bit much,

Yes it would. Only one. But the more candid and natural the better. The shirtless one in your profile isn’t very natural, super obviously posed. I think I posted some physique archery pics above, those would be what you could aim for.

The reason I personally think you want a photo that does 2 things is that it paints a stronger picture of who you are. Then you can reinforce and build upon it with other pictures. Creating a more cohesive archetype.
Lord Rey said:
It would help displaying the photographer archetype I'm going for.

You mean the “nerd” photographer?

From an attractiveness point of view, it makes no sense at all, it puts you not in the sexual threat bucket
But if you insist it’s cool and you want to have one, go ahead :)
MILFandCookies said:
In response to @kratjeuh

@AskTheDom and @pancakemouse said all the things I would have said.

When I get back to my laptop I’ll post a social photo pose I like to take that solves all the issues group photos often have, it’s more candid and without fail makes you seem like “the man” in the photo.

I forgot to do this so I'm doing it now.
This photo I took of Ed_ with Bman in the foreground is perfect - it shows Ed clearly and makes him the focus, plus it doesn't make girls confused about which one he is, and it still makes him look social.

Copy the over-the-shoulder framing.
MFbag said:
Brother_Tucker said:
I managed to get an updated archery photo on the range today, I will try to get one in a wooded area when I get a chance to upgrade.

Does this look better than the red shirt one?



That new picture is way better than the red shirt imo, looks more candid and badass


Does look a bit forced though. I can't put a finger on why exactly. Just the vibe.

I'd keep taking some and share the results here, asking which ones we like. We'll guide you.
MILFandCookies said:
MFbag said:
That new picture is way better than the red shirt imo, looks more candid and badass


Does look a bit forced though. I can't put a finger on why exactly. Just the vibe.

I'd keep taking some and share the results here, asking which ones we like. We'll guide you.

I think that's kind of a challenge with a bow photo, it's always going to look forced when you're pulling the string. Even 30 lbs bows start to cause you to have the shakes after drawing an arrow for a while. I know I can do better and will see if I can use one similar to the examples shared by foducossy42.

MILFandCookies That photo of Ed is excellent.
Brother_Tucker said:
Even 30 lbs bows start to cause you to have the shakes after drawing an arrow for a while

Pretend to draw a bow and have the photographer find the right angle. When you’re ready, use your actual bow.

My best photos came from a combination of finding the right angle, and ideally not doing the shoot for too long (ie the earlier pics were better as they were more natural). So try to find the angle first and then take the photo when still fresh.
Another photo idea since I can't get a dancing or gym photo (gym doesn't allow filming): A running photo.

I don't do running recreationally, but I figure I can get away with a white lie since I do go to the gym and my stamina is decent. If I do a running pic should I wear shorts and shave my legs? I got hairy ass legs
GN44 said:
Another photo idea since I can't get a dancing or gym photo (gym doesn't allow filming): A running photo.

I don't do running recreationally, but I figure I can get away with a white lie since I do go to the gym and my stamina is decent. If I do a running pic should I wear shorts and shave my legs? I got hairy ass legs

Running is not really sexy anyways, I wouldn’t bother