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Picture Feedback Megathread

I boosted for 4h today and got maybe only a quarter of the likes I'd typically get on a Thurs evening. I think it’s the fuckboy picture — it may be too much for girls. Is that possible? Or is the algorithm still showing me to timid girls instead of the very DTF ones so I’m not getting many likes?
foducossy42 said:
I boosted for 4h today and got maybe only a quarter of the likes I'd typically get on a Thurs evening. I think it’s the fuckboy picture — it may be too much for girls. Is that possible? Or is the algorithm still showing me to timid girls instead of the very DTF ones so I’m not getting many likes?

Variance is too high to extrapolate from one data point. Give it a week or two.
I was wondering about photos that show off your life style or hobbies. I know it's good to have some photos that share a story about what dating you would look like. I had a really good one snapped of me at a really nerdy event, but I'm not sure if it's too out there.

Any thoughts would be appreciated:

I need to get a good shot of me doing archery at some point. I will need to ask someone else to take the picture as my hands would be full actually doing the hobby.
Brother_Tucker said:
I'm not sure if it's too out there.

I don’t know about the whole nerd event thing. One comment though is that your facial expression is not great. You could try to use Faceapp to edit it into a small smile so you look like you’re enjoying yourself.

I’m a noob tho so pinch of salt.
foducossy42 said:
Brother_Tucker said:
I'm not sure if it's too out there.

I don’t know about the whole nerd event thing. One comment though is that your facial expression is not great. You could try to use Faceapp to edit it into a small smile so you look like you’re enjoying yourself.

I’m a noob tho so pinch of salt.

A smile or smirk isn't authentic to the situation, however, I agree the expression can be a little better. The best solution is the "passion" filter on maximum level 2.

Brother_Tucker I would actually test this picture and see how much it changes your profile in terms of quantity and compliance. My gut feeling says you'll lose a couple of girls (but not too many) but a fair amount of girls will be a lot more compliant if they like these types of events.
It's worth a go, what you don't see in that photo was 1000 other nerds dressed in full medevil armour getting ready to charge and it was baking hot that day.

I will give it a try and see how it performs.
I fail to see how a picture like that would turn girls on tbh. Fine if you have nerdy hobbies but you wouldn't for example put a pic on your Tinder of you playing Xbox either.

Not to mention 99% of girls don't even know what it is and will just default to "it's weird"
Holden said:
I fail to see how a picture like that would turn girls on tbh. Fine if you have nerdy hobbies but you wouldn't for example put a pic on your Tinder of you playing Xbox either.

Not to mention 99% of girls don't even know what it is and will just default to "it's weird"

Thats fair, I want to get some more active stuff in my profile and this came out as a good shot of doing something more than posing for a photo with good background. I will try to get a good one doing archery on a range instead.
Brother_Tucker gotta chime in and say that photo is fucking sick

Probably heed Holdens advice tho. Girls might just think that’s weird, my guess would be that people can see it’s some sort of event. I actually first thought you might be an extra on a set
Brother_Tucker said:
I was wondering about photos that show off your life style or hobbies. I know it's good to have some photos that share a story about what dating you would look like. I had a really good one snapped of me at a really nerdy event, but I'm not sure if it's too out there.

Any thoughts would be appreciated:

Empire E2 2023 - 0588-(ZF-10598-91116-1-001).jpg

I need to get a good shot of me doing archery at some point. I will need to ask someone else to take the picture as my hands would be full actually doing the hobby.

Love it man! Lots of people on the forums are anti-nerd, but in the past decade, nerd is cool.

It sets you apart from other guys and makes you unique. It also is a great conversation starter.

I agree on the facial expression - I'm curious how Faceapp will do.
So this is my profile now. It’s not a bad profile I think, but the issue is that it’s really not douchey enough.

Numbering from 1-6 in order of the picture appearances, what I’m thinking is:

1. Keep. Smile picture but it seems relaxed & candid, nice outfit so seems like a strong first pic.
2. Keep. Sexual vibe picture. Could also be a first pic. I’m not sure which one is better for a first pic
3. Reshoot with attractive women/people in frame. Smile not necessary but it should look like everyone is having fun.
4. Reshoot: bicep curl picture taken by a friend. Might try wearing a singlet. No smiling. Focus is on flexing the arms.
5. Reshoot: actually running, wearing same outfit with the race paper (I believe the JPM logo is a DHV, correct me if I’m wrong). Should be serious expression, no smiling.
6. Delete and shoot a new pic: while it’s a good picture, the vibe is too smiley and I need something more serious. I am learning the piano, so could organise a shoot where I’m playing a piano in a studio or something. Alternatively try to get lucky with pictures at a Halloween party in 2 months. With the right outfit it can be nice, I’m thinking this pose, possibly with friends around me, as it’s a nice way to show off arms and Wolverine is masculine. Definitely need feedback on this concept

There is also this party picture with a friend, but he looks awkward so I’m wondering if this picture is worth including. My body language and vibe seems fine though.
So I did get a photo taken at the archery range, but I'm thinking I need it to be more dynamic. Anyway for a hobby shot, I had this one, I think it's OK, but I will need one where I have the bow actually drawn. Thoughts?


You mentioned you want your profile to look more douchy. What type of girl are you trying to attract? That will affect what kind of changes you can make to your line up, for the most part your profile is good. I think photo 1 and 2 are the same picture. Maybe choose 1 of those?
Brother_Tucker said:
Anyway for a hobby shot, I had this one, I think it's OK, but I will need one where I have the bow actually drawn

Archery is so cool, you should really make it look awesome.

See these. Use Pinterest to collate some ideas and then get a friend to take the pics from the different angles.

Note that by drawing your bow you have an opportunity to flex your muscles and look buff. Make use of it, wear a t shirt with short sleeves (maybe even roll up a bit). Much like I did for my shuffleboard pic below.

Brother_Tucker said:
What type of girl are you trying to attract?

Thanks man. I’m hoping to get slotted into the top 5% of male profiles on the apps. So really working hard on the pics.

I’m trying to attract girls who are hot and DTF. Ideally somewhat educated though. I have recently been able to attract more of that sort, and matches continue to be fairly smart and educated girls while getting hotter. The reason is most likely that I’m brown in London. The white girls who go for me are more open-minded and liberal by default so typically more educated.

Also the above is outdated, my profile has actually changed a fair bit now. Currently running with this — the suit pic and the shuffleboard pic are new and I only added them yesterday. The rest of the profile is what I used for the one night stands of last week. My log contains more pics, if you could comment on the latest pictures of me in a suit that would be helpful.
foducossy42 said:
Brother_Tucker said:
Anyway for a hobby shot, I had this one, I think it's OK, but I will need one where I have the bow actually drawn

Archery is so cool, you should really make it look awesome.

See these. Use Pinterest to collate some ideas and then get a friend to take the pics from the different angles.



Note that by drawing your bow you have an opportunity to flex your muscles and look buff. Make use of it, wear a t shirt with short sleeves (maybe even roll up a bit). Much like I did for my shuffleboard pic below.

Brother_Tucker said:
What type of girl are you trying to attract?

Thanks man. I’m hoping to get slotted into the top 5% of male profiles on the apps. So really working hard on the pics.

I’m trying to attract girls who are hot and DTF. Ideally somewhat educated though. I have recently been able to attract more of that sort, and matches continue to be fairly smart and educated girls while getting hotter. The reason is most likely that I’m brown in London. The white girls who go for me are more open-minded and liberal by default so typically more educated.

Also the above is outdated, my profile has actually changed a fair bit now. Currently running with this — the suit pic and the shuffleboard pic are new and I only added them yesterday. The rest of the profile is what I used for the one night stands of last week. My log contains more pics, if you could comment on the latest pictures of me in a suit that would be helpful.


Love to see another brown guy killing it. It is not hopeless after all. Got a lot of work to do tho.
Yeah, I will grab a better action shot of me doing archery, for now it was a hobby shot to work with, but I will work on getting a making this look cool shot.

Your profile has improved massively. The suit picture is excellent. The whole things looks a lot more varied. I would probably drop the last photo as its just a worse number 3 picture. I would also probably cut the tux picture as the lighting is super bad and you have a great suit shot as picture 1.

I tend to find I do really well with educated girls. The standard club girl who dropped out of school just dislikes me as soon as I open my mouth. It's like I can see the ick on their face. To be honest, I don't enjoy sex with hot girls who can't hold a conversation (that's different from the ones who don't want to, I mean the ones that cant). I think fishing in the pool of educated is a smart move and things like your suit picture really pays off there.
GN44 said:
Love to see another brown guy killing it. It is not hopeless after all. Got a lot of work to do tho.

Yeah lots of work — one thing that will probably help is a social proof or preselection pic with white people (ideally girls) to show assimilation. That’s the dream tbh, but such a difficult shot to get done… body language and also having attractive enough white girls to take a shot with. This would be the biggest value-add to my profile right now.

Brother_Tucker said:
Your profile have improved massively. The suit picture is excellent. The whole things looks a lot more varied. I would probably drop the last photo as its just a worse number 3 picture. I would also probably cut the tux picture as the lighting is super bad and you have a great suit shot as picture 1.

All great points, thanks! Any opinion regarding ordering of the pics? Specifically after dropping tux and second denim pic, where should the first denim pic sit?
foducossy42 said:
Yeah lots of work — one thing that will probably help is a social proof or preselection pic with white people (ideally girls) to show assimilation. That’s the dream tbh, but such a difficult shot to get done… body language and also having attractive enough white girls to take a shot with. This would be the biggest value-add to my profile right now.

I have like one picture with like four girls and another guy, the two most attractive ones are at the same table as me. Only issue is I don’t like how I look in it. Maybe I can just throw it in as a “goofy” photo and take out the other goofy photo I have where me and my brother are standing with a deer.

Maybe it’s salvageable? I don’t look horrible in it, but a little weird yes.
GN44 said:
foducossy42 said:
Yeah lots of work — one thing that will probably help is a social proof or preselection pic with white people (ideally girls) to show assimilation. That’s the dream tbh, but such a difficult shot to get done… body language and also having attractive enough white girls to take a shot with. This would be the biggest value-add to my profile right now.

I have like one picture with like four girls and another guy, the two most attractive ones are at the same table as me. Only issue is I don’t like how I look in it. Maybe I can just throw it in as a “goofy” photo and take out the other goofy photo I have where me and my brother are standing with a deer.

Maybe it’s salvageable? I don’t look horrible in it, but a little weird yes.

Show us to pic, maybe it can be saved with some faceapp