PillowDrifter's progress log

MILFandCookies said:
PillowDrifter said:
- Will apply to try LSD therapy, as it is now something you can legally do with the rights prescriptions.

Where do you live? I've been wanting to do legit therapy with psychadelics.

I hear you, the testimonials are really promising ! Currently living in Switzerland. Apparently its been a time since the hospital experiment with drugs and now you can apply for this kind of treatment if you have a psychiatrist to back you up.
Mental health:
-meditation and learn some sleep management techniques
- went to see my psychiatrist

-applied for 2 jobs and got an interview for the next week
- took some lectures online

-started fitness again
- went on a tinder date, she was super nice but very shy and closed, in the end I accompanied her to her tram stop and set her on her way.
-went to a party and ask a cute girl for her number, messaged her and set a date for the next week.
Alright today:

Mental health:
-Saw a therapist, LSD therapy requires that I take more than two types of anti-depressant during the last year so I'm not eligible. Nevertheless, there are some experienced friends that can help me try it safely.

Jobs and independence:
-Applied to one job
-Subscribe to a student housing agency

-Two matches on Hinge and a date for tomorrow
Dating and social:
- Went on a hinge date, it was a good time but she wasn't up to go back to my place on the first date.
-Went to a party and approach two cute girls by telling them a dumb jokes. Positive reaction and we discussed but pussied out before asking for their number to see some friends.

- one hour of fitness
- got back on fitness pal app
Fitness and dating:
-went to the fitness for one hour, it's a small one so I go late to have access to the gear.
-several matches on hinges and organising a date, I had a lot of flakes lately but I'll continue improving the pictures and the conversation skills.

Financial independence:
- Still waiting for the document to sign for my first job as an intern.
- First round of interviews for a second job went well. Preparing for the test
- visited a flat near my first job location
Not much today apart from applying for jobs and seeing the doctor for some medications.

Also spent my first social night without drinking any alcohol and I have reduced my cigarettes consumption from one packet to three cigarettes.
Dating :
- homemade quick sport (pumps, hips and abdominals)
- went to a Hinge date. We had a very good chemistry and ended up sleeping at my place. It's the shortest person I ever dated and for the first time there was a problem of penis size in the bedroom. Nevertheless we went with long preliminary and had our fun.
- She is bisexual and up to meet other girls together so I'll build on that.

Jobs and independence:
-applied for two jobs
-continue sending applications for flats

Mental health:
-reading and three cigarettes
-only drank one cocktail at the date but no alcohol elsewhere
Today was a good day

-is employed for 6 months

Dating and social:
-matches and organized two dates for the end of the week.
Today things begins to start again slowly but surely

- the date of tonight got sick and cancelled
- went to the gym
- 2 matches on Hinge

Mental health:
- started dance classes
- self-help books
- passed interviews I wasn't prepared for, I think at some point I'm just searching for a job and not a passion. The thing is I don't know now what I'm talented at and I don't feel that I'm passionate about something. I'll listen to some podcasts about this and think about a passion I can carry out seriously.

-searched for flats

Dating and sport:
- went jogging
- got a number on Hinge with two girls using Andy's template. One of them noticed that a message was copy pasted but sent her number anyway with a "Hey I'm in the same mood".
- Colombia girl is going to come back to my town in one month and she's up for threesomes. I'll propose to others girls in the meantime.
-Saw Short girl again, had a nice dinner and slept in my parents house. The more we see each other the closer we becomes and the better the sex is. She said she have to think about the fact I see other girls so we will see.
-Have another date set for tomorrow

-Went jogging and did some exercice at home

-trained for an interview that I have to pass later in the week
Dating and fitness:
-went to the gym: Dumbells, deadlift bar, Bulgarian split squats, adjustable pulley, rows and leg curl.
-5 matches on Bumble and Hinge but no numbers

Jobs and independence
- send some documents for the jobs
- searched for flats
Dating and sport :
- went to the fitness for one hour
- home exercises
- practice with my DSLR camera

Mental health :
- reading "When I say no I feel guilty"
- went to a flat visit and sent some emails for contracts.
- carried out an interview for a second job. It didn't go well, but I'm a lot less stressed about interviews now and have a list of skills to sharpen.

Dating :
- I exercised with a friend in her flat as I was traveling.
- Have a date tonight, the fourth time we see each other. She doesn't see herself having sex with another girl but we are vibing and she's into casual relationships.

Mental health:
- "When I say no I feel guilty"
Jobs :
- worked on a challenge question sent for an interview
- leetcode

- matches on Hinge
- continue to practice with the DSLR
- date of tonight flaked

Mental health:
- finished "When I say no I feel guilty"
- learned and applied the "5 seconds" method for combatting procrastination.
Not so much today:
- Hit the gym with a friend.
- Arranged a date for next week.
- Received an answer concerning a flat I'm looking to.

I do feel I'm not consistent with my goals, I'll see tmwr what I can do.
Today was hectic :

Financial independence:
- sent flat applications
- followed lectures in prevision of my first job

Dating and Fitness:
- jogging and fitness pal
-set two dates for the next week from a girl I approached during a party and another long-lost date who happen to be back in town.

Mental health:
- finished "the subtle art of not giving a fuck"
- guitar
Dating :
- Went jogging for 1 hour
- Date of tonight went super well. We went out for some drinks and got back to her place. She was first into staying friends but after prompting her to give more information about what she meant by that and what she was looking for in dating, we agreed to take some time to see where things will go between us.
After some nice chatting, she suddenly leaned forward, we kissed and ended up hooking up.
For me the reason we got conformable and close with each other that quickly was that we made our needs clear and found together a workable compromise as a team (and stuck with it for an hour lol).
She is a bunch of fun and I'll propose her to date again this week.

Mental health:
- Meditation
- Practiced guitar
Dating and fitness:
- jogging for 1 hour
- Approached a cute girl in a bar and said "Hey it may sound direct but I find you cute, are you up to take a drink?". She said she was with a friend and proposed we exchanged numbers. We chatted for a bit and I went back to my mates.
- matches on Hinge
- have organized dates for today and tomorrow but the girls flaked

Jobs and independence:
- leetcode
- continue to work on code lectures for the work
- sent 3 flats contract requests
Spent some days out of town with a friend, and now back to business:

Job and independence:
- planned some flats visits to have my place
- prepared to start working tomorrow

Dating :
- matches on Hinges and organized some dates for this week
- going to have a date tomorrow with the girl I approached at the bar.
- had an in-depth about how feelings and seriousness with a girl I saw for a long time (almost a year now). I begin to like her but we have different dating goals and I don't know how much time we can share if I'm going to see other people. She's not into dating other girls together but she is up that we see other people separately.

Mental health:
- going through the second chapter of "Loving what is"